Submissions from 2006
Effect of Prophylactic and Therapeutic Mitomycin C on Corneal Apoptosis, Cellular Proliferation, Haze, and Long-Term Keratocyte Density in Rabbits, Marcelo V. Netto, Rajiv R. Mohan, Sunilima Sinha, Ajay Sharma, Pankaj C. Gupta, and Steven E. Wilson
Caveolin-2, Rennolds S. Ostrom
Methods for the Study of Signaling Molecules in Membrane Lipid Rafts and Caveolae, Rennolds S. Ostrom and Paul A. Insel
Rapid Determination of Reduced and Oxidized Glutathione Levels Using a New Thiol-Masking Reagent and the Enzymatic Recycling Method: Application to the Rat Liver and Bile Samples, Imam H. Shaik and Reza Mehvar
Mechanism of a Solid-State Formation of La1-xSrxMnO3+δ (0 < x < 0.5) and Magnetic Characterization Thereof, Vuk Uskoković and Miha Drofenik
Synthesis of Lanthanum-Strontium Manganites by Oxalate-Precursor Co-Precipitation Methods in Solution and in Reverse Micellar Microemulsion, Vuk Uskoković and Miha Drofenik
Preparation of Silica-Coated Lanthanum-Strontium Manganite Particles with Designable Curie Point, for Application in Hyperthermia Treatments, Vuk Uskoković, Aljoša Košak, and Miha Drofenik
Silica-Coated Lanthanum-Strontium Manganites for Hyperthermia Treatments, Vuk Uskoković, Aljoša Košak, and Miha Drofenik
Selective Effects of Nitric Oxide on the Disposition of Chlorzoxazone and Dextromethorphan in Isolated Perfused Rat Livers, Ragini Vuppugalla and Reza Mehvar
Submissions from 2005
Fibrotic Lung Fibroblasts Show Blunted Inhibition by cAMP Due to Deficient cAMP Response Element-Binding Protein Phosphorylation, Xiaoqiu Liu, Shu Qiang Sun, and Rennolds S. Ostrom
Redox Regulation by Intrinsic Species and Extrinsic Nutrients in Normal and Cancer Cells, Archana Jaiswal McEligot, Sun Yang, and Frank L. Meyskens Jr.
Role of Protein Binding in Pharmacokinetics, Reza Mehvar
Mouse Cytomegalovirus M33 is Necessary and Sufficient in Virus-Induced Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Migration, Ryan Melnychuk, Patsy Smith, Craig N. Kreklywich, Franziska Ruchti, Jennifer Totonchy, Laurel Hall, Lambert Loh, Jay A. Nelson, Susan L. Orloff, and Daniel N. Streblow
Chronic Hypoxia Modulates Relations Among Calcium, Myosin Light Chain Phosphorylation, and Force Differently in Fetal and Adult Ovine Basilar Arteries, Surya M. Nauli, James M. Williams, William T. Gerthoffer, and William J. Pearce
A Mechanism for the Formation of Nanostructured NiZn Ferrites via a Microemulsion-Assisted Precipitation Method, Vuk Uskoković and Miha Drofenik
Synthesis of Relatively Highly Magnetic Nano-Sized NiZn-Ferrite in Microemulsion at 45 oC, Vuk Uskoković and Miha Drofenik
Synthesis of Lanthanum-Strontium Magnanites by a Hydroxide-Precursor Co-Precipitation Method in Solution and in Reverse Micellar Microemulsion, Vuk Uskoković, Darko Makovec, and Miha Drofenik
Enzyme-Selective Effects of Nitric Oxide on Affinity and Maximum Velocity of Various Rat Cytochromes P450, Ragini Vuppugalla and Reza Mehvar
Alterations in the Expression of the Apurinic/Apyrimidinic Endonuclease-1/redox Factor-1 (APE/Ref-1) in Human Melanoma and Identification of the Therapeutic Potential of Resveratrol as an APE/Ref-1 Inhibitor, Sun Yang, Kaikobad Irani, Susan E. Heffron, Frances Jurnak, and Frank L. Meyskens Jr.
Alterations in Activating Protein 1 Composition Correlate with Phenotypic Differentiation Changes Induced by Resveratrol in Human Melanoma, Sun Yang and Frank L. Meyskens Jr.
Submissions from 2004
Gating of the Polycystin Ion Channel Signaling Complex in Neurons and Kidney Cells, Patrick Delmas, Surya M. Nauli, Xiaogang Li, Bertrand Coste, Nancy Osorio, Marcel Crest, David A. Brown, and Jing Zhou
Inhibitors of Protein Kinase Signaling Pathways Emerging Therapies for Cardiovascular Disease, Thomas Force, Keisuke Kuida, Mark Namchuk, Keykavous Parang, and John M. Kyriakis
Cyclic AMP-Elevating Agents and Adenylyl Cyclase Overexpression Promote an Anti-Fibrotic Phenotype in Pulmonary Fibroblasts, Xiaoqiu Liu, Rennolds S. Ostrom, and Paul A. Insel
Non-prescription and Household Substances of Abuse, J. Mallari, L. Nguyen, and Jeffery A. Goad
Hepatic Disposition of Cyclosporine A in Isolated Perfused Rat Livers, Reza Mehvar and Anjaneya Chimalakonda
Nitric Oxide Inhibition of Adenylyl Cyclase Type 6 Activity is Dependent upon Lipid Rafts and Caveolin Signaling Complexes, Rennolds S. Ostrom, Richard A. Bundey, and Paul A. Insel
The Evolving Role of Lipid Rafts and Caveolae in G Protein-Coupled Receptor Signaling: Implications for Molecular Pharmacology, Rennolds S. Ostrom and Paul A. Insel
Guidelines for Manuscripts Describing Instructional Design or Assessment: The IDEAS Format, Therese Poirier, Michael Crouch, Emily Hak, George MacKinnon, Reza Mehvar, and Mary Monk-Tutor
Hepatitis B Vaccination for Patients with Chronic Renal Failure, Robert J. Schroth, Carol A. Hitchon, Julia Uhanova, Ayman M. Noreddin, Shayne P. Taback, Michael Moffatt, and James M. Zacharias
Designing Fluoroquinolone Breakpoints for Streptococcus pneumoniae Using Genetics instead of Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics, H. J. Smith, Ayman M. Noreddin, C. G. Siemens, K. N. Schurek, J. Greisman, C. J. Hoban, D. J. Hoban, and G. G. Zhanel
Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Nickel-Zinc Ferrites via a Microemulsion Route, Vuk Uskoković and Miha Drofenik
The Characterization of Nanosized Nickel-Zinc Ferrites Synthesized within Reverse Micelles of CTAB/1-Hexanol/Water Microemulsion, Vuk Uskoković, Miha Drofenik, and Irena Ban
Hepatic Disposition and Effects of Nitric Oxide Donors: Rapid and Concentration-Dependent Reduction in the Cytochrome P450-Mediated Drug Metabolism in Isolated Perfused Rat Livers, Ragini Vuppugalla and Reza Mehvar
Short-Term Inhibitory Effects of Nitric Oxide on Cytochrome P450-mediated Drug Metabolism: Time Dependency and Reversibility Profiles in Isolated Perfused Rat Livers, Ragini Vuppugalla and Reza Mehvar
Impaired Ca2+ Store Functions in Skeletal and Cardiac Muscle Cells from Sarcalumenin-Deficient Mice, Morikatsu Yoshida, Susumu Minamisawa, Miei Shimura, Shinji Komazaki, Hideaki Kume, Miao Zhang, Kiyoyuki Matsumura, Miyuki Nishi, Minori Saito, Yasutake Saeki, Yoshihiro Ishikawa, Teruyuki Yanagisawa, and Hiroshi Takeshima
Submissions from 2003
A New Era in Pharmacy School Education, Lawrence M. Brown
Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses, Jeffery A. Goad and J Nguyen
Quality Assessment of a Collaborative Approach for Decreasing Drug-Related Morbidity and Achieving Therapeutic Goals, Brian J. Issetts, Lawrence M. Brown, Stephen W. Schondelmeyer, and Lois A. Lenarz
Determination of the Substrate-Docking Site of Protein Tyrosine Kinase C-terminal Src Kinase, Sungsoo Lee, Xiaofeng Lin, Nguyen Hai Nam, Keykavous Parang, and Gongqin Sun
Immortalized Epithelial Cells from Human Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Cysts, Mahmoud Loghman-Adham, Surya M. Nauli, Carlos E. Soto, Barbara Kariuki, and Jing Zhou
Hypertonic Stress Co-Stimulates T Cell Il-2 Expression Through a Feedback Mechanism Involving ATP Release and P2 Receptor Activation of P38 Map Kinase, William H. Loomis, Sachiko Namiki, Rennolds S. Ostrom, Paul A. Insel, and Wolfgang G. Junger
Angiotensin II Enhances Adenylyl Cyclase Signaling via Ca2+/Calmodulin. Gq-Gs Cross-Talk Regulates Collagen Production in Cardiac Fibroblasts, Rennolds S. Ostrom, Jennifer E. Naugle, Miki Hase, Caroline Gregorian, James S. Swaney, Paul A. Insel, Laurence L. Brunton, and J. Gary Meszaros
Career Pathways Evaluation Program: 2002 Pharmacist Profile Survey, Jon C. Schommer, Lawrence M. Brown, Marsha K. Millonig, and Elliott M. Sogol
Career Pathways for Pharmacists, Jon C. Schommer, Elliott M. Sogol, and Lawrence M. Brown
Price of Pharmaceuticals, Value, R&D, and Intergenerational Equity, Enrique Seoane-Vazquez
Human Cytomegalovirus Chemokine Receptor US28-Induced Smooth Muscle Cell Migration is Mediated by Focal Adhesion Kinase and Src, Daniel N. Streblow, Jennifer Totonchy, Patsy Smith, Ryan Melnychuk, Laurel Hall, Dora Pancheva, Martine Smit, Paola Casarosa, David D. Schlaepfer, and Jay A. Nelson
Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Nickel-Zinc Ferrites within Reverse Micelles, Vuk Uskoković and Miha Drofenik
Pharmacodynamic Activity of Azithromycin Against Macrolide-Susceptible and Macrolide-Resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae Simulating Clinically Achievable Free Serum, Epithelial Lining Fluid and Middle Ear Fluid Concentrations, George G. Zhanel, Mel DeCorby, Ayman M. Noreddin, Chris Mendoza, Andrew Cumming, Kim Nichol, Aleksandra Wierzbowski, and Daryl J. Hoban
Antibiotic Activity Against Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Isolates of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci (VRE): Results from the 2002 North American Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci Susceptibility Study (NAVRESS), George G. Zhanel, Nancy Laing, Kim Nichol, Lorraine P. Palatnick, Ayman M. Noreddin, Tamiko Hisanaga, Jack L. Johnson, NAVRESS Group, and Daryl J. Hoban
Submissions from 2002
Outcome Assessment in a PharmD Program: The Texas Tech Experience, Reza Mehvar and Robert B. Supernaw
Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Clarithromycin Against Macrolide-Resistant (PCR positive mefA or ermB) Streptococcus pneumoniae Simulating Clinically Achievable Free Drug Serum and Epithelial Lining Fluid Concentrations, Ayman M. Noreddin, Danielle Roberts, Kim Nichol, Aleksandra Wierzbowski, Daryl J. Hoban, and George G. Zhanel
New Determinants of Receptor-Effector Coupling: Trafficking and Compartmentation in Membrane Microdomains, Rennolds S. Ostrom
Localization of Adenylyl Cyclase Isoforms and G Protein-Coupled Receptors in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells: Expression in Caveolin-Rich and Non-Caveolin Domains, Rennolds S. Ostrom, Xiaoqiu Liu, Brian P. Head, Caroline Gregorian, Tammy M. Seasholtz, and Paul A. Insel
Mechanisms of cGMP-Induced Cerebral Vasodilatation: Contractile Agonist and Developmental Age Make a Difference, William J. Pierce and Surya M. Nauli
Distribution of Functional P2X1-like Receptor in Isolated Rabbit Arteries, Lei-Ming Ren and Miao Zhang
Polymerase Chain Reaction: An Emerging Tool for Research in Pharmacology, Rishi Sharma, Manjeet Singh, and Ajay Sharma
The 2001 National Pharmacy Consumer Survey, Andy Stergachis, Lucinda L. Maine, and Lawrence M. Brown
Methodology for the Assessment of Competence and the Definition of Deficiencies of Students in All Levels of the Curriculum, Robert B. Supernaw and Reza Mehvar
Synthesis and Characterization of Hydroxyapatite-Collagen Biocomposite Materials, Vuk Uskoković, Nenad Ignjatović, and Nadejda Petranović
Pharmacodynamic Activity of Fluoroquinolones Against Ciprofloxacin-Resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae, George G. Zhanel, Danielle Roberts, Andrew Waltky, Nancy Laing, Kim Nichol, Heather Smith, Ayman M. Noreddin, Tracy Bellyou, and Daryl J. Hoban
Submissions from 2001
Principles of Nonlinear Pharmacokinetics, Reza Mehvar
Stereospecific Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Beta-Adrenergic Blockers in Humans, Reza Mehvar and Dion R. Brocks
Developmental Changes in Ryanodine- and IP3-sensitive Ca2+ Pools in Ovine Basilar Artery, Surya M. Nauli, James M. Williams, S. E. Akopov, L. Zhang, and William J. Pearce
Maturation Depresses cGMP-Mediated Decreases in [Ca2+]i and Ca2+ Sensitivity in Ovine Cranial Arteries, Surya M. Nauli, Lubo Zhang, and William J. Pearce
Key Role for Constitutive Cyclooxygenase Type 2 of MDCK Cells in Basal Signaling and Response to Released ATP, Rennolds S. Ostrom, Caroline Gregorian, Ryan M. Drenan, Kathryn Gabot, Brinda K. Rana, and Paul A. Insel
Receptor Number and Caveolar Co-Localization Determine Receptor Coupling Efficiency to Adenylyl Cyclase, Rennolds S. Ostrom, Caroline Gregorian, Ryan M. Drenan, Yang Xiang, John W. Regan, and Paul A. Insel
Antioxidation Activity of DHEA and Its Mechanisms, Sun Yang and Han Rui
Dextran-Methylprednisolone Succinate as a Prodrug of Methylprednisolone: Plasma and Tissue Disposition, Xiaoping Zhang and Reza Mehvar
RGS-PX1, Gap for Gas and a Sorting Nexin in Vesicular Trafficking, Bin Zheng, Yong-Chao Ma, Rennolds S. Ostrom, Christine Lavoie, Gordon N. Gill, Paul A. Insel, Xin-Yun Huang, and Marilyn G. Farquhar
Submissions from 2000
The Common Cold: What Pharmacists Need to Know, Peggy Han, Peggy McMillan, and Jeffery A. Goad
White Paper: Certification, Credentials, and Credentialing in Pharmacy, Donald Kishi, Jeffery A. Goad, Nancy Korman, Teresa Miller, Mary Ferrill, and Holly Strom
Creation of a Dynamic Question Database for Pharmacokinetics, Reza Mehvar
Modulation of the Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Proteins by Polyethylene Glycol Conjugation, Reza Mehvar
Cellular Release of and Response to ATP As Key Determinants of the Set-Point of Signal Transduction Pathways, Rennolds S. Ostrom, Caroline Gregorian, and Paul A. Insel
Stoichiometry and Compartmentation in G Protein-Coupled Receptor Signaling: Implications for Therapeutic Interventions Involving Gs, Rennolds S. Ostrom, Steven R. Post, and Paul A. Insel
Selective Enhancement of β-Adrenergic Receptor Signaling by Overexpression of Adenylyl Cyclase 6: Co-Localization of Receptor and Adenylyl Cyclase in Caveolae of Cardiac Myocytes, Rennolds S. Ostrom, Jonathan D. Violin, Scott Coleman, and Paul A. Insel
Novel Approaches for Designing 5'-O-Ester Prodrugs of 3'-Azido-2'3'-Dideoxythymidine (AZT), Keykavous Parang, Leonard I. Wiebe, and Edward E. Knaus
Effect of Actinomycin D and Cycloheximide on Ischemic Preconditioning-Induced Delayed Cardioprotective Effect in Rats, Devinder Singh, Ajay Sharma, and Manjeet Singh
Role of KATP Channels in Reduced Antinociceptive Effect of Morphine in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Mice, Vivek Sood, Ajay Sharma, and Manjeet Singh
Accuracy of Electrocardiogram Reading by Family Practice Residents, Denise K.C. Sur, Lily Kaye, Michael Mikus, Jeffery A. Goad, and Anthony Morena
Submissions from 1999
Reversible Nonthrombocytopenic Palpable Purpura Associated with Metoclopramide, Jeffery A. Goad
Reimbursement for Pharmaceutical Care Services: The California Experience, Jeffery A. Goad, Kathleen Johnson, and Michael Rudolph
Comparison of Functional Antagonism Between Isoproterenol and M2 Muscarinic Receptors in Guinea Pig Ileum and Trachea, Rennolds S. Ostrom and Frederick J. Ehlert
Caveolar Microdomains of the Sarcolemma: Compartmentation of Signaling Molecules Comes of Age, Rennolds S. Ostrom and Paul A. Insel
Protein Adducts of Iso[4]levuglandin E2, a Product of the Isoprostane Pathway, in Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein, Robert G. Salomon, Wei Sha, Cynthia Brame, Kamaljit Kaur, Ganesamoorthy Subbanagounder, June O'Neil, Henry F. Hoff, and L. Jackson Roberts II
Inhibition of cPLA2-Mediated Arachidonic Acid Release by Cyclic AMP Defines a Negative Feedback Loop for P2Y-Receptor Activation in Mdck-D1 Cells, Mingzhao Xing, Steven Post, Rennolds S. Ostrom, Michael Samardzija, and Paul A. Insel
Submissions from 1998
Pharmacokinetic-Based Design and Modification of Dosage Regimens, Reza Mehvar
M2 Muscarinic Receptors Inhibit Forskolin- But Not Isoproterenol-Mediated Relaxation in Bovine Trachea, Rennolds S. Ostrom and Frederick J. Ehlert
In Vitro Anti-Hepatitis B Virus Activities of 5’-O-Myristoyl Analogue Derivatives of 3’-Fluoro-2’,3’-dideoxythymidine (FLT) and 3’-Azido-2’,3’- dideoxythymidine (AZT), Keykavous Parang, Leonard I. Wiebe, Edward E. Knaus, Jyy-Shiang Huang, and David L. Tyrrell
Submissions from 1997
Computer-Assisted Generation and Grading of Pharmacokinetics Assignments in a Problem-Solving Course, Reza Mehvar
Kinetics of Hepatic Accumulation of Dextrans in Isolated Perfused Rat Livers, Reza Mehvar
M2 Muscarinic Receptor Inhibition of Agonist-Induced Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate Accumulation and Relaxation in the Guinea Pig Ileum, Rennolds S. Ostrom and Frederick J. Ehlert
Submissions from 1996
ls There Any Risk of a Withdrawal Syndrome Associated with Abrupt Discontinuation of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors?, Rene A. Endow, Mary Gutierrez, and Michael Z. Wincor
Pharmacist and Patient Education of Inhaler Technique, Ayman M. Noreddin, K. Al-Khamis, S. Bawazir, O. Ibrahim, T. Al-Najjar, and M. Al-Hassan
What is the Risk of Teratogenicity with the Use of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors During Pregnancy?, Michael Z. Wincor, Mary Gutierrez, and Ann Nguyen
Submissions from 1994
Question: What is the difference between Volmax® and Proventil Repetabs®?, Jeffery A. Goad, Robert Andonian, Chris Chang, and Greg Thompson