Below you may find selected publications from the Economic Science Institute at Chapman University.


Submissions from 2017


Sentiments, Conduct, and Trust in the Laboratory, Vernon Smith and Bart J. Wilson


Equilibrium Play in Voluntary Ultimatum Games: Beneficence Cannot Be Extorted, Vernon L. Smith and Bart J. Wilson


Experimenting with Contests for Experimentation, Cary Deck and Erik O. Kimbrough


Historical Cost and Conservatism Are Joint Adaptations That Help Identify Opportunity Cost, Sudipta Basu and Gregory B. Waymire


Horticultural Activity Predicts Later Localized Limb Status in a Contemporary Pre-Industrial Population, Jonathan Stieglitz, Benjamin C. Trumble, Hillard Kaplan, and Michael Gurven


How We Think about Economics, Bart J. Wilson


Human and Monkey Responses in a Symmetric Game of Conflict with Asymmetric Equilibria, Sarah F. Brosnan, Sara A. Price, Kelly Leverett, Laurent Prétôt, Michael Beran, and Bart J. Wilson


Human Grooming in Comparative Perspective: People in Six Small-Scale Societies Groom Less But Socialize Just as Much as Expected for a Typical Primate, Adrian V. Jaeggi, Karen Kramer, Raymond Hames, Evan J. Kiely, Cristina Gomes, Hillard Kaplan, and Michael Gurven


Information Transmission and the Oral Tradition: Evidence of a Late-Life Service Niche for Tsimane Amerindians, Eric Schniter, Nathaniel T. Wilcox, Bret A. Beheim, Hillard S. Kaplan, and Michael Gurven


Informed Entry in Auctions, Diego Aycinena, Hernán Bejerano, and Lucas Rentschler


It Monitoring: A Real Effort Experiment, Brice Corgnet, Ludivine Martin, Peguy Ndodjang, and Angela Sutan


Mutual and Exclusive: Dyadic Sources of Trust in Interorganizational Exchange, Bill McEvily, Akbar Zaheer, and Darcy Fudge Kamal


On Private Governance, Bart J. Wilson


Sleep Restriction and Circadian Effects on Social Decisions, David L. Dickinson and Todd McElroy


Smile, Dictator, You’re on Camera, Joy A. Buchanan, Matthew K. McMahon, Matthew Simpson, and Bart J. Wilson


The Optimal Defense of Networks of Targets, Dan Kovenock and Brian Roberson


The Tsimane Health and Life History Project: Integrating Anthropology and Biomedicine, Michael Gurven, Jonathan Stieglitz, Benjamin C. Trumble, Aaron D. Blackwell, Bret Beheim, Helen Davis, Hillard Kaplan, and Paul L. Hooper


The Welfare Effects of Civil Forfeiture, Michael Preciado and Bart J. Wilson


Trust Me, Even Against Your Instinct, I Have Reflected Upon My Decision, Antonio Cabrales, Antonio M. Espín, Praveen Kujal, and Stephen J. Rassenti


Who’s Holding Out? An Experimental Study of the Benefits and Burdens of Eminent Domain, Abel Winn and Matthew W. McCarter

Submissions from 2016


An Epigenetic Clock Analysis of Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Coronary Heart Disease, Steve Horvath, Michael Gurven, Morgan E. Levine, Benjamin C. Trumble, Hillard Kaplan, Hooman Allayee, Beate R. Ritz, Brian Chen, Ake T. Lu, Tammy M. Rickabaugh, Beth D. Jamieson, Dianjianyi Sun, Shengxu Li, Wei Chen, Lluis Quintana-Murci, Maud Fagny, Michael S. Kobor, Philip S. Tsao, Alexander P. Reiner, Kerstin L. Edlefsen, Devin Absher, and Themistocles L. Assimes


An Experimental Investigation of Procurement Auctions with Asymmetric Sellers, John Aloysius, Cary A. Deck, Li Hao, and Ryan French


An Experimental Investigation of Simultaneous Multi-battle Contests with Complementarities, Cary Deck, Sudipta Sarangi, and Matt Wiser


Angels and Demons: Using Behavioral Types in a Real-Effort Moral Dilemma to Identify Expert Traits, Hernan Bejerano, Ellen P. Green, and Stephen Rassenti


Apolipoprotein E4 is Associated With Improved Cognitive Function in Amazonian Forager-Horticulturalists With a High Parasite Burden, Benjamin C. Trumble, Jonathan Stieglitz, Aaron D. Blackwell, Hooman Allayee, Bret Beheim, Caleb E. Finch, Michael Gurven, and Hillard Kaplan


Arousal and Economic Decision Making, Salar Jahedi, Cary Deck, and Dan Ariely


Associations Between Male Testosterone and Immune Function in a Pathogenically Stressed Forager-Horticultural Population, Benjamin C. Trumble, Aaron D. Blackwell, Jonathan Stieglitz, Melissa Emery Thompson, Ivan Maldonado Suarez, Hillard Kaplan, and Michael Gurven


Benefit to Another at Cost to Self, Terence C. Burnham


Cardiovascular Disease and Type 2 Diabetes in Evolutionary Perspective: A Critical Role for Helminths?, Michael D. Gurven, Benjamin C. Trumble, Jonathan Stieglitz, Aaron D. Blackwell, David E. Michalik, Caleb E. Finch, and Hillard Kaplan


Competition, Cost Innovation, and X-Inefficiency in Experimental Markets, Andrew Smyth


Conflict Or Congruence? Maternal and Infant-Centric Factors Associated With Shorter Exclusive Breastfeeding Durations Among the Tsimane, Melanie A. Martin, Geni Garcia, Hillard Kaplan, and Michael Gurven


Economics and Evolutionary Mismatch: Humans in Novel Settings Do Not Maximize, Terence C. Burnham


Evolutionary Behavioral Economics, Terence C. Burnham, Stephen E. G. Lea, Adrian V. Bell, Herbert Gintis, Paul W. Glimcher, Robert Kurzban, Leonhard Lades, Kevin McCabe, Karthik Panchanathan, Miriam Teschl, and Ulrich Witt


Growth References for Tsimane Forager-Horticulturalists of the Bolivian Amazon, Aaron D. Blackwell, Samuel S. Urlacher, Bret Beheim, Christopher von Rueden, Adrian V. Jaeggi, Jonathan Stieglitz, Benjamin C. Trumble, Michael Gurven, and Hillard Kaplan


Health Costs of Reproduction are Minimal Despite High Fertility, Mortality and Subsistence Lifestyle, Michael Gurven, Megan Costa, Ben Trumble, Jonathan Stieglitz, Bret Beheim, Daniel Eid Rodriguez, Paul L. Hooper, and Hillard Kaplan


High Resting Metabolic Rate Among Amazonian Forager-Horticulturalists Experiencing High Pathogen Burden, Michael Gurven, Benjamin C. Trumble, Jonathan Stieglitz, Gandhi Yetish, Daniel Cummings, Aaron D. Blackwell, Bret Beheim, Hillard Kaplan, and Herman Pontzer


Immune Function in Amazonian Horticulturalists, Aaron D. Blackwell, Benjamin C. Trumble, Ivan Maldonado Suarez, Jonathan Stieglitz, Bret Beheim, J. Josh Snodgrass, Hillard Kaplan, and Michael Gurven


Indirect Reciprocity, Resource Sharing, and Environmental Risk: Evidence from Field Experiments in Siberia, E. Lance Howe, James J. Murphy, Drew Gerkey, and Colin Thor West


Multi-Battle Contests: An Experimental Study, Shakun D. Mago and Roman M. Sheremeta


On the Robustness of Higher Order Risk Preferences, Cary Deck and Harris Schlesinger


Payment Scheme Self-Selection in the Credence Goods Market: An Experimental Study, Hernan Bejerano, Ellen P. Green, and Stephen Rassenti


Principal–Agent Settings with Random Shocks, Jared Rubin and Roman Sheremeta


Random Expected Utility and Certainty Equivalents: Mimicry of Probability Weighting Functions, Nathaniel Wilcox


Reciprocal Exchange Patterned By Market Forces Helps Explain Cooperation in a Small-Scale Society, Adrian V. Jaeggi, Paul L. Hooper, Bret Beheim, Hillard Kaplan, and Michael Gurven


Religious Identity and the Provision of Public Goods: Evidence from the Indian Princely States, Latika Chaudhary and Jared Rubin


Response to De La Iglesia et al, Gandhi Yetish, Hillard Kaplan, Michael Gurven, Brian Wood, Herman Pontzer, Paul R. Manger, Charles Wilson, Ronald McGregor, and Jerome M. Siegel


Robert A. Millikan Meets the Credibility Revolution: Comment on Harrison (2013), "Field Experiments and Methodological Intolerance", Nathaniel T. Wilcox


Salivary Microbiomes of Indigenous Tsimane Mothers and Infants are Distinct Despite Frequent Premastication, Cliff S. Han, Melanie Ann Martin, Armand E.K. Dichosa, Ashlynn R. Daughton, Seth Frietze, Hillard Kaplan, Michael D. Gurven, and Joe Alcock


State Dependent Price Setting Rules Under Implicit Thresholds: An Experiment, Justin Deloy LeBlanc, Andrea Civelli, Cary A. Deck, and Klajdi Bregu


Status Competition, Inequality, and Fertility: Implications for the Demographic Transition, Mary K. Shenk, Hillard Kaplan, and Paul L. Hooper


The Effects of Alcohol Use on Economic Decision Making, Klajdi Bregu, Cary Deck, Lindsay Ham, and Salar Jahedi


The Financial Power of the Powerless: Socio-Economic Status and Interest Rates under Weak Rule of Law, Timur Kuran and Jared Rubin


Two Monetary Models with Alternating Markets, Gabriele Camera and Yili Chien


Understanding Variation in Human Fertility: What Can We Learn From Evolutionary Demography?, Rebecca Sear, David W. Lawson, Hillard Kaplan, and Mary K. Shenk


What Makes a Good Trader? On the Role of Intuition and Reflection on Trader Performance, Brice Corgnet, Mark DeSantis, and David Porter


You are Close to Your Rival and Everyone Hates a Winner: A Study of Rivalry in College Football, Sarah Marx Quintanar, Cary Deck, Javier A. Reyes, and Sudipta Sarangi

Submissions from 2015


Adam Smith: Homo Socialis, Yes; Social Preferences, No; Reciprocity Was to Be Explained, Vernon L. Smith


Advancing the Understanding of Behavior in Social-Ecological Systems: Results from Lab and Field Experiments, Marco A. Janssen, Therese Lindahl, and James J. Murphy


All-Pay 2 X 2 Hex: A Multibattle Contest With Complementarities, Dan Kovenock, Sudipta Sarangi, and Matt Wiser


An Experimental Investigation Of Time Discounting In Strategic Settings, Cary Deck and Salar Jahedi

An Experiment On Retail Payments Systems, Gabriele Camera, Marco Casari, and S. Bortolotti


Are Subjects Making Financial Decisions in Lab Auctions or Are They Just Gambling?, Cary Deck, Jungmin Lee, and Javier Reyes


Asymmetric and Endogenous Within-Group Communication in Competitive Coordination Games, Timothy N. Cason, Roman Sheremeta, and Jingjing Zhang


Calcaneal Quantitative Ultrasound Indicates Reduced Bone Status Among Physically Active Adult Forager-Horticulturalists, Jonathan Stieglitz, Felicia C. Madimenos, Hillard Kaplan, and Michael Gurven


Challenging the Inevitability of Prostate Enlargement: Low Levels of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Among Tsimane Forager-Horticulturalists, Benjamin C. Trumble, Jonathan Stieglitz, Daniel Eid Rodriguez, Edhitt Cortez Linares, Hillard Kaplan, and Michael Gurven


Cognitive Reflection and the Diligent Worker: An Experimental Study of Millennials, Brice Corgnet, Roberto Hernán-González, and Ricardo Mateo


Commitment Problems In Conflict Resolution, Erik O. Kimbrough, Jared Rubin, Roman M. Sheremeta, and Timothy W. Shields


Communication And Collusion, J. Harrington, Roberto Hernán González, and Praveen Kujal


Conduct in Narrativized Trust Games, Jan Osborn, Bart J. Wilson, and Bradley R. Sherwood


Conduct, Rules And The Origins Of Institutions, Vernon L. Smith


Conflicted Emotions Following Trust-Based Interaction, Eric Schniter, Roman M. Sheremeta, and Timothy W. Shields


Cyber-shilling in Automobile Auctions: Evidence from a Field Experiment, David Grether, David Porter, and Matthew Shum


Defense Against An Opportunistic Challenger: Theory And Experiments, Cary Deck, Joshua Foster, and Hongwei Song


Depression as Sickness Behavior? A Test of the Host Defense Hypothesis in a High Pathogen Population, Jonathan Stieglitz, Benjamin C. Trumble, Melissa Emery Thompson, Aaron D. Blackwell, Hillard Kaplan, and Michael Gurven


Disfluent Fonts Don’t Help People Solve Math Problems, Andrew Meyer, Shane Frederick, Terence C. Burnham, Juan D. Guevera Pinto, Ty W. Boyer, Linden J. Ball, Gordon Pennycook, Rakefet Ackerman, Valerie A. Thompson, and Jonathon P. Schuldt


Does Market Integration Buffer Risk, Erode Traditional Sharing Practices and Increase Inequality? a Test Among Bolivian Forager-Farmers, Michael Gurven, Adrian V. Jaeggi, Christopher von Rueden, Paul L. Hooper, and Hillard Kaplan


Do Prediction Markets Aid Defenders In A Weak-Link Contest?, Cary Deck, Li Hao, and David Porter


Dynamic Behavior and Player Types in Majoritarian Multi-Battle Contests, Alan Gelder and Dan Kovenock

Dynamic Directed Search, Gabriele Camera and Jaehong Kim


Dynamic Optimization and Conformity in Health Behavior and Life Enjoyment Over the Life Cycle, Hernán D. Bejarano, Hillard Kaplan, and Stephen Rassenti


Experimental Evolution and Economics, Terence C. Burnham, Aimee Dunlap, and David W. Stephens


Firing Threats And Tenure In Virtual Organizations: Incentives Effects And Impression Management, Brice Corgnet, Roberto Hernán González, and Stephen Rassenti


Four Steps Toward The Control Of Aging: Following The Example Of Infectious Disease, Michael R. Rose, Larry G. Cabral, James N. Kezos, Thomas T. Barter, Mark A. Phillips, Barbara L. Smith, and Terence C. Burnham


Further Towards a Theory of the Emergence of Property, Bart J. Wilson


Gender Differences In Cooperation And Competition, Roberto Hernán González and Praveen Kujal


Give The FDA Some Competition With Free To Choose Medicine, Bartley J. Madden and Vernon Smith


Goal Setting and Monetary Incentives: When Large Stakes Are Not Enough, Brice Corgnet, Joaquín Gómez-Miñambres, and Roberto Hernán-González


Helminth Infection, Fecundity, and Age of First Pregnancy in Women, Aaron D. Blackwell, Marilyne D. Tamayo, Bret Beheim, Benjamin C. Trumble, Jonathan Stieglitz, Paul L. Hooper, Melanie Martin, Hillard Kaplan, and Michael Gurven


Humankind in Civilization’s Extended Order: A Tragedy, The First Part, Bart J. Wilson


Inclusive Fitness and Differential Productivity Across the Life Course Determine Intergenerational Transfers in a Small-Scale Human Society, Paul L. Hooper, Michael Gurven, Jeffrey Winking, and Hillard Kaplan


Information Asymmetry And Deception, Irma Clots-Figueras, Roberto Hernán González, and Praveen Kujal


Information Sharing In Contests, Dan Kovenock, Florian Morath, and Johannes Münster


Language and Cooperation in Hominin Scavenging, Bart J. Wilson and Samuel R. Harris


Natural Sleep and Its Seasonal Variations in Three Pre-Industrial Societies, Gandhi Yetish, Hillard Kaplan, Michael Gurven, Brian Wood, Herman Pontzer, Paul R. Manger, Charles Wilson, Ronald McGregor, and Jerome M. Siegel


Peer Pressure and Moral Hazard in Teams: Experimental Evidence, Brice Corgnet, Roberto Hernán-González, and Stephen Rassenti

Performance-Based Compensation And Firm Value – Experimental Evidence, Glenn Pfeiffer and Timothy W. Shields


Performance Benefits Of Reward Choice: A Procedural Justice Perspective, Arran Caza, Matthew W. McCarter, and Gregory B. Northcraft

Reducing Choice Overload without Reducing Choices, Tibor Besedeš, Cary Deck, Sudipta Sarangi, and Mikhael Shor


Risky Business: An Analysis Of Teacher Risk Preferences, Daniel H. Bowen, Stuart Buck, Cary Deck, Jonathan N. Mills, and James V. Shuls


Salivary Oxytocin Increases Concurrently With Testosterone and Time Away From Home Among Returning Tsimane' Hunters, Paul L. Hooper, Kathryn Demps, Michael Gurven, Drew Gurkey, and Hillard Kaplan