"Can AI Interpretation Increase Inclusivity?" by Heather Fair, Osmary A. Medina-Báez et al.

Can AI Interpretation Increase Inclusivity?

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"One fundamental value of the ESA is to “[provide] the community of ecologists of diverse backgrounds, heritage, and career paths with a supportive home that advances their aspirations”. Currently, the lingua franca at international science meetings is English, which certainly discourages or prevents many talented scientists from sharing their science, networking with colleagues, and otherwise fully participating in international conferences. Indeed, many avoid attending annual conferences altogether due to language barriers. Emerging AI technologies may soon make it possible to attract a diversity of new voices into science. ESA members are from all over the world: representing 88 countries as of 2023. By giving individuals the option to deliver presentations in the language they are most comfortable with through real-time AI interpretation, we might honor our collective ancestral voices and diversify the messages of science."


This article was originally published in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, volume 22, issue 10, in 2024. https://doi.org/10.1002/fee.2821


The Ecological Society of America
