"Smart Homes for Smart Health: Developing an Interactive System to Redu" by Christie Kika, Janice Han et al.

Student Scholar Symposium Abstracts and Posters

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 12-2-2020

Faculty Advisor(s)

Vincent Berardi


Smoke from any source is potentially harmful because it contains fine particulate matter that is associated with acute and chronic conditions. Second-hand smoke (SHS) is particularly unsafe for children due to biological characteristics (higher breathing rates, immature lungs and underdeveloped immune systems) that make it difficult to filter toxins.To address this concern, we recently completed Project Fresh Air (PFA), an NIH-funded R01 intervention that installed air particle sensors in the households of tobacco smokers who lived with children. The purpose of our research is to investigate and develop efficient smart home devices that monitor SHS in various living spaces to specifically protect the children residents, specifically Amazon Alexa and Awair Air Quality devices. The development of these efficient smart home devices will be used in a study to decrease second-hand smoke exposure to children living in homes with smoking guardians. We developed the infrastructure of the components that was coded into the Alexa skill program. As well as investigated the capabilities of the air particle detection system (Awair device) to best integrate it into the Alexa program. Furthermore, a skill map was designed to outline the progress of our development which also allowed the development of the Alexa skill to be understood by a wider audience. After the design and development of the Amazon Alexa and Awair Air Quality devices, a participant survey was created to assess participant feasibility. We expect the participants to be able to easily engage with the devices and successfully be aware of their smoking behavior. Overall, the success of our devices will allow participants to create a cleaner environment for both their own health and the health of their children.


Presented at the virtual Fall 2020 Student Scholar Symposium at Chapman University.
