"On Minimal Morality" by John Thrasher

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"For many years, Michael Moehler has been one of the most original and thoughtful political and moral philosophers around. He is perhaps the most straightforward and full‐throated defender of what Gerald Gaus (2011) has called 'orthodox instrumentalism.' From this, Moehler develops two interesting results: a Kantian flavored theory of justice and a novel, multilevel contractarian theory of social morality. In these short comments, I will discuss what I take to be the core of Moehler's theory and then raise some questions and challenges to that theory."


This is the accepted version of the following article:

Thrasher, John. "On Minimal Morality." Analytic Philosophy 61 (1): 46-56. https://doi.org/10.1111/phib.12180

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Peer Reviewed






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