Education Faculty Articles and Research | Attallah College of Educational Studies | Chapman University
Below you may find selected research articles from faculty in the Attallah College of Educational Studies.


Submissions from 2021


The “LOOMING DISASTER” for Higher Education: How Commercial Rankers Use Social Media to Amplify and Foster Affect, Riyad A. Shahjahan, Adam Grimm, and Ryan M. Allen


After Endrew: Progress Monitoring Methods for Supporting IEP Teams, Trisha Sugita, Randy T. Busse, and Abraham H. Aryadad


Challenging Whiteness at Claremont High School, Terri Nicol Watson and Angel Miles Nash

Submissions from 2020


Examining the Multiple Sites of Meaning in a Participant Photography Project With Black Male College Students, Quaylan Allen


Co-innovating a Paradigm Shift from a Pandemic, Tara Barnhart


Developing a Critical Discourse About Teaching and Learning: The Case of a Secondary Science Video Club, Tara Barnhart and Elizabeth van Es


Covid-19 on Route of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Luis Bonilla-Molina and Jorge Rodriguez


An Investigation of Increased Rates of Autism in U.S. Public Schools, Donald N. Cardinal, Amy Jane Griffiths, Zachary D. Maupin, and Julie Fraumeni-McBride


Placement of Students with Extensive Support Needs in California School Districts: The State of Inclusion and Exclusion, Meghan Cosier, Audri Sandoval-Gomez, Donald N. Cardinal, and Shayne Brophy


Star Performances: Ed Roberts on the Speaking Circuit, 1983-1995, Scot Danforth


Teaching and the Experience of Disability: The Pedagogy of Ed Roberts, Scot Danforth


Together We Can Do So Much: A Systematic Review and Conceptual Framework of Collaboration in Schools, Amy-Jane Griffiths


The Implementation of a Regional Education Network Through the Application of the Developmental Evaluation Process: A Case Study, Amy Jane Griffiths and John Brady


Developing Employment Environments Where Individuals with ASD Thrive: Using Machine Learning to Explore Employer Policies and Practices, Amy Jane Griffiths, Amy E. Hurley Hanson, Cristina M. Giannantonio, Sneha Kohli Mathur, Kayleigh Hyde, and Erik Linstead


Her Voice: Engaging and Preparing Girls With Disabilities for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Careers, Amy Jane Griffiths, Angel Miles Nash, Zachary Maupin, and Sneha Kohli Mathur


When You Can’t R.I.O.T., R.I.O.: Tele-assessment for School Psychologists, Michael R. Hass and Brian P. Leung


Teaching in the Age of Covid-19, Petar Jandrić, David Hayes, Ian Truelove, Paul Levinson, Peter Mayo, Thomas Ryberg, Lilia D. Monzó, Quaylan Allen, Paul Alexander Stewart, Paul R. Carr, Liz Jackson, Susan Bridges, Carlos Escaño, Dennis Grauslund, Julia Mañero, Happiness Onesmo Lukoko, Peter Bryant, Ana Fuentes-Martinez, Andrew Gibbons, Sean Sturm, Jennifer Rose, Mohamed Muhibu Chuma, Eva Biličić, Sarah Pfohl, Ulrika Gustafsson, Janine Aldous Arantes, Derek R. Ford, Jimmy Ezekiel Kihwele, Peter Mozelius, Juha Suoranta, Lucija Jurjević, Matija Jurjević, Anne Steketee, Jones Irwin, E. Jayne White, Jacob Davidsen, Jimmy Jaldemark, Sandra Abegglen, Tom Burns, Sandra Sinfield, James D. Kirylo, Ivana Batarelo Kokić, Georgina Tuari Stewart, Glenn Rikowski, Line Lisberg Christensen, Sonja Arndt, Olli Pyyhtinen, Charles Reitz, Mikkel Lodahl, Niklas Humble, Rachel Buchanan, Daniella J. Forster, Pallavi Kishore, Jānis John Ozoliņš, Navreeti Sharma, Shreya Urvashi, Harry G. Nejad, Nina Hood, Marek Tesar, Yang Wang, Jake Wright, James Benedict Brown, Paul Prinsloo, Kulpreet Kaur, Mousumi Mukherjee, Rene Novak, Richa Shukla, Stephanie Hollings, Ulla Konnerup, Madhav Mallya, Anthony Olorundare, Charlotte Achieng-Evensen, Abey P. Philip, Moses Kayade Hazzan, Kevin Stockbridge, Blessing Funmi Komolafe, Ogunyemi Folasade Bolanle, Michael Hogan, Bridgette Redder, Sahar D. Sattarzadeh, Michael Jopling, Suzanne SooHoo, Nesta Devine, and Sarah Hayes


Critical Intellectuals in Postdigital Times, Petar Jandrić and Peter McLaren


Change-Makers: A Grassroots Approach to Culturally Responsive Leadership and Teaching, Abigail Amoako Kayser, Angel Miles Nash, and Brian Kayser


Civic Engagement in Education: Insights from California's Local Control Funding Formula, Julie A. Marsh, Tasminda K. Dhaliwal, Michelle Hall, and Morgan S. Polikoff


Increasing Inclusive Education Through a Learning Center Model: A California Approach, Aja McKee and Audri Sandoval Gomez


The Voices of Typers: Examining the Educational Experiences of Individuals Who Use Facilitated Communication, Aja McKee and Audri Sandoval Gomez


Networked Religion: Metaphysical Redemption or Eternal Regret?, Peter McLaren


Pandemic Abandonment, Panoramic Displays and Fascist Propaganda: The Month the Earth Stood Still, Peter McLaren


Religious Nationalism and the Coronavirus Pandemic: Soul-Sucking Evangelicals and Branch Covidians Make America Sick Again, Peter McLaren


Reflections I and II: Reflexiones desde la educación y las artes en la era COVID-19 | Reflexões da Educação e das Artes na Era da COVID-19 | Reflections from Education and the Arts in the COVID-19 Era, Peter McLaren, Wang Yan, and Petar Jandrić


For Us: Towards an Intersectional Leadership Conceptualization by Black women for Black Girls, Angel Miles Nash and April L. Peters


Colonialism, Migration, Pandemic The Immutable Evidence that Capitalism Is Racist and Misogynist, Lilia D. Monzó


Colonialism, Migration, Pandemic: The Immutable Evidence that Capitalism Is Racist and Misogynist, Lilia D. Monzó


The Dialectics of English Dominance, Lilia D. Monzó


Prevalence of Autism/ASD Among Preschool and School-age Children in Norway, Kamil Özerk and Donald N. Cardinal


OVE entrevista a Peter Mclaren “la educación es una forma de política”, Luz Palomino, Luis Bonilla-Molina, and Peter McLaren


Enchantment - Disenchantment-Re-Enchantment: Postdigital Relationships between Science, Philosophy, and Religion, John Reader, Petar Jandrić, Michael A. Peters, Ronald Barnett, Marcin Garbowski, Veronika Lipińska, Sharon Rider, Ibrar Bhatt, Abdassamad Clarke, Morteza Hashemi, Andrew Bevan, Eric Trozzo, Alison MacKenzie, Jared J. Aldern, Cheryl E. Matias, Georgina Tuari Stewart, Carl Mika, Peter McLaren, Tim Fawns, Jeremy Knox, Maggi Savin-Baden, Liz Jackson, Nina Hood, Marek Tesar, Steve Fuller, and Chris Baker


Inclusion and the Right to Access to Regular Classes for Students with Disabilities, Audri Sandoval-Gomez, Meghan Cosier, and Donald N. Cardinal


When Special Education and Disability Studies Intertwine: Addressing Educational Inequities Through Processes and Programming, Audri Sandoval Gomez and Aja McKee


Embodied Social Justice Pedagogy in a Time of ‘No Touch’, Mara Sapon-Shevin and Suzanne SooHoo


Contextualizing our Leadership Education Approach to Complex Problem Solving: Shifting Paradigms and Evolving Knowledge: Priority 5 of the National Leadership Education Research Agenda 2020–2025, Rian Satterwhite, Ariel Sarid, Carolyn M. Cunningham, Elizabeth Goryunova, Heather M. Crandall, James L. Morrison, Kate Sheridan, and Whitney McIntyre Miller


New Working Group: Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice in the Context of University Mathematics Content and Methods Courses, Eva Thanheiser, Frances K. Harper, Christa Jackson, Naomi Jessup, Crystal Kalinec-Craig, Cathery Yeh, and Amanda Sugimoto

Submissions from 2019


What Do Students Know about University Rankings? Testing Familiarity and Knowledge of Global and Domestic University League Tables in China, Ryan M. Allen


Exploring Physical, Nonphysical, and Discrimination-Based Victimization among Transgender Youth in California Public Schools, Kris Tunac De Pedro, Holly Shim-Pelayo, and Christopher Bishop


Evolution Education is a Complex Landscape, Ryan D. P. Dunk, M. Elizabeth Barnes, Michael J. Reiss, Brian Alters, Anila Asghar, B. Elijah Carter, Sehoya Cotner, Amanda L. Glaze, Patricia H. Hawley, Jamie L. Jensen, Louise S. Mead, Louis S. Nadelson, Craig E. Nelson, Briana Pobiner, Eugenie C. Scott, Andrew Shtulman, Gale M. Sinatra, Sherry A. Southerland, Emily M. Walter, Sara E. Brownell, and Jason R. Wiles


Research-to-Practice Brief: Using Labor Market Projections for Successful Transition Planning, Amy-Jane Griffiths, Meghan Cosier, and Sara Morgan


School-Wide Implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports in an Alternative School Setting: A Case Study, Amy-Jane Griffiths, Elena Lilles Diamond, James Alsip, Michael Furlong, Gale M. Morrison, and Bich Do


Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports in an Alternative Education Setting: Examining the Risk and Protective Factors of Responders and Non-Responders, Amy-Jane Griffiths, Jared T. Izumi, James Alsip, Michael Furlong, and Gale M. Morrison


All Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science is Not Created Equal: A Comparison of AP Computer Science A and Computer Science Principles, Douglas D. Havard and Keith Howard


Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science Principles: Searching for Equity in a Two-Tiered Solution to Underrepresentation, Keith Howard and Douglas D. Havard


Let’s Talk: An Examination of Parental Involvement as a Predictor of STEM Achievement in Math for High School Girls, Nicol R. Howard, Keith E. Howard, Randy T. Busse, and Christine Hunt


Construction of a Scale of Contemplative Practice in Higher Education: An Exploratory Study, Maryann Krikorian and Randy T. Busse


“I Feel Normal Here”: The Social Functions of a Book Club in a Residential Recovery Program, Laurie MacGillivray, Amy Lassiter Ardell, Margaret Sauceda Curwen, and Samuel Wiggin


Through Community Eyes: The Transition of International Organizations from Community Aid to Development in Postconflict Sierra Leone, Whitney McIntyre Miller


Carta abierta: a Eliott Abrams (enviado de los Estados Unidos a Venezuela), Peter McLaren


God and Governance: Reflections on Living in the Belly of the Beast, Peter McLaren


Open Letter: To Eliott Abrams (U. S. Venezuela Envoy), Peter McLaren


Reflections on Critical Pedagogy in America Latina: La Lucha Continua, Peter McLaren


Teaching Against the Grain: A Conversation between the Editors of the Griffith Journal of Law & Human Dignity and Peter McLaren on the Importance of Critical Pedagogy in Law School, Peter McLaren


Technologizing the Divine, Peter McLaren


The Fellowship of the Crooked Cross: Trump’s Evangelical Hounds of Hell, Peter McLaren and Petar Jandrić


Understanding the Politics of Knowledge and How It Unfolds in the United States: The Mexican American Studies Program, and the Ethnic Studies Ban in Tucson AZ, Jorge Rodriguez


Review of Outsourced Children: Orphanage Care and Adoption in Globalizing China, Michelle Samura, Cala Gin, Dorcas Hoi, and Florencia Park


Truth Seeking, Suzanne SooHoo


Exploring the Implementation of Lesson-Level UDL Principles Through an Observation Protocol, Joanne M. Van Boxtel and Trisha Sugita


Mathematics for Whom: Reframing and Humanizing Mathematics, Cathery Yeh and Brande M. Otis


Media Discourses that Normalize Colonial Relations: A Critical Discourse Analysis of (Im)migrants and Refugees, Meng Zhao, Jorge Rodriguez, and Lilia D. Monzó

Submissions from 2018


Conceptualizing Equity in the Implementation of California Education Finance Reform, Taylor N. Allbright, Julie A. Marsh, Michelle Hall, Laura Tobben, Lawrence O. Picus, and Magaly Lavadenz


(In)Visible Men on Campus: Campus Racial Climate and Subversive Black Masculinities at a Predominantly White Liberal Arts University, Quaylan Allen


Leveraging Analysis of Students’ Disciplinary Thinking in a Video Club to Promote Student- Centered Science Instruction, Tara Barnhart and Elizabeth van Es


Examining the Variability in General Education Placements for Students With Intellectual Disability, Meghan Cosier, Julia M. White, and Qiu Wang


Systems Thinking in a Second Grade Curriculum: Students Engaged to Address a Statewide Drought, Margaret Sauceda Curwen, Amy Ardell, Laurie MacGillivray, and Rachel Lambert


From “Turning the Page” to Getting Our Noses out of the Book: How NCTE Can Translate Its Words into Activism, Noah Asher Golden and Deborah Bieler


Culturally Responsive Interviewing Practices, Michael Hass and Annmary S. Abdou


Interviewing to Understand Strengths, Michael R. Hass


Minority Stress Among Transgender Adolescents: The Role of Peer Victimization, School Belonging, and Ethnicity, Tyler Hatchel, Alberto Valido, Kris T. De Pedro, Yuanhong Huang, and Dorothy L. Espelage


Postdigital Dialogue, Petar Jandrić, Thomas Ryberg, Jeremy Knox, Nataša Lacković, Sarah Hayes, Juha Suoranta, Mark Smith, Anne Steketee, Michael A. Peters, Peter McLaren, Derek R. Ford, Gordon Asher, Callum McGregor, Georgina Tuari Stewart, Ben Williamson, and Andrew Gibbons


Counseling Gifted Students: School-Based Considerations and Strategies, Kelly Kennedy and Jessica Farley


“Indefensible, Illogical, and Unsupported”; Countering Deficit Mythologies about the Potential of Students with Learning Disabilities in Mathematics, Rachel Lambert


Cultivating a Professional Culture of Peace and Inclusion: Conceptualizing Practical Applications of Peace Leadership in Schools, Whitney McIntyre Miller and Annmary S. Abdou


Paulo Freire y la Teología de la Liberación: La consciencia cristiana de la pedagogía crítica (II) / Paulo Freire and the Theology of Liberation: The Christian Consciousness of Critical Pedagogy (II), Peter McLaren


Paulo Freire y la Teología de la Liberación: La consciencia cristiana de la pedagogía crítica / Paulo Freire and the Theology of Liberation: The Christian Consciousness of Critical Pedagogy, Peter McLaren


Reclaiming the Present or a Return to the Ash Heap of the Future?, Peter McLaren


Traveling with Joel, Peter McLaren


Karl Marx and Liberation Theology: Dialectical Materialism and Christian Spirituality In, Against, and Beyond Contemporary Capitalism, Peter McLaren and Petar Jandrić


Paulo Freire and Liberation Theology: The Christian Consciousness of Critical Pedagogy, Peter McLaren and Petar Jandrić


Framing the Anthropocene: Educating for Sustainability, Gerri McNenny


Adolescents’ Perceptions of “Cheating” in Gaming and Educational Settings, Brandon Nease and Michelle Samura


Understanding Campus Spaces to Improve Student Belonging, Michelle Samura


Preparing Elementary School Teachers to Learn from Teaching: A Comparison of Two Approaches to Mathematics Methods Instruction, Rossella Santagata, Cathery Yeh, and Janet Mercado


The Role of School Climate in Rates of Depression and Suicidal Ideation Among School-Attending Foster Youth in California Public Schools, Holly Shim-Pelayo and Kris Tunac De Pedro


Latent Class Analysis of Children with Math Difficulties and/or Math Learning Disabilities: Are There Cognitive Differences?, H. Lee Swanson, Andres F. Olide, and Jennifer E. Kong

Submissions from 2017


“They Write Me Off and Don't Give Me a Chance to Learn Anything”: Positioning, Discipline, and Black Masculinities in School, Quaylan Allen


“That’s Why I Say Stay in School”: Black Mothers’ Parental Involvement, Cultural Wealth, and Exclusion in Their Son’s Schooling, Quaylan Allen and Kimberly A. White-Smith


Interview with Peter McLaren: “Critical Education Must Transform the World”, Javier Collado-Ruano and Peter McLaren


Critical Digital Literacies Across Scales and Beneath the Screen, Noah Asher Golden


“In A Position I See Myself in:” (Re)Positioning Identities and Culturally-Responsive Pedagogies, Noah Asher Golden


Narrating Neoliberalism: Alternative Education Teachers’ Conceptions of Their Changing Roles, Noah Asher Golden


Soft(a)ware in the English Classroom: (Re)Framing Education for Equity: Acknowledging Outputs and Inputs in Literacies Education, Noah Asher Golden


Educational Leadership and Social Justice in the United States, Margaret Grogan


Using Tablet Technologies to Engage and Motivate Urban High School Students, Nicol R. Howard and Keith Howard


Conceptualizations of Students With and Without Disabilities as Mathematical Problem Solvers in Educational Research; A Critical Review, Rachel Lambert and Paulo Tan


No.5, April 2017: The Latin@ Teacher Shortage: Learning from the Past to Inform the Future, Magaly Lavadenz and Anaida Colón-Muñiz


Pedagogía Crítica y Decolonial en Tiempos de Trump. Entrevista a Peter McLaren, Peter McLaren and Pablo Cortés-Gonzálezener