"Advancing Coherence: Aligning Educator Preparation with California’s E" by Magaly Lavadenz, Anaida Colón-Muñiz et al.

Advancing Coherence: Aligning Educator Preparation with California’s English Learner Roadmap Policy [Educational Policy Brief No.14]

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The purpose of this brief is to support English Learner success by encouraging stronger alignment between educator preparation efforts in IHEs and TK-12 policies and practices The current study explores the implementation and alignment of core concepts of the California English Learner Roadmap (ELR) in institutions of higher education (IHEs) – where the majority of California’s future educators are being prepared to serve our students. Researchers conducted a rigorous inquiry process to analyze the degree to which educator program expectations for teaching, school counseling, and administration/leadership are aligned to the ELR. Findings reveal that that there is currently insufficient alignment between the ELR and IHE educator preparation programs. Based upon these findings, the researchers put forth actionable state-level policy and practice recommendations to guide IHEs to better align to the ELR in their program design, implementation, and evaluation– including the use of the California English Learner Roadmap Toolkit for Institutes of Higher Education.
