Submissions from 2024
How are Entanglement Entropies Related to Entropy Bounds?, Emily Adlam
Ethical Aspects of Utilising Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Settings, Jeffrey Byrnes and Michael Robinson
“Women and Lockean Theory: John Locke, Rachel Speght, and Egalitarian Personhood, Katherine Gillespie and Bas van der Vossen
Strategic Justice, Conventions, and Game Theory: Introduction to a Synthese Topical Collection, Michael Moehler and John Thrasher
Capitalism, Democracy, and Adam Smith, John Thrasher
Liberal Freedom: Pluralism, Polarization, and Politics, John J. Thrasher IV
Submissions from 2023
Many Infinities, or Only One?, Giovanna Giardina, Marco Panza, and Daniele C. Struppa
Does (Mis)communication Mitigate the Upshot of Diversity?, Keith Hankins, Ryan Muldoon, and Alexander Schaefer
When Do Parts Form Wholes? Integrated Information as the Restriction on Mereological Composition, Kelvin J. McQueen and Naotsugu Tsuchiya
Flickering the W-Defense, Michael Robinson
Keeping Promises to Supererogate, Michael Robinson
Self-Inflicted Frankfurt-Style Cases and Flickers of Freedom, Michael Robinson
Submissions from 2022
A Question of Fundamental Methodology: Reply to Mikhail Katz and His Coauthors, Tom Archibald, Richard T. W. Arthur, Giovanni Ferraro, Jeremy Gray, Douglas Jesseph, Jesper Lützen, Marco Panza, David Rabouin, and Gert Schubring
Philosophic Fables, Gerald Gaus and John Thrasher
Hume’s Politics and Four Dimensions of Realism, Keith Hankins and John Thrasher
“Meddling in the work of another”: πολυπραγμονεῖν in Plato’s Republic, Brennan McDavid
Plato’s Market Optimism, Brennan McDavid
Now It’s Personal: From Me to Mine to Property Rights, David Shoemaker and Bas van der Vossen
Submissions from 2021
Asymmetry and Symmetry of Acts and Omissions in Punishment, Norms, and Judged Causality, Toby Handfield, John Thrasher, Andrew Corcoran, and Shaun Nichols
Smithian Sympathy and the Emergence of Norms, Keith Hankins
Filled/Non-filled Pairs: An Empirical Challenge to the Integrated Information Theory of Consciousness, Amber R. Hopkins and Kelvin J. McQueen
The Agnostic Structure of Data Science Methods, Domenico Napoletani, Marco Panza, and Daniele Struppa
Analysis, Constructions and Diagrams in Classical Geometry, Marco Panza
Diagrams in Intra-Configurational Analysis, Marco Panza and Gianluca Longa
Review of "James Lindley Wilson: Democratic Equality. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019, Pp. 307.)", John Thrasher
Putting Populism in Its Place, John J. Thrasher IV
Consent to Unjust Institutions, Bas van der Vossen
Submissions from 2020
Geometry and Identity Theorems for Bicomplex Functions and Functions of a Hyperbolic Variable, Maria Elena Luna-Elizarrarás, Marco Panza, Michael Shapiro, and Daniele Carlo Struppa
Trusting In Order to Inspire Trustworthiness, Michael Pace
Agreeing to Disagree: Diversity, Political Contractualism, and the Open Society, John Thrasher
On Minimal Morality, John Thrasher
Academic Activism Revisited, Bas van der Vossen
As Good as 'Enough and as Good', Bas van der Vossen
Political Philosophy as Love of Wisdom, Bas van der Vossen
The Ethics of Immigration and Economic Recovery, Bas van der Vossen
The Problem of Self-Ownership, Bas van der Vossen and David Schmidtz
Reformulating Bell's Theorem: The Search for a Truly Local Quantum Theory, Mordecai Waegell and Kelvin J. McQueen
Submissions from 2019
Two of a Kind: Are Norms of Honor a Species of Morality?, Toby Handfield and John Thrasher
Illusionist Integrated Information Theory, Kelvin J. McQueen
Interpretation-Neutral Integrated Information Theory, Kelvin J. McQueen
Cooperation and Excellence: A Premodern Case for Capitalism, John Thrasher
Democracy Unchained: Contractualism, Individualism, and Independence in Buchanan’s Democratic Theory, John Thrasher
Self-Ownership as Personal Sovereignty, John Thrasher
Submissions from 2018
Greenbeards and Signaling: Why Morality isn't Indispensable, Toby Handfield, John Thrasher, and Julian García
In Defence of the Self-Location Uncertainty Account of Probability in the Many-Worlds Interpretation, Kelvin J. McQueen and Lev Vaidman
Review of G. Israel, Meccanicismo. Trionfi e miserie della visione meccanica del mondo, Marco Panza
Frege's Constraint and the Nature of Frege's Foundational Program, Marco Panza and Andrea Sereni
Evaluating Bad Norms, John Thrasher
The Price of Sociality, John Thrasher
Honor and Violence: An Account of Feuds, Duels, and Honor Killings, John Thrasher and Toby Handfield
Political Stability in the Open Society, John Thrasher and Kevin Vallier
Submissions from 2017
Peer Punishment Promotes Enforcement of Bad Social Norms, Klaus Abbink, Lata Gangadharan, Toby Handfield, and John Thrasher
Is QBism The Future of Quantum Physics?, Kelvin J. McQueen
Platonismes, Marco Panza
Submissions from 2016
Tests for Intrinsicness Tested, Kelvin J. McQueen and René van Woudenberg
Uncertain Rights Against Defense, Bas van der Vossen
Submissions from 2015
The Logical System of Frege’s Grundgesetze : A Rational Reconstruction, Méven Cadet and Marco Panza
Four Tails Problems for Dynamical Collapse Theories, Kelvin J. McQueen
Mass Additivity and A Priori Entailment, Kelvin J. McQueen
Pruebas entimemáticas y pruebas canónicas en la geometría plana de Euclides, Marco Panza and Abel Lassalle Casanave
The Varieties of Indispensability Arguments, Marco Panza and Andrea Sereni
The Ethics of Legislative Vote Trading, John Thrasher
When Justice Demands Inequality, John Thrasher and Keith Hankins
Diversity of Depoliticization?, Bas van der Vossen
Submissions from 2014
Euler, Reader of Newton: Mechanics and Algebraic Analysis, Sébastien Maronne and Marco Panza
Ordering Anarchy, John Thrasher
Facts about Global Justice, Bas van der Vossen
Immigration and Self-Determination, Bas van der Vossen
In Defense of the Ivory Tower: Why Philosophers Should Stay Out of Politics, Bas van der Vossen
Locke on Territorial Rights, Bas van der Vossen
Submissions from 2013
Review of John Tomasi, Free Market Fairness, John Thrasher
Uniqueness and Symmetry in Bargaining Theories of Justice, John Thrasher
The Fragility of Consensus: Public Reason, Diversity and Stability, John Thrasher and Kevin Vallier
Imposing Duties and Original Appropriation, Bas van der Vossen
Review of D. Chatterjee (ed.), The Ethics of Preventive War, Bas van der Vossen
Submissions from 2012
Epistemic Two-Dimensionalism and Arguments from Epistemic Misclassification, Edward Elliott, Kelvin J. McQueen, and Clas Weber
Sobre el Significado del Postulado 2 de los Elementos, Abel Lassalle-Casanave and Marco Panza
Psychotherapy as Cultivating Character, Mike W. Martin
The Twofold Role of Diagrams in Euclid’s Plane Geometry, Marco Panza
Reconciling Justice and Pleasure in Epicurean Contractarianism, John Thrasher
The Asymmetry of Legitimacy, Bas van der Vossen
Submissions from 2011
Lagrange's Theory of Analytical Functions and His Ideal of Purity of Method, Giovanni Ferraro and Marco Panza
Diagrammatic Reasoning in Mathematics, John Mumma and Marco Panza
Assessing Law’s Claim to Authority, Bas van der Vossen
Submissions from 2010
Personality Disorders and Moral Responsibility, Mike W. Martin
Agnostic Science. Towards a Philosophy of Data Analysis, Domenico Napoletani, Marco Panza, and Daniele C. Struppa
Breathing Fresh Air into the Philosophy of Mathematics, Marco Panza
Is the Notion of Mathematical Object an Historical Notion?, Marco Panza
Rethinking Geometrical Exactness, Marco Panza
Submissions from 2009
Truth and Healing a Veteran's Depression, Mike W. Martin
Submissions from 2008
The Role of Algebraic Inferences in Naîm ibn Mûsa’s Collection of Geometrical Propositions, Marco Panza
On Legitimacy and Authority: A Response to Krehoff, Bas van der Vossen
Submissions from 2007
Submissions from 2006
The Origins of Algebra : From al-Khwarizmi to Descartes. International Workshop held at Bercelona, 27-29 March 2003, Antoni Malet and Marco Panza
François Viète, Between Analysis and Cryptanalysis, Marco Panza
Submissions from 2003
Developing into Series and Returning from Series: A Note on the Foundations of Eighteenth-Century Analysis, Giovanni Ferraro and Marco Panza
À l’origine des théories mathématiques, Marco Panza
Submissions from 2002
On the Evolution of Depression, Mike W. Martin
Submissions from 2001
Ethics as Therapy: Philosophical Counseling and Psychological Health, Mike W. Martin