Content Posted in 2024
123 Why We Fell in Love with Diversity with Essraa Nawar, Sustainability Scores and Essraa Nawar
1944-06-06, David to Wife, David B. Biddle
1944-06-06, Ralph to Parents, Ralph P. Goldsticker Jr.
1944-06-12, Allen to Wife, Allen M. Boyden
1944, Photograph of Helen G. S. Martin, Unknown
1945-05-07, Helen to Parents, Helen G. Staebler Martin
1st Place Contest Entry: Examining Students’ Perception of & Experiences in STEM Course Office Hours, Gabriella Dauber
1st Place Contest Entry: Modification of Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescents with Language Disorder, Lauren A. Fillet
2024 3rd Place Winner: Rachel Berns, "Cultural Attitudes Towards Ethnic Cuisine in Italy"
2024 Graduate Research Prize Winners
2024 Phi Beta Kappa Induction Ceremony Program, Phi Beta Kappa, Psi of California Chapter at Chapman University
2024 Undergraduate Research Prize Winners
2nd Place Contest Entry: Physician Visits for Patients with Diabetes by Gender, Age and Race in the United States, Daniel Umoru, Olajide Adekunle, and Adeola Bakare
2nd Place Contest Entry: What's Your Hip-Hop Story? How Authenticity has Simultaneously Fought and Imposed the Commercialization of Rap, Heather Ulwick
3rd Place Contest Entry: Cultural Attitudes Towards Ethnic Cuisine in Italy, Rachel Berns
3rd Place Contest Entry: From Film Sets to Front Lines and Back Again: Reinventing Star Image in Post-World War II Hollywood, Livia Belen Lozoya
3rd Place Research Paper: Cultural Attitudes Towards Ethnic Cuisine in Italy, Rachel Berns
8th Annual Chapman Staff Art Exhibition Program, Chapman University Staff
AARS Online: A Collaborative Database on the Structure, Function, and Evolution of the Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases, Jordan Douglas, Haissi Cui, John J. Perona, Oscar Vargas-Rodriguez, Henna Tyynismaa, Claudia Alvarez Carreño, Jiqiang Ling, Lluís Ribas de Pouplana, Xiang-Lei Yang, Michael Ibba, Hubert Becker, Frédéric Fischer, Marie Sissler, Charles W. Carter Jr., and Peter Wills
A Bayesian Approach for Lifetime Modeling and Prediction with Multi-Type Group-Shared Missing Covariates, Hao Zeng, Xuxue Sun, Kuo Wang, Yuxin Wen, Wujun Si, and Mingyang Li
Abstraction and Epistemic Economy, Marco Panza
A Case for Protecting Youth from the Harmful Mental Effects of Social Media, Kaidyn McClure
"Acceptance: A Step to Promote Awareness and Understanding of Autism" Panel and Opening Reception
Accurate Characterization of Binding Kinetics and Allosteric Mechanisms for the HSP90 Chaperone Inhibitors Using AI-Augmented Integrative Biophysical Studies, Chao Xu, Xianglei Zhang, Lianghao Zhao, Gennady M. Verkhivker, and Fang Bai
A Comparative Analysis of OpenET for Evaluating Evapotranspiration in California Almond Orchards, Kyle Knipper, Martha Anderson, Nicholas Bambach, Forrest Melton, Zac Ellis, Yun Yang, John Volk, Andrew J. McElrone, William Kustas, Matthew Roby, Will Carrara, Sebastian Castro, Ayse Kilic, Joshua B. Fisher, Anderson Ruhoff, Gabriel B. Senay, Charles Morton, Sebastian Saa, and Richard G. Allen
A Constellation Approach to Understanding Extremist White Supremacy, Kathleen Blee, Robert Futrell, and Pete Simi
A Content Analysis of Common Relationship Challenges Among People Who Practice Polyamory, Kalyn Su and Sophie Camilleri
A Content Analysis of Criminal Cases Concerning Unattended Children in Vehicles Between 1990 and 2021:Empirically-Based Suggestions for Reform, Jacob W. Forston and Henry F. Fradella
A Conversation about the US 2024 Presidential Elections: Staying Engaged in our Democracy, Tom Campbell, Loretta Sanchez, and Fred Smoller
Acoustically Levitated Whispering-Gallery Mode Microlasers, H. M. Reynoso-de la Cruz, E. D. Hernández-Campos, E. Ortiz-Ricardo, A. Martínez-Borquez, I. Rosas-Román, V. Contreras, G. Ramos-Ortiz, B. Mendoza-Santoyo, Cecilia Zurita-Lopez, and R. Castro-Beltrán
A Crack in the Armor: The Ninth Circuit’s Improper Limitation on the Scope of Section 230 Immunity in Enigma Software Group USA, LLC v. Malwarebytes, Inc., Madeleine Dobson
A Critical Evaluation of Loss Aversion as the Determinate of Effort in Compensation Framing, Timothy W. Shields and James Wilhelm
A Critically Self-Reflexive Model for Leader Professional Development: Centering Intersectionality, Aubrey H. Wang and Margaret Grogan
A Cross-Country Analysis of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, Leah Shoff
Acting in Good Faith: An Economic Approach to Religious Organizations as Advocacy Groups, Anthony J. Gill and Steven J. Pfaff
Adam Smith, Human Betterment, and His Erroneous Indentification with Self-interested Human Action, Vernon L. Smith
A Deep Learning-Based Theoretical Protocol to Identify Potentially Isoform-Selective PI3Kα Inhibitors, Muhammad Shafiq, Zaid Anis Sherwani, Mamona Mushtaq, Mohammad Nur-e-Alam, Aftab Ahmed, and Zaheer Ul-Haq
ADHD and Lifetime Behavior: The Relationship Between ADHD and Lifetime Behavior, Mattie Harris
ADHD and Lifetime Behavior: The Relationship Between ADHD and Negative Behavioral Patterns, Mattie F. Harris
Adolescent Marijuana Use and the Contribution to the Development of Schizophrenia, Jocelyn Spandikow
Advancing Brain Tumor Segmentation with Spectral–Spatial Graph Neural Networks, Sina Mohammadi and Mohamed Allali
Advancing Coherence: Aligning Educator Preparation with California’s English Learner Roadmap Policy [Educational Policy Brief No.14], Magaly Lavadenz, Anaida Colón-Muñiz, and Elvira G. Armas
Affect Regulation and Allostatic Load Over Time, Amanda E. Ng, Tara Gruenewald, Robert-Paul Juster, and Claudia Trudel-Fitzgerald
Affect Variability and Cortisol in Context: The Moderating Roles of Mean Affect and Stress, Brooke N. Jenkins, Logan T. Martin, Hee Youn (Helen) Lee, John F. Hunter, Amanda M. Acevedo, and Sarah D. Pressman
A Generalized Machine Learning Model for Long-Term Coral Reef Monitoring in the Red Sea, Justin J. Gapper, Surendra Maharjan, Wenzhao Li, Erik Linstead, Surya Prakash Tiwari, Mohamed A. Qurban, and Hesham el-Askary
Aging, Empathy, and Cinematic Metamorphosis: Through the Lens of Agnès Varda, Nam Lee
Agnostic Science. Towards a Philosophy of Data Analysis, Domenico Napoletani, Marco Panza, and Daniele C. Struppa
AI and Future-Making: Design, Biases, and Human-Plant Interactions, Maliheh Ghajargar
AI-assisted Coding. Correct by Construction, Not by Generation, Shaowei Lin
AI at the University: Balancing Innovation and Integrity in the Classroom, Douglas R. Dechow, Nora Rivera, and Essraa Nawar
Aid or Abuse? A Review of U.S. Police Assistance Programs in Latin America During the Early Cold War, Brianna McNally
AI Literacy Innovations: ChatGPT's Integration into a First-Year Information Literacy Program, Taylor J. Greene and Douglas R. Dechow
Alcohol Use Disorder: Behaviors and Comorbidities in Recovery, Ryann Schochet
A Lesson in Humility, a Lesson for Our Times Alessandro Manzoni's The Betrothed, Alberto Mingardi
Aligning Performance Metrics with Business Strategy, Ravi Kathuria and Lorenzo Lucianetti
Alignment within Clinical Education Programs and the Clinical Site - Administrative Processes Assessment, Jocelin Friedman, Hannah Bennett, and Rachel Keith
A Little More on Ideals Associated with Sublocales, Oghenetega Ighedo, Grace Wakesho Kivunga, and Dorca Nyamusi Stephen
À l’origine des théories mathématiques, Marco Panza
AlphaFold2-Based Characterization of Apo and Holo Protein Structures and Conformational Ensembles Using Randomized Alanine Sequence Scanning Adaptation: Capturing Shared Signature Dynamics and Ligand-Induced Conformational Changes, Nishank Raisinghani, Vedant Parikh, Brandon Foley, and Gennady M. Verkhivker
AlphaFold2 Modeling and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Conformational Ensembles for the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Omicron JN.1, KP.2 and KP.3 Variants: Mutational Profiling of Binding Energetics Reveals Epistatic Drivers of the ACE2 Affinity and Escape Hotspots of Antibody Resistance, Nishank Raisinghani, Mohammed Alshahrani, Grace Gupta, and Gennady M. Verkhivker
Alternative Robust Ways of Witnessing Nonclassicality in the Simplest Scenario, Massy Khoshbin, Lorenzo Catani, and Matthew Leifer
Alumni Faculty & Staff Showcase Recital
Ambiguity, Cognitive Reflection, and Strategic Complexity across Auctions, Cary Deck, Paan Jindapon, Tigran Melkonyan, and Mark Schneider
A Meta-Analysis of Seafood Species Mislabeling Rates in the United States, Sarah Ahles
A Mixed Methods Evaluation of Pharmacists' Readiness to Provide Long-Acting Injectable HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis in California, Raiza Beltran, Lauren A. Hunter, Laura J. Packel, Loriann De Martini, Ian W. Holloway, Betty J. Dong, Jerika Lam, Sandra I. McCoy, and Ayako Miyashita Ochoa
A Moment of Failure: The Debate Surrounding the Strategic Arms Limitations Talks, Grayson R. Jones
Amphipathic Hybrid Cyclic-Linear Peptides as a Drug Delivery System, Jonathan Moreno
A Multi-Group Public Goods Game Experiment, Aaron S. Berman
A Multi-Year Longitudinal Study Exploring the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Students’ Familiarity and Perceptions of Active Learning, Briana Craig and Jeremy L. Hsu
Analysis, Constructions and Diagrams in Classical Geometry, Marco Panza
Analysis of US Food and Drug Administration New Drug and Biologic Approvals, Regulatory Pathways, and Review Times, 1980–2022, Enrique Seoane-Vazquez, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, and John H. Powers III
An American Conspiracy of the Lost Skull of a General Francisco VIlla, Jose Pillado
An Analysis of Right Hemisphere Stroke Discourse in the Modern Cookie Theft Picture, Shauna K. Berube, Emily B. Goldberg, Shannon M. Sheppard, Alexandra Zezinka Durfee, Delaney M. Ubellacker, Alexandra Walker, Colin M. Stein, and Argye E. Hillis
An Automated Machine Learning Approach to the Retrieval of Daily Soil Moisture in South Korea Using Satellite Images, Meteorological Data, and Digital Elevation Model, Nari Kim, Soo-Jin Lee, Eunha Sohn, Mija Kim, Seonkyeong Seong, Seung Hee Kim, and Yangwon Lee
And I Saw Sequences of Petals and Leaves: My Life as the One They Call Fibonacci, Daniele C. Struppa
"And Then There Were None:" The Silencing and Censorship of Translated Works under Francisco Franco, Avery Austin
An Educated Guess: The Impact of Education on Conspiracy Theories and Voting, Ellie Bickelhaupt
An Examination of Missing Person Social Media Engagement Through Data Mining and Experimentation: An Application of the Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication Model, Cailin M. Kuchenbecker
Angular Momentum Flow Without Anything Carrying It, Yakir Aharonov, Daniel Collins, and Sandu Popescu
Animating Gender: Conflicting Narrative and Character Design in Gravity Falls, Laine Marshall
An International Civil War, Garrett Cuadros
An Introduction to Superoscillations and Supershift, Daniele C. Struppa
An Ion-exchange Bone Demineralization Method for Improved Time, Expense, and Tissue Preservation, Emma Narotzky, Maria E. Jerome, John R. Horner, and Dana J. Rashid
Annual Research Review: The Power of Predictability – Patterns of Signals in Early Life Shape Neurodevelopment and Mental Health Trajectories, Elysia Poggi Davis and Laura M. Glynn
A Novel Correction for the Multivariate Ljung-Box Test, Minhao Huang
A Novel Micropeptide, Slitharin, Exerts Cardioprotective Effects in Myocardial Infarction, Ahmed G. E. Ibrahim, Alessandra Ciullo, Shukuro Yamaguchi, Chang Li, Travis Antes, Xaviar Jones, Liang Li, Ramachandran Murali, Innokentiy Maslennikov, Niveda Sundararaman, Daniel Soetkamp, Eugenio Cingolani, Jennifer Van Eyk, and Eduardo Marbán
Antidepressant Effect of Enzymatic Porcine Placenta Hydrolysate in Repeated Immobilization Stress-Induced Ovariectomized Female Mice, Minsook Ye, Sharon Nguyen, Min Ju Kim, Jee Sun Hwang, Gun Won Bae, Keun-Hang Susan Yang, and Insop Shim
An Uncountable Ergodic Roth Theorem and Applications, Polona Durcik, Rachel Greenfeld, Annina Iseli, Asgar Jamneshan, and José Madrid
Apigenin Alleviates Autistic-like Stereotyped Repetitive Behaviors and Mitigates Brain Oxidative Stress in Mice, Petrilla Jayaprakash, Dmytro Isaev, Keun-Hang Susan Yang, Rami Beiram, Murat Oz, and Bassem Sadek
A Portable and Reliable Tool for On-site Physical Reaction Time (RT) Measurement, Brent Harper, Michael Shiraishi, and Rahul Soangra
Approaching Classroom Realities: Mixed Methods and Structural Equation Models in Science Education Research, Martina Nieswandt and Elizabeth McEneaney
Approvals, Utilization, and Cost of Biologics for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Roya Hosseini
Apragmatism: The Renewal of a Label for Communication Disorders Associated with Right Hemisphere Brain Damage, Jamila Minga, Shannon M. Sheppard, Melissa Johnson, Ronelle Hewetson, Petrea Cornwell, and Margaret Lehman Blake
A Protocol for Immunostaining of Macrophages in Whole-Mount Mouse Cornea, Conjunctiva, and Lacrimal Gland, Saleh Alfuraih, Dhruv Patel, Wonsuk Choi, Karthikeyan Ramasamy, Rais Ansari, and Ajay Sharma
Aquí y Ahora: The Role of US Spanish-Language TV News in Financial Vulnerability, Cintya Felix
Archaeology in Space: The Sampling Quadrangle Assemblages Research Experiment (SQuARE) on the International Space Station. Report 1: Squares 03 and 05, Justin St. P. Walsh, Shawn Graham, Alice C. Gorman, Chantal Brousseau, and Salma Abdullah
A Realist Interpretation of Unitarity in Quantum Gravity, Indrajit Sen, Stephon Alexander, and Justin Dressel
A Remarkable Group of Thick-headed Triassic Period Archosauromorphs with a Wide, Possibly Pangean Distribution, Sterling J. Nesbitt, Michelle R. Stocker, Sankar Chatterjee, John R. Horner, and Mark B. Goodwin
Artificial Intelligence Applications for Optimizing Population and Clinical Drug Decision-Making Processes, Khulud Bukhari
Artistic Resistance Under Dictatorships in Spain and Argentina Through The Lens of Communication Theory, Adrian Self
Artistic Workshops with Patients of a Psychiatric Day Hospital in France, Ivan Magrin-Chagnolleau
Asian, Pacific Islander, & Desi American Heritage Month: A Virtual Library Exhibit, Ivan Portillo and David Carson
A Single-Center, Assessor-Blinded, Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial to Test the Safety and Efficacy of a Novel Brain-Computer Interface Controlled Functional Electrical Stimulation (BCI-FES) Intervention for Gait Rehabilitation in the Chronic Stroke Population, Piyashi Biswas, Lucy Dodakian, Po T. Wang, Christopher A. Johnson, Jill See, Vicky Chan, Cathy Chou, Wendy Lazouras, Alison L. McKenzie, David J. Reinkensmeyer, Danh V. Nguyen, Steven C. Cramer, An H. Do, and Zoran Nenadic
A Siren of Terror, Tlotlo Tsamaase
A Solution Hidden in Plain Sight: Closing the Justice Gap by Applying to Legal Aid the Market Incentives That Propelled the Pro Bono Revolution, Benjamin C. Carpenter
Assessing access to art therapy programs among individuals in the foster care system, Diya Patel
Assessing Brain Processing Deficits Using Neuropsychological and Vision-Specific Tests for Concussion, Brent A. Harper and Rahul Soangra
Assessing Perspectives of a Global Health Area of Concentration Within the PharmD Curriculum, Jennifer Ko, Lauren Jonkman, Vidya Balakrishna Sharma, Emily Liu, and Sharon E. Connor
Assessing Rice Phenological Features with Hyperspectral Imaging Insights from Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT), Shahryar Fazli, Wenzhao Li, Surendra Maharjan, and Hesham el-Askary
Assessment and Prediction of Meteorological Drought Using Machine Learning Algorithms and Climate Data, Khalid En-Nagre, Mourad Aqnouy, Ayoub Ouarka, Syed Ali Asad Naqvi, Ismail Bouizrou, Jamal Eddine Stitou El Messari, Aqil Tariq, Walid Soufan, Wenzhao Li, and Hesham el-Askary
Assessment of FDA-Approved Drugs Not Recommended for Use or Reimbursement in Other Countries, 2017-2020, Catherine Pham, Kim Le, Maisha Draves, and Enrique Seoane-Vazquez
Associations of Hair Dye and Relaxer Use with Breast Tumor Clinicopathologic Features: Findings from the Women’s Circle of Health Study, Rohan Rao, Jasmine A. McDonald, Emily Barrett, Patricia Greenberg, Dede K. Teteh, Susanne B. Montgomery, Bo Qin, Yong Lin, Chi-Chen Hong, Christine B. Ambrosone, Kitaw Demissie, Elisa V. Bandera, and Adana A.M. Llanos
Asymmetric Shocks in Contests: Theory and Experiment, Jian Song and Daniel Houser
Asymptotic Quasi-completeness and ZFC, Mirna Džamonja and Marco Panza
At a Crossroads: The Crucial Role of Pharmacists in Healthcare Teams to End the HIV Epidemic, Jerika Lam and Jennifer M. Cocohoba
A Tale of Two Bills: Lessons Learned in Expanding Pharmacist-Led HIV Pre-Exposure and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis, Jennifer M. Cocohoba, Jerika Lam, Maria Lopez, and Betty J. Dong
A Trans-Theoretical Systematization of Clinical Interventions Based on Dynamical Systems Research (DSR), Giulio de Felice and David Pincus
At the Crossroad of Nucleotide Dynamics and Protein Synthesis in Bacteria, Lorenzo Eugenio Leiva, Victor Zegarra, Gert Bange, and Michael Ibba
Attitudes Toward Science: A Review of the Field, Martina Nieswandt
Augmenting Hand and Arm Function for Persons with Hemiparesis, Brooke Stein, Susan Duff, Alison McKenzie, Bailey Advincula, Isaac An, Annie Jeon, Casey McWilliam, Will Potter, Virginia Ruano, Paulina Vokulich, Audrey Howell, and Rahul Soangra
Avian Tail Ontogeny, Pygostyle Formation, and Interpretation of Juvenile Mesozoic Specimens, Dana J. Rashid, Kevin Surya, Luis M. Chiappe, Nathan Carroll, Kimball L. Garrett, Bino Varghese, Alida Bailleul, Jingmai K. O'Connor, Susan C. Chapman, and John R. Horner
Banned Books and Educational Censorship: The Necessity of Keeping Queer Books in Schools, Rebecca Rhodes
Behind the Scenes: Shining a Spotlight on Veiled Theatre Workers, Ariel Bradshaw
Beneath the Beauty: A Mixed Method Approach to Examining Identity Negotiation Among Asian Transracial Adoptees, Noel H. McGuire
Bibliography for "3-D Printing Display", Isabella Piechota, Arianna Tillman, and Annikah Carpio
Bibliography for "AI: The Next Chapter Display", Arianna Tillman and Isabella Piechota
Bibliography for "Code Talkers Display", Arianna Tillman, Arianna Tillman, and Isabella Piechota
Bibliography for "Earth Day Display: Planet vs Plastics: A Book Display Increasing the Awareness of the Harms of Plastic in our Ecosystem", Arianna Tillman, Isabella Piechota, and Kalea Brown
Bibliography for "Explore the World: Journey Through Travel Books at the Leatherby Libraries", Isabella Piechota, Kalea Brown, and Arianna Tillman
Bibliography for "Exploring The Leatherby Libraries Catalog: A Variety of Books for Your Summer Reads 2024", Arianna Tillman, Isabella Piechota, and Kalea Brown
Bibliography for "Keeping the Rhythm of Creativity: Celebrating the Performing Arts and Intellectual Property", Isabella Piechota, Arianna Tillman, Kalea Brown, and Katherine Roth
Bibliography for "Library of the Future Display", Arianna Tillman and Isabella Piechota
Bibliography for "National Career Development Month Display", Isabella Piechota, Arianna Tillman, and Annikah Carpio
Bibliography for "Open Access Week Display", Arianna Tillman, Isabella Piechota, and Annikah Carpio
Bibliography for "Pico Iyer Display", Isabella Piechota, Arianna Tillman, and Kalea Brown
Bibliography for "Pubcrawl: Stacy Russo Display", Arianna Tillman, Isabella Piechota, and Kalea Brown
Bibliography for "Roxane Gay Display", Arianna Tillman and Isabella Piechota
Bibliography for "The Ultimate Entrepreneurship and Startup Accelerator", Arianna Tillman, Essraa Nawar, and Cynthia West
Bibliography for "Vietnamese Culture Display", Arianna Tillman, Isabella Piechota, and Kalea Brown
Bibliography for "Women's Fashion from India Display", Arianna Tillman, Isabella Piechota, and Kalea Brown
Bikeability Disparities in Orange County, California: Intersection of Place and Demographics, Jeanette Gritton, Maria Cristina Martinez, Georgiana Bostean, and Megan Thiele Strong
Bile Duct Ligation-induced Cirrhosis Does Not Alter the Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability to Sucrose in Rats, Mohammad K. Miah, Ulrich Bickel, and Reza Mehvar
Biological Control of Three Major Cucumber and Pepper Pests: Whiteflies, Thrips, and Spider Mites, in High Plastic Tunnels Using Two Local Phytoseiid Mites, Yusuf Abou Jawdah, Nour Ezzedine, Aya Fardoun, Samer Kharroubi, Hana Sobh, Hagop S. Atamian, Margaret S. Skinner, and Bruce Parker
Biopsychosocial Resilience through a Complex Adaptive Systems Lens: A Narrative Review of Nonlinear Modeling Approaches, Adam W. Kiefer and David Pincus
Black History Month: A Digital Library Exhibit, Ivan Portillo and David Carson
Bluey And Adult Fandom: The Importance Of Play In Culture, Olivia C. Gerzabek
Body as Kintsugi, Anthony Alegrete
Bottom-up Global Change: Stealth Action in a Decentralized World, Art Blaser and Trinity Huynh
Boundedness of Some Multi-parameter Fiber-wise Multiplier Operators, Frédéric Bernicot and Polona Durcik
Breaking Boundaries: Women in Mesopotamia, Eleanor Noble
Breathing Fresh Air into the Philosophy of Mathematics, Marco Panza
Bridging Thought and Action: History, the Digital Humanities, and Building the Foundations of Asian/American Political Thought, Vivian Yan-Gonzalez
Broad-spectrum Activity of Membranolytic Cationic Macrocyclic Peptides Against Multi-drug Resistant Bacteria and Fungi, Sandeep Lohan, Anastasia G. Konshina, Rakesh K. Tiwari, Roman G. Efremov, Innokentiy Maslennikov, and Keykavous Parang
Bunching in Real-Estate Markets: Regulated Building Heights in New York City, Jan K. Brueckner, David Leather, and Michael Zerecero
Búsqueda de babosas marinas: Understanding Barriers of Environmental Literacy and Climate Advocacy within Southern California Spanish-Speakers, Cintya Felix, Ashley Lam, Lorena Muñoz, and Micah Kim
Campus Free Speech: A Reference Handbook, Lori Cox Han and Jerry Price
Can AI Interpretation Increase Inclusivity?, Heather Fair, Osmary A. Medina-Báez, Barbara J. Spiecker, Qingyu Gan, Yan Yin "Jenny" Cheung, Elvira D'Bastiani, and Gregory R. Goldsmith
Canonical Extensions of Quantale Enriched Categories, Alexander Kurz
Can Social Media Boost Civic Engagement This Election?, Sophie H. Janicke-Bowles
Capitalism, Democracy, and Adam Smith, John Thrasher
Carbodiimide and Isocyanate Hydroboration by a Cyclic Carbodiphosphorane Catalyst, Ben A. Janda, Julie A. Tran, Daniel K. Chang, Gabriela C. Nerhood, O. Maduka Ogba, and Allegra L. Liberman-Martin
Carbon Restoration Potential on Global Land Under Water Resource Constraints, Shouzhang Peng, César Terrer, Benjamin Smith, Philippe Ciais, Qinggong Han, Jialan Nan, Joshua B. Fisher, Liang Chen, Lei Deng, and Kailiang Yu
CardioGPT: An ECG Interpretation Generation Model, Guohua Fu, Jianwei Zheng, Islam Abudayyeh, Chizobam Ani, Cyril Rakovski, Louis Ehwerhemuepha, Hongxia Lu, Yongjuan Guo, Shenglin Liu, Huimin Chu, and Bing Yang
Carrying Meaning, Bridging Worlds: Indigenous Language Localization in Western Courts, Nora K. Rivera
Catastrophic Progress: A Queer Materialist Analysis of the 2023 Trans/Bud Light Controversy, Brianna Radke
“Caught in the Continuum”: How Special Educators Facilitate Access for Students With Extensive Support Needs, Megan Doty
Celestial Visitors, Opera Chapman
Center of Pressure Velocity and Dynamic Postural Control Strategies Vary During Y-Balance and Star Excursion Balance Testing, Kristen L. Jagger and Brent Harper
CEO Extraversion and the Cost of Equity Capital, Biljana Adebambo, Robert M. Bowen, Shavin Malhotra, and Pengcheng Zhu
Challenges and Future Directions in Quantifying Terrestrial Evapotranspiration, Koong Yi, Gabriel B. Senay, Joshua B. Fisher, Lixin Wang, Kosana Suvočarev, Housen Chu, Georgianne W. Moore, Kimberly A. Novick, Mallory L. Barnes, Trevor F. Keenan, Kanishka Mallick, Xiangzhong Luo, Justine E. C. Missik, Kyle B. Delwiche, Jacob A. Nelson, Stephen P. Good, Xiangming Xiao, Steven A. Kannenberg, Arman Ahmadi, Tianxin Wang, Gil Bohrer, Marcy E. Litvak, David E. Reed, A. Christopher Oishi, Margaret S. Torn, and Dennis Baldocchi
Challenging Subpar Servitudes, Samantha Kuo
Championing Voices: Honoring Alumnae Authors During Women's History Month Display, Isabella Piechota, Arianna Tillman, and Kalea Brown
Changes in Real-world Dispensing of ADHD Stimulants in Youth from 2019 to 2021 in California, Anika Patel, Rishikesh Chavan, Cyril Rakovski, Richard C. Beuttler, and Sun Yang
Chapman Percussion Ensemble, Chapman Percussion Ensemble
Chapman Saxophone Ensemble, Chapman Saxophone Ensemble
Chapman University Choir and University Singers, Chapman University Choir and Chapman University Singers
Chapman University Honor Band Festival
Chapman University Instrumental Chamber Music: Strings
Chapman University Singers, Chapman University Singers
Chapman University Vocal Jazz Ensemble, Chapman University Vocal Jazz Ensemble
Chapman University Wind Symphony, Chapman University Wind Symphony
Chapman University Wind Symphony, Chapman University Wind Symphony
Characterising Points Which Make P-frames, Themba Dube and Oghenetega Ighedo
Characterizing Antibiotic Regimen Modification Behavior, Patient Characteristics, and Outcomes for Patients with Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections, A Retrospective Single-Center Study, Jason Yamaki, Mirna Mikhail, Richard Beuttler, Philip Robinson, Emre Yücel, and Alexandre H. Watanabe
Characterizing Full-Time, Non-Tenure-Track Teaching Faculty in Biology, Desiree Forsythe and Jeremy L. Hsu
Characterizing Oxylipins in Human Milk Extracellular Vesicles, Priscila Herrera
Charles Clarke Chapman letter to grandson Charles Stanley Chapman Jr., January 3, 1941, Charles Clarke Chapman
Childhood Unpredictability is Associated with Increased Risk for Long- and Short-term Depression and Anhedonia Symptoms Following Combat Deployment, Christopher Hunt, Meghan Vinograd, Laura M. Glynn, Elysia Poggi Davis, Tallie Z. Baram, Hal S. Stern, Caroline M. Nievergelt, Bruna Cuccurazzu, Cindy Napan, Dylan Delmar, Dewleen G. Baker, and Victoria B. Risbrough
Child Psychological Well-Being and Adult Health Behavior and Body Mass Index, Julia Boehm, Farah Qureshi, and Laura D. Kubzansky
Chlorogenic and Caffeic Acids’ Impact on Formation of Fluorescent and Non-Fluorescent Advanced Glycation End-Products as a Function of Temperature, Christianne Yapor
Choric Sounds: The Intervention of Women’s Soundscapes in the City and Cinema, Kelli Fuery
Cinema's Poetic Function: Creating an Amorous Distance, William Yonts
Citizens’ Democratic Attitudes: Winning the Constituency Offsets the Negative Effect of Electoral Defeat at the National Level, Hannah Ridge
Classification of Colorectal Cancer Using ResNet and EfficientNet Models, Abhishek Ranjan, Priyanshu Srivastva, B Prabadevi, R Sivakumar, Rahul Soangra, and Shamala K. Subramaniam
Climate and Shared Evolutionary History Drive Trait Variation Among Species of Neotropical Understory Monocots, Eleinis Ávila-Lovera, Oscar M. Vargas, Jennifer L. Funk, Kathleen M. Kay, and Gregory R. Goldsmith
Climate Change-Associated Declines in Water Clarity Impair Feeding by Common Loons, Walter H. Piper, Max R. Glines, and Kevin C. Rose
Climate Crisis -Thematic Collage, Vivianna Juarez
Co-Designing Situated Displays for Family Co-Regulation with ADHD Children, Lucas M. Silva, Franceli L. Cibrian, Clarisse Bonang, Arpita Bhattacharya, Aehong Min, Elissa M. Monteiro, Jesus A. Beltran, Sabrina E. B. Schuck, Kimberley D. Lakes, Gillian R. Hayes, and Daniel A. Epstein
Cognitive Abilities and Individual Earnings in Hybrid Continuous Double Auctions, Yan Peng, Jason Shachat, Lijia Wei, and S. Sarah Zhang
Combined Use of Donepezil and Memantine Increases the Probability of Five-Year Survival of Alzheimer’s Disease Patients, Ehsan Yaghmaei, Hongxia Lu, Louis Ehwerhemuepha, Jianwei Zheng, Sidy Danioko, Ahmad Rezaie, Seyed Ahmad Sajjadi, and Cyril Rakovski
Combining Static and Dynamic Myofascial Dry Cupping Therapy to Improve Local and Regional Symptoms in Individuals with Low Back Pain: A Case Series, Brent Harper, Alana Dudek, Julianne Williamson, Alex Siyufy, and Jo Armour Smith
Comment on 'From Counterportation to Local Wormholes', Justin Dressel, Gregory Reznick, and Lev Vaidman
Comment on “Photons Can Tell ‘Contradictory’ Answer about Where They Have Been”, Gregory Reznick, Carlotta Versmold, Jan Dziewior, Florian Huber, Harald Weinfurter, Justin Dressel, and Lev Vaidman
Commercial Music Ensemble, Commercial Music Ensemble
Communication between China and the West, Wenshan Jia and Anna Kolotova
Community Crime and Safety: An Investigation of Gender Differences in the Daily Stress Process, Jennifer W. Robinette, Jennifer R. Piazza, and Robert S. Stawski
Community Engagement in TPC Programs During Times of Crisis: Embracing Chicana and Latina Feminist Practices, Nora Rivera and Laura Gonzales
Comparison of Chlorophyll, Carotenoid, and Alpha-tocopherol in E-beam, Gamma, and X-ray Treated 'Granny Smith' Apples, Manju Meena Vetrivelayutham
Comparison of DNA Extraction Methods for the Detection of Canned Tuna Species with DNA Mini-Barcoding, Aubrey J. Emmi, Biola Fatusin, and Rosalee S. Hellberg
Compassionate Noticing and Stopping the Action: Bringing Intentionally Emergent Teaching into Leadership Education, Tara Widner and Linnette Werner
Computational Linguistics and Multilingualism: A Comparative Analysis with Spanish and English Data, Evelyn Lawrie
Computational logP Calculations and Determination of Lipophilicity Values of Fluorinated Morphine Derivatives, Mirabella Romano, Allison Vu, and Emily Chen
Concert Intime: "And Then What?" by Kate Constantini in collaboration with dancers
Concert Intime: "Cascading Faces" by Kamryn Funk
Concert Intime: "Coming to You Live..." by Kacie Collins
Concert Intime: "Dreamy Night" by Kira Bartholomew
Concert Intime: "Impressions Within" by Ande Godwin
Concert Intime: "Is That All There Is?" by Peyton Winsett
Concert Intime: "Le Cadeau de Rien" by Kaia Goddard
Concert Intime: "Peco's Pest" by Madison Juricic in collaboration with the dancers
Concert Intime: "Power Play" by Vivian Unkart
Concert Intime: "Short & Sweet" by Zach Buri in collaboration with the dancers
Concert Intime: "There's a Through-Line" by Mary Campbell
Concert Intime: "Where Will I Wait" by Kaila Gudinas-Castrucci
Condemnation, Experimentation, Adaptation: Ambivalence in the Work of Three Jewish Émigré Directors in Golden Age Hollywood, Rachel Gregoire
Conjunctive Join-semilattices, Charles N. Delzell, Oghenetega Ighedo, and James J. Madden
Contribution of Early-Life Unpredictability to Neuropsychiatric Symptom Patterns in Adulthood, Andrea D. Spadoni, Meghan Vinograd, Bruna Cuccurazzu, Katy Torres, Laura M. Glynn, Elysia P. Davis, Tallie Z. Baram, Dewleen G. Baker, Caroline M. Nievergelt, and Victoria B. Risbrough
Cooperation in Temporary Partnerships, Gabriele Camera and Alessandro Gioffré
Coordinated and Uncoordinated Punishment in a Team Investment Game, Vicente Calabuig, Natalia Jiménez-Jiménez, Gonzalo Olcina, and Ismael Rodriguez-Lara
Coordination Within and Across Two Cultures, Gabriele Camera, James Gilmore, Marilyn Giselle Hazlett, Jason Shachat, and Bochen Zhu
Copyright & Modding in the Modern Gamespace, Josephine Railston
Correlation Enhanced Distribution Adaptation for Prediction of Fall Risk, Ziqi Guo, Teresa Wu, Thurmon Lockhart, Rahul Soangra, and Hyunsoo Yoon
Coupling Between Evapotranspiration, Water Use Efficiency, and Evaporative Stress Index Strengthens After Wildfires in New Mexico, USA, Ryan C. Joshi, Annalise Jensen, Madeleine Pascolini-Campbell, and Joshua B. Fisher
Course-Skill Atlas: A National Longitudinal Dataset of Skills Taught in U.S. Higher Education Curricula, Alireza Javadian Sabet, Sarah H. Bana, Renzhe Yu, and Morgan R. Frank
Covid-19 on Route of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Luis Bonilla-Molina and Jorge Rodriguez
Creating Restorative and Affirming Classrooms for LGBTQ+ Students, Kris De Pedro, Holly Shim-Pelayo, and Annmary S. Abdou
Creating the E-Buzz around Collaborative and Collective DEI Efforts in Academic Libraries, Essraa Nawar and Kristin Laughtin-Dunker
Creative Activities and Their Influence on Identity Interactions in Science: Three Case Studies, Marie-Claire Shanahan and Martina Nieswandt
Creative Insights into Motion: Enhancing Human Activity Understanding with 3D Data Visualization and Annotation, Isaac Browen, Hector M. Camarillo-Abad, Franceli L. Cibrian, and Trudi Di Qi
Cross-cousin Marriage Among Tsimane Forager–Horticulturalists During Demographic Transition and Market Integration, Arianna Dalzero, Bret A. Beheim, Hillard Kaplan, Jonathan Stieglitz, Paul L. Hooper, Cody T. Ross, Michael D. Gurven, and Dieter Lukas
Crossing the Line: Evidence for the Categorization Theory of Spatial Voting, Mark Pickup, Erik O. Kimbrough, and Eline A. de Rooij
Cross-Market Effects of Consolidation: Evidence from Banking, Andrew Bird, Ding Du, and Stephen A. Karolyi
Cultural Evolution: A Review of Theoretical Challenges, Ryan Nichols, Mathieu Charbonneau, Azita Chellappoo, Taylor Davis, Miriam Haidle, Erik O. Kimbrough, Henrike Moll, Richard Moore, Thom Scott-Phillips, Benjamin Grant Purzycki, and Jose Segovia-Martin
Cultural Transmission Vectors of Essential Knowledge and Skills Among Tsimane Forager-Farmers, Eric Schniter, Hillard Kaplan, and Michael Gurven
Cyclic Superconducting Refrigerators Using Guided Fluxon Propagation, Tathagata Karmakar, Étienne Jussiau, Sreenath K. Manikandan, and Andrew N. Jordan
DANCETAG: Using Sensors to Improve Feedback Given to Dance Students, Yanelly Mego
Dawn Crusade: Time of the Templar, Eric Reed
Deciphering Water Quality and Algal Dynamics in Clear Lake Through Hyperspectral Analysis Using Emit Data, Wenzhao Li, Shahryar Fazli, Surendra Maharjan, and Hesham el-Askary
Defining Evolution: Exploring Students’ Conceptions of Evolution in Introductory Biology Courses, Jeremy L. Hsu, Meredith A. Dorner, and Kate M. Hill
Democratic Commitment in the Middle East: A Conjoint Analysis, Hannah M. Ridge
Demographic and Sociocultural Predictors of Sexuality-Related Body Image and Sexual Frequency: The US Body Project I, David A. Frederick, Allegra R. Gordon, Catherine P. Cook-Cottone, John P. Brady, Tania A. Reynolds, Jenna Alley, Justin R. Garcia, Tiffany A. Brown, Emilio J. Compte, Lexie Convertino, Canice E. Crerand, Vanessa L. Malcarne, Jason M. Nagata, Michael C. Parent, Jamie-Lee Pennesi, Marisol Perez, Eva Pila, Rachel F. Rodgers, Lauren M. Schaefer, J. Kevin Thompson, Tracy L. Tylka, and Stuart B. Murray
Demographic Effects on Climate Change Awareness, Alessandro Demoreno
Demographic Predictors of Body Image Satisfaction: The US Body Project I, David A. Frederick, Canice E. Crerand, Tiffany A. Brown, Marisol Perez, Cassidy R. Best, Catherine P. Cook-Cottone, Emilio J. Compte, Lexie Convertino, Allegra R. Gordon, Vanessa L. Malcarne, Jason M. Nagata, Michael C. Parent, Jamie-Lee Pennesi, Eva Pila, Rachel F. Rodgers, Lauren M. Schaefer, J. Kevin Thompson, Tracy L. Tylka, and Stuart B. Murray
Demonstration of High-Impedance Superconducting NbRe Dayem Bridges, S. Battisti, J. Koch, A. Paghi, L. Ruf, Armen Gulian, Serafim Teknowijoyo, C. Cirillo, Z. Makhdoumi Kakhaki, C. Attanasio, E. Scheer, A. Di Bernardo, G. De Simoni, and F. Giazotto
De Novo Drug Design Using Transformer-Based Machine Translation and Reinforcement Learning of an Adaptive Monte Carlo Tree Search, Dony Ang, Cyril Rakovski, and Hagop S. Atamian
Describing the Evidence Linking Interprofessional Education Interventions to Improving the Delivery of Safe and Effective Patient Care: A Scoping Review, Tamara Cadet, Joseph Cusimano, Shelley McKearney, Julie Honaker, Cynthia O'Neal, Reza Taheri, Virginia Uhley, Yingting Zhang, Margaret Dreker, and Judith S. Cohn
Design and Evaluation of Cyclic Peptide-Epirubicin Conjugate for Enhanced Anticancer Activity and Reduced Myocardial Toxicity, Dorna Davanidavari
Design Implications for Montessori Education, Olivia Chilvers
Designing for Collaborative Teacher Learning Through Mixed- Reality Teaching Simulations, Rebecca Geller and Jamie Gravell
Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Oleyl-WRH Peptides for siRNA Delivery, Mrigank Shekhar Rai, Muhammad Imran Sajid, Jonathan Moreno, Keykavous Parang, and Rakesh Kumar Tiwari
Detecting Drifts in Data Streams Using Kullback-Leibler (KL) Divergence Measure for Data Engineering Applications, Jeomoan Francis Kurian and Mohamed Allali
Detection of Seismic Microwave Radiation Anomalies in Snow-Covered Mountainous Terrain: Insights From Two Recent Earthquakes in the Pamir–Tien Shan Region, Feng Jing, Meng Jiang, and Ramesh P. Singh
Developing into Series and Returning from Series: A Note on the Foundations of Eighteenth-Century Analysis, Giovanni Ferraro and Marco Panza
Developing Peace Leadership: Lessons from the Peace Practice Alliance, Whitney McIntyre Miller, Lisa Hilt, Rabab Atwi, and Nick Irwin
Development of Yoghurt Incorporated with Beetroot Puree and Its Effect on the Physicochemical Properties and Consumer Acceptance, Mercia Lionel Adjei, Abena Boakye, Godwin Deku, Nana Baah Pepra-Ameyaw, Antoinette Simpah Anim Jnr, Ibok Nsa Oduro, and William Otoo Ellis
Developments in School Counselling Practice in Vietnam, Michael Hass and Hoang-Minh Dang
DHEA: A Neglected Biological Signal That May Affect Fetal and Child Development, Natasha A. Bailey, Elysia Poggi Davis, Curt A. Sandman, and Laura M. Glynn
Diagrammatic Reasoning in Mathematics, John Mumma and Marco Panza
Diagrams in Intra-Configurational Analysis, Marco Panza and Gianluca Longa
Diesel Exhaust Particles Alter Mitochondrial Bioenergetics and cAMP Producing Capacity in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells, Isabella Cattani-Cavalieri, Marina Trombetta-Lima, Hong Yan, Ana L. Manzano-Covarrubias, Hoeke A. Baarsma, Asmaa Oun, Melissa Mol van der Veen, Emily Oosterhout, Amalia M. Dolga, Rennolds S. Ostrom, Samuel Santos Valenca, and Martina Schmidt
Digging Deeper: Improving Health Communication with Patients, Jennifer Ko, Miranda Steinkopf, Abby A. Kahaleh, and Sharon Connor
Digital Assessments for Children and Adolescents with ADHD: A Scoping Review, Franceli L. Cibrian, Elissa M. Monteiro, and Kimberley D. Lakes
Digital Flourishing in the U.S.: Validation of the Digital Flourishing Scale (DFS) and Demographic Exploration, Sophie Janicke-Bowles
Digital Health Intervention for Children with ADHD to Improve Mental Health Intervention, Patient Experiences, and Outcomes: A Study Protocol, Nancy Herrera, Franceli L. Cibrian, Lucas M. Silva, Jesus Armando Beltran, Sabrina E. B. Schuck, Gillian R. Hayes, and Kimberley D. Lakes
Disability Pride Month: A Digital Library Exhibit, David Carson
Dismantling New Democracies: The Case of Tunisia, Hannah M. Ridge
Disordered Eating in Transgender and Non-Binary Individuals, Vincent Marais
Disrupting Cisheteronormativity in STEM through Humanism, Meg C. Jones, Desiree Forsythe, Rachel Friedensen, Annemarie Vaccaro, Ryan A. Miller, Ezekiel Kimball, and Rachael Forester
Distal Spinal Nerve Development and Divergence of Avian Groups, Dana J. Rashid, Roger Bradley, Alida M. Bailleul, Kevin Surya, Holly N. Woodward, Ping Wu, Yun-Hsin (Becky) Wu, Douglas B. Menke, Sergio G. Minchey, Ben Parrott, Samantha L. Bock, Christa Merzdorf, Emma Narotzky, Nathan Burke, John R. Horner, and Susan C. Chapman
Dixieland in Brazil: Confederate Descendants in the American Diaspora, Jordan Robbins
DNA Barcoding Methodologies for the Identification of Fish Species in Cooked Products, Rosalee S. Hellberg
DNA Barcoding of Herbal Supplements on the U.S. Commercial Market Associated with the Purported Treatment of COVID-19, Calin M. Harris, Diane Y. Kim, Chevon R. Jordan, Miranda I. Miranda, and Rosalee S. Hellberg
Doctor of Physical Therapy Students’ Experience with Microaggressions in the Clinic: A Call to Action, Jocelin Friedman and Todd E. Davenport
Do Deaf Readers Pre-activate Phonology During Sentence Comprehension?, Danielle Moraga, Lauren Fillet, Eva Gutierrez-Sigut, and Zed Sehyr
Does Behavior Evolve First? Correlated Responses to Selection for Voluntary Wheel-Running Behavior in House Mice, Rahim H. Khan, Justin S. Rhodes, Isabelle A. Girard, Nicole E. Schwartz, and Theodore Garland Jr.
Dog Sniffing Biomechanic Responses in an Odor Detection Test of Odorants with Differing Physical Properties, Lydia Burnett, Nicholas Hebdon, Pete A. Stevens, Monica Moljo, Lindsay D. Waldrop, and Lauryn DeGreeff
Dollar Trap and Digital Currency, Lan Cao
Domain Specific Logics for Scientific Modeling Theory and Practice, Evan Patterson
Do Participation Rates Vary with Participation Payments in Laboratory Experiments?, Huizhen Zhong, Cary Deck, and Daniel J. Henderson
Double-edged Rituals and the Symbolic Resources of Collective Action: Political Commemorations and the Mobilization of Protest in 1989, Steven Pfaff and Guobin Yang
Downtowns Don’t Matter Anymore, Joel Kotkin
Do You Say Please or Thank You to ChatGPT? The Subtle Influence of Prompt Engineering on Digital Civility, Essraa Nawar
Duration, Cost, and Escalation of Care Events for Physical Therapy Management of Low Back Pain in Service Members With Limb Loss, Brittney M. Gunterstockman, Brad D. Hendershot, Joseph Kakyomya, Charity G. Patterson, Christopher L. Dearth, and Shawn Farrokhi
Dynamic Corporate Residual Claimants: A Multicriteria Assessment, Sung Eun (Summer) Kim
Dynamics of Land, Ocean, and Atmospheric Parameters Associated with Tauktae Cyclone, Rajesh Kumar, Prity Singh Pippal, Akshansa Chauhan, Ramesh P. Singh, Atar Singh, and Jagvir Singh
Early Host Defense Against Virus Infections, Søren R. Paludan, Thomas Pradeu, Andreas Pichlmair, K. Brad Wray, Jacob Giehm Mikkelsen, David Olagnier, and Trine H. Mogensen
Echoes of Pazuzu: The Influence of a Mesopotamian Demon in World Music, Jonathan Jauregui
E-Communities: How an HBCU Research-Practice Partnership's Community Cultural Wealth Galvanized Minoritized Students' Access to STEM Spaces, Deena Khalil, Angel Miles Nash, Adrian Wayne Bruce, Joana Sánchez, and Meredith Kier
Ecosystem-level Analysis of Deployed Machine Learning Reveals Homogeneous Outcomes, Connor Toups, Rishi Bommasani, Kathleen A. Creel, Sarah H. Bana, Dan Jurafsky, and Percy Liang
Editorial: Centering Humanism in STEM Education, Desirée Forsythe, Sheila S. Jaswal, Bryan Dewsbury, and Susannah McGowan
Editorial: Insights in Leadership in Education: 2022, Margaret Grogan
Editors’ Introduction, Aurora Matzke, Louis M. Maraj, Angela Clark-Oates, Anyssa Gonzalez, and Sherry Rankins-Robertson
Effectiveness of Empiric Carbapenem versus Non-carbapenem Therapy for Extended-spectrum β-lactamase Producing Enterobacterales Infections in Non-intensive Care Unit Patients: A Real-world Investigation in a Hospital with High-prevalence of Extended-spectrum β-lactamase Producing Enterobacterales, Amy Y. Kang, Mary Elkomos, Danny Pham, Michelle Guerrero, Deborah Kupferwasser, and Loren G. Miller
Effect of Religious Legislation on Religious Behavior: The Ramadan Fast, Hannah M. Ridge
Effects of Chemical and Physical Properties of Water on Hagfish Slime Structure, Dylan Burstyn, Andrew Lowe, and Douglas Fudge
Effects of Induced Optimism on Subjective States, Physical Activity, and Stress Reactivity, Ruijia Chen, Kareena del Rosario, Alee Lockman, Julia Boehm, Kelb Bousquet Santos, Erika Siegel, Wendy Berry Mendes, and Laura D. Kubzansky
Effects of Simultaneous Smartphone Texting and Auditory Stimulation on Gait, Sebastian Herrera Vargas
Efficiency of Edible Coating from Locally Sourced Materials in Maintaining the Postharvest Quality of Belfast Tomatoes, Kofi Owusu-Akyaw Oduro, Abena Boakye, Ibok Nsa Oduro, William Otoo Ellis, and Nana Baah Pepra-Ameyaw
Electoral Outcomes and Support for Westminster Democracy, Hannah M. Ridge
“Elegy for a Flower” - Remote Orchestral Session/Score-focused Film, Logyn Okuda
Eliminare il tempo : Newton, Lagrange e il problema inverso del moto resistente, Marco Panza
Embracing Diversity of Thought The Impact of Cultural Backgrounds on DEI Work with Essraa Nawar, Inclusive Leader Spotlight Podcast and Essraa Nawar
Embracing the Wound of Contingency: Transcribing Reality in Supernatural Horror and Found Footage, Mason Dax Dickerson
Emerging Sensing, Imaging, and Computational Technologies to Scale Nano-to Macroscale Rhizosphere Dynamics – Review and Research Perspectives, Amir H. Ahkami, Odeta Qafoku, Tiina Roose, Quanbing Mou, Yi Lu, Zoe G. Cardon, Yuxin Wu, Chunwei Chou, Joshua B. Fisher, Tamas Varga, Pubudu Handakumbura, Jayde A. Aufrecht, Arunima Bhattacharjee, and James J. Moran
Gin, Jesus, & Jim Crow: Prohibition and the Transformation of Racial and Religious Politics in the South, John Compton
Pentadesma butyracea in Ghana – Indigenous Knowledge, Uses, and Seed Characterization, Josephine Akuba Timtey, Francis Alemawor, William Otoo Ellis, Nana Baah Pepra-Ameyaw, and Jacob K. Agbenorhevi
‘Samoye Vazhnoye’: Behind the Scenes of Russian Cinema, 1908–1924, Katerina Ludwig
The Bench to Community Initiative: Community-based Participatory Research Model for Translating Research Discoveries into Community Solutions, Jazma L. Tapia, Abigail Lopez, D. Bing Turner, Tonya Fairley, Tiah Tomlin-Harris, Maggie Hawkins, Pastor Rhonda Holbert, Lindsey S. Treviño, and Dede K. Teteh-Brooks
Enemy Mine: Negative Partisanship and Satisfaction with Democracy, Hannah M. Ridge
Enhanced Lithological Mapping in Arid Crystalline Regions Using Explainable AI and Multi-spectral Remote Sensing Data, Hesham Morgan, Ali Elgendy, Amir Said, Mostafa Hashem, Wenzhao Li, Surendra Maharjan, and Hesham el-Askary
Enhancing Landslide Susceptibility Modelling Through a Novel Non-landslide Sampling Method and Ensemble Learning Technique, Chao Zhou, Yue Wang, Ying Cao, Ramesh P. Singh, Bayes Ahmed, Mahdi Motagh, Yang Wang, Ling Chen, Guangchao Tan, and Shanshan Li
Enhancing Sustainable Development Goals Through Future Vapor Pressure Deficit Analysis In The Nile River Basin, Surendra Maharjan, Wenzhao Li, Shahryar Fazli, Hani Sewilam, and Hesham el-Askary
Ensemble-Based Mutational Profiling and Network Analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Omicron XBB Lineages for Interactions with the ACE2 Receptor and Antibodies: Cooperation of Binding Hotspots in Mediating Epistatic Couplings Underlies Binding Mechanism and Immune Escape, Nishank Raisinghani, Mohammed Alshahrani, Grace Gupta, and Gennady M. Verkhivker
Entail, Elopement, and Marriage Law in Pride and Prejudice, Lynda A. Hall
Enthymemathical Proofs and Canonical Proofs in Euclid’s Plane Geometry, Abel Lassalle and Marco Panza
Equity for All: Providing Accessible Healthcare for Patients Living with Disabilities, Michelle L. Blakely, Sharon E. Connor, and Jennifer Ko
Estimating Post-Fire Flood Infrastructure Clogging and Overtopping Hazards, Ariane Jong-Levinger, Douglas Houston, and Brett F. Sanders
Ethnodoxy and Immigration Attitudes in the Middle East/North Africa, Hannah M. Ridge
Euler, Reader of Newton: Mechanics and Algebraic Analysis, Sébastien Maronne and Marco Panza
Evaluating Future Water Availability in Texas through the Lens of a Data-Driven Approach Leveraged with CMIP6 General Circulation Models, Wenzhao Li, Dongfeng Li, Hesham el-Askary, Joshua B. Fisher, and Zheng N. Fang
Evaluating the Role of Wetland Habitat Features in Shaping Bird Residence Patterns for Effective Conservation Strategies, Josie Lester
Evaluating Visual Dependence in Postural Stability Using Smartphone and Stroboscopic Glasses, Brent A. Harper, Michael Shiraishi, and Rahul Soangra
Evaluation of Seven Satellite-based and Two Reanalysis Global Terrestrial Evapotranspiration Products, Zijing Xie, Yunjun Yao, Qingxin Tang, Meng Liu, Joshua B. Fisher, Jiquan Chen, Xiaotong Zhang, Kun Jia, Yufu Li, Ke Shang, Bo Jiang, Junming Yang, Ruiyang Yu, Xueyi Zhang, Xiaozheng Guo, Lu Liu, Jing Ning, Jiahui Fan, and Lilin Zhang
Evaluation of Yield and Physicochemical Quality of Pentadesma butyracea Butter Obtained by Different Traditional Extraction Methods in Ghana, Josephine Akuba Timtey, Francis Alemawor, William Otoo Ellis, Jacob K. Agbenorhevi, and Nana Baah Pepra-Ameyaw
“Everybody Loves a Conjurer:” The Fake Artworks of Elmyr de Hory (1906-1976) and their Consequences on the Art World, Caroline Grinstead
Evidence-based Prostate Cancer Screening Interventions for Black Men: A Systematic Review, Abigail Lopez, Jared T. Bailey, Dorothy Galloway, Leanne Woods-Burnham, Susanne B. Montgomery, Rick Kittles, and Dede K. Teteh-Brooks
Evidence of Proteins, Chromosomes and Chemical Markers of DNA in Exceptionally Preserved Dinosaur Cartilage, Alida M. Bailleul, Wenxia Zheng, John R. Horner, Brian K. Hall, Casey M. Holliday, and Mary H. Schweitzer
Evolution of Primate Vocal Repertoires: Vocalization Systems as Embodied Capital for Mediating Within-group Conflict, Eric Schniter and Mateo Peñaherrera-Aguirre
Exacting Inclusion: Property Theory, the Character of Government Action, and Implicit Takings, Donald J. Smythe
Examining Asian American Student Experiences with Racism in STEM, Andy Trinh, Desiree Forsythe, Jessie Tsai, Lillian Lee, Jeremy L. Hsu, Rou-jia Sung, and Stanley Lo
Examining the Association Between Race and Pro-environmental Attitudes Among Repubicans, Sanchi Kohli and Jacob Rode
Examining the Role of Mononormative Beliefs, Stigma, and Internalized Consensual Non-Monogamy Negativity for Dehumanization, David L. Rodrigues, Thomas R. Brooks, Rhonda N. Balzarini, Amy C. Moors, and Diniz Lopes
Examining Wildfire Dynamics Using ECOSTRESS Data with Machine Learning Approaches: The Case of South-Eastern Australia's Black Summer, Yuanhui Zhu, Shakthi B. Murugesan, Ivone K. Masara, Soe W. Myint, and Joshua B. Fisher
Exercises in Applied Mathematics With a View toward Information Theory, Machine Learning, Wavelets, and Statistical Physics, Daniel Alpay
Experiences of Latine LGBTQ+ High School Students in California, Michael Gorse
Experimental Realization of Supergrowing Fields, Sethuraj K. R., Tathagata Karmakar, S. A. Wadood, Andrew N. Jordan, and A. Nick Vamivakas
Experimental Research on Contests, Subhashish M. Chowdhury, Dan Kovenock, and Anwesha Mukherjee
Explainable AI in Medical Imaging: An Interdisciplinary Translational Approach, Caitlyn Chavez
Exploring Attitudes Toward “Sugar Relationships” Across 87 Countries: A Global Perspective on Exchanges of Resources for Sex and Companionship, Norbert Meskó, Marta Kowal, András Láng, Ferenc Kocsor, Szabolcs A. Bandi, Adam Putz, Piotr Sorokowski, David A. Frederick, Felipe A. García, Leonardo A. Aguilar, Anna Studzinska, Chee-Seng Tan, Biljana Gjoneska, Taciano L. Milfont, Merve Topcu Bulut, Dmitry Grigoryev, Toivo Aavik, Mahmoud Boussena, Alan D. A. Mattiassi, Reza Afhami, Rizwana Amin, Roberto Baiocco, Hamdaoui Brahim, Ali R. Can, Joao Carneiro, Hakan Çetinkaya, Dimitri Chubinidze, Eliane Deschrijver, Yahya Don, Dmitrii Dubrov, Izzet Duyar, Marija Jovic, Julia A. Kamburidis, Farah Khan, Hareesol Khun‑Inkeeree, Maida Koso‑Drljevic, David Lacko, Karlijn Massar, Mara Morelli, Jean C. Natividade, Ellen K. Nyhus, Ju Hee Park, Farid Pazhoohi, Ekaterine Pirtskhalava, Koen Ponnet, Pavol Prokop, Dušana Šakan, Singha Tulyakul, Austin H. Wang, Sibele D. Aquino, Derya D. Atamtürk, Nana Burduli, Antonio Chirumbolo, Seda Dural, Edgardo Etchezahar, Nasim Ghahraman Moharrampour, Balazs Aczel, Luca Kozma, Samuel Lins, Efisio Manunta, Tiago Marot, Moises Mebarak, Kirill G. Miroshnik, Katarina Misetic, Marietta Papadatou‑Pastou, Bence Bakos, Fatima Zahra Sahli, Sangeeta Singh, Çağlar Solak, Tatiana Volkodav, Anna Wlodarczyk, Grace Akello, Marios Argyrides, Ogeday Çoker, Katarzyna Galasinska, Talía Gómez Yepes, Aleksander Kobylarek, Miguel Landa‑Blanco, Marlon Mayorga, Barış Özener, Ma. Criselda T. Pacquing, Marc Eric S. Reyes, Ayşegül Şahin, William Tamayo‑Agudelo, Gulmira Topanova, Ezgi Toplu‑Demirtaş, Belgüzar N. Türkan, Marcos Zumárraga‑Espinosa, Simone Grassini, Jan Antfolk, Clément Cornec, Katarzyna Pisanksi, Sabrina Stöckli, Stephanie Josephine Eder, and Hyemin Han
Exploring Binding Pockets in the Conformational States of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Trimers for the Screening of Allosteric Inhibitors Using Molecular Simulations and Ensemble-Based Ligand Docking, Grace Gupta and Gennady M. Verkhivker
Exploring LGBTQ+ Cultural Competency and DEI in Continuing Education: A Cross-sectional Review of U.S. Pharmacy Legislation, Jennifer Ko, Jeremy Carlos, and Yvonne Nguyen
Exploring the Impact of Maternal Early Life Adversity on Interoceptive Sensibility in Pregnancy: Implications for Prenatal Depression, Paul W. Savoca, Laura M. Glynn, Molly M. Fox, Misty C. Richards, and Bridget L. Callaghan
Exploring the Impact of Subject Placement on Exam Questions, Briana M. Craig and Jeremy L. Hsu
Exploring the Journey of STEM Faculty into Justice-centered Pedagogy, Desiree Forsythe, Bryan Dewsbury, and Jeremy L. Hsu
Exploring the Sublime through Sound Design: A Multiplatform Approach, Elsie Mader
Exploring Variations in STEM Instructors’ Approaches to Office Hours, Desiree Forsythe, Rebecca M. Green, and Jeremy L. Hsu
Exposure and Connectedness to Natural Environments: An Examination of the Measurement Invariance of the Nature Exposure Scale (NES) and Connectedness to Nature Scale (CNS) Across 65 Nations, 40 Languages, Gender Identities, and Age Groups, Viren Swami, Mathew P. White, Martin Voracek, Ulrich S. Tran, Toivo Aavik, Hamed Abdollahpour Ranjbar, Sulaiman Olanrewaju Adebayo, Reza Afhami, Oli Ahmed, and David A. Frederick
Fabian Ziegler, Percussionist, Fabian Ziegler, Chapman Percussion Ensemble, and Southern California Marimba
Factors in Decision Making of Political Candidates, Levi Ramirez Garcia
Factors Influencing College Students’ Learning Satisfaction With Educational Videos, Fei Wang
Faculty Racial/Ethnic Make-up Among America’s Top 40 DPT Program Website is Absent or Unclear: An Orthopedic Physical Therapy Perspective, Nicole Morris, Jake Tavernite, and Emmanuel Yung
Faculty Showcase Recital, Gary Matsuura and Albert Alva
Fair Elections, Representation, and the Win-Loss Satisfaction with Democracy Gap, Hannah M. Ridge
Fair or Unfair? Chinese Undergraduates’ Perceptions of College Classroom Assessments, Ying Zhu
Fall 2024 Student Scholar Symposium Abstract Volume, Chapman University Center for Undergraduate Excellence
Fantastical Fate: Contemporary Works Depicting Enlil, Daylen Motamed and Marissa Becher
Fast Fashion: A Thorough Examination on Human Rights Violations in Bangladesh and Global Environmental Degradation, Maggie Quiroz
Fear of China's Economic Power: Media and Party Affiliation on Public Opinion, Cloe Hughes
Fear of Violent Crime: Should You Be More Afraid of A Stranger or Your Neighbor, Daliah Amarshi
Fertility Counseling for Couples, Brennan Peterson and Kristy Koser
Financial Contagion and Financial Lockdowns, Gabriele Camera and Alessandro Gioffré
Financial Factors and the Propagation of the Great Depression, Gustavo S. Cortes, Bryan Taylor, and Marc D. Weidenmier
Find Your Calm, Gail J. Stearns
Fintech Regulation in the Catawba Digital Economic Zone, Tom W. Bell
Fissure, Henneh Kwaku Kyereh
Fluid Boundaries and the Assertion of Difference in Low-caste Religious Identity, Nancy M. Martin
Formalization of ∞-Category Theory, Jonathan Weinberger
Former Extremists in North American Research, Ryan Scivens, Steven Windisch, and Pete Simi
Fostering Inclusivity and Innovation: Transformative Practices in Business Librarianship, Essraa Nawar
Fostering Spatial Skill Acquisition by General Chemistry Students, Deborah Carlisle, Julian Tyson, and Martina Nieswandt
FPCA-SETCN: A Novel Deep Learning Framework for Remaining Useful Life Prediction, Junde Chen, Yuxin Wen, Xuxue Sun, Adnan Zeb, Mohammad Saleh Meiabadi, and Sasan Sattarpanah Karganroudi
Frames and Spaces for Distributive Quasi Relation Algebras and Distributive Involutive FL-Algebras, Andrew Craig, Peter Jipsen, and Claudette Robinson
Frameworks Concert: "Burning Through the Expendable" by Jean Park
Frameworks Concert: "Funkytown" by Sarah Chandler
Frameworks Concert: "Go Play!" by Macy Deppe
Frameworks Concert: "Perception and Distortion" by Lindsey Salkeld
Frameworks Concert: "Phases" by Coco Backshall
Frameworks Concert: "Time Will Tell" by Izzy Nelson
Frameworks Concert: "Woven" by Ava-Grace Vermillion
Frameworks Concert: "You'll Never Find Love That Way, My Dear" by Kevin Ivins
Frameworks Dance Concert: "Artificial Adaptation" by James Ades
Frameworks Dance Concert: "Courtier Conundrums" by Bianca Capanna
Frameworks Dance Concert: "Dance to Your Own Beat" by Rose Lindblom
Frameworks Dance Concert: "Diana Syndrome" by Karen Oliver
Frameworks Dance Concert: "Everything Now New" by Gianna Pascente
Frameworks Dance Concert: "Family Feud" by Nate Milledge
Frameworks Dance Concert: "Harmonic Fragments" by Camille Fehr
Frameworks Dance Concert: "How Strange" by Joey Armijo
Frameworks Dance Concert: "Lesson 3 | Constitutional Isomers" by Kurt Horney
Frameworks Dance Concert: "miranda crosses the grove (sophie's dream)" by Jean Park
Frameworks Dance Concert: "Raspberry Sorbet" by Sarah Maloney
Frameworks Dance Concert: "Sails" by Liliana Woodward
Frameworks Dance Concert: "Stained" by Abbie Reyes
Frameworks Dance Concert: "To Repress a Memory" by Sarah Hurley
Frameworks Dance Concert: "Two Worlds Become One" by Leeor Oshri
Frameworks Dance Concert: "Why can you not see?" by Michael Salmon
Frameworks Dance Concert: "winding and unwinding" by Elle Tosh
Frances Wendorf Lecture Audio Recording, Frances Wendorf
Frances Wendorf Lecture Transcript, Frances Wendorf and Victoria Perez
François Viète, Between Analysis and Cryptanalysis, Marco Panza
From Film Sets to Front Lines and Back Again: Reinventing Star Image in Post-World War II Hollywood, Livia Belen Lozoya
From Shocks to Solidarity and Superstition: Exploring the Foundations of Faith, Aidin Hajikhameneh and Laurence R. Iannaccone
From Velocities to Fluxions, Marco Panza
From Vinyl to Viral: Rock 'n' Roll's Timeless Comeback in Today's Digital Age, Victoria Lucas
From War to Peace: The Allied Occupation of Germany and Japan, David M. Crowe
Fundamental Mechanisms of Energy Exchanges in Autonomous Measurements Based on Dispersive Qubit-Light Interaction, Nicolò Piccione, Maria Maffei, Xiayu Linpeng, Andrew N. Jordan, Kater W. Murch, and Alexia Auffèves
Gambling Habits and Probability Judgements in a Bayesian Task Environment, David L. Dickinson and Parker Reid
Gastronomical Platonism, Marco Panza
Gate-controlled Supercurrent Effect in Dry-etched Dayem Bridges of Non-centrosymmetric Niobium Rhenium, Jennifer Koch, Carla Cirillo, Sebastiano Battisti, Leon Ruf, Zahra Makhdoumi Kakhaki, Alessandro Paghi, Armen Gulian, Serafim Teknowijoyo, Giorgio De Simoni, Francesco Giazotto, Carmine Attanasio, Elke Scheer, and Angelo Di Bernardo
Gaussian RBF Kernels via Fock Spaces: Quaternionic and Several Complex Variables Settings, Antonino De Martino and Kamal Diki
General Cognitive Ability in High School, Attained Education, Occupational Complexity, and Dementia Risk, Jimi Huh, Thalida Em Arpawong, Tara L. Gruenewald, Gwenith G. Fisher, Carol A. Prescott, Jennifer J. Manly, Dominika Seblova, Ellen E. Walters, and Margaret Gatz
Generalized NEO-EU Preferences and the Falsifiability of Ambiguity Theories, Manuel Nunez and Mark Schneider
Generalized q-Fock Spaces and Structural Identities, Daniel Alpay, Paula Cerejeiras, Uwe Kaehler, and Baruch Schneider
Generation of Kochen-Specker Contextual Sets in Higher Dimensions by Dimensional Upscaling Whose Complexity Does Not Scale with Dimension and Their Applications, Mladen Pavičić and Mordecai Waegell
Gift of the Town & Gown Endowment for the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences 2022, Leatherby Libraries
Gift of the Town & Gown Endowment for the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences 2023, Leatherby Libraries
Global Perspective of the Risks of Falsified and Counterfeit Medicines: A Critical Review of the Literature, Aonghus J. Feeney, Jeffery A. Goad, and Gerard T. Flaherty
Global to Glocal: A Confluence of Data Science and Earth Observations in the Advancement of the SDGs, Rejoice Thomas
Global Warming is Not Cool, Bella Fraher
Grad Students Can Change the World, but Not if GOP Has Its Way, Nathalie Williams and Steven Pfaff
Grievances and the Genesis of Rebellion: Why Governance Matters, Steven Pfaff and Michael Hechter
Ground-Breaking Stories in Contemporary Cinema: in a Market Full of Remakes, What Form Does Cinematic Originality Take Today?, Elisa Fong-Hirschfelder
Ground Electric Field, Atmospheric Weather and Electric Grid Variations in Northeast Greece Influenced by the March 2012 Solar Activity and the Moderate to Intense Geomagnetic Storms, Georgios Anagnostopoulos, Anastasios Karkanis, Athanasios Kampatagis, Panagiotis Marhavilas, Sofia-Anna Menesidou, Dimitrios Efthymiadis, Stefanos Keskinis, Dimitar Ouzounov, Nick Hatzigeorgiu, and Michael Danakis
Group 14 Metallocene Catalysts for Carbonyl Hydroboration and Cyanosilylation, Haley J. Robertson, Mallory N. Fujiwara, and Allegra L. Liberman-Martin
Growing Up Tyrannosaurus Rex: Osteohistology Refutes the Pygmy Nanotyrannus and Supports Ontogenetic Niche Partitioning in Juvenile Tyrannosaurus, Holly N. Woodward, Katie Tremaine, Scott A. Williams, Lindsay E. Zanno, John R. Horner, and Nathan Myhrvold
Growth in the California Manufacturing Sector Accelerates, Anderson Center for Economic Research
Growth in the California Manufacturing Sector Moderates, Anderson Center for Economic Research
Growth in the California Manufacturing Sector Moderates Further, Anderson Center for Economic Research
H-1B Visa Lottery: Random Selection Process Prevents Applicants from Achieving the American Dream, Alexandra Amos
Hair Dye and Relaxer Use among Cisgender Women in Embu and Nakuru Counties, Kenya: Associations with Perceived Risk of Breast Cancer and Other Health Effects, Adana A. M. Llanos, Adiba Ashrafi, Teresa Olisa, Amber Rockson, Alexis Schaefer, Jasmine A. McDonald, Mary Beth Terry, Dede K. Teteh-Brooks, Dustin T. Duncan, Beatrice Irungu, Cecilia Kimani, and Esther Matu
Harmful vs Helpful: A Gen-Z View on Dance Fitness, Peyton Winsett and Sarah Maloney
Harnessing Exosomes as a Platform for Drug Delivery in Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review for in vivo and in vitro Studies, Abdulwahab Teflischi Gharavi, Saeed Irian, Azadeh Niknejad, Keykavous Parang, and Mona Salimi
Harvesting Victory: Education, Student/Farmworker Solidarity, and the Growth of an Organizing Model, Melody González, Natasha Noriega-Goodwin, Marc Rodrigues, Jorge Rodríguez, Marina Sáenz-Luna, Sean Sellers, John-Michael Torres, and Kandace Vallejo
Head to Toe: What Do We Think About Heels Dance?, Peyton Winsett
High-Coherence Kerr-Cat Qubit in 2D Architecture, Ahmed Hajr, Bingcheng Qing, Ke Wang, Gerwin Koolstra, Zahra Pedramrazi, Ziqi Kang, Larry Chen, Long B. Nguyen, Christian Jünger, Noah Goss, Irwin Huang, Bibek Bhandari, Nicholas E. Frattini, Shruti Puri, Justin Dressel, Andrew N. Jordan, David I. Santiago, and Irfan Siddiqi
Higher Growth in the California Manufacturing Sector to Start the 2024 Year, Anderson Center for Economic Research
Higher Order Z-ideals in Commutative Rings, Themba Dube and Oghenetega Ighedo
Highlighting Health and Diversity: Curating Digital Exhibits to Promote Online Resources Across Cultural Months, Ivan Portillo and David Carson
Hinduism and Holy People, Nancy M. Martin
Histopathology Imaging and Clinical Data Including Remission Status in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Chloe Martin-King, Ali Nael, Louis Ehwerhemuepha, Blake Calvo, Quinn Gates, Jamie Janchoi, Elisa Ornelas, Melissa Perez, Andrea Venderby, John Miklavcic, Peter Chang, Aaron Sassoon, and Kenneth Grant
HoloMind: Engineering Mindfulness through Holographic Display, Hannah Bauer and Jaime Song
Homeland Insecurity: Terrorism, Mass Shootings and the Public, Ann Gordon and Kai Hamilton Gentry
Honest Signalling of Age in a Territorial Breeder, Brian A. Hoover and Walter H. Piper
Honorable Mention Contest Entry: The Impact of External Factors on Urban Youth Behaviors, Erin Simmons
Honorable Mention Research Paper: The Impact of External Factors on Urban Youth Behaviors, Erin Simmons
How Advection Affects the Surface Energy Balance and Its Closure at an Irrigated Alfalfa Field, Tianxin Wang, Joseph Alfieri, Kanishka Mallick, Ariane Arias-Ortiz, Martha Anderson, Joshua B. Fisher, Manuela Girotto, Daphne Szutu, Joseph Verfaillie, and Dennis Baldocchi
How are Entanglement Entropies Related to Entropy Bounds?, Emily Adlam
How Demographics Influence Self-Image, Stephanie Yu, Amy Whitmarsh, Leyla Rakshani, and Aaron Schurger
How Does Passive Investing Effect the Informational Efficiency of Prices?, Brice Corgnet, Mark DeSantis, Yan Peng, David Porter, and Jason Shachat
How Family Communication Emerges in HPV Vaccine Parent Narratives, Samantha Garcia, Suellen Hopfer, Michelle Miller-Day, Jamie McCain, and Michael L. Hecht
How Misogyny in Gaming Affects Black Women/POC, Niccarri Allen
How Single Parent Households Affect the Sociability of Children, Roland Jonathan Casiquin
How Threat Mobilizes the Resurgence and Persistence of US White Supremacist Activism: The 1980s to the Present, Pete Simi, Robert Futrell, and Adam Burston
How to Create an Inclusive Campus for Neurodivergent Students, Meghan Cosier and Audri Sandoval Gomez
How to Engage with the Media and Expand the Impact of Your Work, Gregory R. Goldsmith
Humanizing the Migration Experience: The Stories and Struggles of Unaccompanied Immigrant Children from the Northern, Stephanie Santiago
Human Milk Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids are Related to Neurodevelopmental, Anthropometric, and Allergic Outcomes in Early Life: A Systematic Review, Saori Mitguard, Olivia Doucette, and John Miklavcic
Human Supermarket and Other Monster Stories, Lauren Sieberg
Hypervisible (In)visibility: Black Amerasians, Angelica J. Allen
Ideals of Functions with Compact Support in the Integer-valued Case, Themba Dube, Oghenetega Ighedo, and Batsile Tlharesakgosi
Ideational Diffusion and the Great Witch Hunt in Central Europe, Kerice Doten‑Snitker, Steven Pfaff, and Yuan Hsiao
Identification of New Leads Against Ubiquitin Specific Protease-7 (USP7): A Step Towards the Potential Treatment of Cancers, Sumaira Javaid, Seema Zadi, Muhammad Awais, Atai-tul Wahab, Humaira Zafar, Innokentiy Maslennikov, and M. Iqbal Choudhary
Identifying a Target Protein and Ligands for Autoimmune Disorders, Sarah Caruthers
Identifying Critical Employability Skills for Employment Success of Autistic Individuals: A Content Analysis of Job Postings, Amy Jane Griffiths, Amy E. Hurley-Hanson, Cristina M. Giannantonio, Angel Miles Nash, Wallace Walrod, Petersen Walrod, Rachel Torres, and Raquel Delgado
Identifying The Roles of miR-17 in Ciliogenesis and Cell Cycle, Ashwaq Alanazi
Identifying the Roles of miR-17 in Ciliogenesis and Cell Cycle, Ashwaq Alanazi, Ayan K. Barui, Ashraf M. Mohieldin, Ankan Gupta, Ramani Ramachandran, and Surya M. Nauli
Ideology and Economic Change, Jared Rubin and Debin Ma
Ideology Prediction from Scarce and Biased Supervision: Learn to Disregard the “What” and Focus on the “How”!, Chen Chen, Dylan Walker, and Venkatesh Saligrama
I Have to Believe This Story to Live, Sarah Johnson
"I Just Want The Credit!" – Perceived Instrumentality as the Main Characteristic of Boys’ Motivation in a Grade 11 Science Course, Martina Nieswandt and Marie-Claire Shanahan
I metodi matematici nelle scienze umane, Marco Panza
Immediate Feedback Generates Greater Improvements In Secondhand Smoke Reduction For Dual Smokers Compared To Exclusive Tobacco Users, Rylen Sakamoto, Eusabeia Silfanus, and Vincent Berardi
Impact of a Pharmacist-Led HCV Treatment Program at a Federally Qualified Health Center, Jerika T. Lam and Sharon Xavioer
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Emergency Department Visits for Opioid Use Disorder Across University of California Health Centers, Matthew Heshmatipour, Ding Quan Ng, Emily Yi-Wen Truong, Jianwei Zheng, Alexandre Chan, and Yun Wang
Impact of FADS Genotype on Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Content in Human Milk Extracellular Vesicles: A Genetic Association Study, John J. Miklavcic, Natalie Paterson, Jennifer Hahn-Holbrook, and Laura M. Glynn
Impact of Land Use Dynamics on the Water Yields in the Gorgan River Basin, Masoomeh Yaghoobi, Aram Fathi, Shahryar Fazli, Wenzhao Li, Elham Haghshenas, Vahid Shokri Kuchak, and Hesham el-Askary
Impact of Phytosanitary Irradiation on Polar Antioxidants in Peels of ‘Granny Smith’ Apples, Sneha Anna Alexander
Impacts of an Urban Density Gradient on Land-Atmosphere Turbulent Heat Fluxes Across Seasonal Timescales, David E. Reed, Cheyenne Lei, William Baule, Gabriela Shirkey, Jiquan Chen, Kevin P. Czajkowski, and Zutao Ouyang
Implementation of Post-COVID Conditions Management Utilizing Interprofessional Collaboration in a Multi-facility Healthcare Organization, Jocelin Friedman, Christina Dhesi-Bawa, Kathleen Kennedy, Stephen Lee, and Leona Hidalgo
Implementing and Marketing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Practices and Resources: Creating the E‐buzz!, Essraa Nawar and Kristin Laughtin-Dunker
Implementing the Infectious Diseases Society of America Antimicrobial Stewardship Core Curriculum: Survey Results and Real-World Strategies to Guide Fellowship Programs, Leila S. Hojat, Payak K. Patel, Dilek Ince, Amy Y. Kang, Gary Fong, Kartik Cherabuddi, Priya Nori, Hawra Al Lawati, Erica J. Stohs, Cole Beeler, Trevor C. Van Schooneveld, Matthew S. Lee, Keith W. Hamilton, Julie Ann Justo, Jennifer O. Spicer, Ashleigh Logan, Rachel Shnekendorf, Chloe Bryson-Cahn, Zachary I. Willis, Ryan P. Moenster, Thea Brennan-Krohn, Molly L. Paras, Marisa Holubar, David C. Gaston, Sonali D. Advani, and Vera P. Luther
Improved Synthesis and Anticancer Activity of a Potent Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibitor, Dhananjayan Vasu, Cory T. Reidl, Eric Wang, Sun Yang, and Richard B. Silverman
Improving the Proof of the Born Rule Using a Physical Requirement on the Dynamics of Quantum Particles, Yakir Aharonov and Tomer Shushi
Inactivation of Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, and Listeria monocytogenes Using the Contamination Sanitization Inspection and Disinfection (CSI-D) Device, Jennifer McCoy Sanders, Vanessa Alarcon, Grace Marquis, Amanda Tabb, Jo Ann Van Kessel, Jakeitha Sonnier, Brad J. Haley, Insuck Baek, Jianwei Qin, Moon Kim, Fartash Vasefi, Stanislav Sokolov, and Rosalee S. Hellberg
Incorporating Conditional Morality into Economic Decisions, David Masclet and David L. Dickinson
Increases in Regional Brain Volume Across Two Native South American Male Populations, Nikhil N. Chaudhari, Phoebe E. Imms, Nathan F. Chowdhury, Margaret Gatz, Benjamin Trumble, Wendy J. Mack, E. Meng Law, M. Linda Sutherland, James D. Sutherland, Christopher J. Rowan, L. Samuel Wann, Adel H. Allam, Randall C. Thompson, David E. Michalik, Michael I. Miyamoto, Guido Lombardi, Daniel Cummings, Edmond Seabright, Sarah Alami, Angela R. Garcia, Daniel E. Rodriguez, Raul Quispe Gutierrez, Adrian J. Copajira, Paul L. Hooper, Kenneth Buetow, Jonathan Stieglitz, Michael D. Gurven, Gregory S. Thomas, Hillard Kaplan, Caleb E. Finch, and Andrei Irimia
Increasing Student Success: A Developmental Approach, Cathy A. Pohan
Independent Visions of Marginal America: Reimagining a Nation Through Outsiders, Searching, and Non-Arrival, Z Evan Long
Indigenous Peoples' Heritage Month - A Digital Exhibit, Ivan Portillo, David Carson, Amie Fillet, and Sara Flournoy
Individual Difference Predictors of Starting a New Romantic Relationship During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Wiliam J. Chopik, Amy Moors, Daniel J. Litman, Megan S. Shuck, Alexandra R. Stapleton, Meghan C. Abrom, Kayla A. Stevenson, Jeewon Oh, and Mariah F. Purol
Individual Longitudinal Changes in DNA-methylome Identify Signatures of Early-life Adversity and Correlate with Later Outcome, Annabel K. Short, Ryan Weber, Noriko Kamei, Christina Wilcox Thai, Hina Arora, Ali Mortazavi, Hal S. Stern, Laura M. Glynn, and Tallie Z. Baram
Infant Hedonic/Anhedonic Processing Index (HAPI-Infant): Assessing Infant Anhedonia and Its Prospective Association with Adolescent Depressive Symptoms, Jessica L. Irwin, Elysia Poggi Davis, Curt A. Sandman, Tallie Z. Baram, Hal S. Stern, and Laura M. Glynn
Infectious Ideas: Why Do Radical Innovations Take Root?, Steven Pfaff
Inflation's Historical Presidential Election Impact, Jim Doti and Tom Campbell
Influence of Human and Viral IL-6 on KSHV Infection in Human Tonsil Lymphocytes, Wajd Zakir
Influencer Authenticity: To Grow or to Monetize, Cristina Nistor, Matthew Selove, and J. Miguel Villas-Boas
Influencers: The Power of Comments, Cristina Nistor and Matthew Selove
Influences of Cultural Capital and Internationalization on Global Competence in Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review, Yiying Teng and Meghan E. Cosier
Inhibition of Chromium(III) Oxidation through Manganese(IV) Oxide Passivation and Iron(II) Abiotic Reduction, Miranda L. Aiken, Macon J. Abernathy, Michael V. Schaefer, Ilkeun Lee, and Samantha C. Ying
In Memoir and Memory: US Servicewomen in the Iraq War, Kelly Taylor
Instability and Quantization in Quantum Hydrodynamics, Yakir Aharonov and Tomer Shushi
Institutional Racism in the United States Revisited, Carmichael Peters, Louis L. Knowles, Rodè F. Cramer, Glennan Keldin, Hayley Nelson, and Lucia Beatty
Instructional Models for the Acquisition of English as Bridges Into School Science: Effects on the Science Achievement of U.S. Hispanic English Language Learners, Elizabeth McEneaney, Francesca López, and Martina Nieswandt
Integrity, Flexibility, and Balance: How Change Works in Psychotherapy, David Pincus
Interest, Instructional Strategies, and the Creation of Group Space, Martina Nieswandt, Renee Affolter, and Elizabeth McEneaney
Interest, the Self, and K-16 Mathematics and Science Learning, K. Ann Renninger, Martina Nieswandt, and Suzanne Hidi
Interior Chinatown: Chinatown as a Performative Space, Audrey Fong
Interoception in Pregnancy: Implications for Peripartum Depression, Paul W. Savoca, Laura M. Glynn, Molly M. Fox, Misty C. Richards, and Bridget L. Callaghan
Intersectional Marxism and the Dialectic: Interpreting Marx for Our Times, Lilia Monzó and Cristal B. Flores
Interterm Performance: “Black Dance in Motion 253” by Julianne O'Brien
Interterm Performance: “Creative Practice 299” by Dolly Sefir
Interterm Performance: “Individual Study 499” by Kasy Latten
Interterm Performance: “Repertory 250” by Larry Rosenberg
In the Name of the Environment Part III: CEQA, Housing, and the Rule of Law, Jennifer Hernandez
In the Words of Early Adolescents: A Novel Assessment of Positive Psychological Well-Being Predicts Young Adult Depressive Symptoms, Julia K. Boehm, Farah Qureshi, and Laura D. Kubzansky
Intimacy and the Anxieties of Cinematic Flesh: Between Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis, Patrick Fuery
Intolerable Masculinity: Screening Men's Shame and Embracing Curious Futures, Cole Clark
Introducing the Transcendent Media Experience Model (TMEM), Sophie H. Janicke-Bowles
Introduction: Leading Social Change from the Lived Experience of Intersectionality, Margaret Grogan and Aubrey H. Wang
Introduction: Studying Presidents and the Presidency, Lori Cox Han
Introduction to Functions and Generality of Logic. Reflections on Frege's and Dedekind's Logicisms, Hourya Benis Sinaceur, Marco Panza, and Gabriel Sandu
Introduction to Stalin's Soviet Justice: "Show" Trials, War Crimes Trials, and Nuremberg, David M. Crowe
Introduction to Strategies and Outcomes, Lisa A. Leitz and Socrates Mbamalu
Inverse-designed Integrated Biosensors, Azadeh Didari-Bader, Sophie Pelton, and Nasim Mohammadi Estrakhri
Inverse Engineering of Absorption and Scattering in Nanoparticles: A Machine Learning Approach, Alex Vallone, Nooshin M. Estakhri, and Nasim Mohammadi Estrakhri
Investigating the Experiences of Evangelical Couples Coping with Painful Intercourse During Early Marriage, Arielle L. Leonard Hodges
Invoking Mirabai: Elision and Illumination in the Global Study of Women Mystics, Nancy M. Martin
Isaac Barrow and the Bounds of Geometry, Marco Panza
Is Dance A Universal Language? - Global Contemporary Dance, Mandy Fang
Is the Notion of Mathematical Object an Historical Notion?, Marco Panza
“I Tell Them Generics, but Not the Specifics”: Exploring Tensions Underlying Familial Support for First-Generation Latinx Undergraduate Students, Stephany Cuevas
“It Was Time for Us to Take a Stand”: An Ethnic Studies Classroom and the Power of Student Voice, Jorge F. Rodriguez, Carah Reed, and Karen Garcia
I Was a Mormon: I Knew it, I Lived it, I Left it, Tessa Woodall
James Doti: COVID Mandates Cost Jobs But Didn’t Save Lives, Jim Doti
James Doti: Simon Scholars are True Shining Lights, Jim Doti
Jewish Nationalism in Israel: A Measurement, Hannah M. Ridge
Joining a Currency Union to Improve Financial Development and Competitiveness: The Case of Slovakia, Etsub Tekola Jemberu and Bruce Dehning
“Just Hold On, You Can Do This”: Conceptualizing Familial Support for First-Generation Undergraduate Students of Color, Stephany Cuevas
Justice via Chat? How Litigants’ Preferences and Attorneys’ Recommendations Influence the Choice to Use Online Dispute Resolution, Andrea C. F. Wolfs and Donna Shestowsky
Just Like the Others: Party Differences, Perception, and Satisfaction with Democracy, Hannah M. Ridge
Keyboard Collaborative Arts Faculty Recital, Clara Cheng, Janet Kao, Esther Kim, Hye Young Kim, Mikhail Korzhev, Louise Thomas, Hannah Yi, Marc Callahan, Jenny Kim, Kyla McCarrel, Emily Dyer Reed, and Phillip Triggs
Keynote Address: Copyrighting All the Melodies to Avoid Accidental Infringement, Damien Riehl
Kinematic and Dynamic Structure of the 18 May 2020 Squall Line over South Korea, Wishnu Agum Swastiko, Chia-Lun Tsai, Seung Hee Kim, and Gyuwon Lee
Labeling Compliance and Online Claims for Ayurvedic Herbal Supplements on the U.S. Market Associated with the Purported Treatment of COVID-19, Chevon R. Jordan, Calin M. Harris, Miranda I. Miranda, Diane Y. Kim, and Rosalee S. Hellberg
La gentrificación: un estudio comparativo entre la ciudad de Santa Ana, California y la Ciudad de México, Evelin Delgado
Lagrange's Theory of Analytical Functions and His Ideal of Purity of Method, Giovanni Ferraro and Marco Panza
Language Ideologies and Use Among Latine Children in a Dual Language Program in Southern California: A Qualitative Approach, Xochitl Morales
Language Instruction Educational Programs and Academic Achievement of Latino English Learners: Considerations for States with Changing Demographics, Francesca López, Elizabeth McEneaney, and Martina Nieswandt
L’applicabilité des Mathématiques, Daniele Molinini and Marco Panza
Late Imperial and Soviet "Show" Trials, 1878-1938, David M. Crowe
La traducción política: El silenciamiento narrativo y la traducción inglés-español bajo Francisco Franco, Avery Austin
Leading Towards Racial Justice: Counterstories of TK-12 Latinx Men Administrators, Pedro Espinoza
Legitimacy Competition: China and the United States Legitimization of International Criminal Court Referral Decisions, Allison Flame
Lessons Not Learned, Kyle Missbach
Let Your Pharmacist Be Your Guide: Navigating Barriers to Pharmaceutical Access, Jennifer Ko, Miranda Steinkopf, and Sharon E. Connor
Leveraging the Science of Early Life Predictability to Inform Policies Promoting Child Health, Laura M. Glynn, Sabrina R. Liu, Candice Taylor Lucas, and Elysia Poggi Davis
LGBTQIA+ Pride Month: A Digital Library Display, Ivan Portillo and David Carson
Liberal Freedom: Pluralism, Polarization, and Politics, John J. Thrasher IV
Lifelong Movie Goers, Hardworking Filmmakers, and Oscars Discourse, Haley Kamola
Light That Appears to Come from a Source That Does Not Exist, Itamar Stern, Yakov Bloch, Einav Grynszpan, Merav Kahn, Yakir Aharonov, Justin Dressel, Eliahu Cohen, and John C. Howell
Like Night and Day: Pavel Florenskiĭ, Igor’ Grabar’, and the Fate of Icons in the 1920s, Wendy Salmond
Limited Attention to Detail in Financial Markets: Evidence from Reduced-form and Structural Estimation, Henrik Cronqvist, Tomislav Ladika, Elisa Pazaj, and Zacharias Sautner
Limonene Exerts Anti-Inflammatory Effect on LPS-Induced Jejunal Injury in Mice by Inhibiting NF-κB/AP-1 Pathway, Sarmed H. Kathem, Yasameen Sh. Nasrawi, Shihab H. Mutlag, and Surya M. Nauli
Linkages of the 2022 Unprecedented Global Heatwave Events to Triple-Dip La Niña, Sachi Perera, Joshua B. Fisher, Mohamed Allali, and Hesham el-Askary
Literacies of the Heart and Antiracist Pedagogy, Lilia D. Monzó and Elena Marquez
Little Shop Of Patriarchy : Analyzing Constructed vs. Essential Gender Roles, Taylor Gadsden-Deterville
Local Crime and Substance Use Disorders: A Comparison of Midlife Adults in the 1990s and 2000s, Jennifer W. Robinette, Jason D. Boardman, and Kathleen Mullan Harris
Local Hydroclimate Alters Interpretation of Speleothem δ18O Records, E. W. Patterson, V. Skiba, A. Wolf, M. L. Griffiths, D. McGee, T. N. Bùi, M. X. Trần, T. H. Đinh, Q. Đỗ-Trọng, Gregory R. Goldsmith, V. Ersek, and K. R. Johnson
Long-Distance Photon-Mediated and Short-Distance Entangling Gates in Three-Qubit Quantum Dot Spin Systems, Nooshin M. Estakhri, Ada Warren, Sophia E. Economou, and Edwin Barnes
Love, Nancy M. Martin and Joseph Runzo
Lunar Femininity, Dominique Rodriguez
Lyris Quartet, Lyris Quartet
MacArthur, Keenan and the American Quest for Justice at the IMTFE, David M. Crowe
Machine Learning and Geostatistical Approaches for Discovery of Weather and Climate Events Related to El Niño Phenomena, Sachi Perera
Machine Learning and Protein Allostery, Sian Xiao, Gennady M. Verkhivker, and Peng Tao
Madelung Mechanics and Superoscillations, Mordecai Waegell
Make It Funky for Me: Black British Women’s Explorations of Britishness, Womanhood, and Artistry Through 2000s Music, Monique Charles
Making the Most of Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Models: A Novel Approach for Book Recommendation and Discovery in Medical Libraries, Ivan Portillo and David Carson
Manifest Destiny, A Repeat of History: Scoring Stanley Kubrick's The Shining, Emilie Montoure
Mapping California Rice Using Optical and SAR Data Fusion with Phenological Features in Google Earth Engine, Li Wenzhao, Hesham el-Askary, and Daniele C. Struppa
Mapping the Production and Mobilization Functions of Collective Action, Blaine G. Robbins, Ross L. Matsueda, and Steven Pfaff
Martin Luther’s Spiritual Practice Was Key to the Success of the Reformation, Marion Goldman and Steven Pfaff
Mass Media and the Diffusion of Collective Action in Authoritarian Regimes: The June 1953 East German Uprising, Charles Crabtree, Holger L. Kern, and Steven Pfaff
Masters at Chapman: LA Connections
Masters at Chapman: LA Connections: "Attention Span" by Jacob Jonas
Masters at Chapman: LA Connections: "Mother's Love" by Genevieve Carson
Masters at Chapman: LA Connections: "Nine Tresses" by Laurie Sefton
Masters at Chapman: LA Connections: "Parallel Realities" by Riley Roberts
Masters at Chapman: LA Connections: "What Remains" by Ashley Lindsey
Masters at Chapman: LA Connections: "Yeni Dünya (new world)" by Seda Aybay
Masters at Chapman: LA Connections: "YOU DIDN'T DO THE DISHES!!!" by Ido Tadmor
Match Stability with a Costly and Flexible Number of Positions, James Gilmore
Maternal Prenatal Cortisol Trajectories Predict Accelerated Growth in Infancy, Jennifer Hahn-Holbrook, Elysia Poggi Davis, Curt A. Sandman, and Laura M. Glynn
Mathematisation of the Science of Motion and the Birth of Analytical Mechanics : A Historiographical Note, Marco Panza
Maximizing Generative AI Benefits with Task Creativity and Human Validation, Charu Sinha, Veselina P. Vracheva, and Cristina Nistor
"May Justice Be Done!" The Soviet Union and the London Conference (1945), Irina Schulmeister-André and David M. Crowe
Mean Affect Moderates the Association Between Affect Variability and Mental Health, Brooke N. Jenkins, Lydia Q. Ong, Anthony D. Ong, Hee Youn (Helen) Lee, and Julia K. Boehm
Measure and Continuity in Aristotle’s Physics V,3 (and Neighbourhoods), Marco Panza
Measuring Ethnodoxy in Egypt and Morocco, Hannah M. Ridge
Measuring Norm Pluralism and Perceived Polarization in US Politics, Folca Panizza, Eugen Dimant, Erik O. Kimbrough, and Alexander Vostroknutov
Mechanisms of Gill-clogging by Hagfish Slime, Luke Taylor, Gaurav Chaudhary, Gaurav Jain, Andrew Lowe, Andre Hupe, Atsuko Negishi, Yu Zeng, Randy Ewoldt, and Douglas S. Fudge
Mechanistic Insight into the Mode of Inhibition of Dietary Flavonoids; Targeting Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor, Ali Raza Siddiqui, Mamona Mushtaq, Madiha Sardar, Lubna Atta, Mohammad Nur-e-Alam, Aftab Ahmad, and Zaheer Ul-Haq
Mechanistic Study of Antimicrobial Cyclic Peptide [R4W4] Antibacterial Effectiveness against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Ajayi Akinwale
Mechanistic Study of Antimicrobial Effectiveness of Cyclic Amphipathic Peptide [R4W4] against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Clinical Isolates, Ajayi David Akinwale, Keykavous Parang, Rakesh Kumar Tiwari, and Jason Yamaki
Medical Image Analysis Based on Graph Machine Learning and Variational Methods, Sina Mohammadi
Men of Money: Elite Masculinities and the Neoliberal Project, Lynn Horton
Methane Fluxes in Tidal Marshes of the Conterminous United States, Ariane Arias-Ortiz, Jaxine Wolfe, Scott D. Bridgham, Sara Knox, Gavin McNicol, Brian A. Needelman, Julie Shahan, Ellen J. Stuart-Haëntjens, Lisamarie Windham-Myers, Patty Y. Oikawa, Dennis D. Baldocchi, Joshua S. Caplan, Margaret Capooci, Kenneth M. Czapla, R. Kyle Derby, Heida L. Diefenderfer, Inke Forbrich, Gina Groseclose, Jason K. Keller, Cheryl Kelley, Amir E. Keshta, Helena S. Kleiner, Ken W. Krauss, Robert R. Lane, Sarah Mack, Serena Moseman-Valtierra, Thomas J. Mozdzer, Peter Mueller, Scott C. Neubauer, Genevieve Noyce, Katrina V. R. Schäfer, Rebecca Sanders-DeMott, Charles A. Schutte, Rodrigo Vargas, Nathaniel B. Weston, Benjamin Wilson, J. Patrick Megonigal, and James R. Homquist
Methionyl-tRNA Synthetase Synthetic and Proofreading Activities are Determinants of Antibiotic Persistence, Whitney N. Wood, Miguel Angel Rubio, Lorenzo Eugenio Leiva, Gregory J. Phillips, and Michael Ibba
Mexican Consumers' Attitudes Toward Irradiated and Imported Apples, André D. Murray, Rosa K. Gallardo, and Anuradha Prakash
Mexican, Mexican American, and Chicano: The Integration of Mexican Immigrants During the Chicano Movement, Kaitlyn Pasillas
Microaggressions: Investigating Physical Therapy Student Perspectives During Clinical Experiences, Dakota Studley, Jocelin Friedman, Ashley H. Campbell, Laurie Shimko, and Megan B. Flores
Microaggressions Versus Blatant Discrimination and their Effects on Mental Health, Ian Lock
Middle Eastern Privilege: A New Global Narrative?, Essraa Nawar
Middle School Administrators' Perceptions and Processes in Supporting Their Teachers and Students, Moses K. Ochanji, Roxanne Greitz Miller, Benjamin E. Seipel, Erika Daniels, and Rong-Ji Chen
Midwest Data Librarian Symposium: A Model for Regional Communities, Amy Koshoffer, Kelsey Badger, Kristen Adams, and Ana Munandar
Mirabai Comes to America: The Translation and Transformation of a Saint, Nancy M. Martin
Mirabai in the Academy and the Politics of Identity, Nancy M. Martin
Mirabai: The Making of a Saint, Nancy M. Martin
Mixed Uncertainty Analysis on Pumping by Peristaltic Hearts using Dempster-Shafer Theory, Yanyan He, Nicholas A. Battista, and Lindsay D. Waldrop
Mobilizing Online, Marching Offline: Familias Unidas Por Nuestros Desaparecidos’ Strategic Use of Social Media, Iara Gonzalez Ascencio
Model Minority or Myth? Reexamining the Politics of S.I. Hayakawa, Vivian Yan-Gonzalez
Modifying Peptide/Lipid-Associated Nucleic Acids (PLANAs) for CRISPR/Cas9 Ribonucleoprotein Delivery, Abdulelah Alhazza, Parvin Mahdipoor, Ryley Hall, Arthur Manda, Sandeep Lohan, Keykavous Parang, and Hamidreza Montazeri Aliabadi
Modulation of Hippocampal Protein Expression by a Brain Penetrant Biologic TNF-α Inhibitor in the 3xTg Alzheimer’s Disease Mice, Nataraj Jagadeesan, G. Chuli Roules, Devaraj V. Chandrashekar, Joshua Yang, Sanjana Kolluru, and Rachita K. Sumbria
Molecular Targets for Breast Cancer Therapy, Hamidreza Montazeri Aliabadi
Monitoring Dam Stability Using PSI and SBAS Analysis, Rejoice Thomas, Wenzhao Li, Shahryar Fazli, Nikolay Grisel Todorov, and Hesham el-Askary
Moral Content Diminishes Preference Falsification, Maxine Bonneau, Tanya O'Garra, and Praveen Kujal
More on Locales in Which Every Open Sublocale is z-embedded, Themba Dube and Oghenetega Ighedo
More on the Functor Induced by z-Ideals, Oghenetega Ighedo
More Than Walking Away: Barriers to Disengagement Among Former White Supremacists, Steven Windisch, Pete Simi, Kathleen M. Blee, and Matthew DeMichele
Motherhood to Motherhoods: Ideologies of the “Feminine”, Nam Lee and Jan Osborn
Mothers’ Prenatal Distress Accelerates Adrenal Pubertal Development in Daughters, Molly M. Fox, Jennifer Hahn-Holbrook, Curt A. Sandman, Jessica A. Marino, Laura M. Glynn, and Elysia Poggi Davis
Moving Beyond Transactions: Understanding the Relationships between College Access Professionals and Underrepresented College-Bound Families, Stephany Cuevas
Moving from Traits to the Dynamic Process: The Next Steps in Research on Human Resilience, Yannick Hill, Michael L. Dolezal, Patric C. Nordbeck, Ruud J. R. Den Hartigh, David Pincus, Adam W. Kiefer, and Bernard P. Ricca
Multimodal Mixing Convolutional Neural Network and Transformer for Alzheimer’s Disease Recognition, Junde Chen, Yun Wang, Adnan Zeb, M. D. Suzauddola, and Yuxin Wen
Multi-omics Reveals Largely Distinct Transcript- and Protein-Level Responses to the Environment in an Intertidal Mussel, Lani U. Gleason, Florian J. Fekete, Richelle L. Tanner, and W. Wesley Dowd
Multi-Site Identification and Generalization of Clusters of Walking Behaviors in Individuals With Chronic Stroke and Neurotypical Controls, Natalia Sánchez, Nicolas Schweighofer, Sara J. Mulroy, Ryan T. Roemmich, Trisha M. Keshar, Gelsy Torres-Oviedo, Beth E. Fisher, James M. Finley, and Carolee J. Winstein
Multi-Site Identification and Generalization of Clusters of Walking Behaviors in Individuals With Chronic Stroke and Neurotypical Controls, Natalia Sanchez, Nicolas Schweighofer, Sara J. Mulroy, Ryan T. Roemmich, Tricia M. Kesar, Gelsy Torres-Oviedo, Beth E. Fisher, James M. Finley, and Carolee J. Winstein
Multi-Temporal Analysis of Urbanization-Driven Slope and Ecological Impact Using Machine-Learning and Remote Sensing Techniques, Zhang Hao, Muhammad Haseeb, Zheng Xiangtian, Zainab Tahir, Syed Amer Mahmood, Aqil Tariq, Rana Waqar Aslam, M. Abdullah-Al-Wadud, and Hesham el-Askary
Murine Models of Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD): Focus on Ocular GVHD, Philipp Steven, Victor L. Perez, and Ajay Sharma
Music During Political Unrest: A Look Into Protest Music of Northern Ireland During The Trouble's, Lauren Blue
Muslim Enough? Egyptian Enough? American Enough?, Essraa Nawar
Muslims Love Jesus! Essraa Nawar on Diversity, Interfaith Harmony, and Empowerment, Essraa Nawar and Ella Parlor
Muslims’ Religious Freedom and Religiosity: Measurement and Impact, Hannah M. Ridge
Mutational Analysis of the Nitrogenase Carbon Monoxide Protective Protein CowN Reveals That a Conserved C‑Terminal Glutamic Acid Residue Is Necessary for Its Activity, Dustin L. Willard, Joshuah J. Arellano, Mitch Underdahl, Terrence M. Lee, Avinash S. Ramaswamy, Gabriella Fumes, Agatha Kliman, Emily Y. Wong, and Cedric P. Owens
My Fellow Soldiers: General John Pershing and the Americans Who Helped Win the Great War, Andrew Carroll
National Hispanic Heritage Month, Ivan Portillo and David Carson
National Immunization Awareness Month: A Digital Library Exhibit, David Carson and Ivan Portillo
Navigating Identity Through Education in Literature and in the Classroom, Sofia Sakzlyan
Navigating Islamophobia: Exploring Attitudes Towards Muslim Immigration and Policing, Devansh Mehta
Negative Social Perceptions and their Impacts on the Maya People, Eleina Beltran
Neighborhood Disadvantage and Pediatric Inpatient Opioid Prescription Patterns, Ashley W. Kranjac, Dinko Kranjac, Zeev N. Kain, Louis Ehwerhemuepha, Candice Donaldson, and Brooke N. Jenkins
Neighborhood Socioeconomic Context Predicts Pediatric Asthma Exacerbation, Ashley W. Kranjac, Zeev N. Kain, Louis Ehwerhemuepha, Michael Weiss, and Brooke N. Jenkins
Net Fluxes of Broadband Shortwave and Photosynthetically Active Radiation Complement NDVI and Near Infrared Reflectance of Vegetation to Explain Gross Photosynthesis Variability Across Ecosystems and Climate, Kanishka Mallick, Joseph Verfaillie, Tianxin Wang, Ariane Arias Ortiz, Daphne Szutu, Koong Yi, Yanghui Kang, Robert Shortt, Tian Hu, Mauro Sulis, Zoltan Szantoi, Gilles Boulet, Joshua B. Fisher, and Dennis Baldocchi
Network Mathematics for All, Valeria de Paiva
Neural Correlates of Syntactic Comprehension: A Longitudinal Study, Shannon M. Sheppard, Erin L. Meier, Kevin T. Kim, Bonnie L. Breining, Lynsey M. Keator, Bohao Tang, Brian Caffo, and Argye E. Hillis
New Fueter-Type Variables Associated to the Global Operator in the Quaternionic Case, Daniel Alpay, Kamal Diki, and Mihaela Vajiac
Newton on Indivisibles, Antoni Malet and Marco Panza
New Ways of Being White: White Families Striving to Raise Young Antiracists, Katie Kitchens
Nobody Inside: Toni Morrison's "Recitatif": An Analysis on Whole/Incomplete Bodies, "The Maggie Thing"and Sick and Dancing Mothers, Emily Velasquez
Nombres. Eléments de mathématiques pour philosophes, Marco Panza
Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Genetic Susceptibility, Shakil A. Saghir, Nicole Shams, Lianette Veliz, Saleh Alfuraih, Yadollah Omidi, Jaleh Barar, Ajay Sharma, and Rais Ansari
Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Role of PNPLA3 and Its Association with Environmental Chemicals, Shakil A. Saghir, Ata Abbas, Saleh Alfuraih, Ajay Sharma, Jean Latimer, Yadollah Omidi, and Rais Ansari
Nonlinear Biopsychosocial Resilience: Self-Organization as the Basis for a Common Framework, Adam W. Kiefer and David Pincus
Nonlinear Changes in Facial Affect and Posttraumatic Growth: Assessment of Ecological Momentary Assessment Video Data, Aaron M. Harwell, David Pincus, Bernard P. Ricca, Emmeline Taylor, and Charles C. Benight
"No, Not Even Water": A DEI Approach to Embracing Ramadan's Richness, Essraa Nawar
Nonpathological Inflammation Drives the Development of an Avian Flight Adaptation, Dana J. Rashid, Joseph R. Sheheen, Tori Huey, Kevin Surya, Jackson B. Sanders, John R. Horner, Jovanka Voyich, and Susan C. Chapman
Non-thrust Cervical Manipulations Reduce Short-term Pain and Decrease Systolic Blood Pressure During Intervention in Mechanical Neck Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial, Emmanuel Yung, Cheongeun Oh, Michael Wong, Jason K. Grimes, Erica Mae Barton, Muhammad I. Ali, and Allison Breakey
“No One to Show Us the Way:” Assessing the Contemporary Relevance of the Gay Male Bildungsroman, Matthew Lemas
Note sull’evoluzione delle nozioni di continuità e di continuo in matematica, Marco Panza
Noticing Instructional Challenges in Artifacts of Teaching, Tara Barnhart and Elizabeth A. van Es
Nowcasting Heavy Rainfall With Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Networks: A Pixelwise Modeling Approach, Yi Victor Wang, Seung Hee Kim, Geunsu Lyu, Choeng-Lyong Lee, Soorok Ryu, Gyuwon Lee, Ki-Hong Min, and Menas C. Kafatos
Nuclear Nightmares: The American Fear of Iranian Nuclear Attacks and Foreign Policy, Tyler Coker
"Old Cod": The Power of Storytelling in Conor McPherson's The Weir, Sarah Johnson
On Axially Rational Regular Functions and Schur Analysis in the Clifford-Appell Setting, Daniel Alpay, Fabrizio Colombo, Antonino De Martino, Kamal Diki, and Irene Sabadini
On Benacerraf’s Dilemma, Again, Marco Panza
One-half Heuristic in Overconfidence Research, Vojtěch Zíka
On Explaining Why the (Human) World Is Rich, Bart J. Wilson
On Lattices of z-ideals of Function Rings, Themba Dube and Oghenetega Ighedo
On the Impact of Geospace Weather on the Occurrence of M7.8/M7.5 Earthquakes on 6 February 2023 (Turkey), Possibly Associated with the Geomagnetic Storm of 7 November 2022, Dimitar Ouzounov and Galina Khachikyan
On the Indispensable Premises of the Indispensability Argument, Andrea Sereni and Marco Panza
On the Lattice of Z-ideals of a Commutative Ring, Oghenetega Ighedo and Warren Wm. McGovern
On the Menger and Almost Menger Properties in Locales, Tilahun Bayih, Themba Dube, and Oghenetega Ighedo
On the Stability of Norms and Norm-following Propensity: A Cross-cultural Panel Study with Adolescents, Erik O. Kimbrough, Erin L. Krupka, Rajnish Kumar, Jennifer M. Murray, Abhijit Ramalingam, Sharon Sánchez‑Franco, Olga L. Sarmiento, Frank Kee, and Ruth F. Hunter
On the Structure of Balanced Residuated Partially Ordered Monoids, Stefano Bonzio, José Gil-Férez, Peter Jipsen, Adam Přenosil, and Melissa Sugimoto
Ontogenetic Changes in the Long Bone Microstructure in the Nine-banded Armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus), Christian Thomas Heck, David J. Varricchio, Timothy J. Gaudin, Holly N. Woodward, and John R. Horner
Ontological Complexity of Interpolity Orders: The Encounter Between Chosŏn and Tibet in Qing, Inho Choi and Minju Kwon
Optimal Radar Ranging Pulse to Resolve Two Reflectors, Andrew N. Jordan, John C. Howell, Achim Kempf, Shunxing Zhang, and Derek White
Optimization of Pre-Enrichment and Screening Methods for the Detection of Salmonella enterica in Meat Analog Products, Kylie Sacapano
Ordinaries 14: Biological Economics, Terence C. Burnham and Jay Phelan
Overcoming the Barriers to Teaching Teamwork to Undergraduates in STEM, Gregory R. Goldsmith, Miranda L. Aiken, Hector M. Camarillo-Abad, Kamal Diki, Daniel L. Gardner, Mario Stipčić, and Javier F. Espeleta
Oxidative Stress and Ion Channels in Neurodegenerative Diseases, Razan Orfali, Adnan Z. Alwatban, Rawan S. Orfali, Liz Lau, Noble Chea, Abdullah M. Alotaibi, Young-Woo Nam, and Miao Zhang
Panel 1: Federal Right of Publicity?, Brandon Anand, Kevin J. Greene, John Tehranian, and Nate Camuti
Panel 2: Rap on Trial, Hank Johnson, Charles E. Kubrin, Jack Lerner, and Henry Noyes
Parasocial Relationships in Children and Teens, Bradley J. Bond, Karen E. Dill-Shackleford, Jayson L. Dibble, Tracy R. Gleason, Nancy Jennings, Sara Rosaen, and Rebecca Tukachinsky Forster
Partisan Perspectives on Trust & Corruption in America, Victoria Ascencio
Party System Institutionalization, Partisan Affect, and Satisfaction with Democracy, Hannah M. Ridge
Pathways from Sociocultural and Objectification Constructs to Body Satisfaction Among Men: The US Body Project I, David A. Frederick, Tracy L. Tylka, Rachel F. Rodgers, Lexie Convertino, Jamie-Lee Pennesi, Michael C. Parent, Tiffany A. Brown, Emilio J. Compte, Catherine P. Cook-Cottone, Canice E. Crerand, Vanessa L. Malcarne, Jason M. Nagata, Marisol Perez, Eva Pila, Lauren M. Schaefer, J. Kevin Thompson, and Stuart B. Murray
Pathways from Sociocultural and Objectification Constructs to Body Satisfaction Among Women: The US Body Project I, David A. Frederick, Tracy L. Tylka, Rachel F. Rodgers, Jamie-Lee Pennesi, Lexie Convertino, Michael C. Parent, Tiffany A. Brown, Emilio J. Compte, Catherine P. Cook-Cottone, Canice E. Crerand, Vanessa L. Malcarne, Jason M. Nagata, Marisol Perez, Eva Pila, Lauren M. Schaefer, J. Kevin Thompson, and Stuart B. Murray
Pathway to the Shoah: The Protocols, "Jewish Bolshevism", Rosenberg, Goebbels, Ford, and Hitler, David M. Crowe
“Pay-What-You-Want” Pricing: Creating and Capturing Value Through Social Exchange, David Gaddis Ross and Moonsik Shin
Peacekeeping the Commons: UN Peacekeeping Moderates the Effects of Climate Change on Intercommunal Conflict, Cara Hunter
Peacing it Together: Post 9/11 Enlisted Student Veterans’ Awakening to Peace Leadership, Nicholas J. Irwin
Pediatric Obesity in the United States: Age–Period–Cohort Analysis, Ashley W. Kranjac, Dinko Kranjac, and Roxanne I. Aguilera
Perceived Neighborhood Disorder and Type 2 Diabetes Disparities in Hispanic, Black, and White Americans, Min Ying Yu, Alfredo J. Velasquez, Belinda Campos, and Jennifer W. Robinette
Perceived Party Differences, Election Outcomes, and Satisfaction with Democracy, Hannah M. Ridge
Perceptions of Metabolic Syndrome Management Utilization in Relation to Patient Experience and Health-related Quality of Life, Olajide Adekunle, Jon C. Schommer, Yun Wang, Ismaeel Yunusa, Marc L. Fleming, Enrique Seoane-Vazquez, and Lawrence M. Brown
Perceptions of Metabolic Syndrome Management Utilization in relation with Patient Characteristics and Health-related Quality of Life, Olajide Adekunle
Permafrost Carbon: Progress on Understanding Stocks and Fluxes Across Northern Terrestrial Ecosystems, Claire C. Treat, Anna-Maria Virkkala, Eleanor Burke, Lori Bruhwiler, Abhishek Chatterjee, Joshua B. Fisher, Josh Hashemi, Frans-Jan W. Parmentier, Brendan M. Rogers, Sebastian Westermann, Jennifer D. Watts, Elena Blanc-Betes, Matthias Fuchs, Stefan Kruse, Avni Malhotra, Kimberley Miner, Jens Strauss, Amanda Armstrong, Howard E. Epstein, Bradley Gay, Mathias Goeckede, Aram Kalhori, Dan Kou, Charles E. Miller, Susan M. Natali, Youmi Oh, Sarah Shakil, Oliver Sonnentag, Ruth K. Varner, Scott Zolkos, Edward A.G. Schuur, and Gustaf Hugelius
Personalized Learning for Art Major Students Based on Learner Characteristics, Jiayu Shao
Personal Lies, Gary Charness and Ismael Rodriguez-Lara
Phase-Slip Centers as Cooling Engines, Iris Mowgood, Serafim Teknowijoyo, Sara Chahid, and Armen Gulian
Philosophy in Science: Can Philosophers of Science Permeate through Science and Produce Scientific Knowledge?, Thomas Pradeu, Maël Lemoine, Mahdi Khelfaoui, and Yves Gingras
Physical Properties of Odorants Affect Behavior of Trained Detection Dogs During Close-Quarters Searches, Daniel Mejia, Lydia Burnett, Nicholas Hebdon, Peter Stevens, Alexis Shiber, Clay Cranston, Lauryn DeGreeff, and Lindsay D. Waldrop
Physician False Claims Act Liability—The Circuit “Split” That Illustrates the Need for Health Courts, Nicole Rickerd
Physicochemical and Pasting Properties of Flour and Starch from Two New Cassava Accessions, Raphael Aidoo, Ibok Nsa Oduro, Jacob K. Agbenorhevi, William Otoo Ellis, and Nana Baah Pepra-Ameyaw
Pictorial Bionomics: Santa Ana River Record and Survey, Caleb Lachelt
Piecing Together Performance: Collaborative, Participatory Research-Through-Design for Better Diversity in Games, Daniel L. Gardner, LouAnne Boyd, and Reginald T. Gardner
Plagiarism or Transformation? Rethinking Originality in Modern Films, Kevin Le
Platonism, De Re, and (Philosophy of) Mathematical Practice, Marco Panza
Platonismes, Marco Panza
Polarization in Multidisciplinary Perspective, Eugen Dimant and Erik O. Kimbrough
Political Ideology, Emotion Response, and Confirmation Bias, David L. Dickinson
Political Reality and Crypto Regulation, Carol R. Goforth
Poor Oral Health is Associated with Inflammation, Aortic Valve Calcification, and Brain Volume Among Forager-Farmers, Benjamin C. Trumble, Matthew Schwartz, Andrew T. Ozga, Gary T. Schwartz, Christopher M. Stojanowski, Carrie L. Jenkins, Thomas Kraft, Angela R. Garcia, Daniel K. Cummings, Paul L. Hooper, Daniel Eid Rodriguez, Kenneth Buetow, Bret Beheim, Andrei Irimia, Gregory S. Thomas, Randall C. Thompson, HORUS Team, Margaret Gatz, Jonathan Stieglitz, Caleb E. Finch, Michael Gurven, and Hillard Kaplan
Positive Epidemiology, Revisited: The Case for Centering Human Rights and Economic Justice, Farah Qureshi, Christy Denckla, and Julia K. Boehm
Posthumanism in Literature: Redefining Selfhood, Temporality, and Reality/ies through Fiction, Eileen Kelley Pierce
Post Mendez v. Westminister: Public Education for Mexican Americans 1965-1975, Alejandra Lemus
Postural Control in Young Adults with and without Recurrent Back Pain: Influence of Symptom Characteristics, Rachel Berns
Predicting 30-Day Unplanned ICU Readmissions Using Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing Techniques: A MIMIC IV Data Analysis, David Licerio
Predicting and Monitoring Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy Using Artificial Intelligence in Pancreatic Cancer, Guangbo Yu, Zigeng Zhang, Aydin Eresen, Qiaoming Hou, Farideh Amirrad, Sha Webster, Surya M. Nauli, Vahid Yaghmai, and Zhuoli Zhang
Predicting FFAR4 Agonists Using Structure-Based Machine Learning Approach Based on Molecular Fingerprints, Zaid Anis Sherwani, Syeda Sumayya Tariq, Mamona Mushtaq, Ali Raza Siddiqui, Mohammad Nur-e-Alam, Aftab Ahmed, and Zaheer Ul-Haq
Predicting Mutation-Induced Allosteric Changes in Structures and Conformational Ensembles of the ABL Kinase Using AlphaFold2 Adaptations with Alanine Sequence Scanning, Nishank Raisinghani, Mohammed Alshahrani, Grace Gupta, and Gennady M. Verkhivker
Predictive Residual Neural Networks for Optical Trapping of Small Particles, Nasim Mohammadi Estrakhri, Ponthea Zahraii, Saman Kashanchi, and Nooshin M. Estakhri
Predictors of longitudinal symptom trajectory in young adults with low back pain, Abby Borlovan, Julia Leigh, and Jo Armour Smith
Predisposing Deleterious Variants in the Cancer-Associated Human Kinases in the Global Populations, Salman Ahmed Khan, Misbah Anwar, Atia Gohar, Moom R. Roosan, Daniel C. Hoessli, Ambrina Khatoon, and Muhammad Shakeel
Predisposing, Enabling, and Need Factors Influencing Health-related Quality of Life Among People with Metabolic Syndrome, Olajide Adekunle, Yun Wang, Ismaeel Yunusa, Marc L. Fleming, Enrique Seoane-Vazquez, and Lawrence M. Brown
Pre-Service Teachers Notice Student Thinking: Then What?, Tara Barnhart, Heather J. Johnson, and Miray Tekkumru-Kisa
Prevention of School Shootings: Understanding Generational Perceptions of School Shooters, Hannah Ravitch
Private Management of African Protected Areas Improves Wildlife and Tourism Outcomes but with Security Concerns in Conflict Regions, Sean Denny, Gabriel Englander, and Patrick Hunnicutt
Programmable Heisenberg Interactions Between Floquet Qubits, Long B. Nguyen, Yosep Kim, Akel Hashim, Noah Goss, Brian Marinelli, Bibek Bhandari, Debmalya Das, Ravi K. Naik, John Mark Kreikebaum, Andrew N. Jordan, David I. Santiago, and Irfan Siddiqi
Promoting Body Positivity Through Stories: How Protagonist Body Size And Esteem Influence Readers’ Self-Concepts, Megan A. Vendemia and Melissa J. Robinson
Promoting Cultural Understanding and Inclusion with Essraa Nawar, Library Leadership Podcast and Essraa Nawar
Propagating a Library: Two Librarians' Experiences Setting Up a Library While Providing Services During Institutional Transformation, Margaret Puentes and David Carson
Proteomic Characterization and Cytotoxic Potential of Proteins from Cuscuta (Cuscuta epithymum (L.) Crude Herbal Product Against MCF-7 Human Breast Cancer Cell Line, Umaima Akhtar, Yamna Khurshid, Bishoy El-Aarag, Basir Syed, Ishtiaq A. Khan, Keykavous Parang, and Aftab Ahmed
Proteomic Identification of Hemp (Cannabis sativa) Seeds by Tandem Mass Spectrometry and Evaluation of Cytotoxic Activity, Taran Harris
“Pro-Woman, Pro-Life”: Framing of the Anti-Abortion Movement, Olivia Rivet
Pruebas entimemáticas y pruebas canónicas en la geometría plana de Euclides, Marco Panza and Abel Lassalle Casanave
Pseudo-differential Operators on the Circle, Bernoulli Polynomials, Roger Gay and Ahmed Sebbar
Psychology in Vietnam, Michael Hass and Hoang-Minh Dang
q-rational Functions and Interpolation with Complete Nevanlinna–Pick Kernels, Daniel Alpay, Paula Cerejeiras, Uwe Kaehler, and Baruch Schneider
Quantum Field Theory and the Limits of Reductionism, Emily Adlam
Quantum Stirling Heat Engine Operating in Finite Time, Debmalya Das, George Thomas, and Andrew N. Jordan
Quasi-Menger and Weakly Menger Frames, Tilahun Bayih, Themba Dube, and Oghenetega Ighedo
Quaternionic Hilbert Spaces and Slice Hyperholomorphic Functions, Daniel Alpay, Fabrizio Colombo, and Irene Sabadini
Queering Consequence: A Framework for Liberatory Logics, Roy T. Cook
Qué podría haber sido la universalidad para Euclides, Marco Panza
Racial Identity Differences in Pathways from Sociocultural and Objectification Constructs to Body Satisfaction: The U.S. Body Project I, David A. Frederick, Lauren M. Schaefer, Vivienne M. Hazzard, Rachel F. Rodgers, Tracy L. Tylka, Lydia Q. Ong, Jamie-Lee Pennesi, Lexie Convertino, Michael C. Parent, Tiffany A. Brown, Emilio J. Compte, Catherine P. Cook-Cottone, Canice E. Crerand, Vanessa L. Malcarne, Jason M. Nagata, Marisol Perez, Eva Pila, J. Kevin Thompson, and Stuart B. Murray
Rajasthan: Mirabai and her Poetry, Nancy M. Martin
Real-Time cAMP Dynamics in Live Cells Using the Fluorescent cAMP Difference Detector In Situ, Isabella Cattani-Cavalieri, Jordyn Margolis, Camelia Anicolaesei, Francisco J. Nuñez, and Rennolds S. Ostrom
Real to Reel: The "Third Gender" Narratives and Queer Identity in Rituparno Ghosh's Bengali Films, Manjima Tarafdar
Real-World Dispensing of Buprenorphine in California During Prepandemic and Pandemic Periods, Yun Wang, Alexandre Chan, Richard Beuttler, Marc L. Fleming, Todd Schneberk, Michael Nichol, and Haibing Lu
Real-world Impact of Acupuncture on Analgesics and Healthcare Resource Utilization in Breast Cancer Survivors with Pain, Dina Quan Ng, Sanghoon Lee, Richard T. Lee, Yun Wang, and Alexandre Chan
“Reciprocal Illumination” of Hinduism, Human Rights, and the Comparative Study of Religion: Arvind Sharma’s Contributions, Nancy M. Martin
Regular Functions on the Scaled Hypercomplex Numbers, Daniel Alpay and Ilwoo Cho
Relations for Order Regular Categories, M. Andrew Moshier
Remarks about Cantor's Theorem, Giuseppe Rosolini
Representation and Bracketing in Repeated Games, Mouli Modak
Repurposing of US-FDA-approved Drugs as Negative Modulators of Ubiquitin Specific Protease-7 (USP7), Seema Zadi, Sumaira Javaid, Atia-tul-Wahab, Humaira Zafar, Muhammad Awais, Innokentiy Maslennikov, and M. Iqbal Choudhary
Resistencia artística bajo dictaduras en Argentina y España a través de la lente de las teorías de comunicación, Adrian Self and Adrian Self
Resisting Globalization: Notes on the Seattle Uprising, Steven Pfaff
Rethinking Geometrical Exactness, Marco Panza
Review of Data Bias in Healthcare Applications, Atharva Prakash Parate, Aditya Ajay Iyer, Kanav Gupta, Harsh Porwal, P. C. Kishoreraja, R. Sivakumar, and Rahul Soangra
Review of CREEGAN MILLER, Tiffany D. 2022. The Maya Art of Speaking Writing: Remediating Indigenous Orality in the Digital Age, Nora K. Rivera
Review of The Road to Freedom: Economics and the Good Society, Vernon L. Smith
Review of G. Israel, Meccanicismo. Trionfi e miserie della visione meccanica del mondo, Marco Panza
Review: Unwell Writing Centers: Searching for Wellness in Neoliberal Educational Institutions and Beyond, Aurora Matzke
Revised GCH or Would Cantor Have Understood, Mirna Džamonja
Rising Threats to Public Officials: A Review of 10 Years of Federal Data, Pete Simi, Gina Ligon, Seamus Hughes, and Natalie Standridge
Romantic Resilience: Fractal Conflict Dynamics and Network Flexibility Predict Dating Satisfaction and Commitment, David Pincus
Running Biomechanics Differ During and After Pregnancy Compared to Females Who Have Never Been Pregnant, Jennifer J. Bagwell, Elizabeth Avila, Nicholas Reynolds, Jo Armour Smith, Kevin Valenzuela, and Dimitrios Katsavelis
Satanic Ritual Abuse Hysteria; A Discourse Analysis, Sloan Watson
Satellite Observations Indicate that Chia Uses Less Water than Other Crops in Warm Climates, Brian Kirsch, Joshua B. Fisher, Thomas Piechota, Mohammad Hassani, Diego C. Suardiaz, Radhika Puri, Joseph Cahill, and Hagop S. Atamian
Scaled Global Operators and Fueter Variables on Non-zero Scaled Hypercomplex Numbers, Daniel Alpay, Ilwoo Choo, and Mihaela Vajiac
Scaling Individual Tree Transpiration With Thermal Cameras Reveals Interspecies Differences to Drought Vulnerability, Mostafa Javadian, Donald M. Aubrecht, Joshua B. Fisher, Russell L. Scott, Sean P. Burns, Jen L. Diehl, J. William Munger, and Andrew D. Richardson
Schur Analysis Over the Unit Spectral Ball, Daniel Alpay and Ilwoo Choo
Seasonal Dynamics in Land Surface Temperature in Response to Land Use Land Cover Changes Using Google Earth Engine, Lei Feng, Sajjad Hussain, Narcisa G. Pricope, Sana Arshad, Aqil Tariq, Li Feng, Muhammad Mubeen, Rana Waqar Aslam, Mohammed S. Fnais, Wenzhao Li, and Hesham el-Askary
Selected Chinese and Japanese American Voter Registrations, 1920 & 1940, Vivian Yan-Gonzalez
Selfies as Cultural Objects, Sophia Mall
Self Immolation of the Gifted Child, Ami Carrera
Sensing Behavior of Pristine and TM-decorated Zn12O12 Nanocage Towards Toxic Formaldehyde, Phosgene and Thiophosgene Gases, Sajida Munsif, Khurshid Ayub, Mohammad Nur-e-Alam, Sarfaraz Ahmed, Aftab Ahmed, and Zaheer Ul-Haq
Sensorial Memories: A Cinema Speculum in Aftersun(2022) and Petite Maman(2021), Tingyi Zhu
Serials Spoken Here (The Acquisitions Institute at Timberline Lodge, 2024), Margaret Puentes
Sexual Orientation Differences in Pathways from Sociocultural and Objectification Constructs to Body Satisfaction: The US Body Project I, David A. Frederick, Vivienne M. Hazzard, Lauren M. Schaefer, Rachel F. Rodgers, Allegra R. Gordon, Tracy L. Tylka, Jamie-Lee Pennesi, Lexie Convertino, Michael C. Parent, Tiffany A. Brown, Emilio J. Compte, Catherine P. Cook-Cottone, Canice E. Crerand, Vanessa L. Malcarne, Jason M. Nagata, Marisol Perez, Eva Pila, J. Kevin Thompson, and Stuart B. Murray
Shanghai AroMap, Fiona Shen
Shivers, Casie Gambrel
Short-Term Benefits from Manual Therapy as an Adjunct Treatment for Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness Symptoms: A Preliminary Prospective Case Series, Brent A. Harper and Larry Steinbeck
Short-time Fourier Transform and Superoscillations, Daniel Alpay, Antonino De Martino, Kamal Diki, and Daniele C. Struppa
Silencing Dissent Does Not Make Jews Safe, Shira Klein and Julia Shatz
Simulating the Global Effect of Transformative AI: Growth, Welfare, Economic Power, and Policy Responses, Seth Gordon Benzell and Victor Yifan Ye
Sleep Restriction Alters the Integration of Multiple Information Sources in Probabilistic Decision-making, Jeryl Y. L. Lim, Johanna M. Boardman, Clare Anderson, David L. Dickinson, Daniel Bennett, and Sean P. A. Drummond
Slow Ramping Emerges from Spontaneous Fluctuations in Spiking Neural Networks, Jake Gavenas, Ueli Rutishauer, Aaron Schurger, and Uri Maoz
Smooth and Proper Maps with Respect to a Fibration, Mathieu Anel and Jonathan Weinberger
Sobre el Significado del Postulado 2 de los Elementos, Abel Lassalle-Casanave and Marco Panza
Social Justice Competency Areas and the NASP Practice Model, David Shriberg, Celeste M. Malone, Lisa Kelly-Vance, Annmary S. Abdou, Kane Carlock, Breanna Nwancha, Malena A. Nygaard, Jazlyn N. Rowan, and Avy Zheng
Social Media vs. Our Brains, Angela Liu
Social Structural Differences in Qualitative Perspectives on Well-Being, Jennifer Morozink Boylan, Monica Adams, and Julia K. Boehm
Socioeconomic Constraints on Low-income Individuals' Perceptions Toward Food Safety, Uyen Thuy Xuan Phan, Cuc Thuy Thi Tran, and Nguyet Minh Thi Nguyen
Soil Moisture-Derived SWDI at 30 m Based on Multiple Satellite Datasets for Agricultural Drought Monitoring, Jing Ning, Yunjun Yao, Joshua B. Fisher, Yufu Li, Xiaotong Zhang, Bo Jiang, Jia Xu, Ruiyang Yu, Lu Liu, Xueyi Zhang, Zijing Xie, Jiahui Fan, and Luna Zhang
Some Properties of Conjunctivity (Subfitness) in Generalized Settings, M. Andrew Moshier, Jorge Picado, and Aleš Pultr
Some Remarks on Possible Superconductivity of Composition Pb9CuP6O25, Pablo Abramian-Barco, A. Kuzanyan, Vahan Nikoghosyan, Serafim Teknowijoyo, and Armen Gulian
Some Sober Conceptions of Mathematical Truth, Marco Panza
Sources of Students’ Difficulties in Learning Chemistry, David F. Treagust, Reinders Duit, and Martina Nieswandt
So What is ‘Bidenomics’ Anyway? Certainly Not the Key to President Biden’s Reelection, Lori Cox Han
Spacetime Geometry of Acoustics and Electromagnetism, Lucas Burns, Tatsuya Daniel, Stephon Alexander, and Justin Dressel
Spatial Analyses on Pre-earthquake Ionospheric Anomalies and Magnetic Storms Observed by China Seismo-electromagnetic Satellite in August 2018, Jann-Yeng Tiger Liu, Xuhui Shen, Fu-Yuan Chang, Yuh-Ing Chen, Yang-Yi Sun, Chieh‑Hung Chen, Sergey Pulinets, Katsumi Hattori, Dimitar Ouzounov, Valerio Tramutoli, Michel Parrot, Wei-Sheng Chen, Cheng-Yan Liu, Fei Zhang, Dapeng Liu, Xue-Min Zhang, Rui Yan, and Qiao Wang
Spatial Optimism and Cross-Over Effects in the Perceptions of Interconnected Wildfire, Flood, and Mudslide Hazards, Douglas Houston, Omar Pérez Figueroa, Ariane Jong-Levinger, and Brett F. Sanders
Spatiotemporal Gait Parameter Consistency Across Two Days of Treadmill Walking in Stroke Survivors, Alejandro Aguirre Ramirez, Samantha N. Jeffcoat, Natalia Sanchez, and Andrian Kuch
S-preclones and the Galois connection SPol–SInv, Part I, Peter Jipsen, Erkko Lehtonen, and Reinhard Pöschel
Spring 2024 Student Scholar Symposium Abstract Volume, Chapman University Center for Undergraduate Excellence
Spring Dance Concert: "282" by Coco Backshall
Spring Dance Concert: "Amara Terra Mia" by Lyssy Salvador in collaboration with the dancers
Spring Dance Concert: "Beyond the Pane" by Macy Deppe in collaboration with the dancers
Spring Dance Concert: "Covenant" by Ashton Titus in collaboration with the dancers
Spring Dance Concert: "Gaia: Seasons of the Soul" by Emerson Donohoe
Spring Dance Concert: "Number 3" by Elle Holland
Spring Dance Concert: "Shāh Māt (the king is helpless)" by Lindsey Salkeld
Spring Dance Concert: "The Art of Reality" by Skylar Draper
Spring Dance Concert: "Vedette" by Maya Palmer
Spring Dance Concert: "Within Without" by Remington Christensen
Stability of Learning Disabilities, Cognitive Growth, and L1 in English Learners: A Latent Class and Transition Analysis, H. Lee Swanson, Jennifer E. Kong, and Stefania D. Petcu
Stabilizing Two-Qubit Entanglement with Dynamically Decoupled Active Feedback, Sacha Greenfield, Leigh Martin, Felix Motzoi, K. Birgitta Whaley, Justin Dressel, and Eli M. Levenson-Falk
Stars on the Field, Benchwarmers on the Tax Return: Student-Athletes and the Tax Ramifications of Name, Image, and Likeness Deals, Haley A. Ritter
State Capacity and COVID-19 Responses: Comparing the US States, Kiran Auerbach, Joshua Y. Lerner, and Hannah M. Ridge
State Regulation of Religion: The Effect of Religious Freedom on Muslims' Religiosity, Hannah M. Ridge
Staying Cool: The Contemporary Religious Studies Librarian and the Power of Storytelling, Essraa Nawar
Strategic Justice, Conventions, and Game Theory: Introduction to a Synthese Topical Collection, Michael Moehler and John Thrasher
Strategies for Optimizing Plasmonic Grating Couplers with a Topology-based Inverse Design, Michael Efseaff and Mark C. Harrison
Stress Granule Formation Helps to Mitigate Neurodegeneration, M. Rebecca Glineburg, Evrim Yildirim, Nicolas Gomez, Genesis Rodriguez, Jaclyn Pak, Xingli Li, Christopher Altheim, Jacob Waksmacki, Gerald M. McInerney, Sami J. Barmada, and Peter K. Todd
Structural Analysis and Activity Correlation of Amphiphilic Cyclic Antimicrobial Peptides Derived from the [W4R4] Scaffold, Shaima Ahmed El-Mowafi, Anastasia G. Konshina, Eman H. M. Mohammed, Nikolay A. Krylov, Roman G. Efremov, and Keykavous Parang
Structural Integrity, Flexibility, and Timing: Introduction to a Special Issue on Resilience, David Pincus, Adam W. Kiefer, and Stephen J. Guastello
Structural Sensorimotor Adaptations in Young Adults with Low Back Pain, Isaac Chrisman, Jo Armour Smith, Rongwen Tain, Kelli G. Sharp, Laura M. Glynn, Linda R. Van Dillen, Jesse V. Jacobs, and Steven C. Cramer
Students Bypass the Syllabus to Utilize Alternate LMS Locations for Assignment Deadlines, Savannah Lopez, Allison Pham, Jeremy L. Hsu, and Patricia A. Halpin
Students’ Performance and Perceptions of Mock Trials as a Teaching and Assessment Activity Over Three Years at Two Institutions, Ettie Rosenberg, Shih-Ying H. Hsu, Hoai-An Truong, and Reza Taheri
Studying the Impact of the Geospace Environment on Solar Lithosphere Coupling and Earthquake Activity, Dimitar Ouzounov and Galina Khachikyan
Study the Global Earthquake Patterns That Follow the St. Patrick’s Day Geomagnetic Storms of 2013 and 2015, Dimitar Ouzounov and Galina Khachikyan
Subject Instructions Video A for ESI Working Paper 21-15, "Uncertainty and Reputation Effects in Credence Goods Markets", Eric Schniter, J. Dustin Tracy, and Vojtěch Zika
Subject Instructions Video B for ESI Working Paper 21-15, "Uncertainty and Reputation Effects in Credence Goods Markets", Eric Schniter, J. Dustin Tracy, and Vojtěch Zika
Subject Instructions Video C for ESI Working Paper 21-15, "Uncertainty and Reputation Effects in Credence Goods Markets", Eric Schniter, J. Dustin Tracy, and Vojtěch Zika
Subject Instructions Video D for ESI Working Paper 21-15, "Uncertainty and Reputation Effects in Credence Goods Markets", Eric Schniter, J. Dustin Tracy, and Vojtěch Zika
Subject Instructions Video E for ESI Working Paper 21-15, "Uncertainty and Reputation Effects in Credence Goods Markets", Eric Schniter, J. Dustin Tracy, and Vojtěch Zika
Subject Instructions Video F for ESI Working Paper 21-15, "Uncertainty and Reputation Effects in Credence Goods Markets", Eric Schniter, J. Dustin Tracy, and Vojtěch Zika
Subjective Well-being Across the Life Course Among Non-industrialized Populations, Michael Gurven, Yoann Buoro, Daniel Eid Rodriguez, Katherine Sayre, Benjamin Trumble, Aili Pyhälä, Hillard Kaplan, Arild Angelsen, Jonathan Stieglitz, and Victoria Reyes-Garcia
Sufferance for Snuff Puffs: The Acceptability and Behavior of Smoking Marijuana and Tobacco Inside the House, Eusabeia Silfanus, Oliver Lopez, and Vincent Berardi
Sulfate Enhances the Adsorption and Retention of Cu(II) and Zn(II) to Dispersed and Aggregated Iron Oxyhydroxide Nanoparticles, Emma M. Kocik, Abigail Kim, Miranda L. Aiken, Lauren Smith, and Christopher S. Kim
Superconducting Polycrystalline Rhenium Films Deposited at Room Temperature, Serafim Teknowijoyo and Armen Gulian
Superconductivity of Amorphous and Crystalline Re–Lu Films, Serafim Teknowijoyo and Armen Gulian
Superoscillations and Fock spaces, Daniel Alpay, Fabrizio Colombo, Kamal Diki, Irene Sabadini, and Daniele C. Struppa
Superphenomena for Arbitrary Quantum Observables, Andrew N. Jordan, Yakir Aharonov, Daniele C. Struppa, Fabrizio Colombo, Irene Sabadini, Tomer Shushi, Jeff Tollaksen, John C. Howell, and A. Nick Vamivakas
Sustainability in a Theatre Career: The Power of Passion and Partnership, Jane Broderson
Sustainable Development of Private Art Museums in China: A Narrative Inquiry Study, Chaoran Li
Sympathy for the Devil: Belief in Satan and Moral Beliefs, Scott A. Desmond, Tom Clark, and Christoper D. Bader
Synthesis and Evaluation of Cyclic Peptide-dasatinib Conjugates as Anti-melanoma Agents, Shaban Darwish, Dorna Davani-Davari, Shirley Tong, Rakesh Kumar Tiwari, Sun Yang, and Keykavous Parang
Synthesis of Thermoresponsive Poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide) Based Core-Shell and Hollow Shell Nanogel with Tunable Core and Shell Thickness, Mohamad Hijazi and Molla R. Islam
Talking DEI, Outreach and Bibliotheque d’Alexandrie!!, The Library Pros and Essraa Nawar
Taming the Cytokine Storm: Small Molecule Inhibitors Targeting IL-6/IL-6α Receptor, Komal Zia, Mohammad Nur-e-Alam, Aftab Ahmed, and Zaheer Ul-Haq
Teaching to the Heart: A Grounded Theory Exploration of Elementary Educators’ Journey Toward Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice, Breána Victoria-Delgado
Temporal Relation Between Pubertal Development and Peer Victimization in a Prospective Sample of US Adolescents, Jessica A. Marino, Elysia Poggi Davis, Laura M. Glynn, Curt A. Sandman, and Jennifer Hahn-Holbrook
Testing the Reliability of Optical Coherence Tomography to Measure Epidermal Thickness and Distinguish Volar and Nonvolar Skin, Molly E. Baumann, Nina Rossa Haddad, Alyssa Salazar, W. Lee Childers, Shawn Farrokhi, Neil B. Goldstein, Brad D. Henderson, Lisa Reider, Richard E. Thompson, Michael S. Valerio, Christopher L. Dearth, Luis A. Garza, and Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium (METRC)
Testosterone is Positively Associated with Coronary Artery Calcium in a Low Cardiovascular Disease Risk Population, Benjamin Trumble, Jacob Negrey, Stephanie V. Koebele, Randall C. Thompson, L. Samuel Wann, Adel H. Allam, Bret Beheim, M. Linda Sutherland, James D. Sutherland, Daniel Eid Rodriguez, David E. Michalik, Chris J. Rowan, Guido P. Lombardi, Angela R. Garcia, Daniel K. Cummings, Edmond Seabright, Sarah Alami, Thomas S. Kraft, Paul L. Hooper, Kenneth Buetow, Andrei Irimia, Margaret Gatz, Jonathan Stieglitz, Michael D. Gurven, Hillard Kaplan, Gregory S. Thomas, and Tsimane Health and Life History Project Teams
Text and Data Mining for Pianists? Bringing Digital Humanities to a Graduate Music Research Methods Course Through Topic Modeling, Taylor J. Greene
The Agnostic Structure of Data Science Methods, Domenico Napoletani, Marco Panza, and Daniele Struppa
The Anything Asset: The Tax Classification of Cryptocurrency, NFTs, DAOs and Other Digital Assets, Billy Abbott
The Asian American Presidential Nominee Who Blazed a Path for Nikki Haley, Vivian Yan-Gonzalez
The Beginning of the End: The Cultivation of Transchronological Perceptuality in Arcadia and “Story of Your Life”, Sawyer Kelly
The Bicomplex Tensor Product and a Bicomplex Choi Theorem, Daniel Alpay, Antonino De Martino, Kamal Diki, and Mihaela Vajiac
The Chapman Orchestra, Chapman Orchestra
The Citation of Unpublished Cases in the Wake of COVID-19, Michael L. Smith
The Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY 2023/24: Enzymes, Stephen P. H. Alexander, Doriano Fabbro, Eamonn Kelly, Alistair Mathie, John A. Peters, Emma L. Veale, Jane F. Armstrong, Elena Faccenda, Simon D. Harding, James A. Davies, Stephanie Annett, Detlan Boison, Kathryn Elisa Burns, Carmen Dessauer, Jürg Gertsch, Nuala Ann Helsby, Angela A. Izzo, Rennolds Ostrom, Andreas Papapetropoulos, Nigel J. Pyne, Susan Pyne, Tracy Robson, Roland Seifert, Johannes-Peter Stasch, Csaba Szabo, Mario van der Stelt, Albert van der Vliet, Val Watts, and Szu Shen Wong
The Contemporary Causes of Americans' Fear of Illegal Immigration, Amilie Cai
The Detectives Club, Yuya Hattori
The Detrimental Impact of Alcohol Intoxication on Facets of Miranda Comprehension, Amelia Mindthoff, Jacqueline R. Evans, Andrea C. F. Wolfs, Karina Polanco, Naomi E. S. Goldstein, and Nadja Schreiber Compo
The Doldrums, Bailey Powell
The Dynamics of Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Reyhaneh Zamani
The Ecosystem as Super-organ/Ism, Revisited: Scaling Hydraulics to Forests under Climate Change, Jeffrey D. Wood, Matteo Detto, Marvin Browne, Nathan J.B. Kraft, Alexandra G. Konings, Joshua B. Fisher, Gregory R. Quetin, Anna T. Trugman, Troy S. Magney, Camila D. Medeiros, Nidhi Vinod, Thomas N. Buckley, and Lawren Sack
The Effect of Acute Social Isolation on Neural Molecular Responses in Components of the Social Decision-making Network, Patricia C. Lopes, Madeleine Chang, Faith Holloway, Biola Fatusin, Sachin Patel, Chandler Siemonsma, and Morgan Kindel
The Effect of Wage Proposals on Efficiency and Income Distribution☆, Lara Ezquerra, Joaquín Gómez-Miñambres, Natalia Jiminez, and Praveen Kujal
The Effects of Sex Hormones on the Size of Intestinal Lipoproteins, Andromeda M. Nauli, Ann Phan, Patrick Tso, and Surya M. Nauli
The Fair Housing Problem with Accessory Dwelling Units in California, Kylene B. Hernandez
The Feigned Annoyance and Frustration Test to Activate the Sympathoadrenal Medullary System, Ted W. Gehrig III, Lee S. Berk, Robert I. Dudley, Jo A. Smith, Lida Gharibvand, and Everett B. Lohman III
The Foreign Tax Credit Redux, Bret Wells
The Future of Intergenerational Transmission Research: A Prospective, Three-Generation Approach, Mariann A. Howland and Laura M. Glynn
The General Theory of Superoscillations and Supershifts in Several Variables, Fabrizio Colombo, Stefano Pinton, Irene Sabadini, and Daniele C. Struppa
The German Plunder and Theft of Jewish Property in the General Government, David M. Crowe
The Glycemic, Cholesterol, and Weight Effects of L-carnitine in Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials, Jennifer Ko, Eva Y. Wong, Huyentran N. Tran, Rebecca J.C. Tran, and Diana X. Cao
The Historical Context of Stock Settlement and Blockchain, George S. Geis
The House of Half-Light, Diego Garcia
The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adult Attachment Style, Luella Rubin-Wylie and Desiree Crevecoeur-MacPhail
The Impact of Climate Change on Sea Hare Respiration, Desiree Forsythe and Richelle Tanner
The Impact of Monetary Incentives on Delay Discounting Within a Year-Long Physical Activity Intervention, Vincent Berardi, Christine B. Phillips, Mindy L. McEntee, Chad Stecher, Michael Todd, and Marc A. Adams
The Impact of Refugee Resettlement Programs on Local Communities in America: A Case Study of New York City, Ojeikere Akhadelor
The Influence of Active, Passive, and Manual Therapy Interventions on Escalation of Health Care Events After Physical Therapist Care in Veterans With Low Back Pain, John M. Mayer, M. Jason Highsmith, Jason Maikos, Charity G. Patterson, Joseph Kakyomya, Bridget Smith, Nigel Shenoy, Christopher L. Dearth, and Shawn Farrokhi
The Internet Changes Everything, and Nothing, Mark S. Kende
The Intersection of Law and Culture: Native Hawaiian Rights and the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, Kiana Cablayan-Kennedy and Leia Hernandez
“The Kindness of Color: Researching Mendez v. Westminster” event
The Last Girl: My Story of Captivity, and My Fight Against the Islamic State, Nadia Murad
The Lives of Others: East Germany Revisited?, Steven Pfaff
The Logical System of Frege’s Grundgesetze : A Rational Reconstruction, Méven Cadet and Marco Panza
The Long-term Effects of Family Instability During Childhood, Emily Guillen
The Loretta Sanchez Papers: What I Learned Processing Congressional Archives, Victoria Perez
The Lottery Colonel Blotto Game with Draws, Jingzhi Liu
The Missing Link: Informal Political Elites and Protest in Areas of Limited Statehood, Patrick Hunnicutt and Kou Gbaintor-Johnson
The Moderating Effect of Socioeconomic Status and Walkability on the Efficacy of Physical Activity Interventions, Analisa Vavoso, Vincent Berardi, and Marc A. Adams
The New Westward Expansion: Settler Colonialism and Gentrification in Paula Fox’s Desperate Characters and Kali Fajardo-Anstine’s Sabrina and Corina, Miranda Roberts
The Origins of Algebra : From al-Khwarizmi to Descartes. International Workshop held at Bercelona, 27-29 March 2003, Antoni Malet and Marco Panza
The Origins of Analytical Mechanics in 18th Century, Marco Panza
The Peace Project: Creating Elementary School Peace Spaces and Places, Whitney McIntyre Miller, Annmary S. Abdou, Cristie Suzukawa Clancy, and Kelly Stephens
The Perception of Children as Reliable Eyewitnesses, Shelby McDonald
The Perception of Children as Reliable Eyewitnesses, Shelby McDonald
The Perceptron as a Roadmap (Graduate Colloquium in Math, Philosophy and Physics), Daniel Alpay
The Power of Unlearning with Essraa Nawar, Finding Your Soul in Success and Essraa Nawar
The Price of Mathematical Scepticism, Paul Levy
The Psychology of the Stage: Intersections of Cognitive Science and Theatre, Ariya Selvakumar
The Religious Divide: Why Religion Seems to Be Thriving in the United States and Waning in Europe, Steven Pfaff
There's Much Ruin in a Nation: An Analysis of Modern Monetary Theory, Mark Skousen
The Rhetorical Mediator: Understanding Agency in Indigenous Translation and Interpretation through Indigenous Approaches to UX, Nora K. Rivera
The Role of Algebraic Inferences in Naîm ibn Mûsa’s Collection of Geometrical Propositions, Marco Panza
The Role of Peptides in Combatting HIV Infection: Applications and Insights, Naiera M. Helmy and Keykavous Parang
The Role of Pharmacy in Supporting Safe and Effective Transitions of Care, Laressa Bethishou
The Role of Positive Affect in Asthma Control and Symptom Severity in Adolescents, Brooke N. Jenkins, Logan T. Martin, Jill S. Halterman, Judith T. Moskowitz, Laura M. Glynn, Pornchai Tirakitsoontorn, Sunil Kamath, and Zeev N. Kain
The Role of Science Education in Fostering Democracy: Perspectives of Future Teachers, Sarah Elizabeth Barrett and Martina Nieswandt
The Roots We Eat: The Bite that Changed the World, Viridiana Valadez
The Santa Ana Youth Media Project: YPAR and Media Advocacy, Jorge F. Rodriguez
The Seasonal Origins and Ages of Water Provisioning Streams and Trees in a Tropical Montane Cloud Forest, Emily Burt, Gregory R. Goldsmith, Roxanne M. Cruz-de Hoyos, Adan Julian Ccahuana Quispe, and A. Joshua West
The Sensory Accommodation Framework for Technology: Bridging Sensory Processing to Social Cognition, LouAnne Boyd
The Social Determinants of Ideal Cardiovascular Health: A Global Systematic Review, Farah Qureshi, Kelb Bousquet-Santos, Sakurako S. Okuzono, Elaine Tsao, Scott Delaney, Anne-Josie Guimond, Julia K. Boehm, and Laura D. Kubzansky
The Spiritual Prodigy, the Reluctant Guru, and the Saint: Mirabai and Collaborative Leadership at Hari Krishna Mandir, Nancy M. Martin
The Sw-5b NLR Immune Receptor Induces Early Transcriptional Changes in Response to Thrips and Mechanical Modes of Inoculation of Tomato Spotted Wilt Orthotospovirus, Norma A. Ordaz, Ugrappa Nagalakshmi, Leonardo S. Boiteux, Hagop S. Atamian Dr., Diane E. Ullman, and Savithramma P. Dinesh-Kumar
The True Citizens of the City of God: The Cult of Saints, the Catholic Social Order, and the Urban Reformation in Germany, Steven Pfaff
The Truth about Partisan Affiliation: Fear, Trust, and Media, Hailey Merin
The Twofold Role of Diagrams in Euclid’s Plane Geometry, Marco Panza
The Value of Holidays in World War I America, Laura Kathleen Neis
The Varieties of Indispensability Arguments, Marco Panza and Andrea Sereni
The Vilification of the Dark Feminine, Isabella Richmond and Khanh Nguyen
"The Words We Do Not Yet Have." A Creative Inquiry Into Human-Plant Relationships, Maliheh Ghajargar
Thiol Dough Conditioners Impact on the Formation of Advanced Glycation End-products in Bagels Containing Sunflower Seed Flour, Alton Chambers
Three Kinds of Topological Explanation in Science, Alan Baker
Three-wave Mixing Experiments in Indium–Tin–Oxide Thin-Films with No Phase Matching, Kyle Wynne, Marjan Bazian, and Mark C. Harrison
Timely Dissonance : Anachronistic Music in Film, Ayda Tuncay
Time-Symmetry and Topology of the Aharonov-Bohm Effect, Yakir Aharonov, Ismael L. Paiva, Zohar Schwartzman-Nowik, Avshalom C. Elitzur, and Eliahu Cohen
To Like or Not to Like: Facebook in the Higher Education Classroom, Pamela Ezell
Topology in 1930s America: A Tale of Two "Camps", Karen Parshall
Toward a Coordinated Understanding of Hydro-Biogeochemical Root Functions in Tropical Forests for Application in Vegetation Models, Daniela F. Cusack, Bradley Christoffersen, Chris M. Smith-Martin, Kelly M. Andersen, Amanda L. Cordeiro, Katrin Fleischer, S. Joseph Wright, Nathaly R. Guerrero-Ramírez, Laynara F. Lugli, Lindsay A. McCulloch, Mareli Sanchez-Julia, Sarah A. Batterman, Caroline Dallstream, Claire Fortunel, Laura Toro, Lucia Fuchslueger, Michelle Y. Wong, Daniela Yaffar, Joshua B. Fisher, Marie Arnaud, Lee H. Dietterich, Shalom D. Addo-Danso, Oscar J. Valverde-Barrantes, Monique Weemstra, Jing Cheng Ng, and Richard J. Norby
Toward Facilitating the Collection and Utilization of Patient-reported Outcomes in the Military Health System: Lessons Learned from a Pragmatic Clinical Trial on Physical Therapy Management for Low Back Pain, Emma H. Beisheim-Ryan, Brad D. Hendershot, Timothy C. Mauntel, Sara R. Gorczynski, Ryan W. Smith, Andrea Crunkhorn, Shawn Farrokhi, and Christopher L. Dearth
Toward Informatics-Enabled Preparedness for Natural Hazards to Minimize Health Impacts of Climate Change, Jimmy Phuong, Naomi O. Riches, Luca Calzoni, Gora Datta, Deborah Duran, Asiyah Yu Lin, Ramesh P. Singh, Anthony E. Solomonides, Noreen Y. Whysel, and Ramakanth Kavuluru
Toward Intuitive 3D Interactions in Virtual Reality: A Deep Learning- Based Dual-Hand Gesture Recognition Approach, Trudi Di Qi, Franceli L. Cibrian, Meghna Raswan, Tyler Kay, Hector M. Camarillo-Abad, and Yuxin Wen
Toward Local Madelung Mechanics in Spacetime, Mordecai Waegell
Towards an Interdisciplinary “Science of the Mind”: A Call for Enhanced Collaboration Between Philosophy and Neuroscience, Alessandra Buccella, Uri Maoz, and Liad Mudrik
Towards a Virtual Reality Visualization of Hand-Object Interactions to Support Remote Physical Therapy, Trudi Di Qi, LouAnne Boyd, Scott Fitzpatrick, Meghna Raswan, and Franceli L. Cibrian
Trajectories of Digital Flourishing in Adolescence: The Predictive Roles of the Developmental Changes and Digital Divide Factors, Jasmina Rosič, Lara Schreurs, Sophie H. Janicke-Bowles, and Laura Vandenbosch
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Paired With Verb Network Strengthening Treatment Improves Verb Naming in Primary Progressive Aphasia: A Case Series, Shannon M. Sheppard, Emily B. Goldberg, Rajani Sebastian, Alexandra Walker, Erin L. Meier, and Argye E. Hillis
Transforming Love: Holiness and the Vocation of Justice, Nancy M. Martin
Transitions of Care Practice Models: Innovations Across Different Health Settings, Laressa Bethishou and Noah Fang
Trends in Heart Failure Costs for Commercially Insured Patients in the United States (2006–2021), Jianwei Zheng, Islam Abudayyeh, Cyril Rakovski, Louis Ehwerhemuepha, Ahmad Rezaie Mianroodi, Jay N. Patel, Alomari Ihab, and Chizobam Ani
Triggering Fear: The Relationship Between Party Affiliation, News Sources, and Gun Control, Gabriella J. Bartsch
Truth by Consensus: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation, Gabriele Camera, Rod Garratt, and Cyril Monnet
Twelfth Night, or What You Will
Twenty-three Years of PCR-based Seafood Authentication Assay Development: What Have We Learned?, Maleeka Singh, Robert G. Young, Rosalee S. Hellberg, Robert H. Hanner, Maria G. Corradini, and Jeffrey M. Garber
Twenty-three Years of PCR-based Seafood Authentication Assay Development: What Have We Learned?, Maleeka Singh, Robert G. Young, Rosalee S. Hellberg, Robert H. Hanner, Maria G. Corradini, and Jeffrey M. Farber
Two Functors Induced by Certain Ideals of Function Rings, Themba Dube and Oghenetega Ighedo
Two Paradoxes of Crypto, John O. McGinnis and Henry F. Fradella
Ultrasoft Platelet-like Particles Stop Bleeding in Rodent and Porcine Models of Trauma, Kimberly Nellenbach, Emily Mihalko, Seema Nandi, Drew W. Koch, Jagathpala Shetty, Leandra Moretti, Jennifer Sollinger, Nina Moiseiwitsch, Ana Sheridan, Sanika Pandit, Maureane Hoffman, Lauren V. Schnabel, L. Andrew Lyon, Thomas H. Barker, and Ashley C. Brown
«“Una stessa cosa”». Come intendere la definizione della continuità di Aristiotele, Marco Panza
Underneath it All: Uncanny Sounds, the Materiality of the City Through the Ear of the Other, Patrick Fuery
Understanding the Biering-Sørensen Test: Contributors to Extensor Endurance in Young Adults With and Without a History of Low Back Pain, Jonathan Shaw, Jesse V. Jacobs, Linda R. Van Dillen, George J. Beneck, and Jo Armour Smith
Understanding Unique Employability Skill Sets of Autistic Individuals: A Systematic Review, Amy Jane Griffiths, Rachel Torres, Raquel Delgado, Amy E. Hurley-Hanson, Cristina M. Giannantonio, Wallace Walrod, Zachary Maupin, and John Brady
Unfaithful Brands: How Brand Attachment Can Lead to Negative Responses to Influencer Marketing Campaigns, Kara Bentley, Priyali Rajagopal, and Katina Kulow
Uniting for Impact: A Journey of Partnerships - Chapman University Case Study, Essraa Nawar and Taylor Greene
Unmasking The Exploitation of Minority Voices in American Theatre Throughout the 21st Century, Rhea Chhagan
Unpacking Bias, Accountability, and Ethical Practices in AI, Manya Chandra and Micol Hebron
Unravelling the Erythropoietin Heterodimeric Complex: In Silico Analysis of Complex Assembly and Binding Interface, Atiya Habib, Urooj Qureshi, Mohammad Nur-e-Alam, Aftab Ahmed, and Zaheer Ul-Haq
Unveiling Deception: Discourse Analysis of Sora and the Impact of AI on Misinformation, Kellen Edwards
Unveiling the Librarian of Tomorrow: Why Librarians Are Needed Now More Than Ever, Essraa Nawar
Using Mobile Meditation App Data to Predict Future App Engagement: An Observational Study, Ryan Fowers, Vincent Berardi, Jennifer Huberty, and Chad Stecher
Using the LMS Effectively to Reduce Logistical Challenges for Students, Melissa Samaniego
U.S Presidents in Africa After the Cold War: In Search of a Reason, Socrates Mbamalu
Variations in Student Approaches to Problem Solving in Undergraduate Biology Education, Jeremy L. Hsu, Rou-Jia Sung, Su L. Swarat, Alexandra J. Gore, Stephanie Kim, and Stanley M. Lo
Visit the Imprisoned: A Heuristic Inquiry into the Experiences of Catholic Detention Ministry Volunteers, Christopher Tran
Volcanic Diffuse Volatile Emissions Tracked by Plant Responses Detectable From Space, Robert R. Bogue, Peter M. J. Douglas, Joshua B. Fisher, and John Stix
Wallis on Indivisibles, Antoni Malet and Marco Panza
Was Frege a Logicist for Arithmetic?, Marco Panza
Water Whiplash in Mediterranean Regions of the World, Citlalli Madrigal, Rama Bedri, Thomas Piechota, Wenzhao Li, Glenn Tootle, and Hesham el-Askary
We’re Israelis Who Study Fascism. This Week, Our Country Took a Terrifying Step Toward the Abyss, Shira Klein and Lior B. Sternfeld
What Biden Could Still Learn From Incumbent Presidents Who Decided Not to Run Again, Luke A. Nichter
What Does ‘(Non)-absoluteness of Observed Events’ Mean?, Emily Adlam
What If We No Longer Call It DEI?, Essraa Nawar
What is Microbial Dormancy?, Mark D. McDonald, Carlos Owusu-Ansah, Jared B. Ellenbogen, Zachary D. Malone, Michael P. Ricketts, Steve E. Frolking, Jessica Gilman Ernakovich, Michael Ibba, Sarah C. Bagby, and J. L. Weissman
What More There Is in Early-Modern Algebra than its Literal Formalism, Marco Panza
What Self-determination Theory Can Do for Post-pandemic College Students, Cathy A. Pohan and Melissa Samaniego
Which Original Public?, James C. Phillips
Who Do You Think is the Greatest-Ever Economist?, Mark Skousen
Who Helps Tsimane Children and Adults?, Eric Schniter, Daniel K. Cummings, Paul L. Hooper, Jonathan Stieglitz, Benjamin C. Trumble, Hillard S. Kaplan, and Michael D. Gurven
Why Are Female Teen Users of Social Media Cyberbullied More Compared to Different Age and Gender Groups?, Minzi (Sally) Park
Why do Americans Fear Terror Attacks More Than the Death of a Loved One?, Jack Bunzel-Hardie
Why I Say "Merry Christmas": A DEI Perspective, Essraa Nawar
Why Italy's Season of Economic Liberalism Did Not Last, Alberto Mingardi
Why I Think LinkedIn Is Age Neutral and How It Bridges Generational Gaps, Essraa Nawar
Wilms’ Tumor 1 (WT1) Antigen is Overexpressed in Kaposi Sarcoma and is Regulated by KSHV vFLIP, Ayana E. Morales, Ruby Gumenick, Caitlin M. Genovese, Yun Yeong Jang, Ariene Ouedraogo, Maite Ibáñez de Garayo, Tania Pannellini, Sanjay Patel, Matthew E. Bott, Julio Alvarez, Sung Soo Mun, Jennifer Totonchy, Archana Gautam, Jesus Delgado de la Mora, Stephanie Chang, Dagmar Wirth, Marcelo Horenstein, Tao Dao, David A. Scheinberg, Paul G. Rubinstein, Aggrey Semeere, Jeffrey Martin, Catherine C. Godfrey, Carlee B. Moser, Roy M. Matining, Thomas B. Campbell, Margaret Z. Borok, Susan E. Krown, and Ethel Cesarman
“Women and Lockean Theory: John Locke, Rachel Speght, and Egalitarian Personhood, Katherine Gillespie and Bas van der Vossen
Women’s Fear of Violent Crime: Examining Media Consumption and Misconceptions of Violent Crime, Kate Lindfors
Women's History Month: A Digital Library Display, Ivan Portillo and David Carson
Works in Progress: "And I Still Want More" by Keira Gestel
Works in Progress: "Arrythmia" by Delaney Davis
Works in Progress: "Between Here & Far" by Zoe Braggs
Works in Progress: "Break of Day" by Sophia Seymour
Works in Progress: "Coil" by Matilda Reinhardt
Works in Progress: "Don't Worry Be Happy" by Dominic Keider
Works in Progress: "Entrenched" by Mary Luyster
Works in Progress: "Existent Future" by Taylor Fetterman
Works in Progress: "Fervor" by Braylan Enscoe
Works in Progress: "Fused Fractures" by Jaeden Gitsas
Works in Progress: "I, 20F" by Sarah Hart
Works in Progress: "'I Love You', She Said Into the Mirror" by Charley Teltschik
Works in Progress: "In Efforts to Resist Conformity" by Grace Gontarek
Works in Progress: "Inner Echos" by Grace Luiso
Works in Progress: "July" by Mary Crum
Works in Progress: "Le Talon" by Jenna Roselli
Works in Progress: "Losing Simplicity" by Makaylee Wooldridge
Works in Progress: "Match" by Sloane Ritterbush
Works in Progress: "Mirror" by Tess Drosman
Works in Progress: "Moonlit" by Max Gravell
Works in Progress: "On Longing" by Celia Rammel
Works in Progress: "POV | Life of Three" by Kurt Horney
Works in Progress: "Preceding the Shadows" by Syndey Centeno
Works in Progress: "Refine, Refine, Refine" by Rosie Huntley
Works in Progress: "Rekindled Flames" by Dallya Hashem
Works in Progress: "Rising Again" by Carys Nelson
Works in Progress: "Serenade" by Abbey Werner
Works in Progress: "Temporary Permanence" by Jimena Casasola
Works in Progress: "Tense Alignment" by Emily Fick
Works in Progress: "The Brawl" by Nanea Yu
Works in Progress: "The Color Orange" by Alissa Coppa
Works in Progress: "The Match" by Ethan Tram
Works in Progress: "The Whites of Our Eyes" by Makenna Okamoto
Works in Progress: "Think!" by Gabby Keeler
Works in Progress: "Threads of Identity" by Erin Wienke
Works in Progress: "To Know You" by David Burn
Works in Progress: "Unveiling Reality" by Lainey Myers
Works in Progress: "Vacancy" by Jonah Boswell
Works in Progress: "You Before Me" by Mandy Fang
World Autism Month: A Digital Library Display, David Carson and Ivan Portillo
Yearly Population Data at Census Tract Level Revealed That More People Are Now Living in Highly Fire-prone Zones in California, USA, Slade Lazeweski, Shenyue Jia, Jessica E. Viner, Wesley Ho, Brian Hoover, Seung Hee Kim, and Menas C. Kafatos
Young Children’s Mental Well-Being in Low-Income South African Settings: A Qualitative Study, Catherine E. Draper, Caylee J. Cook, Elizabeth A. Ankrah, Jesus A. Beltran, Franceli L. Cibrian, Jazette Johnson, Kimberley D. Lakes, Hanna Mofid, Lucretia Williams, and Gillian R. Hayes
β-sheets Mediate the Conformational Change and Allosteric Signal Transmission Between the AsLOV2 Termini, Sian Xiao, Mayar Terek Ibrahim, Gennady M. Verkhivker, Brian D. Zoltowski, and Peng Tao