"Microaggressions Versus Blatant Discrimination and their Effects on Me" by Ian Lock

Student Scholar Symposium Abstracts and Posters

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 5-4-2023

Faculty Advisor(s)

Dr. Desiree Crevecouer-MacPhail


This study examined the relationship between types of discrimination and its effect on mental health. Specifically, comparing microaggressions and blatant discrimination to see which variable had a significant impact on depression and anxiety. Microaggressions, derogatory slights/insults directed at members of an oppressed group, are a primary focus for researchers looking at racial discrimination. The impact of microaggressions is prevalent across a myriad of different marginalized groups such as people of color, women, and the LGBTQ+ community. Microaggressions have a large negative impact on mental and physical well-being in individuals, with research finding that it has a negative impact on symptoms related to anxiety, depression, self-esteem, and behavior. Results are expected to find a consistent relationship between higher levels of anxiety/depression when more experiences of microaggressions/blatant discrimination were reported. Specifically, those who had more experiences with blatant discrimination would suffer from higher levels of depression, whereas those who experienced a higher number of microaggressions would suffer higher levels of anxiety. The results of this study will help to inform individuals on the respective effects of microaggressions and blatant discrimination on mental health. Mental health professionals can use this information to further race-related research, being able to incorporate these results into their work, in order to individualize the way they interact with patients from marginalized groups. More importantly, this research will shed light on the experiences of marginalized individuals and allow them to feel more comfortable sharing their stories publicly.


Presented at the Spring 2023 Student Scholar Symposium at Chapman University.
