Below you may find selected research articles from Biology, Chemistry, and Environmental Sciences faculty in the Schmid College of Science and Technology.


Submissions from 2003


Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthesis in Archaea: Different but Not Unique, Mette Praetorius-Ibba and Michael Ibba


Changing Slow Calcium-Activated Potassium Current Kinetics Influence Bursting Activity in a Model of Pyramidal Neurons, Keun-Hang Susan Yang, Piotr J. Franaszczuk, and Gregory K. Bergey


The Influence of Slow Calcium-Activated Potassium Channels on Epileptiform Activity in a Neuronal Model of Pyramidal Cells, Keun-Hang Susan Yang, Piotr J. Franaszczuk, and Gregory K. Bergey

Submissions from 2002


Functional Annotation of Class I Lysyl-tRNA Synthetase Phylogeny Indicates a Limited Role for Gene Transfer, Alexandre Ambrogelly, Dragana Korencic, and Michael Ibba


Genetic Code: Introducing Pyrrolysine, Michael Ibba and Dieter Söll


The Effect of Changes in the Inhibitory Interneuron Connectivity on the Pattern of Bursting Behavior in a Pyramidal Cell Model, Keun-Hang Susan Yang, Piotr J. Franaszczuk, and Gregory K. Bergey


The Influences of GABAA and GABAB Inhibition in Bursting Activity in a Model of Pyramidal Cells, Keun-Hang Susan Yang, Piotr J. Franaszczuk, and Gregory K. Bergey

Submissions from 2001


Acetylcholine-Induced Desensitization of Muscarinic Contractile Response in Guinea Pig Ileum Is Inhibited by Pertussis Toxin Treatment, Frederick J. Ehlert, Khurram Z. Ansari, Darakhshanda Shehnaz, Gregory W. Sawyer, and Michael T. Griffin


A Test of Biochemical Symmorphosis in a Heterothermic Tissue: Bluefin Tuna White Muscle, Douglas S. Fudge, James S. Ballintyne, and E. Don Stevens


The Renaissance of Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthesis, Michael Ibba and Dieter Söll


Protein Synthesis: Twenty Three Amino Acids and Counting, Michael Ibba, Constantinos Stathopoulos, and Dieter Söll


Post-Transcriptional Modification in Archaeal tRNAs: Identities and Phylogenetic Relations of Nucleotides from Mesophilic and Hyperthermophilic Methanococcales, James A. McCloskey, David E. Graham, Shaolian Zhou, Pamela F. Crain, Michael Ibba, Jordan Konisky, Dieter Söll, and Gary J. Olsen


Synaptic Connections on the Patterns of Bursting in A Neuronal Circuit Model, Keun-Hang Susan Yang, Piotr J. Franaszczuk, and Gregory K. Bergey

Submissions from 2000


Context-Dependent Anticodon Recognition by Class I Lysyl-tRNA Synthetases, Dieter Söll, Hubert D. Becker, Pierre Plateau, Sylvain Blanquet, and Michael Ibba


Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases, the Genetic Code, and the Evolutionary Process, Carl R. Woese, Gary J. Olsen, Michael Ibba, and Dieter Söll

Submissions from 1999


A Simple Method for Estimation of Agonist Activity at Receptor Subtypes: Comparison of Native and Cloned M3 Muscarinic Receptors in Guinea Pig Ileum and Transfected Cells, Frederick J. Ehlert, Michael T. Griffin, Gregory W. Sawyer, and Regina Bailon


Denmark Lacks Coherent Policy on Basic Research, Michael Ibba and Thomas Bentin


Archaeal Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthesis: Unique Determinants of a Universal Genetic Code?, Michael Ibba, A. W. Curnow, J. Bono, P. A. Rosa, C. R. Woese, and D. Söll


Substrate Recognition by Class I Lysyl-tRNA Synthetases: A Molecular Basis for Gene Displacement, Michael Ibba, Heather C. Losey, Yutaka Kawarabayasi, Hisasi Kikuchi, Shipra Bunjun, and Dieter Söll


Transfer RNA Identity Contributes to Transition State Stabilization During Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthesis, Michael Ibba, Sanja Sever, Mette Praetorius-Ibba, and Dieter Söll


tRNA Recognition and Evolution of Determinants in Seryl-tRNA Synthesis, Boris Lenhard, Omar Orellana, Michael Ibba, and Ivana Weygand-Durasevic


Archaeal Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthesis: Diversity Replaces Dogma, Debra Tumbula, Ute C. Vothknecht, Hyun-soo Kim, Michael Ibba, Bokkee Min, Tong Li, Joanne Pelaschier, Constantinos Stathopoulos, Hubert D. Becker, and Dieter Söll

Submissions from 1998


No Evidence for Homeoviscous Adaptation in a Heterothermic Tissue: Tuna Heat Exchangers, Douglas S. Fudge, E. Don Stevens, and James S. Ballantyne

Submissions from 1997


Enzyme Adaptation Along a Heterothermic Tissue: The Visceral Heat Exchangers of the Bluefin Tuna, Douglas S. Fudge, E. Don Stevens, and James S. Ballantyne


Paleoseismicity Of the North Branch Of the Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone In Huntington Beach, California, From Cone Penetrometer Test Data, Lisa B. Grant, John T. Waggoner, Thomas K. Rockwell, and Carmen von Stein


Archaeal-type Lysyl-tRNA Synthetase in the Lyme Disease Spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi, Michael Ibba, James L. Bono, Patricia A. Rosa, and Dieter Söll

Submissions from 1996


tRNA-Dependent Asparagine Formation, Alan W. Curnow, Michael Ibba, and Dieter Söll


The Visceral Retia Mirabilia of Tuna and Sharks: An Annotated Translation and Discussion of the Eschricht and Müller 1835 Paper and Related Papers, Douglas S. Fudge and E. Don Stevens


Transfer RNA-Dependent Cognate Amino Acid Recognition by an Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase, K. W. Hong, Michael Ibba, I. Weygand-Durasevic, M. J. Rogers, H. U. Thomann, and D. Söll


Glutaminyl-tRNA Synthetase: From Genetics to Molecular Recognition, Michael Ibba, Kwang-Won Hong, and Dieter Söll


Interactions between Transfer RNA Identity Nucleotides and Their Recognition Sites in Glutaminyl-tRNA Synthetase Determine the Cognate Amino Acid Affinity of the Enzyme, Michael Ibba, K W. Hong, J M. Sherman, S Sever, and D Söll


Protein-RNA Molecular Recognition, Michael Ibba and Dieter Söll

Submissions from 1995


Relaxing the Substrate Specificity of an Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Allows in vitro and in vivo Synthesis of Proteins Containing Unnatural Amino Acids, Michael Ibba and Hauke Hennecke


Increased Rates of tRNA Charging Through Modification of the Enzyme-Aminoacyl-Adenylate Complex of Phenylalanyl-tRNA Synthetase, Michael Ibba, Christopher M. Johnson, Hauke Hennecke, and Alan R. Fersht


A Broadly Applicable Continuous Spectrophotometric Assay for Measuring Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Activity, Adrian J. Lloyd, Hans-Ulrich Thomann, Michael Ibba, and Dieter Soöll


A Single Identified Interneuron Gates Tail-Shock Induced Inhibition in the Siphon Withdrawal Reflex of Aplysia, William G. Wright and T. J. Carew

Submissions from 1991


A Cellular Analysis of Inhibition in the Siphon Withdrawal Reflex of Aplysia, William G. Wright, E. A. Marcus, and T. J. Carew

Submissions from 1985


Patterns of Sex Change of the Protandric Patellacean Limpet Lottia gigantea (Mollusca: Gastropoda), David R. Lindberg and William G. Wright

Submissions from 1981


Collastoma-Kozloffi Sp-N, a Neorhabdocoel Turbellarian From the Intestine Of the Sipunculan Themiste-Dyscrita, Clinton A. Westervelt