"The Optimal Defense of Networks of Targets" by Dan Kovenock and Brian Roberson

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This paper examines a game-theoretic model of attack and defense of multiple networks of targets in which there exist intra-network strategic complementarities among targets. The defender’s objective is to successfully defend all of the networks and the attacker’s objective is to successfully attack at least one network of targets. Although there are multiple equilibria, we characterize correlation structures in the allocations of forces across targets that arise in all equilibria. For example, in all equilibria the attacker utilizes a stochastic ‘guerrilla warfare’ strategy in which a single random network is attacked.


Working Paper 17-18

This working paper was later published as:

Kovenock, D., & Roberson, B. (2018). The optimal defense of networks of targets. Economic Inquiry, 56(4), 2195-2211. doi: 10.1111/ecin.12565



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