Below you may find selected research articles from Food Science faculty in the Schmid College of Science and Technology.


Submissions from 2024


Development of Yoghurt Incorporated with Beetroot Puree and Its Effect on the Physicochemical Properties and Consumer Acceptance, Mercia Lionel Adjei, Abena Boakye, Godwin Deku, Nana Baah Pepra-Ameyaw, Antoinette Simpah Anim Jnr, Ibok Nsa Oduro, and William Otoo Ellis


A Meta-analysis of Seafood Species Mislabeling in the United States, Sarah Ahles, Christina A. Mireles DeWitt, and Rosalee S. Hellberg


DNA Barcoding of Herbal Supplements on the U.S. Commercial Market Associated with the Purported Treatment of COVID-19, Calin M. Harris, Diane Y. Kim, Chevon R. Jordan, Miranda I. Miranda, and Rosalee S. Hellberg


Histopathology Imaging and Clinical Data Including Remission Status in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Chloe Martin-King, Ali Nael, Louis Ehwerhemuepha, Blake Calvo, Quinn Gates, Jamie Janchoi, Elisa Ornelas, Melissa Perez, Andrea Venderby, John Miklavcic, Peter Chang, Aaron Sassoon, and Kenneth Grant


Impact of FADS Genotype on Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Content in Human Milk Extracellular Vesicles: A Genetic Association Study, John J. Miklavcic, Natalie Paterson, Jennifer Hahn-Holbrook, and Laura M. Glynn


Human Milk Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids are Related to Neurodevelopmental, Anthropometric, and Allergic Outcomes in Early Life: A Systematic Review, Saori Mitguard, Olivia Doucette, and John Miklavcic


Mexican Consumers' Attitudes Toward Irradiated and Imported Apples, André D. Murray, Rosa K. Gallardo, and Anuradha Prakash


Socioeconomic Constraints on Low-income Individuals' Perceptions Toward Food Safety, Uyen Thuy Xuan Phan, Cuc Thuy Thi Tran, and Nguyet Minh Thi Nguyen


Inactivation of Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, and Listeria monocytogenes Using the Contamination Sanitization Inspection and Disinfection (CSI-D) Device, Jennifer McCoy Sanders, Vanessa Alarcon, Grace Marquis, Amanda Tabb, Jo Ann Van Kessel, Jakeitha Sonnier, Brad J. Haley, Insuck Baek, Jianwei Qin, Moon Kim, Fartash Vasefi, Stanislav Sokolov, and Rosalee S. Hellberg


Twenty-three Years of PCR-based Seafood Authentication Assay Development: What Have We Learned?, Maleeka Singh, Robert G. Young, Rosalee S. Hellberg, Robert H. Hanner, Maria G. Corradini, and Jeffrey M. Farber


Twenty-three Years of PCR-based Seafood Authentication Assay Development: What Have We Learned?, Maleeka Singh, Robert G. Young, Rosalee S. Hellberg, Robert H. Hanner, Maria G. Corradini, and Jeffrey M. Garber


Evaluation of Yield and Physicochemical Quality of Pentadesma butyracea Butter Obtained by Different Traditional Extraction Methods in Ghana, Josephine Akuba Timtey, Francis Alemawor, William Otoo Ellis, Jacob K. Agbenorhevi, and Nana Baah Pepra-Ameyaw

Submissions from 2023


Homogenization and Thermal Processing Reduce the Concentration of Extracellular Vesicles in Bovine Milk, Anna P. Colella, Anuradha Prakash, and John Miklavcic


Comparison of DNA Extraction Methods for the Detection of Canned Tuna Species with DNA Mini-Barcoding, Aubrey J. Emmi, Biola Fatusin, and Rosalee S. Hellberg


Exploring Pathways to Food Science Careers in Southern California: A Case Study in Food Science Career Development, Jeremy L. Hsu, Sarah Ahles, Lilian W. Senger, and Anuradha Prakash


Labeling Compliance and Online Claims for Ayurvedic Herbal Supplements on the U.S. Market Associated with the Purported Treatment of COVID-19, Chevon R. Jordan, Calin M. Harris, Miranda I. Miranda, Diane Y. Kim, and Rosalee S. Hellberg


Labeling Compliance and Online Claims for Ayurvedic Herbal Supplements on the U.S. Market Associated with the Purported Treatment of COVID-19, Chevon R. Jordan, Calin M. Harris, Miranda I. Miranda, Diane Y. Kim, and Rosalee S. Hellberg


Rapid Assessment of Fish Freshness for Multiple Supply-Chain Nodes Using Multi-Mode Spectroscopy and Fusion-Based Artificial Intelligence, Hossein Kashani Zadeh, Mike Hardy, Mitchell Sueker, Yicong Li, Angela Tzouchas, Nicholas MacKinnon, Gregory Bearman, Simon A. Haughey, Alireza Akhbardeh, Insuck Baek, Chansong Hwang, Jianwei Qin, Amanda M. Tabb, Rosalee S. Hellberg, Shereen Ismail, Hassan Reza, Fartash Vasefi, Moon Kim, Kouhyar Tavakolian, and Christopher T. Elliott


Microbiological Safety and Quality of Ceviche, Poke, and Sushi Dishes Sold at Retail Outlets in Orange County, CA, Grace E. Marquis, Samantha M. Covaia, Amanda M. Tabb, Courtney J. Kitch, and Rosalee S. Hellberg


Efficiency of Edible Coating from Locally Sourced Materials in Maintaining the Postharvest Quality of Belfast Tomatoes, Kofi Owusu-Akyaw Oduro, Abena Boakye, Ibok Nsa Oduro, William Otoo Ellis, and Nana Baah Pepra-Ameyaw


Short-Weighting, Species Authentication, and Labeling Compliance of Prepackaged Frozen Shrimp Sold in Grocery Stores in Southern California, McKenna C. Rivers, Alexia B. Campbell, Chris Haneul Lee, Pragati Kapoor, and Rosalee S. Hellberg


A Novel Machine-Learning Framework Based on a Hierarchy of Dispute Models for the Identification of Fish Species Using Multi-Mode Spectroscopy, Mitchell Sueker, Amirreza Daghighi, Alireza Akhbardeh, Nicholas MacKinnon, Gregory Bearman, Insuck Baek, Chansong Hwang, Jianwei Qin, Amanda M. Tabb, Jiahleen Roungchun, Rosalee S. Hellberg, Fartash Vasefi, Moon Kim, Kouhyar Tavakolian, and Hossein Kashini Zadeh


Pentadesma butyracea in Ghana – Indigenous Knowledge, Uses, and Seed Characterization, Josephine Akuba Timtey, Francis Alemawor, William Otoo Ellis, Nana Baah Pepra-Ameyaw, and Jacob K. Agbenorhevi


Hydrolysis of Chlorogenic Acid in Sunflower Flour Increases Consumer Acceptability of Sunflower Flour Cookies by Improving Cookie Color, Christine Lo Verde, Criselda Toto Pacioles, Natalie Paterson, Jamie Chin, Cedric P. Owens, and Lilian W. Senger

Submissions from 2022


Physicochemical and Pasting Properties of Flour and Starch from Two New Cassava Accessions, Raphael Aidoo, Ibok Nsa Oduro, Jacob K. Agbenorhevi, William Otoo Ellis, and Nana Baah Pepra-Ameyaw


Potential Effectiveness of Registered Dietitian Nutritionists in Healthy Behavior Interventions for Managing Type 2 Diabetes in Older Adults: A Systematic Review, Laurel Dobrow, Isabella Estrada, Nasira Burkholder-Cooley, and John Miklavcic


Application of the Weibull Model to Describe the Kinetic Behaviors of Thiol Decolorizers in Chlorogenic Acid-Lysine Solutions, Charles Taylor Drucker, Lilian Were Senger, and Criselda Toto Pacioles


Species Substitution and Mislabeling of Ceviche, Poke, and Sushi Dishes Sold in Orange County, California, Courtney J. Kitch, Amanda M. Tabb, Grace E. Marquis, and Rosalee S. Hellberg


AA and DHA are Decreased in Paediatric AD/HD and Inattention is Ameliorated by Increased Plasma DHA, John J. Miklavcic, Ellen Ivity, Ian M. MacDonald, Liana Urichuk, Vera C. Mazurak, Christina Rinaldi, and Michael T. Clandinin


Preventing Chlorogenic Acid Quinone-Induced Greening in Sunflower Cookies by Chlorogenic Acid Esterase and Thiol-based Dough Conditioners, Nana Baah Pepra-Ameyaw, Christine Lo Verde, Charles T. Drucker, Cedric P. Owens, and Lilian W. Senger


Effectiveness of Selected Pre-enrichment Broths for the Detection of Salmonella spp. in Meat Analogs, Georgia L. Sampson, Shannon B. Ruelle, Lieuchi Phan, Donna Williams-Hill, and Rosalee S. Hellberg


A Highly Active Esterase from Lactobacillus helveticus Hydrolyzes Chlorogenic Acid in Sunflower Meal to Prevent Chlorogenic Acid Induced Greening in Sunflower Protein Isolates, Christine Lo Verde, Nana Baah Pepra-Ameyaw, Charles T. Drucker, Tracie L. S. Okumura, Katherine A. Lyon, Julia C. Muniz, Chloe S. Sermet, Lilian Were Senger, and Cedric P. Owens

Submissions from 2021


Simulated Annealing-Based Hyperspectral Data Optimization for Fish Species Classification: Can the Number of Measured Wavelengths Be Reduced?, John Chauvin, Ray Duran, Kouhyar Tavakolian, Alireza Akhbardeh, Nicholas MacKinnon, Jianwei Qin, Diane E. Chan, Chansong Hwang, Insuck Baek, Moon S. Kim, Rachel B. Isaacs, Ayse Gamze Yilmaz, Jiahleen Roungchun, Rosalee S. Hellberg, and Fartash Vasefi


Irradiation Reduces Superficial Scald by Downregulating Ethylene and α-Farnesene Biosynthetic Enzymes in ‘Granny Smith’ Apples, Anderson Adriano Martins Melo, Anderson Adriano Martins Melo, Paul Nifemi Olabode, Hagop Atamian, Brian Nyakundi, Criselda Toto Pacioles, and Anuradha Prakash


Ganglioside Alters Phospholipase Trafficking, Inhibits NF-κB Assembly, and Protects Tight Junction Integrity, John J. Miklavcic, Qun Li, Jordan Skolnick, Alan B. R. Thomson, Vera C. Mazurak, and Michael Tom Clandinin


An Investigation into Country of Origin Labeling, Species Authentication and Short Weighting of Commercially Sold Frozen Fish Fillets, April M. Peterson, Gabrielle E. McBride, Seeret K. Jhita, and Rosalee S. Hellberg


Identification of Tuna Species in Raw and Processed Products Using DNA Mini-barcoding of the Mitochondrial Control Region, Jiahleen Roungchun, Amanda M. Tabb, and Rosalee S. Hellberg


Use of DNA Barcoding Combined with PCR-SFLP to Authenticate Species in Bison Meat Products, Zerika M. Scales, Elif Narbay, and Rosalee S. Hellberg

Submissions from 2020


Characterization of Extracellular Vesicles Isolated From Human Milk Using a Precipitation-Based Method, Diana C. Bickmore and John Miklavcic


Authentication of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Fillets Using a Combination of Real-time PCR and DNA Barcoding, Rachel B. Isaacs and Rosalee S. Hellberg


Labeling Compliance and Species Authentication of Fish Fillets Sold at Grocery Stores in Southern California, Priscila Liou, Angela Banda, Rachel B. Isaacs, and Rosalee S. Hellberg


Effectiveness of a Community Program for Older Adults with Type 2 Diabetes and Multimorbidity: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial, John J. Miklavcic, Kimberly D. Fraser, Jenny Ploeg, Maureen Markle-Reid, Kathryn Fisher, Amiram Gafni, Lauren E. Griffith, Sandra Hirst, Cheryl A. Sadowski, Lehana Thabane, Jean A. C. Triscott, and Ross Upshur


Detection of Fish Fillet Substitution and Mislabeling Using Multimode Hyperspectral Imaging Techniques, Jianwei Qin, Fartash Vasefi, Rosalee S. Hellberg, Alireza Akhbardeh, Rachel B. Isaacs, Ayse Gamze Yilmaz, Chansong Hwang, Insuck Baek, Walter F. Schmidt, and Moon S. Kim


Inspecting Species and Freshness of Fish Fillets Using Multimode Hyperspectral Imaging Techniques, Jianwei Qin, Fartash Vasefi, Rosalee S. Hellberg, Alireza Akhbardeh, Rachel B. Isaacs, Ayse Gamze Yilmaz, Chansong Hwang, Insuck Baek, Walter F. Schmidt, and Moon S. Kim


Microplate Immunocapture Coupled with the 3M Molecular Detection System and Selective Plating for the Rapid Detection of Salmonella infantis in Dry Dog Food and Treats, Danielle K. Rosen, Miguel Gallardo, McClain Vail, and Rosalee S. Hellberg


Bovine Liver Supplement Labeling Practices and Compliance With U.S. Regulations, Anthony J. Silva, Olive J. Dahm, and Rosalee S. Hellberg


PCR Cloning Combined With DNA Barcoding Enables Partial Identification of Fish Species in a Mixed-Species Product, Anthony J. Silva, Michael D. Kawalek, Donna M. Williams-Hill, and Rosalee S. Hellberg


Insights into Novel Infant Milk Formula Bioactives, Jordan Skolnick, Claire Chou, and John Miklavcic

Submissions from 2019


Effects of Poor Sanitation Procedures on Cross-Contamination of Animal Species in Ground Meat Products, Sunjung Chung and Rosalee S. Hellberg


Physiological Response of ‘Fuji’ Apples to Irradiation and the Effect on Quality, Nasim Kheshti, Anderson Adriano Martins Melo, Alan Baquero Cedeno, David Obenland, and Anuradha Prakash


Multi-instrument Evaluation of a Real-time PCR Assay for Identification of Atlantic Salmon: A Case Study on the Use of a Pre-packaged Kit for Rapid Seafood Species Identification, Amanda A. Naaum, Rosalee S. Hellberg, Tara A. Okuma, and Robert H. Hanner


Development of a DNA Mini-Barcoding Protocol Targeting COI for the Identification of Elasmobranch Species in Shark Cartilage Pills, Rowena J. Zahn, Anthony J. Silva, and Rosalee S. Hellberg

Submissions from 2018


Acidulant Effect on Greening, Reducing Capacity, and Tryptophan Fluorescence of Sunflower Butter Cookie Dough During Refrigerated Storage, Joele Tsopkeng Atonfack, Zeynep Akyol Ataman, and Lilian M. Were


Species Substitution and Country of Origin Mislabeling of Catfish Products on the U.S. Commercial Market, Shayna A. Bosko, Denise M. Foley, and Rosalee S. Hellberg


Identification of Shark Species in Commercial Products using DNA Barcoding, Rosalee S. Hellberg, Rachel B. Isaacs, and Eduardo L. Hernandez


Lowering Greening of Cookies Made from Sunflower Butter Using Acidic Ingredients and Effect on Reducing Capacity, Tryptophan and Protein Oxidation, Sihui Liang, Hanh Lan Tran, and Lilian Were


Effects of Fruit Position in Standard Place Pack Cartons and Gamma 1 Irradiation on the Postharvest Quality of ‘Barnfield’ Navel Oranges, Karina Cruz Rodriguez (Friscia), José de Jesús Ornelas-Paz, Vrani Ibarra-Junquera, Maria Criselda Toto, Akanksha Jain, and Anuradha Prakash


Greening in Sunflower Butter Cookies as a Function of Egg Replacers and baking temperature, Amanda Rogers, Lan Hahn, Vu Pham, and Lilian Were


Concentration of Listeria monocytogenes in Skim Milk and Soft Cheese through Microplate Immunocapture, Steven A. Rogers, Melissa Calicchia, and Rosalee S. Hellberg


Interactions Between Mushroom Powder, Sodium Chloride, and Bovine Proteins and Their Effects on Lipid Oxidation Products and Consumer Acceptability, Natalie Tom, Hatouf Ahmed Alnoumani, and Lilian Were

Submissions from 2017


Identification of Meat and Poultry Species in Food Products Using DNA Barcoding, Rosalee S. Hellberg, Brenda C. Hernandez, and Eduardo L. Hernandez


Effect of Phytosanitary Irradiation on the Quality of Two Varieties of Pummelos (Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr.), A. Jain, J. Ornelas-Paz, D. Obenland, K. Rodriguez (Friscia), and Anuradha Prakash


Chlorogenic Acid Induced Colored Reactions and Their Effect on Carbonyls, Phenolic Content, and Antioxidant Capacity in Sunflower Butter Cookies, Sihui Liang and Lilian Were


Chlorogenic Acid Oxidation-Induced Greening of Sunflower Butter Cookies as a Function of Different Sweeteners and Storage Conditions, Sihui Liang and Lilian Were


Use of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay to Screen for Aflatoxins, Ochratoxin A, and Deoxynivalenol in Dry Pet Foods, Tara A. Okuma, Thu P. Huynh, and Rosalee S. Hellberg


Effect of Phytosanitary Irradiation on the Postharvest Quality of Seedless Kishu Mandarins (Citrus kinokuni mukakukishu), J. Ornelas-Paz, Maria Belén Meza, David Obenland, Karina Rodriguez (Friscia), Akanksha Jain, Shantaé M. Thornton, and Anuradha Prakash


Evaluation of DNA Barcoding Methodologies for the Identification of Fish Species in Cooked Products, Sophia J. Pollack, Michael D. Kawalek, Donna M. Williams-Hill, and Rosalee S. Hellberg

Submissions from 2016


Identification of Species in Ground Meat Products Sold on the U.S. Commercial Market Using DNA-Based Methods, Dawn Kane and Rosalee S. Hellberg


Use of the Mitochondrial Control Region as a Potential DNA Mini-Barcoding Target for the Identification of Canned Tuna Species, Jacquelyn K. Mitchell and Rosalee S. Hellberg


Comparison of Real-Time PCR and ELISA-Based Methods for the Detection of Beef and Pork in Processed Meat Products, Adam T. Perestam, Kayleigh K. Fujisaki, Omar Nava, and Rosalee S. Hellberg


Particular Applications of Food Irradiation Fresh Produce, Anuradha Prakash


DNA Barcoding Reveals Mislabeling of Game Meat Species on the U.S. Commercial Market, Charles Quinto, Rebecca Tinoco, and Rosalee S. Hellberg


Comparative Evaluation of the Effect of Methyl Bromide Fumigation and Phytosanitary Irradiation on the Quality of Fresh Strawberries, Tamar Serapian and Anuradha Prakash


Effect of Green Tea on Interaction of Lipid Oxidation Products With Sarcoplasmic and Myofibrillar Protein Homogenates Extracted from Bovine Top Round Muscle, Nahathai Stapornkul, Tatiana Prytkova, and Lilian Were


Effect of Phytosanitary Irradiation and Methyl Bromide Fumigation on the Physical, Sensory, and Microbiological Quality of Blueberries and Sweet Cherries, Karen Thang, Kimberly Au, Cyril Rakovski, and Anuradha Prakash

Submissions from 2015


Antioxidant Effect of Spent, Ground, and Lyophilized Brew from Roasted Coffee in Frozen Cooked Pork Patties, Katrina Maryse Malixi Jully, Criselda Toto, and Lilian Were


Microbial Safety and Quality of Fresh Herbs from Los Angeles, Orange County, and Seattle Farmers’ Markets, Donna J. Levy, Nicola K. Beck, Alexandra L. Kossick, Taylor Patti, J. Scott Meschke, Melissa Calicchia, and Rosalee S. Hellberg


Identification of Meat Species in Pet Foods Using a Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Assay, Tara A. Okuma and Rosalee S. Hellberg


A DNA Mini-Barcoding System for Authentication of Processed Fish Products, Shadi Shokralla, Rosalee S. Hellberg, Sara M. Handy, Ian King, and Mehrdad Hajibabaei

Submissions from 2012


Detection and Identification of Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli, and Shigella spp. via PCR-ESI-MS: Isolate Testing and Analysis of Food Samples, Sarah E. Pierce, Rosalee S. Hellberg, Chorng-Ming Cheng, Kai-Shun Chen, Donna M. Williams-Hill, William B. Martin, and Marc W. Allard

Submissions from 2011


Advances in DNA-Based Techniques for the Detection of Seafood Species Substitution on the Commercial Market, Rosalee S. Hellberg and Michael T. Morrissey

Submissions from 2010


Effects of Variable Oceanographic Conditions on Forage Fish Lipid Content and Fatty Acid Composition in the Northern California Current, Marisa N. C. Litz, Richard D. Brodeur, Robert L. Emmett, Selina S. Heppell, Rosalee S. Hellberg, Linda O'Higgins, and Matthew S. Morris

Submissions from 2008


Enough Already? Linking Science, Geography, Mathematics, and Sociology Through Population Study, Roxanne Greitz Miller and Lilian M. Were

Submissions from 2007


Effect of Age and Tissue Weight on the Cadmium Concentration in Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea gigas), Rosalee S. Hellberg, Michael T. Morrissey, and Dan Cheney


1% Calcium Chloride Treatment In Combination With Gamma Irradiation Improves Microbial and Physicochemical Properties Of Diced Tomatoes, Anuradha Prakash, Pei-Chen Chen, Richard L. Pilling, Nicole Johnson, and Denise Foley


Irradiation D Values Of Salmonella Spp. In Diced Tomatoes Dipped In 1% Calcium Chloride, Anuradha Prakash, Nicole Johnson, and Denise Foley

Submissions from 2006


Activity and Nature Of Plasminogen Activators Associated With the Casein Micelle, B. Ismail, L. H. Choi, Lilian M. Were, and S. S. Nielsen