"Factors Influencing College Students’ Learning Satisfaction With Educa" by Fei Wang

Date of Award

Spring 5-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Advisor

Tara Barnhart

Second Advisor

Douglas Havard

Third Advisor

Mark Maier


With the development of digital education worldwide, the Chinese Ministry of Education has accelerated the pace of building online education platforms. Especially during the COVID-19 global pandemic from 2020‒2022, online education produced a large number of educational videos. Educational videos have become supplementary teaching resources for teachers in the classroom and independent digital learning materials for students outside of the classroom. However, the rapid production of educational videos to meet teaching needs has led to uneven video quality and caused complaints from students.

This study was conducted in a private university in China, aiming to explore the influencing factors of learning satisfaction with educational videos by analyzing questionnaire data from 964 undergraduate students. Understanding learning satisfaction helps educational video designers pay attention to video quality during the video production process, thereby better enhancing the learning experience. This research constructed a new satisfaction model for educational video learning based on existing technology acceptance models, supplemented by the customer satisfaction theory, the interactive theory of distance learning and cognitive theory of multimedia learning. The research explored the impact of video quality, learning motivation, learning barriers, learning self-efficacy, and interactive behavior on students’ learning satisfaction with educational videos.

The research results showed that image clarity, learning motivation, and interactive behavior have a significant positive impact on learning satisfaction, and video attachment tools have a significant negative impact on learning satisfaction. Teacher performance and video attachment tools have a significant impact on learning motivation and interactive learning behavior. Learning self-efficacy has no direct impact on learning satisfaction, but it has a significant impact on learning motivation and learning barriers. Learning barriers have no direct impact on learning satisfaction, but they have a significant impact on learning interactive behavior.

The final results of the research summarized three dimensions of learning satisfaction with educational video: (a) affective response, (b) behavioral response, and (c) video quality. The practical implications of the research provided some insights for video designers to optimize the quality of educational video design, for teachers to develop their skills in using and producing educational videos.

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Available for download on Friday, May 01, 2026
