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"Advocacy groups are all the rage! Over the past two decades, a new cottage industry has erupted in academia examining the seemingly explosive growth in new social movements, advocacy groups and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that has occurred in Western industrialized nations and several developing nations as well. Many of these movements and NGOs have crossed international boundaries, feeding the notion that globalization is eroding boundaries between people all around the world. This literature certainly has added to our knowledge of how advocacy groups originate and operate. But curiously missing from these recent studies has been any discussion of what amounts to the world’s most common, oldest, and largest advocacy bodies – religious organizations."
Publication Date
Cambridge University Press
New York
Civic and Community Engagement | Economic Theory | Inequality and Stratification | Politics and Social Change | Social Psychology and Interaction | Sociology of Culture | Sociology of Religion
Recommended Citation
Gill, Anthony and Steven Pfaff. 2010. “Acting in Good Faith: An Economic Approach to Religious Organizations as Advocacy Groups”, pp. 58-90 in A. Prakash and M.K. Gugerty, Eds., Advocacy Organizations and Collective Action. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Cambridge University Press

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Civic and Community Engagement Commons, Economic Theory Commons, Inequality and Stratification Commons, Politics and Social Change Commons, Social Psychology and Interaction Commons, Sociology of Culture Commons, Sociology of Religion Commons
In Aseem Prakash and Mary Kay Gugerty (Eds.), Advocacy Organizations and Collective Action.