Education Faculty Articles and Research | Attallah College of Educational Studies | Chapman University
Below you may find selected research articles from faculty in the Attallah College of Educational Studies.


Submissions from 2017


From Liberation to Salvation: Revolutionary Critical Pedagogy Meets Liberation Theology, Peter McLaren and Petar Jandrić


Factors that Influence STEM-Promising Females’ Decision to Attend a Non Research-Intensive Undergraduate Institution, Roxanne Greitz Miller and Ashley J. Hurlock


Necessary but not Sufficient: The Continuing Inequality between Men and Women in Educational Leadership, Findings from the AASA Mid-Decade Survey, Kerry Robinson, Charol Shakeshaft, Margaret Grogan, and Whitney Sherman Newcomb


A Tale of Two Settings: Rethinking Methods and Approaches for Diversity Research, Michelle Samura


Learning to Notice Mathematics Instruction: Using Video to Develop Preservice Teachers' Vision of Ambitious Pedagogy, Elizabeth van Es, Ana Auger, Tara Barnhart, and Mary Cashen


Math Is More Than Numbers: Beginning Bilingual Teachers’ Mathematics Teaching Practices and Their Opportunities to Learn, Cathery Yeh

Submissions from 2016


Adult Relationships in Multiple Contexts and Associations with Adolescent Mental Health, Gordon Capp, Ruth Berkowitz, Kate Sullivan, Ron Avi Astor, Kris T. De Pedro, Tamika D. Gilreath, and Eric Rice


Examining the Relationship between School Climate and Peer Victimization among Students in Military-Connected Public Schools, Kris T. De Pedro, Ron Avi Astor, Tamika D. Gilreath, Rami Benbenishty, and Ruth Berkowitz


A Latent Class Analysis of School Climate Among Middle and High School Students in California Public Schools, Kris T. De Pedro, Tamika D. Gilreath, and Ruth Berkowitz


Cultivating Literacy and Relationships with Adolescent Scholars of Color, Noah Asher Golden and Erica Womack


Autism in the Workplace: Assessing the Transition Needs of Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Amy-Jane Griffiths, Cristina M. Giannantonio, Amy E. Hurley-Hanson, and Donald N. Cardinal


Examining Academic Support After Concussion for the Adolescent Student-Athlete: Perspectives of the Athletic Trainer, Tricia Kasamatsu, Michelle A. Cleary, Jason Bennett, Keith Howard, and Tamara Valovich


‘When I Am Being Rushed It Slows Down My Brain’: Constructing Self-Understandings as a Mathematics Learner, Rachel Lambert


Increasing Engagement of Students with Learning Disabilities in Mathematical Problem-Solving and Discussion, Rachel Lambert and Trisha Sugita


Can Philanthropy be Taught?, Lindsey McDougle, Danielle McDonald, Huafeng Li, Whitney McIntyre Miller, and Chengxin Xu


Data-Based Decision Making in School Counseling: Utilizing Multiple Single-Case Indicators to Evaluate Interventions, Ryan J. McGill, Kelly S. Kennedy, and Randy T. Busse


Toward a Scholarship of Peace Leadership, Whitney McIntyre Miller


Pedagogías Críticas para Nuevos Horizontes Emancipadores, Peter McLaren


Revolutionary Critical Pedagogy: Staking a Claim Against the Macrostructural Unconscious, Peter McLaren


Stripping the Wizard’s Curtain: Examining the Practice of Online Grade Booking in K–12 Schools, Roxanne Greitz Miller, John Brady, and Jared T. Izumi


Women and Revolution: Marx and the Dialectic, Lilia D. Monzó


Challenging the Violence and Invisibility against Women of Color – A Marxist Imperative, Lilia D. Monzó and Peter McLaren


Revolution and Education, Lilia D. Monzó and Peter McLaren


Critical Pedagogy and Participatory Democracy: Creating Classroom Contexts that Challenge “Common Sense”, Lilia D. Monzó and P. Zitlali Morales


Remaking Selves, Repositioning Selves, or Remaking Space: An Examination of Asian American College Students' Processes of "Belonging", Michelle Samura


Rediscovering Deep Time: Sustainability and the Need to Re-Engage With Multiple Dimensions of Time in Leadership Studies, Rian Satterwhite, Kate Sheridan, and Whitney McIntyre Miller


Current Trends in Psychological and Educational Approaches for Training and Teaching Students with Autism in California, Trisha Sugita


Content Validation of the Scale of Teachers’ Attitudes towards Inclusive Classrooms (STATIC), Trisha Sugita and Randy T. Busse


Quantifying Peat Carbon Accumulation in Alaska Using a Process-Based Biogeochemistry Model, Sirui Wang, Qianlai Zhuang, Zicheng Yu, Scott Bridgham, and Jason K. Keller


Design, Participation, and Social Change: What Design in Grassroots Spaces Can Teach Learning Scientists, Miguel Zavala


Prefiguring Alternative Worlds: Organic Critical Literacies and Socio-Cultural Revolutions, Miguel Zavala and Noah Asher Golden

Submissions from 2015


“I’m Trying to Get My A”: Black Male Achievers Talk About Race, School and Achievement, Quaylan Allen


Race, Culture and Agency: Examining the Ideologies and Practices of US Teachers of Black Male Students, Quaylan Allen


‘Tell Your Own Story’: Manhood, Masculinity and Racial Socialization Among Black Fathers and Their Sons, Quaylan Allen


Biological Evolution in Canadian Science Curricula, Anila Ashgar, Sarah Bean, Wendi O'Neill, and Brian Alters


Culturally Responsive Contexts: Establishing Relationships for Inclusion, Mere Berryman, Therese Ford, Ann Nevin, and Suzanne SooHoo


Social Justice and Technocracy: Tracing the Narratives of Inclusive Education in the United States, Scot Danforth


Child Maltreatment and Military-Connected Youth: Developing Protective School Communities: School Responses of Referral and Clinical Interventions Do Not Address Needs of Military Families, Kris T. De Pedro


California Structured English Immersion: A Failing State of Affairs? Proposing a Comprehensive Educational Model to Improve Structured English Immersion Programs, María J. García-Martín, Manuel Fuentes, and Anaida Colon-Muñiz


“There’s Still That Window That’s Open”: The Problem With “Grit”, Noah Asher Golden


Success after Failure: Academic Effects and Psychological Implications of Early Universal Algebra Policies, Keith Howard, Martin Romero, Allison Scott, and Derrick Saddler


Constructing and Resisting Disability in Mathematics Classrooms: A Case Study Exploring the Impact of Different Pedagogies, Rachel Lambert


An Integral Perspective of Peace Leadership, Whitney McIntyre Miller and Zachary Gabriel Green


Liminality and Community Leadership: Transitioning Leadership in Postconflict in Sierra Leone, Whitney McIntyre Miller and Nathan Harter


Peace Profile: Christiana Thorpe, Whitney McIntyre Miller and Michael Wundah


A Forward to the Special Issue on Neoliberalism in Education The Long Road to Redemption: Critical Pedagogy and the Struggle for the Future, Peter McLaren


On Dialectics and Human Decency: Education in the Dock, Peter McLaren


Peter McLaren: De la pedagogía de la resistencia a la pedagogía de la transformación, Peter McLaren and Edson Armando Real Sánchez


Women and Violence in the Age of Migration, Lilia D. Monzó and Peter McLaren


A Factor Analytic Validation Study of the Scale of Teachers' Attitudes Towards Inclusive Classrooms (STATIC)), Trisha Sugita Nishimura and Randy T. Busse


Beyond the Basics: Providing Continuing Education Workshops for Preceptors; A Commentary, Sara Nottingham, Michelle A. Cleary, and Jason Bennett


The Possibilities of Being “Critical”: Discourses That Limit Options for Educators of Color, Thomas M. Philip and Miguel Zavala


The Legal Academy Under Erasure, Richard Redding


Wrestling With Expectations: An Examination of How Asian American College Students Negotiate Personal, Parental, and Societal Expectations, Michelle Samura


The Role of Perception, Interpretation, and Decision Making in the Development of Beginning Teachers’ Competence, Rossella Santagata and Cathery Yeh

Submissions from 2014


“Just as Bad as Prisons”: The Challenge of Dismantling the School-to-Prison Pipeline Through Teacher and Community Education, Quaylan Allen and Kimberly A. White-Smith


Studying Teacher Noticing: Examining the Relationship Among Pre-service Science Teachers' Ability to Attend, Analyze and Respond to Student Thinking, Tara Barnhart and Elizabeth van Es


Military Parents' Perceptions of Public School Support for Their Children, Ruth Berkowitz, Kris T. De Pedro, Julie Couture, and Rami Benbenishty


The Maturing of Facilitated Communication: A Means Toward Independent Communication, Donald N. Cardinal and Mary A. Falvey


Well-Being and Suicidal Ideation of Secondary School Students From Military Families, Julie A. Cedarbaum, Tamika D. Gilreath, Rami Benbenishty, Ron Avi Astor, Diana Pineda, Kris T. De Pedro, Monica C. Esqueda, and Hazel Atuel


Librería Martínez de Chapman University: A Community-Based Initiative to Promote Literacy and Education, Anaida Colon-Muñiz and Margaret Sauceda Curwen


Responding to the Needs of Military Students and Military-connected Schools: Perceptions and Actions of School Administrators, Kris T. De Pedro, Hazel Atuel, Karen Malchi, Monica C. Esqueda, Rami Benbenishty, and Ron Avi Astor


Creating the Continuum: J. E. Wallace Wallin and the Role of Clinical Psychology in the Emergence of Public School Special Education in America, Philip M. Ferguson


Education Reform and Potemkin Villages: Expanding Conceptions of “Data”, Noah Asher Golden


Six Tips for an Autism Transition Plan That Works, Amy-Jane Griffiths


Attitudes Toward Using Social Networking Sites in Educational Settings with Underperforming Latino Youth: A Mixed Methods Study, Keith Howard, Margaret Sauceda Curwen, Nicol R. Howard, and Anaida Colon-Muñiz


The “Community Entertainment District” Designation as a Tool for Urban Redevelopment in Cincinnati, Ohio, Whitney McIntyre Miller and Julie Cencula Olberding


Comrade Jesus: An Epistolic Manifesto, Peter McLaren


Austerity/Immiseration Capitalism. What Can We Learn from Venezuelan Socialism?, Peter McLaren and Mike Cole


Cultivating Primary Students’ Scientific Thinking Through Sustained Teacher Professional Development, Roxanne Greitz Miller, Margaret Sauceda Curwen, Kimberly A. White-Smith, and Robert C. Calfee


Red Love: Toward Racial, Economic and Social Justice, Lilia D. Monzó and Peter McLaren


Toward a Red Theory of Love, Sexuality, and the Family, Lilia D. Monzó and Peter McLaren


Translating the Academy: Learning the Racialized Languages of Academia, Lilia D. Monzó and Suzanne SooHoo


Review of Teaching Truly: A Curriculum to Indigenize Mainstream Education by Four Arrows (D. T. Jacobs), K. England-Aytes, G. Cajete, M. R. Fisher, B. A. Mann, B. A., E. Mcgaa, & M. Sorensen, Jorge Rodriguez


Effective Professional Development of Teachers: A Guide to Actualizing Inclusive Schooling, Trisha Sugita


Pre-Service Teachers Learning to Generate Evidence-Based Hypotheses on the Effects of Teaching on Student Learning, Cathery Yeh and Rossella Santagata


Con Respeto: A Conceptual Model for Building Healthy Community-University Partnerships Alongside Mexican Migrant Families, Miguel Zavala, Patricia A. Pérez, Alejandro González, and Anna Díaz Villela

Submissions from 2013


Like Father, Like Son? Reflections on Black Cultural Capital and Generational Conceptions of Work, Quaylan Allen and Travis D. Boyce


Culturally Responsive Methodologies at Work in Education Settings, Mere Berryman, Suzanne SooHoo, Ann Nevin, Te Arani Barrett, Therese Ford, Debora Joy Nodelman, Norma Valenzuela, and Anna Wilson


Assessing Intern Impact Factors for Program Evaluation and Improvement, John Brady, Randy T. Busse, Jeanne Anne Carriere, Michael Hass, and Kelly S. Kennedy


Educators Challenging Poverty and Latino Low Achievement by Extending and Enriching the School Day, Margaret Sauceda Curwen and Anaida Colon-Muñiz


Cultivating Democracy at One High School Intervention Program for Latinos at Risk of Dropping Out, Margaret Sauceda Curwen and Keith Howard


Family Portraits: Past and Present Representations of Parents in Special Education Text Books, Dianne L. Ferguson, Philip M. Ferguson, Joanne Kim, and Corrine Li


Transitioning for Young Adults with Special Needs, Amy-Jane Griffiths


Using Facebook and Other SNSs in K-12 Classrooms: Ethical Considerations for Safe Social Networking, Keith Howard


Chieftaincy-Based Community Dispute Resolution: The Case of Sierra Leone, Whitney McIntyre Miller


A Critical Patriotism for Urban Schooling: A Call for a Pedagogy Against Fear and Denial and For Democracy, Peter McLaren


Education as Class Warfare. An Interview with Scholar/Author Peter McLaren, Peter McLaren


Seeds of Resistance: Towards a Revolutionary Critical Ecopedagogy, Peter McLaren


How Do We Know if Asian American Students Feel Like They Belong on Our Campuses?, Michelle Samura


Learning to Teach Mathematics and to Analyze Teaching Effectiveness: Evidence from a Video- and Practice-Based Pre-Service Course, Rossella Santagata and Cathery Yeh


Forum Introduction: Writing the Global Family: International Perspectives on Disability Studies and Family Narratives, Janet Sauer and Philip M. Ferguson


Organizing Against the Neo-Liberal Privatization of Education In South Los Angeles: Reflections On the Transformative Potential of Grassroots Research, Miguel Zavala


What Do We Mean by Decolonizing Research Strategies? Lessons from Decolonizing, Indigenous Research Projects in New Zealand and Latin America, Miguel Zavala

Submissions from 2012


Photographs and Stories: Ethics, Benefits and Dilemmas of Using Participant Photography with Black Middle-Class Male Youth, Quaylan Allen


Understanding the Chinese Superintendency in the Context of Quality-Oriented Education, Xiu Chen Cravens, Yarong Liu, and Margaret Grogan


Effects of Multisensory Phonics-Based Training on the Word Recognition and Spelling Skills of Adolescents with Reading Disabilities, SallyAnn Geiss, Kenyatta O. Rivers, Kelly S. Kennedy, and Linda J. Lombardino


Moving Forward in Sierra Leone: Community-Based Factors for Post Conflict Development, Whitney McIntyre Miller


The Poverty of Capitalism, Peter McLaren

Submissions from 2011


The Interrelationships among Culture, Communication, and Conflict in a Newly Formed Doctoral Program, Julie Brockman, Joel A. Colbert, and Michael Hass