"The German Plunder and Theft of Jewish Property in the General Governm" by David M. Crowe



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"Th e German conquest of Poland in the fall of 1939 unleashed the full horror of Nazi racial ideals that saw the gradual evolution of policies that ultimately led to the mass murder of 90 percent of prewar Poland’s 3.3–3.5 million Jews. The geographical center for what the Germans would ultimately call the Final Solution—a plan that Alfred Rosenberg explained meant 'the biological eradication of the entire Jewish people'—was the Generalgouvernement für die besetzten polnischen Gebiete (General Government for the Occupied Areas of Poland). Over time, the General Government would become not only Nazi Germany’s principal racial laboratory but also what its leadership considered a 'dumping ground' for those in Europe deemed untermensch or Lebensunwertes Leben ('subhuman' or 'lives unworthy of living'). As such, it would become the site for four of Nazi Germany’s six death camps once the Final Solution became operational in late 1941."



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Bloomsbury Publishing


New York, NY


European History | Holocaust and Genocide Studies | Military History | Political History | Public History | Social History


In John J. Michalczyk (Ed.), Nazi Law: From Nuremberg to Nuremberg.


Bloomsbury Publishing

The German Plunder and Theft of Jewish Property in the General Government



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