Submissions from 2024
Pre-Service Teachers Notice Student Thinking: Then What?, Tara Barnhart, Heather J. Johnson, and Miray Tekkumru-Kisa
How to Create an Inclusive Campus for Neurodivergent Students, Meghan Cosier and Audri Sandoval Gomez
“I Tell Them Generics, but Not the Specifics”: Exploring Tensions Underlying Familial Support for First-Generation Latinx Undergraduate Students, Stephany Cuevas
“Just Hold On, You Can Do This”: Conceptualizing Familial Support for First-Generation Undergraduate Students of Color, Stephany Cuevas
Moving Beyond Transactions: Understanding the Relationships between College Access Professionals and Underrepresented College-Bound Families, Stephany Cuevas
Designing for Collaborative Teacher Learning Through Mixed- Reality Teaching Simulations, Rebecca Geller and Jamie Gravell
Identifying Critical Employability Skills for Employment Success of Autistic Individuals: A Content Analysis of Job Postings, Amy Jane Griffiths, Amy E. Hurley-Hanson, Cristina M. Giannantonio, Angel Miles Nash, Wallace Walrod, Petersen Walrod, Rachel Torres, and Raquel Delgado
Understanding Unique Employability Skill Sets of Autistic Individuals: A Systematic Review, Amy Jane Griffiths, Rachel Torres, Raquel Delgado, Amy E. Hurley-Hanson, Cristina M. Giannantonio, Wallace Walrod, Zachary Maupin, and John Brady
Editorial: Insights in Leadership in Education: 2022, Margaret Grogan
Advancing Coherence: Aligning Educator Preparation with California’s English Learner Roadmap Policy [Educational Policy Brief No.14], Magaly Lavadenz, Anaida Colón-Muñiz, and Elvira G. Armas
Influences of Cultural Capital and Internationalization on Global Competence in Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review, Yiying Teng and Meghan E. Cosier
Compassionate Noticing and Stopping the Action: Bringing Intentionally Emergent Teaching into Leadership Education, Tara Widner and Linnette Werner
Submissions from 2023
Restorative Schools: A Consultation Case Study for Moving from Theory to Practice, Annmary S. Abdou, John Brady, Amy-Jane Griffiths, Alec Burrola, and Julie Vue
'I don’t fit that stereotype': Participant Photography and the Visual (Re)positioning of Black Men, Quaylan Allen
Noticing Instructional Challenges in Artifacts of Teaching, Tara Barnhart and Elizabeth van Es
Noticing Instructional Challenges in Artifacts of Teaching, Tara Barnhart and Elizabeth A. van Es
Short Report: Initial Pilot of a Brief Career Development Program for Autistic Young Adults, Samantha Cadondon, Meghan Dawson, Jeanne Anne Carriere, Amy Jane Griffiths, and Jean-G. Gehricke
Becoming an Ally: Partnering with Immigrant Families to Promote Student Success, Stephany Cuevas
Still a Private Universe? Community College Students’ Understanding of Evolution, Meredith A. Dorner, Philip Sadler, and Brian Alters
Consistency and Change: Districts’ Efforts to Engage Stakeholders Over Time, Michelle Hall, Julie Marsh, and Eupha Jeanne Daramola
Cross-Cultural Validation of a Measure of Contemplativity with a Chinese College Sample, Maryann Krikorian, Ran Tao, and Randy T. Busse
Migrant and Refugee Women: A Case for Community Leadership, Whitney McIntyre Miller and Rabab Atwi
Are Deficit Perspectives Thriving in Trauma-Informed Schools? A Historical and Anti-Racist Reflection, Cora Palma, Annmary S. Abdou, Scot Danforth, and Amy Jane Griffiths
Disability, Race, and Origin Intersectionality in the Doctoral Program: Ableism in Higher Education, Theodoto W. Ressa and Scot Danforth
The Santa Ana Youth Media Project: YPAR and Media Advocacy, Jorge F. Rodriguez
Introduction to Leadership for Complex Problems and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Rian Satterwhite, Kate Sheridan, and Whitney McIntyre Miller
Centering Intersectional Sustainability in Leadership Education: A Case for the Sustainable Development Goals, Kate Sheridan, Whitney McIntyre Miller, and Rian Satterwhite
Social Justice Competency Areas and the NASP Practice Model, David Shriberg, Celeste M. Malone, Lisa Kelly-Vance, Annmary S. Abdou, Kane Carlock, Breanna Nwancha, Malena A. Nygaard, Jazlyn N. Rowan, and Avy Zheng
Stability of Learning Disabilities, Cognitive Growth, and L1 in English Learners: A Latent Class and Transition Analysis, H. Lee Swanson, Jennifer E. Kong, and Stefania D. Petcu
Submissions from 2022
Nurturing Cultural Humility and Responsiveness Through Restorative Pedagogy In Graduate Education, Annmary S. Abdou, Kris T. De Pedro, Arantxa de Anda, Ivette Merced, and Karen Mao
Reflections on Contemporary Challenges and Possibilities for Democracy and Education, Michael W. Apple, Gert Biesta, Henry A. Giroux, Amanda Heffernan, Peter McLaren, Stewart Riddle, and Anna Yeatman
The California English Learner Roadmap Toolkit for Institutes of Higher Education (IHEs): (Re)Designing Educator Preparation Focused on Equity for English Learner/Multilingual Students, Anaida Colón-Muñiz, Magaly Lavadenz, and Elvira G. Armas
High-Yield Webinar Engagement Strategies and Teacher Candidate Professional Learning, Meghan Cosier, Sara Morgan, and Audri Sandoval Gomez
Citizenship Matters: Non-Citizen COVID-19 Mortality Disparities in New York and Los Angeles, Jason A. Douglas, Georgiana Bostean, Angel Miles Nash, Emmanuel B. John, Lawrence M. Brown, and Andrew M. Subica
Exploratory Validation Study of a Measure of Other-Esteem with Adolescents, Jaime Flowers, Jillian Dawes, and Randy T. Busse
Increasing Collaboration and Knowledge in School Communities to Enhance Outcomes for Autistic Students, Amy Jane Griffiths, Diana Baker, John Brady, Kelly Kennedy, Anaiza Valladolid, Rachel Wiegand, and Raquel Delgado
Editorial: Education Leadership and the COVID-19 Crisis, Margaret Grogan, Michelle D. Young, and Mónica Byrne-Jiménez
Pagan Poets, A Dream, and The beautiful young, Michael Hass
Teaching in the Age of Covid-19—The New Normal, Petar Jandrić, Ana Fuentes Martinez, Charles Reitz, Liz Jackson, Dennis Grauslund, David Hayes, Happiness Onesmo Lukoko, Michael Hogan, Peter Mozelius, Janine Aldous Arantes, Paul Levinson, Jānis John Ozoliņš, James D. Kirylo, Paul R. Carr, Nina Hood, Marek Tesar, Sean Sturm, Sandra Abegglen, Tom Burns, Sandra Sinfield, Georgina Tuari Stewart, Juha Suoranta, Jimmy Jaldemark, Ulrika Gustafsson, Lilia D. Monzó, Ivana Batarelo Kokić, Jimmy Ezekiel Kihwele, Jake Wright, Pallavi Kishore, Paul Alexander Stewart, Susan Bridges, Mikkel Lodahl, Peter Bryant, Kulpreet Kaur, Stephanie Hollings, James Benedict Brown, Anne Steketee, Paul Prinsloo, Moses Kayade Hazzan, Michael Jopling, Julia Mañero, Andrew Gibbons, Sarah Pfohl, Niklas Humble, Jacob Davidsen, Derek R. Ford, Navreeti Sharma, Kevin Stockbridge, Olli Pyyhtinen, Carlos Escaño, Charlotte Achieng-Evensen, Jennifer Rose, Jones Irwin, Richa Shukla, Suzanne SooHoo, Ian Truelove, Rachel Buchanan, Shreya Urvashi, E. Jayne White, Rene Novak, Thomas Ryberg, Sonja Arndt, Bridgette Redder, Mousumi Mukherjee, Blessing Funmi Komolafe, Madhav Mallya, Nesta Devine, Sahar D. Sattarzadeh, and Sarah Hayes
Book Review Symposium: Walter Omar Kohan (2021) Paulo Freire: A Philosophical Biography [Translated by Jason Wozniak and Samuel D. Rocha]. Bloomsbury Academic Publishing. ISBN 978-1-3501-9598-1, Alpesh Maisuria, Inny Accioly, James D. Kirylo, Peter Mayo, and Peter McLaren
Understanding Integral Peace Leadership in Practice: Lessons and Learnings from Women PeaceMaker Narratives, Whitney McIntyre Miller and Miznah Omair Alomair
Examining California’s Title 22 Community Care Licensing Regulations: The Impact on Inclusive Preschool Settings, Aja McKee, Audri Sandoval Gomez, Sardis Susana Rodriguez, Janice Myck-Wayne, Scott Turner, and Markus Trujillo
Divided We Fall, Peter McLaren
Fascism, the Republican Party of Death, Structural Racism, QAnon, the War in Ukraine and the Coming Metaverse: Are We All Doomed?, Peter McLaren
Problem-Posing War and Death in Ukraine, Peter McLaren
Pushing Boundaries: Peter McLaren on the Importance of Critical Pedagogy Inside and Outside the Classroom, Peter McLaren
QAnon and the Attack of the Crafty Crazies, Peter McLaren
Reflections on the Performative Dimensions of the War in Ukraine, Peter McLaren
Some Final Considerations Regarding the Invasion of Ukraine: Lessons from the Marxist Humanists, Peter McLaren
Steve Bannon, Fascism and Making Sense of the Invasion of Ukraine: How the Left Divides Itself, Peter McLaren
The Conservative Nationalists and their Con Game with Ukraine: The Danger of an Illusion, Peter McLaren
The Leaves of War: Ukraine Notes, Peter McLaren
The Moral Choices We Make: The Attack on Teaching American History by Americans, Peter McLaren
The Olympics is Not a Place to Play Politics, Peter McLaren
The Prosperity Gospel, Christo-Fascism and the War in Ukraine: The Struggle for Justice, Peter McLaren
The Risks of Omnicide Escalate as War Intensifies in Ukraine, Peter McLaren
The Russians are Coming: But Aren’t They Already Here?, Peter McLaren
The Scapegoating of Ukraine: Lives Lived and Lost, Peter McLaren
The War in Ukraine, a Shattered Trust: Liberation Theology and the Struggle for Justice, Peter McLaren
Ukraine and the Struggle to be Human, Peter McLaren
Viktor Orbán, the Pimp of Putinism; Tucker Carlson’s Fascist Flirtations; and the Contradictions of ‘Traditional’ Values, Peter McLaren
Violence, Trumpian Cultspeak and What Could Happen in Ukraine, Peter McLaren
Revolutionary Critical Pedagogy and Critical Global Citizenship Education: A Conversation with Peter McLaren, Peter McLaren and Emiliano Bosio
Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Students Experiencing Homelessness and Substance Use in the School Context: A Statewide Study, Hadass Moore and Kris De Pedro
Educators’ Perceptions of Middle Level Education in a State without a Middle Level Teacher Credential, Ben Seipel, Rong-Ji Chen, Erika B. Daniels, Acacia M. Warren, and Roxanne Greitz Miller
Submissions from 2021
Educator Perceptions of Adult-Student Relationships, Racial Climate, and Associated Discipline Techniques, Annmary S. Abdou and Ashley M. Mayworm
Campus Racial Climate, Boundary Work and the Fear and Sexualization of Black Masculinities on a Predominantly White University, Quaylan Allen
When Peril Responds to Plague: Predatory Journal Engagement with COVID-19, Ryan M. Allen
Talented, Yet Seen With Suspicion: Surveillance of International Students and Scholars in the United States, Ryan M. Allen and Krishna Bista
Protecting the University as a Physical Place in the Age of Postdigitization, Ryan M. Allen and Peter McLaren
Why Deteriorating Relations, Xenophobia, and Safety Concerns Will Deter Chinese International Student Mobility to the United States, Ryan M. Allen and Ying Ye
The Politics of the Hero's Journey: A Narratology of American Special Education Textbooks, Elise Assaf, Jennifer James, and Scot Danforth
Induction Coaches’ Experiences with Video-Augmented Coaching in a Video Club Model, Tara Barnhart and Victor Vega
Educators' Perceptions of Middle Level Education in a State Without a Middle Level Teacher Credential, Rong-Ji Chen, Erika Daniels, Roxanne Greitz Miller, Moses Ochanji, Ben Seipel, and Acacia M. Warren
Ever-Present “Illegality:” How Political Climate Impacts Undocumented Latinx Parents’ Engagement in Students’ Postsecondary Access and Success, Stephany Cuevas
Independence, Dependence, and Intellectual Disability: From Cultural Origins to Useful Application, Scot Danforth
Entrevista con Peter McLaren: Discusiones radicales y esperanzadora en tiempos de conservadurismo brutal - Caminos de lucha y transformación a la luz de Paulo Freire / Interview with Peter McLaren: Radical and Hopeful Discussions About Times of Brutal Conservatism - Paths of Fight and Transformation in the Light of Paulo Freire, Lucimara Cristina de Paula, María Francisca Lohaus-Reyes, and Peter McLaren
First Things First: Black Women Situating Identity in the First-Year Faculty Experience, Nakia M. Gray-Nicolas and Angel Miles Nash
Families and Schools Together: Designing a Model for University-Community Partnerships to Support Home-School Collaborations, Amy Jane Griffiths, James Alsip, Kelly Kennedy, Elena L. Diamond, Cora Palma, Annmary S. Abdou, Rachel Wiegand, and John Brady
STEM for Everyone: A Mixed Methods Approach to the Conception and Implementation of an Evaluation Process for STEM Education Programs for Students With Disabilities, Amy Jane Griffiths, John Brady, Nicholas Riley, James Alsip, Vanessa Trine, and Lauren Gomez
Developing Strong Transition-focused IEPS Using Labour Market Data, Amy Jane Griffiths, Meghan E. Cosier, Rachel Wiegand, Sneha Kohli Mathur, and Sara Morgan
Case Conceptualization as an Alternative to Educationally Related Mental Health Assessments, Michael R. Hass, Zack Maupin, and Michael Doria
Capitalism, Migration, and Adult Education: Toward a Critical Project in the Second Language Learning Class, Alisha M.B. Heinemann and Lilia Monzó
Teaching in the Age of Covid-19—1 Year Later, Petar Jandrić, David Hayes, Paul Levinson, Line Lisberg Christensen, Happiness Onesmo Lukoko, Jimmy Ezekiel Kihwele, James Benedict Brown, Charles Reitz, Peter Mozelius, Harry G. Nejad, Ana Fuentes Martinez, Janine Aldous Arantes, Liz Jackson, Ulrika Gustafsson, Sandra Abegglen, Tom Burns, Sandra Sinfield, Michael Hogan, Pallavi Kishore, Paul R. Carr, Ivana Batarelo Kokić, Paul Prinsloo, Dennis Grauslund, Anne Steketee, Charlotte Achieng-Evensen, Blessing Funmi Komolafe, Juha Suoranta, Nina Hood, Marek Tesar, Jennifer Rose, Niklas Humble, James D. Kirylo, Julia Mañero, Lilia D. Monzó, Mikkel Lodahl, Jimmy Jaldemark, Susan Bridges, Navreeti Sharma, Jacob Davidsen, Jānis John Ozoliņš, Peter Bryant, Carlos Escaño, Jones Irwin, Kulpreet Kaur, Sarah Pfohl, Kevin Stockbridge, Thomas Ryberg, Olli Pyyhtinen, Suzanne SooHoo, Moses Kayade Hazzan, Jake Wright, Stephanie Hollings, Sonja Arndt, Andrew Gibbons, Shreya Urvashi, Daniella J. Forster, Ian Truelove, Peter Mayo, Glenn Rikowski, Paul Alexander Stewart, Michael Jopling, Georgina Tuari Stewart, Rachel Buchanan, Nesta Devine, Richa Shukla, Rene Novak, Madhav Mallya, Eva Biličić, Sean Sturm, Sahar D. Sattarzadeh, Abey P. Philip, Bridgette Redder, E. Jayne White, Derek R. Ford, Quaylan Allen, Mousumi Mukherjee, and Sarah Hayes
Word-Problem-Solving Interventions for Elementary Students With Learning Disabilities: A Selective Meta-Analysis of the Literature, Jennifer E. Kong, Christy Yan, Allison Serceki, and H. Lee Swanson
Faculty Attitudes toward Technology-Driven Instruction in Developmental Mathematics, Jenna W. Kramer, Stephany Cuevas, and Angela Boatman
The Importance of Inclusive Spaces in Social Skills Development: Drawing on the LGBTQ Educational and Disability Studies in Education Frameworks, Aja McKee, Audri Sandoval Gomez, and Kevin Stockbridge
Learning Marx in the Podcast Era: A Review of “Reading ‘Capital’ with Comrades”, Peter McLaren
Liberation Theology and Adult Education, Peter McLaren
Paulo Freire’s Ideas Are Just as Powerful Today as Ever, Peter McLaren
The Day They Brought Ol’ Liberty Down: The Reality of the Threat`, Peter McLaren
The Perilous Road to Justice: An Interview with Prof. Peter McLaren, Peter McLaren
Caution, Approaching Intersection: Black Educators Teaching in the Crossroads of Resistance and Responsiveness, Angel Miles Nash and Quaylan Allen
I’m Every Woman: Advancing the Intersectional Leadership of Black Women School Leaders as Anti-Racist Praxis, April L. Peters and Angel Miles Nash
Public Intellectuals in the Age of Viral Modernity: An EPAT Collective Writing Project, Michael A. Peters, Petar Jandrić, Steve Fuller, Alexander J. Means, Sharon Rider, George Lăzăroiu, Sarah Hayes, Greg William Misiaszek, Marek Tesar, Peter McLaren, and Ronald Barnett
The “LOOMING DISASTER” for Higher Education: How Commercial Rankers Use Social Media to Amplify and Foster Affect, Riyad A. Shahjahan, Adam Grimm, and Ryan M. Allen
After Endrew: Progress Monitoring Methods for Supporting IEP Teams, Trisha Sugita, Randy T. Busse, and Abraham H. Aryadad
Challenging Whiteness at Claremont High School, Terri Nicol Watson and Angel Miles Nash
Submissions from 2020
Examining the Multiple Sites of Meaning in a Participant Photography Project With Black Male College Students, Quaylan Allen