Submissions from 2025
Review of ‘Introduction to Dynamical Wave Function Collapse’, Emily Adlam
Mutational Scanning and Binding Free Energy Computations of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Complexes with Distinct Groups of Neutralizing Antibodies: Energetic Drivers of Convergent Evolution of Binding Affinity and Immune Escape Hotspots, Mohammed Alshahrani, Vedant Parikh, Brandon Foley, Nishank Raisinghani, and Gennady M. Verkhivker
Quantitative Characterization and Prediction of the Binding Determinants and Immune Escape Hotspots for Groups of Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies Against Omicron Variants: Atomistic Modeling of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Complexes with Antibodies, Mohammed Alshahrani, Vedant Parikh, Brandon Foley, Nishank Raisinghani, and Gennady M. Verkhivker
Dimension-free Estimates for Low Degree Functions on the Hamming Cube, Komla Domelevo, Polona Durcik, Valentia Fragkiadaki, Ohad Klein, Diogo Oliveira e Silva, Lenka Slavíková, and Błażej Wróbel
Quantitative Bounds for Products of Simplices in Subsets of the Unit Cube, Polona Durcik and Mario Stipčić
Glacial Lakes Outburst Susceptibility and Risk in the Eastern Himalayas Using Analytical Hierarchy Process and Backpropagation Neural Network Models, Sandeep Kumar Mondal, Jyotindra Narayan, Chitesh Sharma, Rishikesh Bharti, Santosha Kumar Dwivedy, and Pinaki Roy Chowdhury
A Review of Racial Differences and Disparities in ECG, Jianwei Zheng, Chizobam Ani, Islam Abudayyeh, Yunfan Zheng, Cyril Rakovski, Ehsan Yaghmaei, and Omolola Ogunyemi
Landslide Susceptibility Assessment of the Wanzhou District: Merging Landslide Susceptibility Modelling (LSM) with InSAR-derived Ground Deformation Map, Chao Zhou, Lulu Gan, Ying Cao, Yue Wang, Samuele Segoni, Xuguo Shi, Mahdi Motagh, and Ramesh P. Singh
Submissions from 2024
Some Remarks on Possible Superconductivity of Composition Pb9CuP6O25, Pablo Abramian-Barco, A. Kuzanyan, Vahan Nikoghosyan, Serafim Teknowijoyo, and Armen Gulian
How are Entanglement Entropies Related to Entropy Bounds?, Emily Adlam
Quantum Field Theory and the Limits of Reductionism, Emily Adlam
What Does ‘(Non)-absoluteness of Observed Events’ Mean?, Emily Adlam
Angular Momentum Flow Without Anything Carrying It, Yakir Aharonov, Daniel Collins, and Sandu Popescu
Improving the Proof of the Born Rule Using a Physical Requirement on the Dynamics of Quantum Particles, Yakir Aharonov and Tomer Shushi
Instability and Quantization in Quantum Hydrodynamics, Yakir Aharonov and Tomer Shushi
AI-Powered Water Quality Index Prediction: Unveiling Machine Learning Precision in Hyper-Arid Regions, Tofeeq Ahmad, Luqman Ali, Dalal Alshamsi, Ala Aldahan, Hesham el-Askary, and Alaa Ahmed
Generalized q-Fock Spaces and Structural Identities, Daniel Alpay, Paula Cerejeiras, Uwe Kaehler, and Baruch Schneider
q-rational Functions and Interpolation with Complete Nevanlinna–Pick Kernels, Daniel Alpay, Paula Cerejeiras, Uwe Kaehler, and Baruch Schneider
Regular Functions on the Scaled Hypercomplex Numbers, Daniel Alpay and Ilwoo Cho
Schur Analysis Over the Unit Spectral Ball, Daniel Alpay and Ilwoo Choo
Scaled Global Operators and Fueter Variables on Non-zero Scaled Hypercomplex Numbers, Daniel Alpay, Ilwoo Choo, and Mihaela Vajiac
On Axially Rational Regular Functions and Schur Analysis in the Clifford-Appell Setting, Daniel Alpay, Fabrizio Colombo, Antonino De Martino, Kamal Diki, and Irene Sabadini
Short-time Fourier Transform and Superoscillations, Daniel Alpay, Antonino De Martino, Kamal Diki, and Daniele C. Struppa
The Bicomplex Tensor Product and a Bicomplex Choi Theorem, Daniel Alpay, Antonino De Martino, Kamal Diki, and Mihaela Vajiac
New Fueter-Type Variables Associated to the Global Operator in the Quaternionic Case, Daniel Alpay, Kamal Diki, and Mihaela Vajiac
Ground Electric Field, Atmospheric Weather and Electric Grid Variations in Northeast Greece Influenced by the March 2012 Solar Activity and the Moderate to Intense Geomagnetic Storms, Georgios Anagnostopoulos, Anastasios Karkanis, Athanasios Kampatagis, Panagiotis Marhavilas, Sofia-Anna Menesidou, Dimitrios Efthymiadis, Stefanos Keskinis, Dimitar Ouzounov, Nick Hatzigeorgiu, and Michael Danakis
Demonstration of High-Impedance Superconducting NbRe Dayem Bridges, S. Battisti, J. Koch, A. Paghi, L. Ruf, Armen Gulian, Serafim Teknowijoyo, C. Cirillo, Z. Makhdoumi Kakhaki, C. Attanasio, E. Scheer, A. Di Bernardo, G. De Simoni, and F. Giazotto
On the Structure of Balanced Residuated Partially Ordered Monoids, Stefano Bonzio, José Gil-Férez, Peter Jipsen, Adam Přenosil, and Melissa Sugimoto
Spacetime Geometry of Acoustics and Electromagnetism, Lucas Burns, Tatsuya Daniel, Stephon Alexander, and Justin Dressel
A New Form of Soft Supersymmetry Breaking?, Scott Chapman
Frames and Spaces for Distributive Quasi Relation Algebras and Distributive Involutive FL-Algebras, Andrew Craig, Peter Jipsen, and Claudette Robinson
Gaussian RBF Kernels via Fock Spaces: Quaternionic and Several Complex Variables Settings, Antonino De Martino and Kamal Diki
Climatological Trends and Effects of Aerosols and Clouds on Large Solar Parks: Application Examples in Benban (Egypt) and Al Dhafrah (UAE), Harshal Dhake, Panagiotis Kosmopoulos, Antonis Mantakas, Yashwant Kashyap, Hesham el-Askary, and Omar Elbadawy
Comment on 'From Counterportation to Local Wormholes', Justin Dressel, Gregory Reznick, and Lev Vaidman
Assessment and Prediction of Meteorological Drought Using Machine Learning Algorithms and Climate Data, Khalid En-Nagre, Mourad Aqnouy, Ayoub Ouarka, Syed Ali Asad Naqvi, Ismail Bouizrou, Jamal Eddine Stitou El Messari, Aqil Tariq, Walid Soufan, Wenzhao Li, and Hesham el-Askary
Assessing Rice Phenological Features with Hyperspectral Imaging Insights from Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT), Shahryar Fazli, Wenzhao Li, Surendra Maharjan, and Hesham el-Askary
Seasonal Dynamics in Land Surface Temperature in Response to Land Use Land Cover Changes Using Google Earth Engine, Lei Feng, Sajjad Hussain, Narcisa G. Pricope, Sana Arshad, Aqil Tariq, Li Feng, Muhammad Mubeen, Rana Waqar Aslam, Mohammed S. Fnais, Wenzhao Li, and Hesham el-Askary
CardioGPT: An ECG Interpretation Generation Model, Guohua Fu, Jianwei Zheng, Islam Abudayyeh, Chizobam Ani, Cyril Rakovski, Louis Ehwerhemuepha, Hongxia Lu, Yongjuan Guo, Shenglin Liu, Huimin Chu, and Bing Yang
A Generalized Machine Learning Model for Long-Term Coral Reef Monitoring in the Red Sea, Justin J. Gapper, Surendra Maharjan, Wenzhao Li, Erik Linstead, Surya Prakash Tiwari, Mohamed A. Qurban, and Hesham el-Askary
Pseudo-differential Operators on the Circle, Bernoulli Polynomials, Roger Gay and Ahmed Sebbar
Stabilizing Two-Qubit Entanglement with Dynamically Decoupled Active Feedback, Sacha Greenfield, Leigh Martin, Felix Motzoi, K. Birgitta Whaley, Justin Dressel, and Eli M. Levenson-Falk
Exploring Binding Pockets in the Conformational States of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Trimers for the Screening of Allosteric Inhibitors Using Molecular Simulations and Ensemble-Based Ligand Docking, Grace Gupta and Gennady M. Verkhivker
High-Coherence Kerr-Cat Qubit in 2D Architecture, Ahmed Hajr, Bingcheng Qing, Ke Wang, Gerwin Koolstra, Zahra Pedramrazi, Ziqi Kang, Larry Chen, Long B. Nguyen, Christian Jünger, Noah Goss, Irwin Huang, Bibek Bhandari, Nicholas E. Frattini, Shruti Puri, Justin Dressel, Andrew N. Jordan, David I. Santiago, and Irfan Siddiqi
Multi-Temporal Analysis of Urbanization-Driven Slope and Ecological Impact Using Machine-Learning and Remote Sensing Techniques, Zhang Hao, Muhammad Haseeb, Zheng Xiangtian, Zainab Tahir, Syed Amer Mahmood, Aqil Tariq, Rana Waqar Aslam, M. Abdullah-Al-Wadud, and Hesham el-Askary
A Little More on Ideals Associated with Sublocales, Oghenetega Ighedo, Grace Wakesho Kivunga, and Dorca Nyamusi Stephen
Multi-Sensor Data Fusion and GIS-DRASTIC Integration for Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment with Rainfall Consideration, Wu Jiazhe, Dai Xinrui, Su Yangcheng, Zheng Xiangtian, Bushra Ghaffar, Rabiya Nasir, Ahsan Jamil, Zeeshan Zafar, Mohammad Suhail Meer, M. Abdullah-Al-Wadud, Rahila Naseer, and Hesham el-Askary
Detection of Seismic Microwave Radiation Anomalies in Snow-Covered Mountainous Terrain: Insights From Two Recent Earthquakes in the Pamir–Tien Shan Region, Feng Jing, Meng Jiang, and Ramesh P. Singh
S-preclones and the Galois connection SPol–SInv, Part I, Peter Jipsen, Erkko Lehtonen, and Reinhard Pöschel
Superphenomena for Arbitrary Quantum Observables, Andrew N. Jordan, Yakir Aharonov, Daniele C. Struppa, Fabrizio Colombo, Irene Sabadini, Tomer Shushi, Jeff Tollaksen, John C. Howell, and A. Nick Vamivakas
Optimal Radar Ranging Pulse to Resolve Two Reflectors, Andrew N. Jordan, John C. Howell, Achim Kempf, Shunxing Zhang, and Derek White
Cyclic Superconducting Refrigerators Using Guided Fluxon Propagation, Tathagata Karmakar, Étienne Jussiau, Sreenath K. Manikandan, and Andrew N. Jordan
Alternative Robust Ways of Witnessing Nonclassicality in the Simplest Scenario, Massy Khoshbin, Lorenzo Catani, and Matthew Leifer
An Automated Machine Learning Approach to the Retrieval of Daily Soil Moisture in South Korea Using Satellite Images, Meteorological Data, and Digital Elevation Model, Nari Kim, Soo-Jin Lee, Eunha Sohn, Mija Kim, Seonkyeong Seong, Seung Hee Kim, and Yangwon Lee
Gate-controlled Supercurrent Effect in Dry-etched Dayem Bridges of Non-centrosymmetric Niobium Rhenium, Jennifer Koch, Carla Cirillo, Sebastiano Battisti, Leon Ruf, Zahra Makhdoumi Kakhaki, Alessandro Paghi, Armen Gulian, Serafim Teknowijoyo, Giorgio De Simoni, Francesco Giazotto, Carmine Attanasio, Elke Scheer, and Angelo Di Bernardo
Dynamics of Land, Ocean, and Atmospheric Parameters Associated with Tauktae Cyclone, Rajesh Kumar, Prity Singh Pippal, Akshansa Chauhan, Ramesh P. Singh, Atar Singh, and Jagvir Singh
Yearly Population Data at Census Tract Level Revealed That More People Are Now Living in Highly Fire-prone Zones in California, USA, Slade Lazeweski, Shenyue Jia, Jessica E. Viner, Wesley Ho, Brian Hoover, Seung Hee Kim, and Menas C. Kafatos
Spatial Analyses on Pre-earthquake Ionospheric Anomalies and Magnetic Storms Observed by China Seismo-electromagnetic Satellite in August 2018, Jann-Yeng Tiger Liu, Xuhui Shen, Fu-Yuan Chang, Yuh-Ing Chen, Yang-Yi Sun, Chieh‑Hung Chen, Sergey Pulinets, Katsumi Hattori, Dimitar Ouzounov, Valerio Tramutoli, Michel Parrot, Wei-Sheng Chen, Cheng-Yan Liu, Fei Zhang, Dapeng Liu, Xue-Min Zhang, Rui Yan, and Qiao Wang
Changing Characteristics of Land Cover, Landscape Pattern and Ecosystem Services in the Bohai Rim Region of China, Jiaqi Liu, Wei Chen, Hu Ding, Zhanhang Liu, Min Xu, Ramesh P. Singh, and Congqiang Liu
Deciphering Water Quality and Algal Dynamics in Clear Lake Through Hyperspectral Analysis Using Emit Data, Wenzhao Li, Shahryar Fazli, Surendra Maharjan, and Hesham el-Askary
Evaluating Future Water Availability in Texas through the Lens of a Data-Driven Approach Leveraged with CMIP6 General Circulation Models, Wenzhao Li, Dongfeng Li, Hesham el-Askary, Joshua B. Fisher, and Zheng N. Fang
Water Whiplash in Mediterranean Regions of the World, Citlalli Madrigal, Rama Bedri, Thomas Piechota, Wenzhao Li, Glenn Tootle, and Hesham el-Askary
Enhancing Sustainable Development Goals Through Future Vapor Pressure Deficit Analysis In The Nile River Basin, Surendra Maharjan, Wenzhao Li, Shahryar Fazli, Hani Sewilam, and Hesham el-Askary
Enhanced Lithological Mapping in Arid Crystalline Regions Using Explainable AI and Multi-spectral Remote Sensing Data, Hesham Morgan, Ali Elgendy, Amir Said, Mostafa Hashem, Wenzhao Li, Surendra Maharjan, and Hesham el-Askary
Phase-Slip Centers as Cooling Engines, Iris Mowgood, Serafim Teknowijoyo, Sara Chahid, and Armen Gulian
Programmable Heisenberg Interactions Between Floquet Qubits, Long B. Nguyen, Yosep Kim, Akel Hashim, Noah Goss, Brian Marinelli, Bibek Bhandari, Debmalya Das, Ravi K. Naik, John Mark Kreikebaum, Andrew N. Jordan, David I. Santiago, and Irfan Siddiqi
On the Impact of Geospace Weather on the Occurrence of M7.8/M7.5 Earthquakes on 6 February 2023 (Turkey), Possibly Associated with the Geomagnetic Storm of 7 November 2022, Dimitar Ouzounov and Galina Khachikyan
Study the Global Earthquake Patterns That Follow the St. Patrick’s Day Geomagnetic Storms of 2013 and 2015, Dimitar Ouzounov and Galina Khachikyan
3D Stochastic Simulation of Rockfall Mechanism and Mitigation in the Batseri Zone, Vishnu Himanshu Ratnam Pandey, Ashutosh Kainthola, Vikas Yadav, Jagadish Kundu, Paolo Mazzanti, Ramesh P. Singh, and T. N. Singh
Changes in Real-world Dispensing of ADHD Stimulants in Youth from 2019 to 2021 in California, Anika Patel, Rishikesh Chavan, Cyril Rakovski, Richard C. Beuttler, and Sun Yang
Generation of Kochen-Specker Contextual Sets in Higher Dimensions by Dimensional Upscaling Whose Complexity Does Not Scale with Dimension and Their Applications, Mladen Pavičić and Mordecai Waegell
Linkages of the 2022 Unprecedented Global Heatwave Events to Triple-Dip La Niña, Sachi Perera, Joshua B. Fisher, Mohamed Allali, and Hesham el-Askary
Time Series Decomposition of Land Surface Temperature for Long-term Trend Forecasting and Impact on Nesting Sea Turtle Habitats in the Arabian Gulf, Sachi Perera, Rommel H. Maneja, Mohamed Allali, Cyril Rakovski, Erik Linstead, Daniele Struppa, Ali Qasem, and Hesham el-Askary
Fundamental Mechanisms of Energy Exchanges in Autonomous Measurements Based on Dispersive Qubit-Light Interaction, Nicolò Piccione, Maria Maffei, Xiayu Linpeng, Andrew N. Jordan, Kater W. Murch, and Alexia Auffèves
AlphaFold2 Modeling and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Conformational Ensembles for the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Omicron JN.1, KP.2 and KP.3 Variants: Mutational Profiling of Binding Energetics Reveals Epistatic Drivers of the ACE2 Affinity and Escape Hotspots of Antibody Resistance, Nishank Raisinghani, Mohammed Alshahrani, Grace Gupta, and Gennady M. Verkhivker
Ensemble-Based Mutational Profiling and Network Analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Omicron XBB Lineages for Interactions with the ACE2 Receptor and Antibodies: Cooperation of Binding Hotspots in Mediating Epistatic Couplings Underlies Binding Mechanism and Immune Escape, Nishank Raisinghani, Mohammed Alshahrani, Grace Gupta, and Gennady M. Verkhivker
Predicting Mutation-Induced Allosteric Changes in Structures and Conformational Ensembles of the ABL Kinase Using AlphaFold2 Adaptations with Alanine Sequence Scanning, Nishank Raisinghani, Mohammed Alshahrani, Grace Gupta, and Gennady M. Verkhivker
AlphaFold2-Based Characterization of Apo and Holo Protein Structures and Conformational Ensembles Using Randomized Alanine Sequence Scanning Adaptation: Capturing Shared Signature Dynamics and Ligand-Induced Conformational Changes, Nishank Raisinghani, Vedant Parikh, Brandon Foley, and Gennady M. Verkhivker
Comment on “Photons Can Tell ‘Contradictory’ Answer about Where They Have Been”, Gregory Reznick, Carlotta Versmold, Jan Dziewior, Florian Huber, Harald Weinfurter, Justin Dressel, and Lev Vaidman
Experimental Realization of Supergrowing Fields, Sethuraj K. R., Tathagata Karmakar, S. A. Wadood, Andrew N. Jordan, and A. Nick Vamivakas
Vieta’s Formula, the Fabius Function and the Partition Function, Ahmed Sebbar
A Realist Interpretation of Unitarity in Quantum Gravity, Indrajit Sen, Stephon Alexander, and Justin Dressel
Light That Appears to Come from a Source That Does Not Exist, Itamar Stern, Yakov Bloch, Einav Grynszpan, Merav Kahn, Yakir Aharonov, Justin Dressel, Eliahu Cohen, and John C. Howell
Kinematic and Dynamic Structure of the 18 May 2020 Squall Line over South Korea, Wishnu Agum Swastiko, Chia-Lun Tsai, Seung Hee Kim, and Gyuwon Lee
Superconducting Polycrystalline Rhenium Films Deposited at Room Temperature, Serafim Teknowijoyo and Armen Gulian
Superconductivity of Amorphous and Crystalline Re–Lu Films, Serafim Teknowijoyo and Armen Gulian
Madelung Mechanics and Superoscillations, Mordecai Waegell
Toward Local Madelung Mechanics in Spacetime, Mordecai Waegell
Separating a Particle's Mass from its Momentum, Mordecai Waegell, Jeff Tollaksen, and Yakir Aharonov
Nowcasting Heavy Rainfall With Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Networks: A Pixelwise Modeling Approach, Yi Victor Wang, Seung Hee Kim, Geunsu Lyu, Choeng-Lyong Lee, Soorok Ryu, Gyuwon Lee, Ki-Hong Min, and Menas C. Kafatos
Reconstructing Superoscillations Buried Deeply in Noise, Derek D. White, Shunxing Zhang, Barbara Šoda, Achim Kempf, Daniele C. Struppa, Andrew N. Jordan, and John C. Howell
β-sheets Mediate the Conformational Change and Allosteric Signal Transmission Between the AsLOV2 Termini, Sian Xiao, Mayar Terek Ibrahim, Gennady M. Verkhivker, Brian D. Zoltowski, and Peng Tao
Accurate Characterization of Binding Kinetics and Allosteric Mechanisms for the HSP90 Chaperone Inhibitors Using AI-Augmented Integrative Biophysical Studies, Chao Xu, Xianglei Zhang, Lianghao Zhao, Gennady M. Verkhivker, and Fang Bai
Combined Use of Donepezil and Memantine Increases the Probability of Five-Year Survival of Alzheimer’s Disease Patients, Ehsan Yaghmaei, Hongxia Lu, Louis Ehwerhemuepha, Jianwei Zheng, Sidy Danioko, Ahmad Rezaie, Seyed Ahmad Sajjadi, and Cyril Rakovski
Impact of Land Use Dynamics on the Water Yields in the Gorgan River Basin, Masoomeh Yaghoobi, Aram Fathi, Shahryar Fazli, Wenzhao Li, Elham Haghshenas, Vahid Shokri Kuchak, and Hesham el-Askary
Trends in Heart Failure Costs for Commercially Insured Patients in the United States (2006–2021), Jianwei Zheng, Islam Abudayyeh, Cyril Rakovski, Louis Ehwerhemuepha, Ahmad Rezaie Mianroodi, Jay N. Patel, Alomari Ihab, and Chizobam Ani
Enhancing Landslide Susceptibility Modelling Through a Novel Non-landslide Sampling Method and Ensemble Learning Technique, Chao Zhou, Yue Wang, Ying Cao, Ramesh P. Singh, Bayes Ahmed, Mahdi Motagh, Yang Wang, Ling Chen, Guangchao Tan, and Shanshan Li
Submissions from 2023
Is There Causation in Fundamental Physics? New Insights from Process Matrices and Quantum Causal Modelling, Emily Adlam
The Temporal Asymmetry of Influence is Not Statistical, Emily Adlam
Time-Symmetry and Topology of the Aharonov-Bohm Effect, Yakir Aharonov, Ismael L. Paiva, Zohar Schwartzman-Nowik, Avshalom C. Elitzur, and Eliahu Cohen
Conservation Laws and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Yakir Aharonov, Sandu Popescu, and Daniel Rohrlich