"California Structured English Immersion: A Failing State of Affairs? P" by María J. García-Martín, Manuel Fuentes et al.

California Structured English Immersion: A Failing State of Affairs? Proposing a Comprehensive Educational Model to Improve Structured English Immersion Programs

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We perpetuate a failing educational model by creating long term English Learners in Structured English Immersion settings. This can lead to high dropout rates in schools resulting from low academic achievement, low self-esteem and stunted growth in English proficiency from limited or subtractive bilingualism. As we create better policies and educational conditions that allow for more dual language instruction and support, our students fall further behind, losing precious learning opportunities. In this article the authors propose a Comprehensive Educational Program Model for Impoverished Latino English Learner students schooled in predominantly English only settings. The model incorporates a safety net approach that includes preschool, specialized teacher for English Language Development classes, newcomer and extracurricular enrichment learning programs, parent education and involvement, and school-community support services. The aim is for students to not only effectively acquire English but for the schools to provide better access to content areas knowledge leading to a better opportunity for academic success, personal and academic confidence, and college and career opportunities in the future.


This article was originally published in Journal of Education & Social Policy, volume 2, number 2, in June 2015.

Peer Reviewed



Center for Promoting Ideas, USA
