Submissions from 2002
Review of Conrad and Masculinity, Richard Ruppel
Submissions from 2001
Popular Culture and the Rituals of American Football, Mark Axelrod
Deity and Creation in the Christian Doctrine, Kent Lehnhof
Submissions from 2000
'Nor turnd I weene': Paradise Lost and Pre-Lapsarian Sexuality, Kent Lehnhof
Submissions from 1998
Joseph Conrad and the Ghost of Oscar Wilde, Richard Ruppel
"They Always Leave Us’: Lord Jim, Colonialist Discourse, and Conrad's Magic Naturalism, Richard Ruppel
Submissions from 1996
Hunger Unpublished, Mark Axelrod
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood; or, the Commodification of Form in the Adaptation of Fictional Texts to the Hollywood Cinema, Mark Axelrod
Austen’s Attractive Rogues: Willoughby, Wickham and Frank Churchill, Lynda A. Hall
Submissions from 1994
Antihomophobic Pedagogy: Some Suggestions for Teachers, Ian Barnard
Submissions from 1991
Studies in African Literature: An Annual Annotated Bibliography, 1989, Robert Cancel, Ian Barnard, Richard Lepine, Suzanne Houyoux, Gerald M. Moser, Noêl Ortega, David Westley, and Winifred Woodhull
Submissions from 1982
Geometrics and Words+Authors Response, Dorothy Augustine
Submissions from 1981
Geometries and Words - Linguistics and Philosophy - a Model Of the Composing Process, Dorothy Augustine