Content Posted in 2020
Open Letter: To Eliott Abrams (U. S. Venezuela Envoy), Peter McLaren
Operationalizing Healthcare Big Data in the Electronic Health Records using a Heatmap Visualization Technique, Don Roosan, Mazharul Karim, Jay Chok, and Moom Roosan
Operation Transition: Post-9/11 Combat Marines Transitioning to Civilian Life and the Role of Higher Education in their Identity Formation, Jamie M. Fenton
Optimal Multi-Stage Arrhythmia Classification Approach, Jianwei Zhang, Huimin Chu, Daniele Struppa, Jianming Zhang, Sir Magdi Yacoub, Hesham el-Askary, Anthony Chang, Louis Ehwerhemuepha, Islam Abudayyeh, Alexander Barrett, Guohua Fu, Hai Yao, Dongbo Li, Hangyuan Guo, and Cyril Rakovski
Optimism and Risk of Incident Hypertension: A Target for Primordial Prevention, Laura D. Kubzansky, Julia K. Boehm, Andrew R. Allen, Loryana L. Vie, Tiffany E. Ho, Claudia Trudel-Fitzgerald, Hayami K. Koga, Lawrence M. Scheier, and Martin E. P. Seligman
Optimizing Measurement Strengths for Qubit Quasiprobabilities Behind Out-of-Time-Ordered Correlators, Razieh Mohseninia, José Raúl González Alonso, and Justin Dressel
Original Intent, The View of the Framers, and the Role of the Ratifiers, Ronald D. Rotunda
Original Intent: Whether Recent Reforms Signal a Legislative Break from Marijuana Criminalization Under the Controlled Substance Act, Oliver J. Kim
Originalism in Practice, Lawrence Rosenthal
OVE entrevista a Peter Mclaren “la educación es una forma de política”, Luz Palomino, Luis Bonilla-Molina, and Peter McLaren
Overcoming Barriers for siRNA Therapeutics: From Bench to Bedside, Muhammad Imran Sajid, Muhammad Moazzam, Shun Kato, Kayley Yeseom Cho, and Rakesh Kumar Tiwari
Oxidation of Cellular Amino Acid Pools Leads to Cytotoxic Mistranslation of the Genetic Code, Tammy J. Bullwinkle, Noah M. Reynolds, Medha Raina, Adil Moghal, Eleftheria Matsa, Andrei Rajkovic, Huseyin Kayadibi, Farbod Fazlollahi, Christopher Ryan, Nathaniel Howitz, Kym F. Faull, Beth A. Lazazzera, and Michael Ibba
Oxidation of Phenylalanyl-tRNA Synthetase Positively Regulates Translational Quality Control, Rebecca E. Steiner, Amanda M. Kyle, and Michael Ibba
Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) Stipe Peptides as in-vitro Radical Scavenging, Ferrous Iron Chelating, & Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Compounds, Suraj Meharwade
p53 Expression in Lung Fibroblasts Is Linked to Mitigation of Fibrotic Lung Remodeling, M. R. Nagaraja, Nivedita Tiwari, Swetha K. Shetty, Amarnath S. Marudamathu, Liang Fan, Rennolds S. Ostrom, Jian Fu, Venkadesaperumal Gopu, Vijay Radhakrishnan, Steven Idell, and Sreerama Shetty
Pandemic Abandonment, Panoramic Displays and Fascist Propaganda: The Month the Earth Stood Still, Peter McLaren
Parental Satisfaction of Child's Perioperative Care, Jonathan S. Shafer, Brooke N. Jenkins, Michelle Fortier, Robert S. Stevenson, Natasha H. Hikita, Jeannie Zuk, Jeffrey I. Gold, Brenda Golianu, Sherrie H. Kaplan, Linda Mayes, and Zeev N. Kain
Parent Responses to Pediatric Pain: The Differential Effects of Ethnicity on Opioid Consumption, Candice D. Donaldson, Brooke N. Jenkins, Michelle A. Fortier, Michael T. Phan, Daniel M. Tomaszewski, Sun Yang, and Zeev N. Kain
Party on a Roof, Samer Alrayes
Paternalism and Securities Regulation, Susanna Kim Ripken
Paternal Provisioning Results from Ecological Change, Ingela Alger, Paul L. Hooper, Donald Cox, Jonathan Stieglitz, and Hillard S. Kaplan
Pathogenic Mechanism of a Human Mitochondrial tRNAPhe Mutation Associated with MERRF syndrome, Jiaqing Ling, Hervé Roy, Daoming Qin, Mary Anne T. Rubio, Juan D. Alfonzo, Kurt Fredrick, and Michael Ibba
Patterns of Intraspecific Trait Variation Along an Aridity Gradient Suggest Both Drought Escape and Drought Tolerance Strategies in an Invasive Herb, Shana R. Welles and Jennifer L. Funk
Patterns of Population Displacement During Mega-Fires in California detected using Facebook Disaster Maps, Shenyue Jia, Seung Hee Kim, Son V. Nghiem, Paul Doherty, and Menas Kafatos
PCR Cloning Combined With DNA Barcoding Enables Partial Identification of Fish Species in a Mixed-Species Product, Anthony J. Silva, Michael D. Kawalek, Donna M. Williams-Hill, and Rosalee S. Hellberg
PCSK9 Inhibitors in Secondary Prevention – An Opportunity for Personalized Therapy, Chase Board, Michael S. Kelly, Michael D. Shapiro, and Dave L. Dixon
Pediatric Postoperative Pain Medication: Child Sex and Ethnicity Interact to Predict Parent Medication Attitudes, Vivian Luong, Harshitha V. Venkatesh, Michelle Fortier, Zeev N. Kain, and Brooke N. Jenkins
Permanent Disbarment: The Case Against…,, Ronald D. Rotunda
Permissible Content Discrimination Under the First Amendment: The Strange Case of the Public Employee, Lawrence Rosenthal
Peroxin Pex21p Interacts with C-terminal Noncatalytic Domain of Yeast Seryl-tRNA Synthetase and Forms a Specific Ternary Complex with tRNASer, Vlatka Godinic, Marko Mocibob, Sandra Rocak, Michael Ibba, and Ivana Weygand-Durasevic
Personal Injury Income Tax Exclusion: An Analysis and Update, Frank J. Doti
Perspectives on Forty Years of Environmental Law, Denis Binder
Peter McLaren: De la pedagogía de la resistencia a la pedagogía de la transformación, Peter McLaren and Edson Armando Real Sánchez
Pharmacogenomics Cascade Testing (PhaCT): A Novel Approach for Preemptive Pharmacogenomics Testing to Optimize Medication Therapy, Don Roosan, Angela Hwang, and Moom Roosan
Phenylalanyl-tRNA Synthetase Editing Defects Result in Efficient Mistranslation of Phenylalanine Codons as Tyrosine, Jiqiang Ling, Srujana S. Yadavalli, and Michael Ibba
Phenylpyrazalopyrimidines as Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors: Synthesis, Antiproliferative Activity, and Molecular Simulations, Bhupender S. Chhikara, Sajda Ashraf, Saghar Mozaffari, Nicole St. Jeans, Dindyal Mandal, Rakesh Kumar Tiwari, Zaheer Ul-Haq, and Keykavous Parang
Phosphodiesterase Isoforms and cAMP Compartments in the Development of New Therapies for Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases, Martina Schmidt, Isabella Cattani-Cavalieri, Francisco J. Nuñez, and Rennolds S. Ostrom
Photoreactive Bicyclic Amino Acids as Substrates for Mutant Escherichia coli Phenylalanyl-tRNA Synthetases, Thomas Bentin, Ramin Hamzavi, Jahan Salomonsson, Hervé Roy, Michael Ibba, and Peter E. Nielsen
Pirates in the Family Room: How Performances from Abroad, to U.S. Consumers, Might Evade Copyright Law, Tom W. Bell
Placement of Students with Extensive Support Needs in California School Districts: The State of Inclusion and Exclusion, Meghan Cosier, Audri Sandoval-Gomez, Donald N. Cardinal, and Shayne Brophy
Playing a Bad Character but Endorsing a Good Cause: Actor-character Fundamental Attribution Error and Persuasion, Riva Tukachinsky
Plunging Floater Survival Causes Cryptic Population Decline in the Common Loon, Walter H. Piper, Jason Grear, Brian Hoover, Elaina Lomery, and Linda M. Grenzer
Policing and Equal Protection, Lawrence Rosenthal
Policy Oscillation in California's Law of Premises Liability, Ronald Steiner
Popular Self-Help Books for Anxiety, Depression, and Trauma: How Scientifically Grounded and Useful are They?, Richard E. Redding, James D. Herbert, Evan M. Forman, and Brandon A. Gaudiano
Pornography, Privacy, and Digital Self-Help, Tom W. Bell
Portable Polarimetric Fiber Stress Sensor System for Visco-elastic and Biomimetic Material Analysis, Mark C. Harrison and Andrea M. Armani
Positive Affect and Health: What Do We Know and Where Next Should We Go?, Sarah D. Pressman, Brooke N. Jenkins, and Judith T. Moskowitz
Positive Psychological Well-Being and Cardiovascular Disease: JACC Health Promotion Series, Laura D. Kubzansky, Jeff C. Huffman, Julia K. Boehm, Rosalba Hernandez, Eric S. Kim, Hayami K. Koga, Emily H. Feig, Donald Lloyd-Jones, Martin E. P. Seligman, and Darwin R. Labarthe
Postdigital Dialogue, Petar Jandrić, Thomas Ryberg, Jeremy Knox, Nataša Lacković, Sarah Hayes, Juha Suoranta, Mark Smith, Anne Steketee, Michael A. Peters, Peter McLaren, Derek R. Ford, Gordon Asher, Callum McGregor, Georgina Tuari Stewart, Ben Williamson, and Andrew Gibbons
Postoperative Pain: Factors and Tools to Improve Pain Management in Children, Mai M. Makhlouf, Eric Robles Garibay, Brooke N. Jenkins, Zeev N. Kain, and Michelle Fortier
Postracialism: Race after Exclusion, Janine Y. Kim
Post-Transcriptional Modification in Archaeal tRNAs: Identities and Phylogenetic Relations of Nucleotides from Mesophilic and Hyperthermophilic Methanococcales, James A. McCloskey, David E. Graham, Shaolian Zhou, Pamela F. Crain, Michael Ibba, Jordan Konisky, Dieter Söll, and Gary J. Olsen
Post-Transfer Editing in vitro and in vivo by the Beta-subunit of Phenylalanyl-tRNA Synthetase, Hervé Roy, Jiqiang Ling, Michael Irnov, and Michael Ibba
PoxA, YjeK and Elongation Factor P Coordinately Modulate Virulence and Drug Resistance in Salmonella enterica, William Wiley Navarre, Shicong Zou, Hervé Roy, Jinglin Lucy Xie, Alexei Savchenko, Alexander Singer, Elena Edvokimova, Lynne R. Prost, Runjun Kumar, Michael Ibba, and Ferric C. Fang
Pragmatism, Originalism, Race, and the Case against Terry v. Ohio, Lawrence Rosenthal
Predation and Competition in Antitrust: The Case of Nonfungible Goods, Tom Campbell
Prediction Markets for Promoting the Progress of Science and the Useful Arts, Tom W. Bell
Predictions, Projections, and Precautions: Conveying Cautionary Warnings in Corporate Forward-Looking Statements, Susanna Kim Ripken
Predictors of Placement Outcomes in Treatment Foster Care: Implications for Foster Parent Selection and Service Delivery, Richard E. Redding, Carrie Fried, and Preston A. Britner
Pregnancy, Maternity Leave and Title VII, Denis Binder
Presidents and Ex-Presidents as Witnesses: A Brief Historical Footnote, Ronald D. Rotunda
Prevalence of Autism/ASD Among Preschool and School-age Children in Norway, Kamil Özerk and Donald N. Cardinal
Preventing the Delegitimization of Service Animals: A Proposal to Keep Service Animal Law from Going to the Dogs, Caroline J. Cordova
Pricing and Quality Provision in a Supply Relationship: A Model of Efficient Relational Contracts, Cristina Nistor and Matthew Selove
Principles of Contracts for Governance Services, Tom W. Bell
Principles of Organizing Earthquake Forecasting Based on Multiparameter Sensor-WEB Monitoring Data, Sergey Pulinets, Dimitar Ouzounov, Dmitry Davidenko, and Pavel Budnikov
Private Prediction Markets and the Law, Tom W. Bell
Probability, Probable Cause, and the Law of Unintended Consequences, Lawrence Rosenthal
Professionalism for Law Teachers: Lessons I Learned from John Makdisi, Daniel B. Bogart
Professionalism, Legal Advertising, and Free Speech in the Wake of Florida v. Went For It, Inc., Ronald D. Rotunda
Professional Sports League Commissioners’ Authority and Collective Bargaining, Matthew J. Parlow
Progressive Policy-Making on the Local Level: Rethinking Traditional Notions of Federalism, Matthew J. Parlow
"Property" in the Constitution: The View from the Third Amendment, Tom W. Bell
Proposing a New Algorithm for Premanipulative Testing in Physical Therapy Practice, Brent Harper, Daniel Miner, and Harrison Vaughan
Prosecuting Nazi War Criminals in the UK and Lessons for Today: Will History Repeat Itself?, Michael J. Bazyler and Carla Ferstman
Prospects for RNAi Therapy of COVID-19, Hasan Uludağ, Kylie Parent, Hamidreza Montazeri Aliabadi, and Azita Haddadi
Protecting the Right to Effective Assistance of Capital Postconviction Counsel: The Scope of the Constitutional Obligation to Monitor Counsel Performance, Celestine R. McConville
Protein Evolution via Amino Acid and Codon Elimination, Lise Goltermann, Marie Sofie Yoo Larsen, Ranat Banerjee, Andreas C. Joerger, Michael Ibba, and Thomas Bentin
Protein-RNA Molecular Recognition, Michael Ibba and Dieter Söll
Protein Synthesis: Errors Rectified in Retrospect, Kurt Fredrick and Michael Ibba
Protein Synthesis: Twenty Three Amino Acids and Counting, Michael Ibba, Constantinos Stathopoulos, and Dieter Söll
Proteoglycan-4 Regulates Fibroblast to Myofibroblast Transition and Expression of Fibrotic Genes in the Synovium, Marwa Qadri, Gregory D. Jay, Ling X. Zhang, Holly Richendrfer, Tannin A. Schmidt, and Khaled A. Elsaid
Proteomic Identification Reveals the Role of Ciliary Extracellular‐Like Vesicle in Cardiovascular Function, Ashraf M. Mohieldin, Rajasekharreddy Pala, Rinzhin T. Sherpa, Madhawi Alanazi, Ashwaq Alanazi, Kiumars Shamloo, Amir Ahsan, Wissam A. AbouAlaiwi, James J. Moresco, John R. Yates III, and Surya M. Nauli
Pseudo-contractions, Rigidity, Fixed Points and Related Questions, Daniel Alpay, Vladimir Bolotnikov, and David Shoikhet
Public Leaderboard Feedback in Sampling Competition: An Experimental Investigation, Stanton Hudja, Brian Roberson, and Yaroslav Rosokha
Publicly Financed Sports Facilities: Are They Economically Justifiable? A Case Study of the Los Angeles Staples Center, Matthew J. Parlow
Public Order Laws after City of Chicago v. Morales, Lawrence Rosenthal
Pulling the Trigger: Separation Violence as a Basis for Refugee Protection for Battered Women, Marisa S. Cianciarulo
Pupillometric Investigation of Spontaneous Action and Intention Awareness, Kate M. Harder, Ruby Moss, and Jake Gavenas
Puromycins B-E, Naturally Occurring Amino-Nucleosides Produced by the Himalayan Isolate Streptomyces sp. PU-14G., Muhammad Abbas, Sherif I. Elshahawi, Xiachang Wang, Larissa V. Ponomareva, Imran Sajid, Khaled A. Shaaban, and Jon S. Thorson
Puromycins B–E, Naturally Occurring Amino-Nucleosides Produced by the Himalayan Isolate Streptomyces sp. PU-14G, Muhammad Abbas, Sherif Elshahawi, Xiachang Wang, Larissa V. Ponomareva, Imran Sajid, Khaled A. Shaaban, and Jon S. Thorson
Quality Control by Isoleucyl-tRNA Synthetase of Bacillus subtilis is Required for Efficient Sporulation, Elizabeth Kermgard, Zhou Yang, Annika-Marisa Michel, Rachel Simari, Jacqueline Wong, Michael Ibba, and Beth A. Lazazzera
Quality Control During Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthesis, M. Praetorius-Ibba, S. Ataide, C. Hausmann, J. Levengood, J. Ling, S. Wang, H. Roy, and Michael Ibba
Quaternionic de Branges Spaces and Characteristic Operator Function, Daniel Alpay, Fabrizio Colombo, and Irene Sabadini
Race, Death and Disproportionality, Scott W. Howe
Race, Ethnicity, and Insurance: The Association with Opioid Use in a Pediatric Hospital Setting, Louis Ehwerhemuepha, Candice D. Donaldson, Zeev N. Kain, Vivian Luong, Michelle A. Fortier, William Feaster, Michael Weiss, Daniel Tomaszewski, Sun Yang, Michael Phan, and Brooke N. Jenkins
Racial Emotions and the Feeling of Equality, Janine Y. Kim
Racist Speech and Lawyer Discipline, Ronald D. Rotunda
Rapamycin Treatment Correlates Changes in Primary Cilia Expression with Cell Cycle Regulation in Epithelial Cells, Maha Jamal, Ane C.F. Nunes, Nosratola D. Vaziri, Ramani Ramchandran, Robert L. Bacallao, Andromeda M. Nauli, and Surya M. Nauli
Rapidly Declining Body Temperature in a Tropical Human Population, Michael Gurven, Thomas Kraft, Sarah Alami, Juan Copajira Adrian, Edhitt Cortez Linares, Daniel Cummings, Daniel Eid Rodriguez, Paul L. Hooper, Adrian Jaeggi, Raul Quispe Gutierrez, Ivan Maldonado Suarez, Edmond Seabright, Hillard Kaplan, Jonathan Stieglitz, and Benjamin C. Trumble
Rationalizing Mechanism Preference in Independent Private Value Auctions, Philipp Limberg
Rationally Inattentive Savers and Monetary Policy Changes: A Laboratory Experiment, Andrea Civelli, Cary Deck, and Antonella Tutino
Rationing Social Contact During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Transmission Risk and Social Benefits of US Locations, Seth G. Benzell, Avinash Collis, and Christos Nicolaides
Realizations of Holomorphic and Slice Hyperholomorphic Functions: The Krein Space Case, Daniel Alpay, Fabrizio Colombo, and Irene Sabadini
Reason-Giving, Rulemaking, and the Rule of Law, Donald J. Kochan
Reassessing the Individualization Mandate in Capital Sentencing: Darrow's Defense of Leopold and Loeb, Scott W. Howe
Recent Insights on the Role of Religion in Economic History, Sascha O. Becker, Jared Rubin, and Ludger Woessmann
Recent Trends and Perspectives for Non-State Actor Participation in World Trade Organization Disputes, Ernesto A. Hernández-López
Reclaiming the Present or a Return to the Ash Heap of the Future?, Peter McLaren
Recombinant Human Proteoglycan-4 Mediates Interleukin-6 Response in Both Human and Mouse Endothelial Cells Induced Into a Sepsis Phenotype, Holly A. Richendrfer, Mitchell M. Levy, Khaled A. Elsaid, Tannin A. Schmidt, Ling Zhang, Ralph Cabezas, and Gregory D. Jay
Reconsidering Rational Expectations and the Aggregation of Diverse Information in Laboratory Security Markets, Brice Corgnet, Cary Deck, Mark DeSantis, Kyle Hampton, and Erik O. Kimbrough
Reconstructing Science Through Law, Richard E. Redding
Redox Status Affects the Catalytic Activity of Glutamyl-tRNA Synthetase, Assaf Katz, Ranat Banerjee, Merly de Armas, Michael Ibba, and Omar Orellana
Reduced Amino Acid Specificity of Mammalian Tyrosyl-tRNA Synthetase is Associated with Elevated Mistranslation of Tyr Codons, Medha Raina, Adil Moghal, Amanda Kano, Mathew Jerums, Paul D. Schnier, Shun Luo, Rohini Deshpande, Pavel D. Bondarenko, Henry Lin, and Michael Ibba
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle: How Using “Recycled” Simulations in an LRW Course Benefits Students, LRW Professors, and the Relevant Global Community, Rita Barnett-Rose
Re-Examining Gasperini: Damages Assessments and Standards of Review, Lisa Litwiller
Reexamining the Doctrine of Humanitarian Intervention in Light of the Atrocities in Kampuchea and Ethiopia, Michael J. Bazyler
Reflections I and II: Reflexiones desde la educación y las artes en la era COVID-19 | Reflexões da Educação e das Artes na Era da COVID-19 | Reflections from Education and the Arts in the COVID-19 Era, Peter McLaren, Wang Yan, and Petar Jandrić
Reflections on Critical Pedagogy in America Latina: La Lucha Continua, Peter McLaren
Reflections on Market Reform in Post-War, Post-Embargo Vietnam, Lan Cao
Reform of the Presidential Nominating Conventions, Ronald D. Rotunda and Reid Chambers
Reformulating Bell's Theorem: The Search for a Truly Local Quantum Theory, Mordecai Waegell and Kelvin J. McQueen
Regional Forest Volume Estimation by Expanding LiDAR Samples Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Data, Bo Xie, Chunxiang Cao, Min Xu, Barjeece Bashir, Ramesh P. Singh, Zhibin Huang, and Xiaojuan Lin
Regiospecific Synthesis of Calcium‐Independent Daptomycin Antibiotics Using a Chemoenzymatic Method, Nagaraju Mupparapu, Yu-Hsin Cindy Lin, Tae Ho Kim, and Sherif I. Elshahawi
Regression Analysis in Title VII Cases: Minimum Standards, Comparable Worth, and Other Issues Where Law and Statistics Meet, Tom Campbell
Regulation of tRNA-Dependent Translational Quality Control, Rebecca E. Steiner and Michael Ibba
Rehabilitating the Souls of Violent Boys (reviewing James Garbarino, Lost Boys (2000)), Richard E. Redding
Relaxed Substrate Specificity Leads to Extensive tRNA Mischarging by Streptococcus pneumoniae Class I and Class II Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases, Jennifer Shepherd and Michael Ibba
Relaxing the Substrate Specificity of an Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Allows in vitro and in vivo Synthesis of Proteins Containing Unnatural Amino Acids, Michael Ibba and Hauke Hennecke
Reliance in Land Use Law, Kenneth A. Stahl
Religion in Economic History: A Survey, Sascha O. Becker, Jared Rubin, and Ludger Woessmann
Religious Nationalism and the Coronavirus Pandemic: Soul-Sucking Evangelicals and Branch Covidians Make America Sick Again, Peter McLaren
Remembering Robert J. Drinan, S.J., Ronald D. Rotunda
Remote Sensing Monitoring of Vegetation Dynamic Changes after Fire in the Greater Hinggan Mountain Area: The Algorithm and Application for Eliminating Phenological Impacts, Zhibin Huang, Chunxiang Cao, Wei Chen, Min Xu, Yongfeng Dang, Ramesh P. Singh, Barjeece Bashir, Bo Xie, and Xiaojuan Lin
Reporting Sensational Trials: Free Press, a Responsible Press, and Cameras in the Courts, Ronald D. Rotunda
Reproducing Kernel Krein Spaces of Analytic Functions and Inverse Scattering, Daniel Alpay
Reproductive Health in the Philippines: Poverty, Religiosity, and Navigating Reproductive Choices, Allison Goncena
Repudiating the Narrowing Rule in Capital Sentencing, Scott W. Howe
Requisitioned: American War Art of the Second World War, Spenser Carroll-Johnson
Resampling and Editing of Mischarged tRNA Prior to Translation Elongation, Jiqiang Ling, Byung Ran So, Srujana S. Yadavalli, Hervé Roy, Shinichiro Shoji, Kurt Fredrick, Karin Musier-Forsyth, and Michael Ibba
Resistance and Transformation: Re-Reading Mari Matsuda in the Postracial Era, Janine Y. Kim
Resisting the Expansion of Bankruptcy Court Power under Section 105 of the Bankruptcy Code: The All Writs Act and an Admonition from Chief Justice Marshall, Daniel B. Bogart
Resolving the Conflict in the Capital Sentencing Cases: A Desert-Oriented Theory of Regulation, Scott W. Howe
Response to the Letter to the Editor Regarding Zeukeng et al.'s article A Comparison of New Drugs Approved by the FDA, the EMA, and Swissmedic: An Assessment of the International Harmonization of Drugs, Minette-Joëlle Zeukeng, Enrique Seoane-Vazquez, and Pascal Bonnabry
Resurrecting Federalism Under the New Tenth and Fourteenth Amendments, Ronald D. Rotunda
Rethinking "Insurance," Especially after AIG, Bobby L. Dexter and et al.
Rethinking Microfinance, Lan Cao
Rethinking Term Limits for Federal Legislators in Light of the Structure of the Constitution, Ronald D. Rotunda
Review of Aesthetics, Ethics and Trauma in the Cinema of Pedro Almodóvar, Kelli Fuery
Review of Colonialism and the Jews, Shira Klein
Review of Crónica sobre una guerrilla, 1982-2007, Mateo Cayetano Jarquín Chamorro
Review of Religion as Resistance: Negotiating Authority in Italian Libya, Shira Klein
Review of The Third Disestablishment: Church, State, and American Culture, 1940-1975. By Steven K. Green, John W. Compton
Review of Levis Sullam, Simon, The Italian Executioners: The Genocide of the Jews of Italy, Shira Klein
Revitalizing Hollywood Stardom: Classical Star Power and Enduring Marketability at Warner Bros. in the Beginning of New Hollywood, Tham Singpatanakul
Revolutions in Local Democracy? Neighborhood Councils and Broadening Inclusion in the Local Political Process, Matthew J. Parlow
Richard Pitts and Virginia Carson
Richard Pitts, Colleen Pitts, and Virginia Carson
Rights and Representation: Media Narratives about Disabled People and Their Service Animals in Canadian Print News, Lana Kerzner, Chelsea Temple Jones, Beth Haller, and Arthur Blaser
Right There, Morgan Wilson
Rigoletto - LA Philharmonic Orchestra - No Date; Rigoletto Excerpts - Minnesota Opera - 4/28/95, Carol Neblett
Ringed In Fire, Natalia Sanchez
Ripples in the Pond: United States Supreme Court Decision Impact Predictions v. Reality, Bethany J. Ring
RNA-Dependent Lipid Remodeling by Bacterial Multiple Peptide Resistance Factors, Hervé Roy and Michael Ibba
Role of Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase on Cardiovascular Functions in Physiological and Pathophysiological States, Ahmmed Ally, Isabella Powell, Minora M. Ally, Kevin Chaitoff, and Surya M. Nauli
Role of Protein Phosphatase-2A in Regulating Monocyte Activation by Soluble and Crystalline Uric Acid in Gout, Sandy ElSayed
Roles of tRNA in Cell Wall Biosynthesis, Kiley Dare and Michael Ibba
Romer v. Evans as the Transformation of Local Government Law, Lawrence Rosenthal
Ronald D. Rotunda (1945-2018): A Giant in the Law Whose Likes We Will Not See Again, Richard E. Redding
Ronald Rotunda: Scholar, Teacher, Professor, Public Intellectual. An Appreciation, Hugh Hewitt
Rule and Exception in Criminal Law (Or, Are Criminal Defenses Necessary?), Janine Y. Kim
Runoff and Reality: Externalities, Economics, and Traceability Issues in Urban Runoff Regulation, Donald J. Kochan
Ruthmycin, a New Tetracyclic Polyketide from Streptomyces sp. RM-4-15, Xiachang Wang, Sherif Elshahawi, Khaled A. Shaaban, Lei Fang, Larissa V. Ponomareva, Yinan Zhang, Gregory C. Copley, James C. Hower, Chang-Guo Zhan, Madan K. Kharel, and Jon S. Thorson
(R)-β-lysine Modified Elongation Factor P Functions in Translation Elongation, Tammy J. Bullwinkle, S. Betty Zou, Andrei Rajkovic, Steven J. Hersch, Sara Elgamal, Nathaniel Robinson, David Smil, Yuri Bolshan, William Wiley Navarre, and Michael Ibba
Safely into the Unknown? A Review of the Proposals for the Future of English Heritage, Jamie Larkin
Sales and Use Tax Credits, Discrimination against Interstate Commerce, and the Useless Multiple Tax Concept, Ronald D. Rotunda and John E. Nowak
Salomon Henschen and the Search for a Brain Center for Singing, Amy B. Graziano, Erik C. Born, and Julene K. Johnson
Saving Disparate Impact, Lawrence Rosenthal
Scaling of Olfactory Antennae of the Terrestrial Hermit Crabs Coenobita rugosus and Coenobita perlatus During Ontogeny, Lindsay D. Waldrop, Roxanne M. Bantay, and Quang V. Nguyen
SCELC Open Access Webinar: Defining Plan S & Transformative Agreements, Kristin Laughtin-Dunker and DeDe Leshy
School of Artistas Inmigrantes, Manuel Calvillo de la Garza
School Psychologists and School Counselors’ Perceptions of Preparation Received for the Provision of School-Based Mental Health Services, Sherika McKenzie
School Psychologists as Leaders in Professional Practice: An Examination of Leadership Roles and Perceived Support, Jodi LaChance
Scoring Performance Variations Between the Y Balance Test, A Modified Y Balance Test, and the Modified Star Excursion Balance Test, Kristen Jagger, Amanda Frazier, Adrian Aron, and Brent Harper
Screening for Adverse Drug Events: A Randomized Trial of Automated Calls Coupled with Phone-Based Pharmacist Counseling, Gordon D. Schiff, Elissa Klinger, Alejandra Salazar, Jeffrey Medoff, Mary G. Amato, E. John Orav, Shimon Shaykevich, Enrique V. Seoane-Vazquez, Lake Walsh, Theresa E. Fuller, Patricia C. Dykes, David W. Bates, and Jennifer S. Haas
Searching for Neural Mechanisms of Social Cognition, Chandler Siemonsma, Cristina Uribe, LouAnne Boyd, Aaron Schurger, Deanna Hughes, and Tian Lan
Second Amendment Plumbing after Heller: Of Standards of Scrutiny, Incorporation, Well-Regulated Militias, and Criminal Street Gangs, Lawrence Rosenthal
Secondary Traumatic Stress in Teachers and School Communities Impacted by the Opioid Epidemic, Anne Steketee
Second Thoughts on Damages for Wrongful Convictions, Lawrence Rosenthal
SEC Registration of Private Investment Partnerships after Abrahamson v. Fleschner, Ronald D. Rotunda and Robert C. Hacker
Section 1983 Liability in the Public Schools After DeShaney: The “Special Relationship” Between School and Student, Susanna Kim Ripken
Selection of tRNA Charging Quality Control Mechanisms That Increase Mistranslation of the Genetic Code, Srujana S. Yadavalli and Michael Ibba
Self-Centeredness As A Response To Narratives With Few Self-Transcendent Elicitors, Sophie Janicke-Bowles
Self-Ownership as Personal Sovereignty, John Thrasher
Semi De Morgan Logic Properly Displayed, Giuseppe Greco, Fei Qin, M. Andrew Moshier, and Alessandra Palmigiano
September 15th, 2018 Mary Palchak Faculty Recital (AUDIO), Mary Palchak
September 15th, 2018 Mary Palchak Faculty Recital (VIDEO), Mary Palchak
Serpentine Low Loss Trapezoidal Silica Waveguides on Silicon, Xiaomin Zhang, Mark Harrison, Audrey Harker, and Andrea M. Armani
Severability of Statutes, Tom Campbell
Sex Discrimination in the Airline Industry: Title VII Flying High, Denis Binder
Sex Offenders and Child Sex Tourism: The Case for Passport Revocation, John A. Hall
Sex Panic Rhetorics, Queer Interventions, Ian Barnard
Shamanism & Its Basic Spiritual Function To Heal, Carla Frias
Shared Service in the Archives: The Johns Hopkins University First-generation Students Oral History Project, Jennifer Kinniff and Annie Tang
Sheathing the Sword of Federal Preemption, Ronald D. Rotunda
Shock, Awe, and Expropriation: The Act of State Doctrine and Loss Deductions Under Section 165 of the Internal Revenue Code, Bobby L. Dexter
Short- and Medium-Term Car Registration Forecasting Based on Selected Macro and Socio-Economic Indicators in European Countries, Lubor Homolka, Vu Minh Ngo, Drahomíra Pavelková, Bach Tuan Le, and Bruce Dehning
Shutdown Policies and Worldwide Conflict, Nicolas Berman, Mathieu Couttenier, Nathalie Monnet, and Rohit Ticku
Side A: Mefistofele - New York City Opera - 5/2/72, Side B: Thais - Act 1 - New Orleans, Carol Neblett
Sikhs and Sikhism in America Group Study Room
Sikhs and Sikhism in America Group Study Room
Sikhs and Sikhism in America Group Study Room
Sikhs and Sikhism in America Group Study Room
Sikhs and Sikhism in America Group Study Room
Sikhs and Sikhism in America Group Study Room
Sikhs and Sikhism in America Group Study Room
Sikhs and Sikhism in America Group Study Room
Sikhs and Sikhism in America Group Study Room
Sikhs and Sikhism in America Group Study Room 1
Sikhs and Sikhism in America Group Study Room 2
Sikhs and Sikhism in America Group Study Room 3
Sikhs and Sikhism in America Group Study Room 4
Simon Greenleaf on Desuetude and Judge-Made Law: An Unpublished Letter to Francis Lieber, Ronald D. Rotunda and M. H. Hoeflich
Simulations in Clinics, Contract Drafting, & Upper-Level Courses, Daniel B. Bogart and et al.
Sister Act: Conflicts of Interest with Sister Corporations, Ronald D. Rotunda
Slavery as Punishment: Original Public Meaning, Cruel and Unusual Punishment, and the Neglected Clause in the Thirteenth Amendment, Scott W. Howe
Small Differences in Ombrotrophy Control Regional-Scale Variation in Methane Cycling Among Sphagnum-Dominated Peatlands, Cassandra A. Zalman, Jason K. Keller, M. Tfaily, M. Kolton, L. Pfeifer-Meister, R. M. Wilson, X. Lin, J. Chanton, J. E. Kostka, A. Gill, A. Finzi, A. M. Hopple, B. J. M. Bohannan, and S. D. Bridgham
Smart Homes for Smart Health: Developing an Interactive System to Reduce In-Home Secondhand Smoke, Christie Kika, Janice Han, and Vincent Berardi
Smell as Self-identity: Capitalist Ideology and Olfactory Imagination in Das Parfum’s Multimedia Storytelling, Xinrong Liu
Socialization by the Legal System: The Scientific Validity of a Lacanian Socio-Legal Psychoanalysis, Richard E. Redding
Sociopolitical Diversity in Psychology: The Case for Pluralism, Richard E. Redding
So Others May Live: The Price of Healthcare in Combat, Robert Del Toro
Sovereignty Migrates in U.S. and Mexican Law: Transnational Influences in Plenary Power and Non-Intervention, Ernesto A. Hernández-López
Spatial Frequency Implications for Global and Local Processing in Autistic Children, Riya Mody, Ayra Tusneem, LouAnne Boyd, and Vincent Berardi
Spatiotemporal Extremes of Temperature and Precipitation During 1960–2015 in the Yangtze River Basin (China) and Impacts on Vegetation Dynamics, Lifang Cui, Lunche Wang, Sai Qu, Ramesh P. Singh, Zhongping Lai, and Rui Yao
Spatiotemporal Fluorescent Detection Measurements Using Embedded Waveguide Sensors, Mark C. Harrison and Andrea M. Armani
Spatiotemporal Variations of City-Level Carbon Emissions in China during 2000–2017 Using Nighttime Light Data, Yu Sun, Sheng Zheng, Yuzhe Wu, Uwe Schlink, and Ramesh P. Singh
Speak Up! Challenging Microaggressions by Intervening As an Ally, Gabi Siguenza, Carsyn Knebel, Sierra Segal, and Amy C. Moors
Speed Traps: Algorithmic Trader Performance Under Alternative Market Structures, Yan Peng, Jason Shachat, Lijia Wei, and S. Sarah Zhang
Sponsors of Real Estate Partnerships as Brokers and Investment Advisors, Ronald D. Rotunda and Robert C. Hacker
Spoxazomicin D and Oxachelin C, Potent Neuroprotective Carboxamides from the Appalachian Coal Fire-Associated Isolate Streptomyces sp. RM-14- 6, Khaled A. Shaaban, Meredith A. Saunders, Yinan Zhang, Tuan Tran, Sherif Elshahawi, Larissa V. Ponomareva, Xiachang Wang, Jianjun Zhang, Gregory C. Copley, Manjula Sunkara, Madan K. Kharel, Andrew J. Morris, James C. Hower, Matthew S. Tremblay, Mark A. Prendergast, and Jon S. Thorson
Spreading Like Wildfire: Luther’s Network and the Early Reformation, Sascha O. Becker, Yuan Hsiao, Steven Pfaff, and Jared Rubin
Spring 2020 Student Scholar Symposium Abstract Volume, Chapman University Center for Undergraduate Excellence
Star Performances: Ed Roberts on the Speaking Circuit, 1983-1995, Scot Danforth
Stationary Phase Expression and Aminoacylation of a tRNA-like Small RNA, Sandro F. Ataide, Brian C. Jester, Kevin M. Devine, and Michael Ibba
Stephen Dedalus and the Mind as Hypertext in Ulysses, Ariel Banayan
Stochastic Wiener Filter in the White Noise Space, Daniel Alpay and Ariel Pinhas
Strategic Institutional Positioning: How We Have Come to Generate Environmental Law Without Congress, Donald J. Kochan
Strategic Problems with Risky Prospects, Alessandro Sontuoso, Cristina Bicchieri, Alexander Funcke, and Einav Hart
Stress and Negative Affect as Mediators in the Association between Parental Social Support and Lung Function in Adolescents with Asthma, Amber Osorno, Eric Sternlicht, Pornchai Tirakitsoontorn, Azucena Talamantes, Anchalee Yuengsrigul, Zeev N. Kain, and Brooke Jenkins
Striking a Balance: Basic Questions About Consumer Protection Law, Kurt Eggert
Strip Mining, the West and the Nation, Denis Binder
Structural and Functional Mapping of the Archaeal Multi-aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Complex, Corinne D. Hausmann and Michael Ibba
Structural Characterization and in vitro Lipid Binding Studies of Non-specific Lipid Transfer Protein 1 (nsLTP1) from Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) Seeds, Mekdes Megeressa, Bushra Siraj, Shamshad Zarina, and Aftab Ahmed
Structure and Specificity of a Permissive Bacterial C-prenyltransferase, Sherif Elshahawi, Hongnan Cao, Khaled A. Shaaban, Larissa V. Ponomareva, Thangaiah Subramanian, Mark L. Farman, H Peter Spielmann, George N. Phillips Jr., Jon S. Thorson, and Shanteri Singh
Structure-Guided Functional Characterization of Enediyne Self-Sacrifice Resistance Proteins, CalU16 and CalU19, Sherif Elshahawi, Theresa A. Ramelot, Jayaraman Seetharaman, Jing Chen, Shanteri Singh, Yunhaung Yang, Kari Pederson, Madan K. Kharel, Rong Xiao, Scott Lew, Ragothaman M. Yennamalli, Mitchell D. Miller, Fengbin Wang, Liang Tong, Gateano T. Montelione, Michael A. Kennedy, Craig A. Bingman, Haining Zhu, George N. Phillips Jr., and Jon S. Thorson
Structure Theorems for Idempotent Residuated Lattices, José Gil-Férez, Peter Jipsen, and George Metcalfe
Student Disposition Towards Discussing Race in the Classroom, Natalie Salagean
Students' Evaluations of Teaching Fuel Grade Inflation, Richard E. Redding
Substrate Recognition by Class I Lysyl-tRNA Synthetases: A Molecular Basis for Gene Displacement, Michael Ibba, Heather C. Losey, Yutaka Kawarabayasi, Hisasi Kikuchi, Shipra Bunjun, and Dieter Söll
Suing Hitler's Willing Business Partners: American Justice and Holocaust Morality, Michael J. Bazyler
Supplementary Material to the Manuscript Titled: Mobile Phone Sensors Can Discern Medication-Related Gait Quality Changes in Parkinson's Patients in a Real-World Setting, Niklas König Ignasiak, Albert Pierce, Vincent Berardi, Wilford K. Eiteman-Pang, and Cyril Rakovski
Supplementary Material to the Manuscript Titled: Self-Paced Treadmills Do Not Allow for Valid Observation of Linear and Non-Linear Gait Variability Outcomes in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease, Niklas König Ignasiak, Maryam Rohafza, Rahul Soangra, and Jo Armour Smith
Supreme Court Developments, Tom Campbell
Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing and Modeling for Estimating Net Primary Productivity in the Red Sea With VGPM, Eppley-VGPM, and CbPM Models Intercomparison, Wenzhao Li, Surya Prakash Tiwari, Hesham el-Askary, Mohamed Ali Qurban, Vassilis Amiridis, K. P. Manikandan, Michael J. Garay, Olga V. Kalashnikova, Thomas C. Piechota, and Daniele C. Struppa
Synovial Fibrosis in Osteoarthritis of the Knee: Mechanism of Development and Potential Therapeutic Targets, Marwa Qadri
Synthesis and Antiproliferative Activity of Hybrid Peptides for Ovarian and Prostate Cancer, Timothy A. Kristedja, Shang Eun Park, and Rakesh Kumar Tiwari
Synthesis of Rhamnosylated Arginine Glycopeptides and Determination of the Glycosidic Linkage in Bacterial Elongation Factor P, Siyao Wang, Leo Corcilius, Phillip B. Sharp, Andrei Rajkovic, Michael Ibba, Benjamin L. Parker, and Richard J. Payne
Taking AIM at the Start of Translation, Medha Raina and Michael Ibba
Taking Justice Thomas Seriously, John C. Eastman
Taking Versus Reasonable Regulation: A Reappraisal in Light of Regional Planning and Wetlands, Denis Binder
Targeting tRNA-Synthetase Interactions Towards Novel Therapeutic Discovery Against Eukaryotic Pathogens, Paul Kelly, Fatemeh Hadi-Nezhad, Dennis Y. Liu, Travis J. Lawrence, Roger G. Linington, Michael Ibba, and David H. Ardell
Task-Invariance and Reliability of Anticipatory Postural Adjustments in Healthy Young Adults, Jo Armour Smith, Niklas König Ignasiak, and Jesse V. Jacobs
Tax Lien Rights of the I.R.S. Against a Swindler, Frank J. Doti
Tax Progressivity and Entrepreneurial Dynamics, Orkhan Nadirov and Bruce Dehning
Tax Terrorism: Nasty Truths about Investor Control Theory and the Accommodation of Social Security Privatization, Bobby L. Dexter
Teaching in the Age of Covid-19, Petar Jandrić, David Hayes, Ian Truelove, Paul Levinson, Peter Mayo, Thomas Ryberg, Lilia D. Monzó, Quaylan Allen, Paul Alexander Stewart, Paul R. Carr, Liz Jackson, Susan Bridges, Carlos Escaño, Dennis Grauslund, Julia Mañero, Happiness Onesmo Lukoko, Peter Bryant, Ana Fuentes-Martinez, Andrew Gibbons, Sean Sturm, Jennifer Rose, Mohamed Muhibu Chuma, Eva Biličić, Sarah Pfohl, Ulrika Gustafsson, Janine Aldous Arantes, Derek R. Ford, Jimmy Ezekiel Kihwele, Peter Mozelius, Juha Suoranta, Lucija Jurjević, Matija Jurjević, Anne Steketee, Jones Irwin, E. Jayne White, Jacob Davidsen, Jimmy Jaldemark, Sandra Abegglen, Tom Burns, Sandra Sinfield, James D. Kirylo, Ivana Batarelo Kokić, Georgina Tuari Stewart, Glenn Rikowski, Line Lisberg Christensen, Sonja Arndt, Olli Pyyhtinen, Charles Reitz, Mikkel Lodahl, Niklas Humble, Rachel Buchanan, Daniella J. Forster, Pallavi Kishore, Jānis John Ozoliņš, Navreeti Sharma, Shreya Urvashi, Harry G. Nejad, Nina Hood, Marek Tesar, Yang Wang, Jake Wright, James Benedict Brown, Paul Prinsloo, Kulpreet Kaur, Mousumi Mukherjee, Rene Novak, Richa Shukla, Stephanie Hollings, Ulla Konnerup, Madhav Mallya, Anthony Olorundare, Charlotte Achieng-Evensen, Abey P. Philip, Moses Kayade Hazzan, Kevin Stockbridge, Blessing Funmi Komolafe, Ogunyemi Folasade Bolanle, Michael Hogan, Bridgette Redder, Sahar D. Sattarzadeh, Michael Jopling, Suzanne SooHoo, Nesta Devine, and Sarah Hayes
Teaching Legal Ethics a Quarter of a Century After Watergate, Ronald D. Rotunda
Technology Transfer in Spatial Competition when Licensees are Asymmetric, Sougata Poddar, Swapnendu Banerjee, and Monalisa Ghosh
Tenure Buyouts: Employment Death Taxes and the Curious Obesity of "Wages", Bobby L. Dexter
Terfestatins B and C, New p-terphenyl Glycosides Produced by Streptomyces sp. RM-5-8, Xiachang Wang, Anna R. Reynolds, Sherif Elshahawi, Khaled A. Shaaban, Larissa V. Ponomareva, Meredith A. Saunders, Ibrahim S. Elgumati, Yinan Zhang, Gregory C. Copley, James C. Hower, Manjula Sunkara, Andrew J. Morris, Madan K. Kharel, Steven G. Van Lanen, Mark A. Prendergast, and Jon S. Thorson
Term Limits and Party Loyalty, Tom Campbell and Cameron Doolittle
Terrorism and Asylum Seekers: Why the Real ID Act is a False Promise, Marisa S. Cianciarulo
Thais - New Orleans Opera - 4/14/73, Carol Neblett
The ABCs of the Ribosome, Kurt Fredrick and Michael Ibba
The Aftermath of Thornton, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Antitrust Record of the First Reagan Administration, Tom Campbell
The Artifice of Local Growth Politics: At-Large Elections, Ballot-Box Zoning, and Judicial Review, Kenneth A. Stahl
The Attorney-Client Privilege After Attorney Disclosure, Scott W. Howe
The Bacillus subtilis tyrZ Gene Encodes a Highly Selective Tyrosyl-tRNA Synthetase and is Regulated by a MarR Regulator and T Box Riboswitch, Rebecca N. Williams-Wagner, Frank J. Grundy, Medha Raina, Michael Ibba, and Tina M. Henkin
The Blizzard, Phil Wood
The Blogosphere and the New Pamphleteers, Donald J. Kochan
The Body in the Museum, Jamie Larkin
The Brain-Disordered Defendant: Neuroscience and Legal Insanity in the Twenty-First Century, Richard E. Redding
The Cat that Catches Mice: China's Challenge to the Dominant Privatization Model, Lan Cao
The CCA Anticodon Specifies Separate Functions Inside and Outside Translation in Bacillus cereus, Sandro F. Ataide, Theresa E. Rogers, and Michael Ibba
The Changing Paradigm in Public Legal Education, Denis Binder
The Chapman Collections, Mary Platt
The Chapman Orchestra in Concert: "The French Connection", Chapman Orchestra
The Chemical Weapons Convention: Political and Constitutional Issues, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Classical Theory of Supply and Demand, Sabiou M. Inoua and Vernon L. Smith
The Commerce Clause, the Political Question Doctrine, and Morrison, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Commercial Speech Doctrine in the Supreme Court, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Common Law in Cyberspace, Tom W. Bell
The Competition Mission: Guiding Principles and Future Directions, Tom Campbell
The Complete Genome of Teredinibacter turnerae T7901: An Intracellular Endosymbiont of Marine Wood-Boring Bivalves (Shipworms), Joyce C. Yang, Ramana Madapu, A. Scott Durkin, Nathan A. Ekborg, Chandra S. Pedamallu, Jessica B. Hostetler, Diana Radune, Bradley S. Toms, Bernard Henrissat, Pedro M. Coutinho, Sandra Schwarz, Lauren Field, Amaro E. Trindade-Silva, Carlos A. G. Soares, Sherif Elshahawi, Amro Hanora, Eric W. Schmidt, Martha G. Haygood, Joanos Posfai, Jack Benner, Catherine Madinger, John Nove, Brian Anton, Kshitiz Chaudhary, Jeremy Foster, Alex Holman, Sanjay Kumar, Philip A. Lessard, Yvette A. Luyten, Barton Slatko, Nicole Wood, Bo Wu, Max Teplitski, Joseph D. Mougous, Naomi Ward, Jonathan A. Eisen, Jonathan H. Badger, and Daniel L. Distel
The Complex Evolutionary History of Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases, Anargyros Chaliotis, Panayotis Vlastaridis, Dimitris Mossialos, Michael Ibba, Hubert D. Becker, Constantinos Stathopoulos, and Grigorios D. Amoutzias
The Constitutional Future of the Bill of Rights: A Closer Look at Commercial Speech and State Aid to Religiously Affiliated Schools, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Constitution as if Consent Mattered, Tom W. Bell
The Continued Rise of the Reproductive Justice Lawyer, Leigh Creighton Bond and Monika Taliaferro
The Cradle of the Countermajoritarian Diffifficulty, John W. Compton
The Crime Drop and the Fourth Amendment: Toward an Empirical Jurisprudence of Search and Seizure, Lawrence Rosenthal
The Culture of Violent Talk: An Interpretive Approach, Peter Simi and Steven Windisch
The Dangers and Drawbacks of the Disclosure Antidote: Toward a More Substantive Approach to Securities Regulation, Susanna Kim Ripken
The Deceptive Allure of Singapore's Urban Planning to Urban Planners in America, Denis Binder
The Development of a Cancer-Targeting Peptide-Drug Conjugate for the Treatment of Melanoma, Cassandra Dill
The Development of Novel Apurinic/Aprymidinic Endonuclease/Redox-factor 1 Inhibitors for the Treatment of Human Melanoma, Bella Sharifi
The Dialectics of English Dominance, Lilia D. Monzó
The Diaspora of Ethnic Economies: Beyond the Pale?, Lan Cao
The Doors of Perception, Gary Charness and Alessandro Sontuoso
The Duty to Disclose Geologic Hazards in Real Estate Transactions, Denis Binder
The Dynamics of Stress and Fatigue Across Menopause: Attractors, Coupling, and Resilience, Lisa Taylor-Swanson, Alexander E. Wong, David Pincus, Jonathan E. Butner, Jennifer Hahn-Holbrook, Mary Koithan, Kathryn Wann, and Nancy F. Woods
The Economics of Babysitting a Robot, Aleksandr Alekseev
The Economics of Residential Solar Panels: Comparing Tiered and Time of Use Plans, Prashanth Nyer, Candace Ybarra, and Jack B. Broughton
The Effect of Piracy Website Blocking on Consumer Behavior, Brett Danaher, Jonathan Hersh, Michael D. Smith, and Rahul Telang
The Effect of Sleep on Public Good Contributions and Punishment: Experimental Evidence, Jeremy Clark and David L. Dickinson
The Effect of 18O‐labelled Water Vapour on the Oxygen Isotope Ratio of Water and Assimilates in Plants at High Humidity, Marco M. Lehmann, Gregory R. Goldsmith, Lola Schmid, Arthur Gessler, Matthias Saurer, and Rolf T. W. Siegwolf
The Effect of the 21 August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse on the Phase of VLF/LF Signals, A. Rozhnoi, M. Solovieva, S. Shalimov, Dimitar Ouzounov, P. Gallagher, G. Verth, J. McCauley, S. Shelyag, and V. Fedun
The Effects of Adjudicating and Sentencing Juveniles as Adults: Research and Policy Implications, Richard E. Redding
The Effects of Different Forms of Risk Communication on Judicial Decision Making, Richard E. Redding
The Efficiency of the Failing Company Defense, Tom Campbell
The Eighth Amendment as a Warrant Against Undeserved Punishment, Scott W. Howe
The Emerging Constitutional Challenge of Climate Change: India in Perspective, Deepa Badrinarayana
The Emerging First Amendment Law of Managerial Prerogative, Lawrence Rosenthal
The Energy Crisis, the Environment and the Consumer: A Solomonian Task, Denis Binder
The Ethnic Question in Law and Development, Lan Cao
The Extraterritorial Regulation of Foreign Business under the U.S Securities Laws, Ronald D. Rotunda and Robert C. Hacker
The Failed Case for Eighth Amendment Regulation of the Capital-Sentencing Trial, Scott W. Howe
The Fallen Woman: An Exploration of the Voiceless Women in Victorian England through Three Plays of Oscar Wilde, Marco Randazzo
The Family Business: DNA Ancestry Tests and White Identity, Callan Keeter
The Federal Death Penalty and the Constitutionality of Capital Punishment, Scott W. Howe and et al.
The Films of Bong Joon Ho, Nam Lee
The Fitness Landscape of the African Salmonella Typhimurium ST313 Strain D23580 Reveals Unique Properties of the pBT1 Plasmid, Rocío Canals, Roy R. Chaudhuri, Rebecca E. Steiner, Siân V. Owen, Natalia Quinones-Olvera, Melita A. Gordon, Michael Baym, Michael Ibba, and Jay C. D. Hinton
The Flesh and The Devil: Belief in Religious Evil and Views of Sexual Morality, Joseph O. Baker, Andrea Molle, and Christoper Bader
The Founders' Intent, Constitutional Provisions, and Limits on Spending Power and Delegation, John C. Eastman
The Frederic J. Kakis, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus Group Study Room
The Frederic J. Kakis, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus Group Study Room
The Frederic J. Kakis, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus Group Study Room
The Frederic J. Kakis, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus Group Study Room
The Frederic J. Kakis, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus Group Study Room
The Frederic J. Kakis, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus Group Study Room
The Frederic J. Kakis, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus Group Study Room 1
The Frederic J. Kakis, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus Group Study Room 2
The Frederic J. Kakis, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus Group Study Room 3
The Good War?: Reinterpreting the Second World War in Contemporary Musical Theatre, Leana Sottile
The Great Collapse: How Securitization Caused the Subprime Meltdown, Kurt Eggert
The Great Recession and Its Implications for Community Policing, Matthew J. Parlow
The Holocaust Restitution Movement in Comparative Perspective, Michael J. Bazyler
The ILO's Better Factories Cambodia Program: A Viable Blueprint for Promoting International Labor Rights?, John A. Hall
The Impact of Blogging on the Practice of Law: Hit the Snooze Button, Tom W. Bell
The Impact of Chinese Investments on the Kenyan Economy, Candice Newcomb
The Impact of Parental Health Mindset on Postoperative Recovery in Children, Alexandra Kain, Claudia Mueller, Brenda J. Goliamu, Brooke N. Jenkins, and Michelle A. Fortier
The Impact of Taxes and Wasteful Government Spending on Giving, Roman Sheremeta and Neslihan Uler
The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Economic Behaviours and Preferences: Experimental Evidence from Wuhan, Jason Shachat, Matthew J. Walker, and Lijia Wei
The Impairments Clause and the Corporation: A Comment on Professors Butler’s and Ribstein’s Thesis, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Implementation of a Regional Education Network Through the Application of the Developmental Evaluation Process: A Case Study, Amy Jane Griffiths and John Brady
The Implications of the New Commerce Clause Jurisprudence: An Evolutionary or Revolutionary Court?, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Impossibility of Parental Licensure, Richard E. Redding
The Inclusion of Health Data Standards in the Implementation of Pharmacogenomics Systems: A Scoping Review, Don Roosan, Angela Hwang, Anandi V. Law, Jay Chok, and Moom Roosan
The Infinite is the Chasm in Which Our Thoughts are Lost: Reflections on Sophie Germain's Essays, Adam Glesser, Bogdan D. Suceavă, and Mihaela Vajiac
The Künneth Formula and Applications, Melissa Sugimoto
The Labyrinth of Autism: Heuristic Journeys of Fathers Who Have a Child on the Autism Spectrum, Lisa Boskovich
The Law Professor as Counterterrorist Tactician, Lawrence Rosenthal
The Legal Context of School Violence: The Effectiveness of Federal, State, and Local Law Enforcement Efforts to Reduce Gun Violence in Schools, Richard E. Redding and Sarah M. Shalf
The Legal Profession and the Public Image of Lawyers, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Liability Consequences of Dam Failures, Denis Binder
The Link Between Liability Reforms and Productivity: Some Empirical Evidence/Comments, Tom Campbell and et al.
The Market to Roam: Using Sharing Economy Platforms for Expanding Roaming Access to Land Resources, Donald J. Kochan
The Mathematics of the Astrolabe and Its History, Graziano Gentili, Luisa Simonutti, and Daniele C. Struppa
The Meaninglessness of Delayed Appointments and Discretionary Grants of Capital Postconviction Counsel, Celestine R. McConville
The Memory of the Universe, Karina Trejo Melendez
The Missing Museums: Accreditation, Surveys, and an Alternative Account of the UK Museum Sector, Fiona Candlin, Jamie Larkin, Andrea Ballatore, and Alexandra Poulovassilis
The Morrígan: Phantom Queen of Celtic Mythology, Jacqueline Garcia
The Myth of the Green Berets: How One Group of Soldiers Helped Sell a Nation on the Virtue of War, Rebekah Moore
The Native Production of the Sesquiterpene Isopterocarpolone by Streptomyces sp. RM-14-6, Khaled A. Shaaban, Shanteri Singh, Sherif Elshahawi, Xiachang Wang, Larissa V. Ponomareva, Manjula Sunkara, Gregory C. Copley, James C. Hower, Andrew J. Morris, Madan K. Kharel, and Jon S. Thorson
The NBA and the Great Recession: Implications for the Upcoming Collective Bargaining Agreement Renegotiation, Matthew J. Parlow
The New Merger Guidelines: A Federal Trade Commission Perspective, Tom Campbell
The New Originalism Meets the Fourteenth Amendment: Original Public Meaning and the Problem of Incorporation, Lawrence Rosenthal
The New States' Rights, the New Federalism, the New Commerce Clause, and the Proposed New Abdication, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Non-Canonical Hydroxylase Structure of YfcM Reveals a Metal Ion-Coordination Motif Required for EF-P Hydroxylation, Kan Kobayashi, Assaf Katz, Andrei Rajkovic, Ryohei Ishii, Owen E. Branson, Michael A. Freitas, Ryuichiro Ishitani, Michael Ibba, and Osamu Nureki
The Notice of Withdrawal and the New Model Rules of Professional Conduct: Blowing the Whistle and Waving the Red Flag, Ronald D. Rotunda
Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Studying Children's Capacities in Legal Contexts, Richard E. Redding, Jennifer L. Woodlard, and N. Dickon Reppucci
The Origin of Usurpation and Tyranny: Nonagentic Anti-Imperialism of the Twenty-First Century and the Legacy of Chavismo, Juan Bustillo
The Perceived Effectiveness of School-Based Accommodations for Students with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, MaryAnn Seng
The Persistent Problem of Purposeful Availment, Henry S. Noyes
The Physiological Interaction of Sleep Deprivation and Zoledronate on Distal Femur Trabecular Thickness of Ovariectomized Rats, Erin Nolte, Frank Frisch, and Oliver Lopez
The Poincaré Duality Theorem and its Applications, Natanael Alpay, Melissa Sugimoto, and Mihaela Vajiac
The Potential Application of RICO in the Natural Resources/Environmental Law Context, Denis Binder
The Potential Unintended Consequences of the O'Bannon Decision, Matthew J. Parlow
The Power of Partnership: Understanding the Dynamic of Co-Teaching Pairs, Amanda M. Lozolla
The Project Talent Twin and Sibling Study: Zygosity and New Data Collection, Carol A. Prescott, Ellen E. Walters, Thalida Em Arpawong, Catalina Zavala, Tara L. Gruenewald, and Margaret Gatz
The Prospect of a President Incarcerated, Scott W. Howe
The Provisional Director Remedy for Corporate Deadlock: A Proposed Model Statute, Susanna Kim Ripken
The Public Interest Appellant: Limitations on the Right of Competent Parties to Settle Litigation Out of Court, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Renaissance of Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthesis, Michael Ibba and Dieter Söll
The Rhetoric of Self-Defense, Janine Y. Kim
The Right to Effective Assistance of Capital Postconviction Counsel: Constitutional Implications of Statutory Grants of Capital Counsel, Celestine R. McConville
The Right Way to Teach Transactional Lawyers: Commercial Leasing and the Forgotten "Dirt Lawyer", Daniel B. Bogart
The Rise and Fall of the Miranda Warnings in Popular Culture, Ronald L. Steiner
The Rise of the Common Law of Federal Pleading: Iqbal, Twombly and the Application of Judicial Experience, Henry S. Noyes
The Role of Critical Thinking Skills in Practicing Clinical Psychologists' Choice of Intervention Technique, Richard E. Redding, Ian R. Sharp, and James D. Herbert
The Role of Dislodgement in the Territorial Ecology of the Owl Limpet, Lottia gigantea, Ryan T. Kabala, Natalie Swinford, Maria J. Mason, and William G. Wright
The Role of Dispersal and School Attendance on Reproductive Dynamics in Small, Dispersed Populations: Choyeros of Baja California Sur, Mexico, Shane Macfarlan, Ryan Schacht, Eric Schniter, Juan José Garcia, Diego Guevara Beltran, and Jory Lerback
The Role of Ideology in Confirming Federal Court Judges, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Role of Research in Forensic Psychological Testimony: Do Judges Listen?, Richard E. Redding, Alan M. Goldstein, Marchelle R. Thomson, and Douglas Osman
The Role of the Pericardium in the Valveless, Tubular Heart of the Tunicate, Ciona savignyi, Lindsay D. Waldrop and Laura A. Miller
The Roles of Primary Cilia in Cardiovascular Diseases and Cancer, Maha Jamal
The Securities Law of Contested Tender Offers, Denis Binder
The Sharing Stick in the Property Rights Bundle: The Case of Short Term Rentals & HOAs, Donald J. Kochan
The Significance of "Domicile" in Wong Kim Ark, John C. Eastman
The Source Detection of 28 September 2018 Sulawesi Tsunami by Using Ionospheric GNSS Total Electron Content Disturbance, Jann-Yenq Liu, Chi-Yen Lin, Yuh-Ing Chen, Tso-Ren Wu, Meng-Ju Chung, Tien-Chi Liu, Yu-Lin Tsai, Loren C. Chang, Chi-Kuang Chao, Dimitar Ouzounov, and Katsumi Hattori
The Specter of Copyism v. Blockheaded Authors: How User-Generated Content Affects Copyright Policy, Tom W. Bell
The Spending Clause as a Positive Source of Environmental Protection: A Primer, Denis Binder
The Strategic Implications of Scale in Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis, John R. Hauser, Felix Eggers, and Matthew Selove
The Structure of Generalized BI-algebras and Weakening Relation Algebras, Nikolaos Galatos and Peter Jipsen
The Suburb as a Legal Concept: The Problem of Organization and the Fate of Municipalities in American Law, Kenneth A. Stahl
The Supreme Court (1990 Term): Voting Rights Act: Judicial Elections: Chisom v. Roemer, Bobby L. Dexter
The [̶T̶a̶k̶i̶n̶g̶s̶] Keepings Clause: An Analysis of Framing Effects from Labeling Constitutional Rights, Donald J. Kochan
The Third Amendment: Forgotten But Not Gone, Tom W. Bell
The Trafficking and Exploitation Victims Assistance Program: A Proposed Early Response Plan for Victims of International Human Trafficking in the United States, Marisa S. Cianciarulo
The Transnational and Sub-National in Global Crimes, Lan Cao
The tRNA Synthetase Paralog PoxA Modifies Elongation Factor-P with (R)-β-lysine, Hervé Roy, S. Betty Zou, Tammy J. Bullwinkle, Benjamin S. Wolfe, Marla S. Gilreath, Craig J. Forsyth, William Wiley Navarre, and Michael Ibba
The Troubling Influence of Equality in Constitutional Criminal Procedure: From Brown to Miranda, Furman and Beyond, Scott W. Howe
The Ubume Challenge: A Digital Environmental Humanities Project, Sam Risak
The Unnecessary Implied Warranty of Fitness for a Particular Purpose, Robert D. Brain
The Value of Plea Bargaining, Scott W. Howe
The Value of Wet Leaves, Todd E. Dawson and Gregory Goldsmith
The Virginia G. Carson, Ph.D. Group Study Room
The Virginia G. Carson, Ph.D. Group Study Room
The Virginia G. Carson, Ph.D. Group Study Room
The Virginia G. Carson, Ph.D. Group Study Room 1
The Virginia G. Carson, Ph.D. Group Study Room 2
The Virginia G. Carson, Ph.D. Group Study Room 3
The Virginia G. Carson, Ph.D. Group Study Room 4
The Virginia G. Carson, Ph.D. Group Study Room 5
The Virginia G. Carson, Ph.D. Group Study Room 6
The War Powers Act in Perspective, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Watched, Sierra Ellison
The Word "Profession" Is Only a Label - And Not a Very Useful One: Hiding Behind It are Monopolistic Practices That Do Not Make for Sound Social Policy, Ronald D. Rotunda
The W Visa: A Legislative Proposal for Female and Child Refugees Trapped in a Post-September 11 World, Marisa S. Cianciarulo
The Year in Review, Denis Binder
Thinking About Tax Malpractice: Outline and Hypotheticals, Michael B. Lang
Those Who Can't, Teach: What the Legal Career of John Yoo Tells Us about Who Should Be Teaching Law, Lawrence Rosenthal
Thoughts From Your Bartender, Nikolas Loyatho
Three Steps Forward, Two Back: Shuffling of Women from 1920 Suffragists to 2019 as the "Year of Men", Reshma Kamath
Time of Day Dependence in Plant–Rhizobia Interaction, Teresa Hur, Isaac Min, Yoobeen Lee, Ashley Okhovat, Sydni Au Hoy, Kenjiro Quides, and Hagop Atamian
Time-Resolved Observation of Transient Precursor State of CO on Ru(0001) Using Carbon K-edge spectroscopy, Hsin-Yi Wang, Simon Schreck, Matthew Weston, Hirohito Ogasawara, Jerry LaRue, Fivos Perakis, Martina Dell'Angela, Flavio Capotondi, Luca Giannessi, Emanuele Pedersoli, Denys Naumenko, Ivaylo Nikolov, Lorenzo Raimondi, Carlo Spezzani, Martin Beye, Filippo Cavalca, Boyang Liu, Jörgen Gladh, Sergey Koroidov, Piter S. Miedema, Roberto Costantini, Lars G. M. Pettersson, and Anders Nilsson
Timing of Departure From the Parental Home: Differences by Immigrant Generation and Parents’ Region of Origin, Brian Joseph Gillespie, Georgiana Bostean, and Stefan Malizia
Tobacco Product Warnings in the Mist of Vaping: A Retrospective on the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act, John D. Blum
Together We Can Do So Much: A Systematic Review and Conceptual Framework of Collaboration in Schools, Amy-Jane Griffiths
Too Much and Too Graphic: Dr. Ruth Westheimer and the Struggle for 1980s and 1990s Feminism, Louisa Marshall
Too Much of a Good Thing? Overexertion of Self-Control and Dietary Adherence in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes, Brooke N. Jenkins, Karen S. Rook, Raquel Borges-Garcia, Melissa M. Franks, and Mary Ann Parris Stephens
Topography and Function of Challenging Behaviors in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Esther Hong, Dennis R. Dixon, Elizabeth Stevens, Claire O. Burns, and Erik Linstead
Tosca - Act 1 and 3 - 5/23, Carol Neblett
Tosca - Chicago Lyric Opera - 11-26-76, Carol Neblett
Tosca - Chicago Lyric Opera - 11-26-76, Carol Neblett
Tosca - Metropolitan Opera - 12-5-81, Carol Neblett
Tosca - Metropolitan Opera - 3/25/80, Carol Neblett
Tosca - Nice - 3/24/94, Carol Neblett
Tosca - Nice Opera - 3/24/94, Carol Neblett
Tosca - Nice Opera - 3/24/94, Carol Neblett
Tosca - Nice Opera - 3/26/94, Carol Neblett
Tosca - Puccini - 12/5/81 Act 3, Carol Neblett
To Trade or not to Trade...A Comparison of the Biosafety Protocol and the SPS Agreement, Deepa Badrinarayana
Towards a New Sensibility for International Economic Development, Lan Cao
To What Extent May Local Government Regulate the Application of Pesticides?, Denis Binder
Track 1.b Introduction: Re-Designing Health: Transforming Systems, Practices and Care, Aidan Rowe, Claudine Jaenichen, Gillian Harvey, Kate Sellen, and Stephanie Vandenberg
Trade, Energy, and Climate Change Policies of BASIC Nations: One Step Closer to an Economic InterestBased International Law?, Deepa Badrinarayana
Trade Facilitation and Tariff Evasion, Cosimo Beverelli and Rohit Ticku
Trade in Electronic Commerce Services under the WTO: The Need to Clearly Classify Electronic Transmissions as Services and Not Tariff-Liable, Ernesto A. Hernández-López
Trading with the Enemy: Holocaust Restitution, the United States Government, and American Industry, Michael J. Bazyler and Amber L. Fitzgerald
Training the Parents of Juvenile Offenders: State of the Art and Recommendations for Service Delivery, Richard E. Redding and Carrie F. Mulford
Trans-editing of Mischarged tRNAs, Ivan Ahel, Dragana Korencic, Michael Ibba, and Dieter Söll
Transfer RNA Comes of Age, Michael Ibba
Transfer RNA-Dependent Cognate Amino Acid Recognition by an Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase, K. W. Hong, Michael Ibba, I. Weygand-Durasevic, M. J. Rogers, H. U. Thomann, and D. Söll
Transfer RNA Identity Contributes to Transition State Stabilization During Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthesis, Michael Ibba, Sanja Sever, Mette Praetorius-Ibba, and Dieter Söll
Transfer RNA Recognition by Class I Lysyl-tRNA Synthetase from the Lyme Disease Pathogen Borrelia burgdorferi, Alexandre Ambrogelly, Magali Frugier, Michael Ibba, Dieter Söll, and Richard Giegé
Transfer RNA's Latest Port of Call, Manuel A. S. Santos, Omar Orellana, and Michael Ibba
Transfiguration of the Deadbeat Dad and the Greedy Octogenarian: An Intratextualist Critique of Tax Refund Seizures, Bobby L. Dexter
Translational Control of Antibiotic Resistance, Anne Witzky, Rodney Tollerson II, and Michael Ibba
Translational Fidelity, Mistranslation, and the Cellular Responses to Stress, Kyle Mohler and Michael Ibba
Translational Regulation of Environmental Adaptation in Bacteria, Rodney Tollerson II and Michael Ibba
Translation Control of Swarming Proficiency in Bacillus subtilis by 5-amino-pentanolylated Elongation Factor P, Andrei Rajkovic, Katherine R. Hummels, Anne Witzky, Sarah Erickson, Philip R. Gafken, Julian P. Whitelegge, Kym F. Faull, Daniel B. Kearns, and Michael Ibba
Translation Initiation Rate Determines the Impact of Ribosome Stalling on Bacterial Protein Synthesis, Steven J. Hersch, Sara Elgamal, Assaf Katz, Michael Ibba, and William Wiley Navarre
Translation of "Three Jewish Men Are Accused of Sodomy (Rome, 1624)", Shira Klein
Translation Quality Control is Critical for Bacterial Responses to Amino Acid Stress, Tammy J. Bullwinkle and Michael Ibba
Transnational Privilege during the Climate Crisis, Joanna Falla
Transporting India into a New Climate: The Implications for Energy Law and Policy, Deepa Badrinarayana
Trauma Begetting Trauma: Fukú, Masks, and Implicit Forgiveness in the Works of Junot Díaz, Jacob VanWormer
Treason, Technology, and Freedom of Expression, Tom W. Bell
Trends in Prices of Insulin Marketed in the US, Hana Althobaiti
Tripping on Nothing: Placebo Psychedelics and Contextual Factors, Jay A. Olson, Léah Suissa-Rocheleau, Michael Lifshitz, Amir Raz, and Samuel P. L. Veissière
tRNA-Dependent Asparagine Formation, Alan W. Curnow, Michael Ibba, and Dieter Söll
tRNA Recognition and Evolution of Determinants in Seryl-tRNA Synthesis, Boris Lenhard, Omar Orellana, Michael Ibba, and Ivana Weygand-Durasevic
tRNAs as Regulators of Biological Processes, Medha Raina and Michael Ibba
tRNAs: Cellular Barcodes for Amino Acids, Ranat Banerjee, Shawn Chen, Kiley Dare, Marla Gilreath, Mette Praetorius-Ibba, Medha Raina, Noah M. Reynolds, Theresa E. Rogers, Hervé Roy, Srujana S. Yadavalli, and Michael Ibba
Trust and Trustworthiness After Negative Random Shocks, Hernán Bejerano, Joris Gillet, and Ismael Rodriguez-Lara
Trust and Trustworthiness in Procurement Contracts with Retainage, Matthew J. Walker, Elena Katok, and Jason Shachat
Trustees Do It Better: Analyzing Section 547(c)(5) of the Bankruptcy Code, Bobby L. Dexter
Trusting In Order to Inspire Trustworthiness, Michael Pace
Trust, Reciprocity, and Social History: New Pathways of Learning When Max U (own reward) Fails Decisively, Vernon L. Smith
Truth in Gaming: Toward Consumer Protection in the Gambling Industry, Kurt Eggert
Turning tRNA Upside Down: When Aminoacylation is Not a Prerequisite to Protein Synthesis, Michael Ibba and Christopher Francklyn
Twinship and Marriage in The Comedy of Errors, Kent R. Lehnhof
Ulex: Open Source Law for Non-Territorial Governance, Tom W. Bell
Un ballo in Maschera - Metropolitan Opera - 2/19/83, Carol Neblett
Un ballo in Maschera - Metropolitan Opera - 2/19/83 and excerpt from Mesfistofele - San Francisco Opera - 12/6/94, Carol Neblett
Understanding and Addressing the Modern Productivity Paradox, Erik Brynjolfsson, Seth Benzell, and Daniel Rock
Understanding COVID-19: From Origin to Potential Therapeutics, Muhammad Moazzam, Muhammad Imran Sajid, Hamza Shahid, Jahanzaib Butt, Irfan Bashir, Muhammad Jamshaid, Amir Nasrolahi Shirazi, and Rakesh Kumar Tiwari
Understanding Justice Sutherland As He Understood Himself, John C. Eastman
Understanding the Prop 8 Litigation: The Scope of Direct Democracy and Role of Judicial Scrutiny, Ronald Steiner
Unexpected Gifts of Chapter 11: The Breach of a Director's Duty of Loyalty Following Plan Confirmation and the Postconfirmation Jurisdiction of Bankruptcy Courts, Daniel B. Bogart
Unintended Consequences: Eminent Domain and Affordable Housing, Matthew J. Parlow
Unreal Reality: Post-socialist China's Massive Infrastructural Agenda in Jia Zhangke's "Three Gorges Films", Weiting Liu
Untangling Competing Conceptions of "Evidence", Scott W. Howe
UPLC-MS/MS Analysis of CYP1A-Mediated Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylation Activity in the Rat Kidney Microsomes, Devaraj Venkatapura Chandrashekar and Reza Mehvar
Upper Level Courses: Three Exemplars, Kathy Heller
Urban Runoff, Its Consequences, and the Problems of Regulation, Matthew J. Parlow
Usenet Death Penalty Coalition PICS a Fight with Spam, Tom W. Bell
Use of Molecular Methods to Authenticate Animal Species and Tissue in Bovine Liver Dietary Supplements, Olive Dahm
Use of National Consumer Survey Data to Explore Perceptions of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Alina Cernasev, Basma Gomaa, Keri Hager, Jon C. Schommer, and Lawrence B. Brown
Usery in the Wake of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission v. Mississippi, Ronald D. Rotunda
U.S. Immigration Law: Where Antiquated Views on Gender and Sexual Orientation Go to Die, Marisa S. Cianciarulo
Using Juvenile Adjudications for Sentence Enhancement Under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines: Is It Sound Policy?, Richard E. Redding
Using Participatory Mapping to Diagnose Upstream Determinants of Health and Prescribe Downstream Policy-Based Interventions, Jason A. Douglas, Andrew M. Subica, Laresha Franks, Gilbert Johnson, Carlos Leon, Sandra Villanueva, and Cheryl T. Grills
Using Primary Literature on SARS‐CoV‐2 to Promote Student Learning about Evolution, Jeremy L. Hsu
Using Wikipedia in Israel Studies Courses, Shira Klein
Utilizing Best Practices of 3D-Modeling and Printing in Veterinary Medicine to Analyze Elbow Incongruity of a Maltese Canine, Johnny Altwal
Vacation Homes Revisited: Bolton Mistakenly Unbolts Door to Extra Deductions, Michael B. Lang
Variable Magnitude and Frequency Financial Reinforcement is Effective at Increasing Adults’ Free-Living Physical Activity, Vincent Berardi, Melbourne Hovell, Jane C. Hurley, Christine B. Phillips, John Belletierre, Michael Todd, and Marc A. Adams
Venturicidin C, A New 20-membered Macrolide Produced by Streptomyces sp. TS-2-2, Khaled A. Shaaban, Shanteri Singh, Sherif Elshahawi, Xiachang Wang, Larissa V. Ponomareva, Manjula Sunkara, Gregory C. Copley, James C. Hower, Andrew J. Morris, Madan K. Kharel, and Jon S. Thorson
Vietnamese Resilience Assessment: Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Scale Validation, Loan Le
Viral Social Media Videos Can Raise Pro-Social Behaviours When an Epidemic Arises, Youting Guo, Jason Shachat, Matthew J. Walker, and Lijia Wei
Virtual Office Hours: Librarian-Faculty Research Assistance, David Carson and Margaret Puentes
Virtual Trade Dress: A Very Real Problem, Tom W. Bell
Voices of Mixed-Race Asian Students on College Campuses, Amy Sara Lim
Voluntary Collective Isolation as a Best Response to COVID-19 for Indigenous Populations? A Case Study and Protocol from the Bolivian Amazon, Hillard Kaplan, Benjamin C. Trumble, Jonathan Stieglitz, Roberta Mendez Mamany, Maguin Gutierrez Cayuba, Leonardina Maito Moye Lic, Sarah Alami, Thomas Kraft, Raul Quispe Gutierrez, Juan Copajira, Randall C. Thompson, Gregory S. Thomas, David E. Michalik, Daniel Eid Rodriguez, and Michael Gurven
Weakening Relation Algebras and FL2-algebras, Nikolaos Galatos and Peter Jipsen
Wearable Sensor-based Gait Classification in Idiopathic Toe Walking Adolescents, Sharon Kim, Rahul Soangra, Marybeth Grant-Beuttler, and Afshin Aminian
We Are Not Alone in Trying to Be Alone, Patricia C. Lopes
What Can Computational Modeling Tell Us About the Diversity of Odor-Capture Structures in the Pancrustacea?, Lindsay D. Waldrop, Yanyan He, and Shilpa Khatri
What Can Corporations Teach Governments about Democratic Equality?, Tom W. Bell
What Did Congress Mean? Does Federal Law Regulate Incinerator Ash as Hazardous Waste?, Denis Binder
What Do Juvenile Offenders Know About Being Tried as Adults? Implications for Deterrence, Richard E. Redding and Elizabeth J. Fuller
“What For is Democracy?”: The German American Bund in the American Press, 1936-1941, Minna Thrall
What is a Museum? Difference all the way down, Fiona Candlin and Jamie Larkin
What Is Choice? Examining Sex Trafficking Legislation Through the Lenses of Rape Law and Prostitution, Marisa S. Cianciarulo
What is the Benefit of Irradiation Compared to Other Methods of Food Preservation?, Anuradha Prakash
What Judges and Lawyers Think About the Testimony of Mental Health Experts: A Survey of the Courts and Bar, Richard E. Redding, Marnita Y. Floyd, and Gary L. Hawk
What Students Don't Know Will Hurt Them: A Frank View from the Field on How to Better Prepare Our Clinic and Externship Students, Carolyn R. Young Larmore
When a House Is Not Entirely a Home: Deductions Under Internal Revenue Code § 280A for Home Offices, Vacation Homes, Etc., Michael B. Lang
When are Damages Impermissibly "Punitive" under the Federal Tort Claims Act?, Denis Binder
When It Was Us, Victoria O'Leary
When the Shrinks Ignore Science, Sue Them, Richard E. Redding and James D. Herbert
When You Can’t R.I.O.T., R.I.O.: Tele-assessment for School Psychologists, Michael R. Hass and Brian P. Leung
"Where Did You Go to Law School?” Gatekeeping for the Professoriate and Its Implications for Legal Education, Richard E. Redding
Whispers From Scotland, Sarah Nicole Valadez
Whither Workforce Housing?, Matthew J. Parlow
Why Amendments to Rule 23 Are Not Enough: A Case for the Federalization of Class Actions, Lisa Litwiller
"Why It Is Essential to Teach About Mental Health Issues in Criminal Law (and a Primer on How to Do It), Richard E. Redding
Wild Mice with Different Social Network Sizes Vary in Brain Gene Expression, Patricia C. Lopes and Barbara König
Will the Preemption Enigma Ever Be Resolved?, Denis Binder
Without a Prayer?: Spirituality and Performance in Law School – A Reply to Professor Taylor, Richard E. Redding
Witnessing Microaggressions on Campus: Effective and Ineffective Ally Behaviors, Nina Dours, Riley Murphy, and Amy Moors
Women in STEM and the Laws That Enabled Diverse Innovation, Megan Butcher, Kristine Coats, Grant Voss, and Brandy Worden
Women's Political Participation Aided by Constitutional Provisions in Post-Conflict African Nations, Roksana Gorgolewski
Women’s Pregnancy Life History and Alzheimer’s Risk: Can Immunoregulation Explain the Link?, Molly Fox, Carlo Berzuini, Leslie A. Knapp, and Laura M. Glynn
Working Too Much for Too Little: Stochastic Rewards Cause Work Addiction, Brice Corgnet, Simon Gaechter, and Roberto Hernán González
Work Profile Factors Identified from the Career Pathway Evaluation Program, 2018 Pharmacist Profile Survey, Jon C. Schommer, Elliott M. Sogol, and Lawrence M. Brown
Works in Progress: Alie Kryder: "Devil in Me" (Saturday evening)
Works in Progress: Alie Kryder: "Devil in Me" (Saturday matinee)
Works in Progress: Amy Magsam: "New Value" (Sunday evening)
Works in Progress: Amy Magsam: "New Value" (Sunday matinee)
Works in Progress: Anna Clay: "La Douleur" (Saturday evening)
Works in Progress: Anna Clay: "La Douleur" (Saturday matinee)
Works in Progress: Anne Elise Garrison: "Deja" (Sunday evening)
Works in Progress: Anne Elise Garrison: "Deja" (Sunday matinee)
Works in Progress: Bella Kuehl: "Validation" (Saturday evening)
Works in Progress: Bella Kuehl: "Validation" (Saturday matinee)
Works in Progress: Bethany Violett: "Overshadowed" (Saturday evening)
Works in Progress: Bethany Violett: "Overshadowed" (Saturday matinee)
Works in Progress: Brian Seo: "Boys Will Be Boys" (Sunday evening)
Works in Progress: Brian Seo: "Boys Will Be Boys" (Sunday matinee)
Works in Progress: Bri Gonzalez: "Unexpected" (Saturday evening)
Works in Progress: Bri Gonzalez: "Unexpected" (Saturday matinee)
Works in Progress: Bri Noe: "T=D/S" (Sunday evening)
Works in Progress: Bri Noe: "T=D/S" (Sunday matinee)
Works in Progress: Camryn Mandelbaum: "The Act" (Saturday evening)
Works in Progress: Camryn Mandelbaum: "The Act" (Saturday matinee)
Works in Progress: Chloe Andersson: "Opening" (Saturday evening)
Works in Progress: Chloe Andersson: "Opening" (Saturday matinee)
Works in Progress: Choreo Q&A (Saturday evening)
Works in Progress: Choreo Q&A (Saturday matinee)
Works in Progress: Choreo Q&A (Sunday evening)
Works in Progress: Choreo Q&A (Sunday matinee)
Works in Progress: Daisy McMillen: "Escape" (Sunday evening)
Works in Progress: Daisy McMillen: "Escape" (Sunday matinee)
Works in Progress: Dani Mullen: "Apricity" (Sunday evening)
Works in Progress: Dani Mullen: "Apricity" (Sunday matinee)
Works in Progress: Grace Eberflus: "It Never Happened" (Sunday evening)
Works in Progress: Grace Eberflus: "It Never Happened" (Sunday matinee)
Works in Progress: Gracie Head: "One Light" (Saturday evening)
Works in Progress: Gracie Head: "One Light" (Saturday matinee)
Works in Progress: Halle Dyer: "Euphoria" (Sunday evening)
Works in Progress: Halle Dyer: "Euphoria" (Sunday matinee)
Works in Progress: Jack Bianchi: "Deadly Reflection" (Sunday evening)
Works in Progress: Jack Bianchi: "Deadly Reflection" (Sunday matinee)
Works in Progress: Jacob Wiederrich: "Voices" (Sunday evening)
Works in Progress: Jacob Wiederrich: "Voices" (Sunday matinee)
Works in Progress: Jobanna Bos: "Disconnect" (Saturday evening)
Works in Progress: Jobanna Bos: "Disconnect" (Saturday matinee)
Works in Progress: Josh Escover: "Unforeseen" (Saturday evening)
Works in Progress: Josh Escover: "Unforeseen" (Saturday matinee)
Works in Progress: Kaitlin Hennessey: "Duality" (Saturday evening)
Works in Progress: Kaitlin Hennessey: "Duality" (Saturday matinee)
Works in Progress: Kelsey Cockerham: "Consolation" (Saturday evening)
Works in Progress: Kelsey Cockerham: "Consolation" (Saturday matinee)
Works in Progress: Lauren Anderson: "Paintings" (Sunday evening)
Works in Progress: Lauren Anderson): "Paintings" (Sunday matinee)
Works in Progress: Lexi Zdanov: "Nuclear" (Sunday evening)
Works in Progress: Lexi Zdanov: "Nuclear" (Sunday matinee)
Works in Progress: Lydia Harrison: "Recollection" (Saturday evening)
Works in Progress: Lydia Harrison: "Recollection" (Saturday matinee)
Works in Progress: Madison Heniff: "Distort" (Saturday evening)
Works in Progress: Madison Heniff: "Distort" (Saturday matinee)
Works in Progress: Matthew Schroeder: "Me Myself or I?" (Sunday evening)
Works in Progress: Matthew Schroeder: "Me Myself or I?" (Sunday matinee)
Works in Progress: Meghan Caito: "Underwaterfall" (Saturday evening)
Works in Progress: Meghan Caito: "Underwaterfall" (Saturday matinee)
Works in Progress: Meg Niedfeldt: "Hey Mami" (Saturday evening)
Works in Progress: Meg Niedfeldt: "Hey Mami" (Saturday matinee)
Works in Progress: Mia McCarthy: "Chaotic Tranquility" (Saturday evening)
Works in Progress: Mia McCarthy: "Chaotic Tranquility" (Saturday matinee)
Works in Progress: Olivia Liberati: "Water Me" (Sunday evening)
Works in Progress: Olivia Liberati: "Water Me" (Sunday matinee)
Works in Progress: Olivia Schroeder: "Growth" (Sunday evening)
Works in Progress: Olivia Schroeder: "Growth" (Sunday matinee)
Works in Progress: Sara Iisaka: "Re(dis)cover" (Sunday evening)
Works in Progress: Sara Iisaka: "Re(dis)cover" (Sunday matinee)
Works in Progress: Savannah Sauer: "The Calm After the Storm" (Saturday evening)
Works in Progress: Savannah Sauer: "The Calm After the Storm" (Saturday matinee)
Works in Progress: Serena Mello: "Note" (Sunday evening)
Works in Progress: Serena Mello: "Note" (Sunday matinee)
Works in Progress: Sophia Barr: "Contact" (Saturday evening)
Works in Progress: Sophia Barr: "Contact" (Saturday matinee)
Works in Progress: Taryn Zimmerer: "Continual" (Sunday evening)
Works in Progress: Taryn Zimmerer: "Continual" (Sunday matinee)
Works in Progress: Tayler McGuire: "Double Consciousness" (Sunday evening)
Works in Progress: Tayler McGuire: "Double Consciousness" (Sunday matinee)
Works in Progress: Taylor Johnson: "Change" (Sunday evening)
Works in Progress: Taylor Johnston: "Change" (Sunday matinee)
Wrestletopia: A Collection of Shorts, Daniel Strasberger
Writing Public Order Laws that Pass Constitutional Muster, Summer, Municipal Advocate, Lawrence Rosenthal The Legality and Morality of the Holocaust-Era Settlement with the Swiss Banks, Michael J. Bazyler
Yikes! Was I Wrong? A Second Look at the Viability of Monitoring Capital Post-Conviction Counsel, Celestine R. McConville
Younger Federal District Court Judges Favor Presidential Power, Tom Campbell and Nathaniel T. Wilcox
Youth Violence Through the Lens of Normal and Pathological Development, Richard E. Redding