Student Scholar Symposium Abstracts and Posters

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 5-2-2024

Faculty Advisor(s)

Micol Hebron


In this collage, the background is a clip of outer space, the middle ground is engulfed in flames, and the foreground includes a tiger stuck in a pile of wood. The tiger additionally has a red drop shadow in order to draw attention to the fire. Trees hang upside down and have a fiery red drop shadow. In the middle of the collage, our world, Earth, is on fire. Surrounding the flaming planet are three news articles regarding forest fires, placed on the lines of a rule of thirds grid. In the high center of the piece reads a statement, “Global warming is not cool” in order to draw attention to the focus point of the piece. I sourced my collage assets from Google Search and Adobe Firefly. This collage draws attention to global warming, specifically forest fires. As the planet heats up, wildfires become more common, burning down forests and eliminating habitats for thousands of species of animals. I included a visual of the tiger's death to illustrate its home being burned to the ground. There is an image of the Earth on fire in the center of the piece. It is impossible for the Earth to catch on fire, so it serves as a metaphor that global warming is real and increases the Earth’s temperature by dangerous amounts. Wildfires are becoming too common, the news articles in the collage draw attention to this fact. It is up to our world to work on reducing the pollution we emit into the atmosphere. But until then, the Earth will continue to get hotter and hotter.


Presented at the Spring 2024 Student Scholar Symposium at Chapman University.

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