Submissions from 2000
Entangling Macroscopic Quantum States, John C. Howell and John A. Yeazell
Nondestructive Single-Photon Trigger, John C. Howell and John A. Yeazell
Quantum Computation Through Entangling Single Photons in Multipath Interferometers, John C. Howell and John A. Yeazell
Reducing the Complexity of Linear Optics Quantum Circuits, John C. Howell and John A. Yeazell
Optically Simulating a Quantum Associative Memory, John C. Howell, John A. Yeazell, and Dan Ventura
The Recent High State of the BL Lacertae Object AO 0235 and Cross-Correlations Between Optical and Radio Bands, M. Roy, I. E. Papadikis, E. Ramos-Colon, R. Sambruna, K. Tsinganos, J. Papamastorkis, and Menas Kafatos
Category Theory as the Language of Consciousness, Daniele C. Struppa, Menas Kafatos, Sisir Roy, Goro Kato, and R. L. Amoroso
Submissions from 1999
On Two-Sided Interpolation for Upper Triangular Matrices, Daniel Alpay and Vladimir Bolotnikov
Linear Optics Simulations of the Quantum Baker’s Map, John C. Howell and John A. Yeazell
Overconvergence Phenomena for Generalized Dirichlet Series, Daniele C. Struppa
Submissions from 1998
A Structure Theorem for Reproducing Kernel Pontryagin Spaces, Daniel Alpay
On Bitangential Interpolation in the Time Varying Setting for Hilbert-Schmidt Operators: The Continuous Case, Daniel Alpay, V. Bolotnikov, B. Freydin, and Y Peretz
On a New Positive Extension Problem for Block Toeplitz Matrices, Daniel Alpay, Vladimir Bolotnikov, and Philippe Loubaton
Object-Oriented Programming and Parallelism, Atanas Radenski
Submissions from 1997
Hartogs' Phenomenon for Polyregular Functions and Projective Dimension of Related Modules Over a Polynomial Ring, W. W. Adams, P. Loustaunau, V. P. Palamadov, and Daniele C. Struppa
Lateral Shock of the R Aquarii Jet, J. M. Hollis, J. A. Pedelty, and Menas Kafatos
Multifrequency Studies, Menas Kafatos
Multiwavelength Blazar Studies, Menas Kafatos
Module Embedding, Atanas Radenski
Contemporaneous IUE, EUVE, and High-Energy Observations of 3C 273, E. Ramos, Menas Kafatos, A. Fruscione, F. C. Bruhweiler, I. M. McHardy, R. C. Hartman, L. G. Titarchuk, and C. von Montigny
Some Open Problems on the Analysis of the Cauchy-Fueter System in Several Variables, Irene Sabadini and Daniele C. Struppa
On the “Grouping” Phenomenon for Holomorphic Solutions of Infinite Order Differential Equations, Daniele C. Struppa
Voltage Responses to Optical Pulses of Unbiased Normal and Superconducting Samples, D. Van Vechten, K. S. Wood, G. G. Fritz, J. S. Horitz, G. M. Daly, J. B. Thrasher, D. M. Photiadis, J. Ding, J. F. Pinto, M. G. Blamire, G. Burnell, A. L. Gyulamiryan, V. H. Vartanyan, R. B. Akopyan, and Armen Gulian
Submissions from 1996
On Some Operator Colligations and Associated Reproducing Kernel Pontryagin Spaces, Journal of Functional Analysis, Daniel Alpay, V. Bolotnikov, A. Dijksma, and H de Snoo
On a New Class of Realization Formulas and their Application, Daniel Alpay and Harry Dym
Center for Earth Observing and Space Research Report, James H. Beall, Peter A. Becker, R. Ellsworth, B. Geldzahler, J. Guillory, P. Hertz, Menas Kafatos, R. Nemiroff, K. Olson, L. Ozernoy, L. G. Titarchuk, J. Wllin, Y. Wood, and Ruixin Yang
Interpolating Varieties and the Fabry–Ehrenpreis–Kawai Gap theorem, C. A. Berenstein, T. Kawai, and Daniele C. Struppa
Analisi Di Fourier in Più Variabili Complesse, Irene Sabadini and Daniele C. Struppa
Ion Viscosity Mediated by Tangled Magnetic Fields: An Application to Black Hole Accretion Disks, P. Subramanian, P. A. Becker, and Menas Kafatos
Submissions from 1995
Two Sided Interpolation for Matrix Functions With Entries in the Hardy Space, Daniel Alpay and Vladimir Bolotnikov
Inverse Spectral Problem for Differential Operators With Rational Scattering Matrix Functions, Journal of Differential Equations, Daniel Alpay and I. Gohberg
The Partial Trigonometric Moment Problem on an Interval: The Matrix Case, Daniel Alpay and Philippe Loubaton
Rational Matrix Functions With Coisometric Values on the Imaginary Line, Daniel Alpay and M. Rakowski
Implications of Gamma-Ray Transparency Constraints in Blazars: Minimum Distances and Gamma-Ray Collimation, P. A. Becker and Menas Kafatos
Nonequilibrium Dynamic Conductivity of Superconductors: An Exploitable Basis for High Energy Resolution X-Ray Detectors, Armen Gulian and D. Van Vechten
Multiwavelength Observations of Markarian 421 During a TeV/X-Ray Flare, D. J. Macomb, C. W. Akerlof, H. D. Aller, M. F. Aller, D. L. Bertsch, and Menas Kafatos
OSSE Observations in Blazars, K. McNaron-Brown, W. N. Johnson, G. V. Jung, R. L. Kinzer, J. D. Kurfess, M. S. Strickman, C. D. Dermer, D. A. Grabelsky, W. R. Purcell, M. P. Ulmer, Menas Kafatos, P. A. Becker, R. Staubert, and M. Maisack
Ultraviolet Temporal Variability of the Peculiar Star R Aquarii, S. R. Meier and Menas Kafatos
Shock Study in Fully Relativistic Isothermal Flows. II, Ruixin Yang and Menas Kafatos
Submissions from 1994
The Two-Sided Residue Interpolation Problem in the Stieltjes Class, Daniel Alpay, Joseph A. Ball, Israel Gohberg, and Leiba Rodman
On a Class of Functions Analytic in a Half-Disk and an Associated Interpolation Problem, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Daniel Alpay and V. Bolotnikov
Relativistic Particle Transport in Hot Accretion Disks, P. A. Becker, Menas Kafatos, and M. Maisack
Transonic Inviscid Disc Flows in the Schwarzschild Metric – I, Menas Kafatos and Ruixin Yang
Multifrequency Emission from Hot Ion Disks, M. Maisack, P. A. Becker, and Menas Kafatos
A Far-Ultraviolet Atlas of Symbiotic Stars Observed with IUE. I. the SWP Range, S. R. Meier, Menas Kafatos, R. P. Fahey, and A. G. Michalitsianos
Evidence Signalling the Start of Enhanced Counterjet Flow in the Symbiotic System R Aquarii, A. G. Michalitsianos, M. Perez, and Menas Kafatos
Introducing Objects and Parallelism to an Imperative Programming Language, Atanas Radenski
Submissions from 1993
On a New Class of Structured Reproducing Kernel Spaces, Journal of Functional Analysis, Daniel Alpay and H. Dym
On a New Class of Reproducing Kernel Spaces and a New Generalization of Iohvidov's Laws, Daniel Alpay and Harry Dym
Extended Variability of the Symbiotic Star AG Draconis, Menas Kafatos and S. R. Meier
Submissions from 1992
A Theorem on Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces of Pairs, Daniel Alpay
Fe ii Fluorescence and Anomalous C iv Doublet Intensities in Symbiotic Novae, A. G. Michalitsianos, Menas Kafatos, and S. R. Meier
Submissions from 1991
Some Remarks on Reproducing Kernel Krein Spaces, Daniel Alpay
Some Reproducing Kernel Spaces of Continuous Functions, Daniel Alpay
Recent Improvements inthe Complexity of the Effective Nullstellensatz, C. A. Berenstein and Daniele C. Struppa
Ultraviolet and Optical Spectroscopy of the R Aquarii Symmetrical Jet, J. M. Hollis, R. J. Oliverson, Menas Kafatos, A. G. Michalitsianos, and R. M. Wagner
Forbidden Lines of np^q Ions. II. Line Intensities, J. P. Lynch and Menas Kafatos
Factorization of Solutions of Convolution Equations II, Giuseppe Marino, Paolamaria Pietramala, and Daniele C. Struppa
Submissions from 1990
Structured Invariant Spaces of Vector Valued Functions, Hermitian Forms and a Generalization of Iohvidov's Laws, Daniel Alpay and Harry Dym
Structured Invariant Spaces of Vector Valued Functions, Sesquilinear Forms and a Generalization of Iohvidov's Laws, Daniel Alpay and Harry Dym
Moderate-Resolution Spectroscopy of the Lensed Quasar 2237+0305: A search for Ca ii Absorption Due to the Interstellar Medium in the Foreground Lensing Galaxy, P. Hintzen, S. P. Maran, A. G. Michalitsianos, C. B. Foltz, F. H. Chafee, and Menas Kafatos
Comparisons of SiO Maser and Long-Period Variable Positions in the Aquarii and Omicron Ceti Binary Systems, J. M. Hollis, M. C. H. Wright, W. J. Welch, P. R. Jewell, H. E. Crull, Menas Kafatos, and A. G. Michalitsianos
Syzygies of Modules and Applications to Propagation of Regularity Phenomena, Alex Meril and Daniele C. Struppa
Submissions from 1989
Dilatations Des Commutants D'Opérateurs Pour Des Espaces De Krein De Fonctions Analytiques, Daniel Alpay
RX Puppis: Detection of Asymmetrical Radio Structure, J. M. Hollis, F. Yusef-Zadeh, T. J. Cornwell, R. J. Oliverson, A. G. Michalitsianos, and Menas Kafatos
R Aquarii: Evidence for a Two-Sided Radio Jet and a Circumbinary SiO Maser, Menas Kafatos, J. M. Hollis, F. Yusef-Zadeh, A. G. Michalitsianos, and M. Elitzur
Topological Properties of Cyclic Coverings Branched Along an Ample Divisor, Antonio Lanteri and Daniele C. Struppa
Sanduleak's Star (LMC Anonymous): Its Similarity in the Far-Ultraviolet with the Luminous Object n Carinae and Sn 1987A, A. G. Michalitsianos, Menas Kafatos, and S. N. Shore
Submissions from 1988
Dirichlet Series and Convolution Equations, C. A. Berenstein and Daniele C. Struppa
Small Degree Solutions for the Polynomial Bezout Equation, C. A. Berenstein and Daniele C. Struppa
On Projective Manifolds with Two P-bundle Structures, A. Lanteri and Daniele C. Struppa
The C IV Doublet Ratio Intensity Effect in Symbiotic Stars, A. G. Michalitsianos, Menas Kafatos, R. P. Fahey, R. Viotti, A. Cassatella, and A. Altamore
R Aquarii: The Large-Scale Optical Nebula and the Mira Variable Position, A. G. Michalitsianos, R. J. Oliverson, J. M. Hollis, Menas Kafatos, H. E. Crull, and R. J. Miller
Submissions from 1987
Minimal Degree Solutions for the Bezout Equation, E. Ballico and Daniele C. Struppa
On the Fabry-Ehrenpreis-Kawai Gap Theorem, C. A. Berenstein and Daniele C. Struppa
Corona Problems in Spaces of Entire Functions with Growth Conditions, Graziano Gentili and Daniele C. Struppa
Minimal Degree Solutions of Polynomial Equations, Graziano Gentili and Daniele C. Struppa
The Large Scale Radio Structure of R Aquarii, J. M. Hollis, Menas Kafatos, A. G. Michalitsianos, R. J. Oliverson, and F. Yusef-Zadeh
Projective 7-folds with Positive Defect, Antonio Lanteri and Daniele C. Struppa
Supershells and Propagating Star Formation, R. McCray and Menas Kafatos
Lazy Evaluation and Nondeterminism make Backus' FP-systems More Practical, Atanas Radenski
Submissions from 1986
The Unusual Ultraviolet Variability of the QSO 3C 232, C. Bruhweilier, Menas Kafatos, and U. J. Sofia
On a Generalization of the Corona Problem, Graziano Gentili and Daniele C. Struppa
Sub-Arc Second 2 Centimeter Continuum and SiO Spectral Line Observations of R Aquarii, J. M. Hollis, A. G. Michalitsianos, Menas Kafatos, M. C. H. Wright, and W. J. Welch
Evidence for Extended Radio Emission Surrounding RX Puppis, J. M. Hollis, R. J. Oliverson, Menas Kafatos, and A. G. Michalitsianos
Ultraviolet Variability and Mass Expulsion from R Aquarii, Menas Kafatos, A. G. Michalitsianos, and J. M. Hollis
Submissions from 1985
Reproducing Kernel Krein Spaces of Analytic Functions and Inverse Scattering, Daniel Alpay
The R Aquarii System at Optical and Radio Wavelengths, J. M. Hollis, Menas Kafatos, A. G. Michalitsianos, and H. A. McAlister
High Dispersion Untraviolet Spectra of the Peculiar Star RX Puppis, Menas Kafatos, A. G. Michalitsianos, and R. P. Fahey
The 1984 Eclipse of the Symbiotic Binary SY Muscae, Scott J. Kenyon, Andrew G. Michalitsianos, Julie H. Lutz, and Menas Kafatos
Equivalence of Cauchy Problems for Entire and Exponential Type Functions, Alex Meril and Daniele C. Struppa
A Remark on Alexander Duality and Thom Classes, Daniele C. Struppa and Cristina Turrini
Submissions from 1984
Variable Ultraviolet Emission in SY Muscae, A. G. Michalitsianos and Menas Kafatos
Submissions from 1983
The High-Energy Spectrum of Hot Accretion Disks, J. A. Eilek and Menas Kafatos
UV Properties of Symbiotic Stars, Menas Kafatos
High Spatial Resolution VLA Observations of the R Aquarii Jet, Menas Kafatos, J. M. Hollis, and A. G. Michalitsianos
Observations of Two Peculiar Emission Objects in the Large Magellanic Cloud, Menas Kafatos, A. G. Michalitsianos, D. A. Allen, and R. E. Stencel
Submissions from 1982
Ultraviolet Spectrum of the Crab Nebula, K. Davidson, T. R. Gull, S. P. Maran, T. P. Stecher, R. A. Fesen, R. A. Parise, C. A. Harvel, Menas Kafatos, and V. L. Trimble