Submissions from 2024
Motherhood to Motherhoods: Ideologies of the “Feminine”, Nam Lee and Jan Osborn
Carrying Meaning, Bridging Worlds: Indigenous Language Localization in Western Courts, Nora K. Rivera
Review of CREEGAN MILLER, Tiffany D. 2022. The Maya Art of Speaking Writing: Remediating Indigenous Orality in the Digital Age, Nora K. Rivera
Submissions from 2023
Entail, Elopement, and Marriage Law in Pride and Prejudice, Lynda A. Hall
He Was Once Ashamed of His Stutter. Then He Embraced It., Anna Leahy
Timothy Yu, Diasporic Poetics: Asian Writing in the United States, Canada, and Australia, Rei Magosaki
Review: Unwell Writing Centers: Searching for Wellness in Neoliberal Educational Institutions and Beyond, Aurora Matzke
Editors’ Introduction, Aurora Matzke, Louis M. Maraj, Angela Clark-Oates, Anyssa Gonzalez, and Sherry Rankins-Robertson
Trigger Warnings and a Pedagogy of Trust, Morgan Read-Davidson
Submissions from 2022
Sweet Fooling: Ethical Humor in King Lear and Levinas, Kent R. Lehnhof
The Symbolic Work of Prices, Akash Miharia, Jan Osborn, and Bart J. Wilson
History, Cognition and Nostromo: Conrad’s Explorations of Torture, Trauma, and the Human Rage for Order, Richard Ruppel
Submissions from 2021
The Age of Skin by Dubravka Ugrešić, Mark Axelrod-Sokolov
Community Engagement in TPC Programs During Times of Crisis: Embracing Chicana and Latina Feminist Practices, Nora Rivera and Laura Gonzales
Review of Joseph Conrad: Slow Modernism, by Yael Levin, Richard Ruppel
Submissions from 2020
What Happens When Literary Events Move Online? A Look at the Book World’s New Digital Reality, Anna Leahy, Sam Risak, and Tryphena Yeboah
Twinship and Marriage in The Comedy of Errors, Kent R. Lehnhof
Chicanx Murals: Decolonizing Place and (Re)Writing the Terms of Composition, Nora K. Rivera
Submissions from 2019
Fail Forward! Perspectives on Failure in the Writing Classroom, Brandie Bohney, Missy Springsteen-Haupt, Stacy Stosich, and Nora K. Rivera
Futile Pleasures: Early Modern Literature and the Limits of Utility / Corey McEleney, Samantha Dressel
Containing the Jeremiad: Understanding Paradigms of Anxiety in Global Climate Change Experience, Brian Glaser
Flipping the Jane Austen Classroom, Lynda A. Hall
Kinship and Twinship in Jacob and Esau, Kent R. Lehnhof
Submissions from 2018
Queer: Good Gay, Bad Gay, Black Gay, White Gay?, Ian Barnard
Jeffers’ Axe: The Instability of Nonviolence, Brian Glaser
Possibility and Play: Ludonarratology as Liberating Praxis, Morgan Read-Davidson
No Harmony in the Heartland, Tom Zoellner
Submissions from 2017
Rhetorical Commonsense and Child Molester Panic--A Queer Intervention, Ian Barnard
The Fluidity of Facts, Ian Barnard
Epistemology Shock: English Professors Confront Science, Ian Barnard and Jan Osborn
Measuring Discomfort with the Long Beach Shakespeare Company, Samantha Dressel
Review of Mansfield Park: An Annotated Edition, Lynda A. Hall
Review of Conrad and Language, Richard Ruppel
Submissions from 2016
“I Can’t Relate”: Refusing Identification Demands in Teaching and Learning, Ian Barnard
“Like to my soft sex”: Female Revenge and Violence in The Fatal Contract, Samantha Dressel
The Taboo of Experience, Brian Glaser
Against Creative Writing Studies (and for Ish-ness), Anna Leahy
Antitheatricality and Irrationality: An Alternative View, Kent Lehnhof
Submissions from 2015
Queer's Final Frontier, Ian Barnard
The Negotiation and Development of Writing Teacher Identities in Elementary Education, Shartriya M. Collier, Suzanne Scheld, Ian Barnard, Jackie Stallcup, Jackie Stallcup, Jackie Stallcup, Jackie Stallcup, and Jackie Stallcup
Conduct in Narrativized Trust Games, Jan Osborn, Bart J. Wilson, and Bradley R. Sherwood
Review of Testimony on Trial: Conrad, James, and the Contest for Modernism, Richard Ruppel
End of an Error, Tom Zoellner
The Futility of American Political Journalism, Tom Zoellner
The Golden Muse, Tom Zoellner
Trinidad and Tobago: The Showman, Tom Zoellner
Where Criticism is Counterrevolutionary: Tania Bruguera on Cuba and the Fight for Free Speech, Tom Zoellner
Submissions from 2014
Americans and Climate Change: Transnationalism and Reflection in Environmental Writing, Brian Glaser
Environmental Crisis and Transitional Phenomena: Brenda Hillman’s Ecopoetic Playing, Brian Glaser
Two Against Freud: Pinsky’s ‘Essay on Psychiatrists’ in a Philosophical Context, Brian Glaser
Relation and Responsibility: A Levinasian Reading of King Lear, Kent Lehnhof
Ships That Do Not Sail: Antinauticalism, Antitheatricalism, and Irrationality in Stephen Gosson, Kent Lehnhof
Joseph Conrad's Critical Reception, Richard Ruppel
Review of Joseph Conrad’s Critical Reception, Richard Ruppel
Bigotry from Birth, (book review of Our Lady of the Nile, by Scholastique Mukasonga), Tom Zoellner
Come See the Mountain: The New Frontiers of Dark Ecotourism, Tom Zoellner
Red Train Rising, Tom Zoellner
Submissions from 2013
Write for Your Life: Developing Digital Literacies and Writing Pedagogy in Teacher Education, Shartriya Collier, Brian Foley, David Moguel, and Ian Barnard
Review of Everybody's Jane: Austen in the Popular Imagination, Lynda A. Hall
Acting, Integrity, and Gender in Coriolanus, Kent Lehnhof
Submissions from 2012
Ecocritical Reading and Robert Duncan’s Bending the Bow, Brian Glaser
At Oracle and Ina: The Context of the Gabrielle Giffords Shooting, Tom Zoellner
How Arizona's Culture Helped Shape the Shooting of Gabrielle Giffords, Tom Zoellner
Who Shot Gabrielle Giffords?, Tom Zoellner
Submissions from 2011
Portrait of an Irish Artist: Louis le Brocquy, Mark Axelrod
Authorial Intent in the Composition Classroom, Ian Barnard
Forum on Identity, Angela Bilia, Christopher Dean, Judith Hebb, Monica F. Jacobe, Doug Sweet, Sue Doe, and Mike Palmquist
Blessing and Cursing: Self-Object Needs and Politics in the Poetry of Adrienne Rich, Brian Glaser
Reassessing Whitman's Hegelian Affinities, Brian Glaser
Writing the Nothing That Is: A Review of 'Visiting Wallace', Brian Glaser
A View from Confinement: Persuasion’s Resourceful Mrs. Smith, Lynda A. Hall
Secret Sharing and Secret Keeping: Lucy Steele’s Triumph in Speculation, Lynda A. Hall
Submissions from 2010
Salsa Verde: The Irish in Chile, Mark Axelrod
The Difficulties of Teaching Non-Western Literature in the United States, Ian Barnard
The Ruse of Clarity, Ian Barnard
Ambivalent Posthumanism: A Few of Stevens’ Animals, Brian Glaser
Negotiating Cultural Identities Through Language: Academic English In Jordan, Anne-Marie Pedersen
Submissions from 2009
Bits and Pieces with Coffey, Mark Axelrod
The End of it: The End, Mark Axelrod
Disciplining Queer, Ian Barnard
Twenty-First-Century Writing/Twentieth Century Teachers?, Ian Barnard
Performing Masculinity in Paradise Lost, Kent Lehnhof
Submissions from 2008
The Politics of Persuasion versus the Construction of Alternative Communities: Zines in the Writing Classroom, Aneil Rallin and Ian Barnard
Submissions from 2007
Masculine Fecundity and ‘Overinclusiveness’: Imagery of Pregnancy in Wallace Stevens’ Poetry, Brian Glaser
Jane Fairfax’s Choice: The Sale of Human Flesh or Human Intellect, Lynda A. Hall
An Emic View of Student Writing and the Writing Process, Michael Hass and Jan Osborn
Scatology and the Sacred in Milton's Paradise Lost, Kent Lehnhof
Submissions from 2006
Anti-Ethnography?, Ian Barnard
Addressing Readerly Unease: Discovering the Gothic in Mansfield Park, Lynda A. Hall
Incest and Empire in The Faerie Queene, Kent Lehnhof
Submissions from 2005
Also F.H. Bradley: A Hegelian Reading of T.S. Eliot’s Negativity, Brian Glaser
H.D.’s Helen in Egypt: Aging and the Unconscious, Brian Glaser
Submissions from 2004
Paradise Lost and the Concept of Creation, Kent Lehnhof
Submissions from 2003
Review of Amandla!: A Revolution in Four-Part Harmony (film), Ian Barnard
Review of Jane Austen on Film and Television: A Critical Study of the Adaptations, Lynda A. Hall
Submissions from 2002
'Impregn'd with Reason': Eve's Aural Conception in Paradise Lost, Kent Lehnhof