Submissions from 2022
Consciousness Explained or Described?, Aaron Schurger and Michael S. A. Graziano
Contribution of Early-Life Unpredictability to Neuropsychiatric Symptom Patterns in Adulthood, Andrea D. Spadoni, Meghan Vinograd, Bruna Cuccurazzu, Katy Torres, Laura M. Glynn, Elysia P. Davis, Tallie Z. Baram, Dewleen G. Baker, Caroline M. Nievergelt, and Victoria B. Risbrough
The Rubber Hand Illusion: Top-down Attention Modulates Embodiment, Rémi Thériault, Mathieu Landry, and Amir Raz
In the Eyes of the Beholder: Race, Place and Health, Alfredo J. Velasquez, Jason A. Douglas, Fangqi Guo, and Jennifer W. Robinette
Stress Measurement in Primary Care: Conceptual Issues, Barriers, Resources, and Recommendations for Study, Lawson Wulsin, Sara J. Sagui-Henson, Lydia G. Roos, Diana Wang, Brooke Jenkins, Beth E. Cohen, Amit J. Shah, and George M. Slavich
Submissions from 2021
Patterns of Maternal Distress from Pregnancy Through Childhood Predict Psychopathology During Early Adolescence, Natasha A. Bailey, Jessica L. Irwin, Elysia Poggi Davis, Curt A. Sandman, and Laura M. Glynn
Assessing Reinforcing versus Aversive Consequences in a Real-Time Secondhand Smoke Intervention, Vincent Berardi, John Belletierre, Benjamin Nguyen, Neil E. Klepeis, Suzanne C. Hughes, Marc A. Adams, and Melbourne Hovell
The Role of Ethnicity and Nativity in the Correspondence between Subjective and Objective Measures of In-Home Smoking, Vincent Berardi, Georgiana Bostean, Lydia Q. Ong, Britney S. Wong, Bradley N. Collins, and Melbourne F. Hovell
Burstiness and Stochasticity in the Malleability of Physical Activity, Vincent Berardi, David Pincus, Evan Walker, and Marc A. Adams
Stair Versus Elevator Use in a University Residence Hall Setting, Vincent Berardi, Benjamin D. Rosenberg, Sophie Srivastava, Noah Estrada-Rand, and Julia Frederick
Positive Psychological Well‐Being and Cardiovascular Disease: Exploring Mechanistic and Developmental Pathways, Julia K. Boehm
Does the Tripartite Influence Model of Body Image and Eating Pathology Function Similarly Across Racial/Ethnic Groups of White, Black, Latina, and Asian Women?, Natasha L. Burke, Lauren M. Schaefer, Yvette G. Karvay, Anna M. Bardone-Cone, David A. Frederick, Katherine Schaumberg, Kelly L. Klump, Drew A. Anderson, and J. Kevin Thompson
A Multivariable Model of Parent Satisfaction, Pain, and Opioid Administration in a Pediatric Emergency Department, Candice D. Donaldson, Thomas W. Heyming, Louis Ehwerhemuepha, Brooke N. Jenkins, Michelle A. Fortier, William Feaster, and Zeev N. Kain
Anxiety and Mood Disorders Impacting Physician Opioid Prescribing in the Pediatric Hospital Setting, Candice D. Donaldson, Zeev N. Kain, Louis Ehwerhemuepha, Michelle A. Fortier, Michael T. Phan, Daniel M. Tomaszewski, Sun Yang, William Feaster, and Brooke N. Jenkins
A Closer Look at Relationship Structures: Relationship Satisfaction and Attachment Among People Who Practice Hierarchical and Non-Hierarchical Polyamory, Sharon M. Flicker, Flavia Sancier-Barbosa, Amy C. Moors, and Lindsay Browne
Development of the Infant Gut Microbiome Predicts Temperament Across the First Year of Life, Molly Fox, S. Melanie Lee, Kyle S. Wiley, Venu Lagishetty, Curt A. Sandman, Jonathan P. Jacobs, and Laura M. Glynn
Debunking Lesbian Bed Death: Using Coarsened Exact Matching to Compare Sexual Practices and Satisfaction of Lesbian and Heterosexual Women, David A. Frederick, Brian Joseph Gillespie, Janet Lever, Vincent Berardi, and Justin R. Garcia
The Value of Integrating Evolutionary and Sociocultural Perspectives on Body Image, David A. Frederick and Tania A. Reynolds
A Predictable Home Environment May Protect Child Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Laura M. Glynn, Elyssia Poggi Davis, Joan L. Luby, Tallie Z. Baram, and Curt A. Sandman
Maternal Caregiving Ameliorates the Consequences of Prenatal Maternal Psychological Distress on Child Development, Leah A. Grande, Danielle A. Swales, Curt A. Sandman, Laura M. Glynn, and Elyssia Poggi Davis
Aberrant Maturation of the Uncinate Fasciculus Follows Exposure to Unpredictable Patterns of Maternal Signals, Steven J. Granger, Laura M. Glynn, Curt A. Sandman, Steven L. Small, Andre Obenaus, David B. Keator, Tallie Z. Baram, Hal S. Stern, Michael A. Yassa, and Elyssia Poggi Davis
Prenatal Maternal Mood Entropy is Associated with Child Neurodevelopment, Mariann A. Howland, Curt A. Sandman, Elysia Poggi Davis, Hal S. Stern, Michael Phelan, Tallie Z. Baram, and Laura M. Glynn
Prenatal Maternal Psychological Distress and Fetal Developmental Trajectories: Associations with Infant Temperament, Mariann A. Howland, Curt A. Sandman, Elyssia Poggi Davis, and Laura M. Glynn
The Subcomponents of Affect Scale (SAS): Validating a Widely Used Affect Scale, Brooke N. Jenkins, Marie P. Cross, Candice Donaldson, Sarah D. Pressman, Michelle A. Fortier, Zeev N. Kain, Sheldon Cohen, Logan T. Martin, and George Farkas
Applying Theoretical Models of Positive Emotion to Improve Pediatric Asthma: A Positive Psychology Approach, Brooke N. Jenkins, Judith T. Moskowitz, Jill Halterman, and Zeev N. Kain
Response to: Mindset Over Matter: Is Parental Health Mindset an Appropriate Target for Intervention?, Alexandra Kain, Claudia Mueller, Brenda J. Golianu, Brooke N. Jenkins, and Michelle A. Fortier
Investigating How the Modularity of Visuospatial Attention Shapes Conscious Perception Using Type I and Type II Signal Detection Theory, Mathieu Landry, Jason Da Silva Castanheira, Jérôme Sackur, and Amir Raz
Dimensionality Reduction for Classification of Object Weight from Electromyography, Elnaz Lashgari and Uri Maoz
An End-to-End CNN with Attentional Mechanism Applied to Raw EEG in a BCI Classification Task, Elnaz Lashgari, Jordan Ott, Akima Connelly, Pierre Baldi, and Uri Maoz
The Acute and Persisting Impact of COVID-19 on Trajectories of Adolescent Depression: Sex Differences and Social Connectedness, Sabrina R. Liu, Elyssia Poggi Davis, Anton M. Palma, Curt A. Sandman, and Laura M. Glynn
The Contribution of Racism-Related Stress and Adversity to Disparities in Birth Outcomes: Evidence and Research Recommendations, Sabrina R. Liu and Laura M. Glynn
Gender Similarities and Differences in Casual Sex Acceptance Among Lesbian Women and Gay Men, Jes L. Matsick, Mary Kruk, Terri D. Conley, Amy C. Moors, and Ali Ziegler
Associations Between Daily Affect and Sleep Vary by Sleep Assessment Type: What Can Ambulatory EEG Add to the Picture?, Brett Messman, Danica C. Slavish, Jessica R. Dietch, Brooke N. Jenkins, Maia ten Brink, and Daniel J. Taylor
Desire, Familiarity, and Engagement in Polyamory: Results From a National Sample of Single Adults in the United States, Amy C. Moors, Amanda N. Gesselman, and Justin R. Garcia
Internalized Consensual Non-Monogamy Negativity and Relationship Quality Among People Engaged in Polyamory, Swinging, and Open Relationships, Amy C. Moors, Heath A. Schechinger, Rhonda Balzarini, and Sharon Flicker
Super Placebos: A Feasibility Study Combining Contextual Factors to Promote Placebo Effects, Jay A. Olson, Michael Lifshitz, Amir Raz, and Samuel P. L. Veissière
Spinal Anesthesia Reduces Myocardial Ischemia-triggered Ventricular Arrhythmias by Suppressing Spinal Cord Neuronal Network Interactions in Pigs, Yukiko Omura, Jasmine P. Kipke, Siamak Salavatian, Andrew Shea Afyouni, Christian Wooten, Robert F. Herkenham, Uri Maoz, Elnaz Lashgari, Erica A. Dale, Kimberly Howard-Quijano, and Aman Mahajan
Cannabis Use, Sedentary Behavior, and Physical Activity in a Nationally Representative Sample of US Adults, Lydia Q. Ong, John Belletierre, Citlali Alvorado, Paul Chavez, and Vincent Berardi
Associations Between Air Pollution Exposure and Empirically Derived Profiles of Cognitive Performance in Older Women, Andrew J. Petkus, Diana Younan, Xinhui Wang, Daniel P. Beavers, Mark A. Espeland, Margaret Gatz, Tara Gruenewald, Joel D. Kaufman, Helena C. Chui, Joshua Millstein, Stephen R. Rapp, JoAnn E. Manson, Susan M. Resnick, Gregory A. Wellenius, Eric A. Whitsel, Keith Widaman, and Jiu-Chiuan Chen
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Opioid Use for Adolescents at US Emergency Departments, Michael T. Phan, Daniel M. Tomaszewski, Cody Arbuckle, Sun Yang, Candice D. Donaldson, Michelle A. Fortier, Brooke Jenkins, Erik Linstead, and Zeev N. Kain
Evaluating the 0–10 Point Pain Scale on Adolescent Opioid Use in US Emergency Departments, Michael T. Phan, Daniel M. Tomaszewski, Cody Arbuckle, Sun Yang, Brooke Jenkins, Michelle A. Fortier, Theodore Heyming, Erik Linstead, Candice Donaldson, and Zeev N. Kain
Evaluating Opioid Dispensing Rates among Pediatrics and Young Adults based on CURES Data Reporting in California from 2015–2019, Michael T. Phan, Courtney Wong, Daniel M. Tomaszewski, Zeev N. Kain, Brooke Jenkins, Candice D. Donaldson, Michelle Fortier, and Sun Yang
Mobile Phone Sensors Can Discern Medication-related Gait Quality Changes in Parkinson's Patients in the Home Environment, Albert Pierce, Niklas König Ignasiak, Wilford K. Eiteman-Pang, Cyril Rakovski, and Vincent Berardi
Can I Buy My Health? A Genetically Informed Study of Socioeconomic Status and Health, Jennifer W. Robinette, Christopher R. Beam, and Tara L. Gruenewald
Cognition in Context: Pathways and Compound Risk in a Sample of US Non-Hispanic Whites, Jennifer W. Robinette and Jason D. Boardman
Perceived Neighborhood Cohesion Buffers COVID-19 Impacts on Mental Health in a United States Sample, Jennifer W. Robinette, Georgiana Bostean, Laura M. Glynn, Jason A. Douglas, Brooke N. Jenkins, Tara L. Gruenewald, and David A. Frederick
Neighborhood Safety Concerns and Daily Well-Being: A National Diary Study, Jennifer W. Robinette, Jennifer R. Piazza, and Robert S. Stawski
The Greta Thunberg Effect: Familiarity with Greta Thunberg Predicts Intentions to Engage in Climate Activism in the United States, Anandita Sabherwal, Matthew T. Ballew, Sander van der Linden, Abel Gustafson, Matthew H. Goldberg, Edward W. Maibach, John E. Kotcher, Janet K. Swim, Seth A. Rosenthal, and Anthony Leiserowitz
What Does Neuroscience Have to Say About Free Will?, Aaron Schurger
What Is the Readiness Potential?, Aaron Schurger, Pengbo 'Ben' Hu, Joanna Pak, and Adina L. Roskies
Identifying App-Based Meditation Habits and the Associated Mental Health Benefits: Longitudinal Observational Study, Chad Stecher, Vincent Berardi, Ryan Fowers, Jaclyn Christ, Yunro Chung, and Jennifer Huberty
Body Swapping with a Black Person Boosts Empathy: Using Virtual Reality to Embody Another, Rémi Thériault, Jay A. Olson, Sonia A. Krol, and Amir Raz
What Predicts How Safe People Feel in Their Neighborhoods and Does It Depend on Functional Status?, Alfredo J. Velasquez, Jason A. Douglas, Fangqi Guo, and Jennifer W. Robinette
Pitcher Effectiveness: A Step Forward for In Game Analytics and Pitcher Evaluation, Christopher Watkins, Vincent Berardi, and Cyril Rakovski
Characterizing Human Random-Sequence Generation in Competitive and Non-Competitive Environments Using Lempel-Ziv Complexity, Alice Wong, Garance Merholz, and Uri Maoz
Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Alzheimer’s Disease Risk: Role of Exposure to Ambient Fine Particles, Diane Younan, Xinhui Wang, Tara Gruenewald, Margaret Gatz, Marc L. Serre, William Vizuete, Meredith N. Braskie, Nancy F. Woods, Ka Kahe, Lorena Garcia, Fred Lurmann, JoAnn E. Manson, Helena C. Chui, Robert B. Wallace, Mark A. Espeland, and Jiu-Chiuan Chen
Submissions from 2020
Keep Calm or Get Excited? Examining the Effects of Different Types of Positive Affect on Responses to Acute Pain, Amanda M. Acevedo, Kate A. Leger, Brooke N. Jenkins, and Sarah D. Pressman
Does a Good Advisor a Day Keep the Doctor Away? How Advisor-Advisee Relationships are Associated with Psychological and Physical Well-Being among Graduate Students, Monica Becerra, Emily Wong, Brooke N. Jenkins, and Sarah D. Pressman
Correction to: Variable Magnitude and Frequency Financial Reinforcement is Effective at Increasing Adults’ Free-Living Physical Activity, Vincent Berardi, Melbourne Hovell, Jane C. Hurley, Christine B. Phillips, John Belletierre, Michael Todd, and Marc A. Adams
Variable Magnitude and Frequency Financial Reinforcement is Effective at Increasing Adults’ Free-Living Physical Activity, Vincent Berardi, Melbourne Hovell, Jane C. Hurley, Christine B. Phillips, John Belletierre, Michael Todd, and Marc A. Adams
Positive Emotions and Favorable Cardiovascular Health: A 20-Year Longitudinal Study, Julia K. Boehm, Ying Chen, Farah Qureshi, Jackie Soo, Peter Umokoro, Rosalba Hernandez, Donald Lloyd-Jones, and Laura D. Kubzansky
A NWB-based Dataset and Processing Pipeline of Human Single-Neuron Activity During a Declarative Memory Task, N. Chandravadia, D. Liang, A. G. P. Schjetnan, A. Carlson, M. Faraut, J. M. Chung, C. M. Reed, B. Dichter, Uri Maoz, S. K. Kalia, T. A. Valiante, A. N. Mamelak, and U. Rutishauser
Hard Criteria for Empirical Theories of Consciousness, Adrian Doerig, Aaron Schurger, and Michael H. Herzog
Response to Commentaries on ‘Hard Criteria for Empirical Theories of Consciousness’, Adrian Doerig, Aaron Schurger, and Michael H. Herzog
Parent Responses to Pediatric Pain: The Differential Effects of Ethnicity on Opioid Consumption, Candice D. Donaldson, Brooke N. Jenkins, Michelle A. Fortier, Michael T. Phan, Daniel M. Tomaszewski, Sun Yang, and Zeev N. Kain
Race, Ethnicity, and Insurance: The Association with Opioid Use in a Pediatric Hospital Setting, Louis Ehwerhemuepha, Candice D. Donaldson, Zeev N. Kain, Vivian Luong, Michelle A. Fortier, William Feaster, Michael Weiss, Daniel Tomaszewski, Sun Yang, Michael Phan, and Brooke N. Jenkins
It's for Their Health: Encouraging Autonomy During Emerging Adulthood, Moriah B. Geller and Julia K. Boehm
A Pilot Study of the Preliminary Efficacy of Pain Buddy: A Novel Intervention for the Management of Children’s Cancer-Related Pain, John F. Hunter, Amanda M. Acevedo, Sergio Gago-Masague, Alexandra Kain, Christine Yun, Lilibeth Torno, Brooke N. Jenkins, and Michelle A. Fortier
Maternal Prenatal Cortisol Programs the Infant Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal Axis, Jessica L. Irwin, Amy L. Meyering, Gage Peterson, Laura M. Glynn, Curt A. Sandman, Laurel M. Hicks, and Elysia Poggi Davis
Affect Variability and Predictability: Using Recurrence Quantification Analysis to Better Understand How the Dynamics of Affect Relate to Health, Brooke N. Jenkins, John F. Hunter, Michael J. Richardson, Tamlin S. Conner, and Sarah D. Pressman
Crowdsourcing Image Extraction and Annotation: Software Development and Case Study, Ana Jofre, Vincent Berardi, Kathleen P.J. Brennan, Aisha Cornejo, Carl Bennett, and John Harlan
Parental Psychosocial Factors Moderate Opioid Administration Following Children’s Surgery, Alexandra Kain, Michelle A. Fortier, Candice D. Donaldson, Daniel Tomaszewski, Michael Phan, and Brooke N. Jenkins
The Impact of Parental Health Mindset on Postoperative Recovery in Children, Alexandra Kain, Claudia Mueller, Brenda J. Goliamu, Brooke N. Jenkins, and Michelle A. Fortier
Sense of Purpose in Life and Five Health Behaviors in Older Adults, Eric S. Kim, Koichiro Shiba, Julia K. Boehm, and Laura D. Kubzansky
Optimism and Risk of Incident Hypertension: A Target for Primordial Prevention, Laura D. Kubzansky, Julia K. Boehm, Andrew R. Allen, Loryana L. Vie, Tiffany E. Ho, Claudia Trudel-Fitzgerald, Hayami K. Koga, Lawrence M. Scheier, and Martin E. P. Seligman
Difficult Turned Easy: Suggestion Renders a Challenging Visual Task Simple, Mathieu Landry, Jason Da Silva Castanheira, Jérôme Sackur, and Amir Raz
A Comprehensive Examination of the Immediate Recovery of Children Following Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy, Bryan K. Lao, Zeev N. Kain, Dina Khoury, Brooke N. Jenkins, Jeremy Prager, Robert S. Stevenson, Brenda Golianu, Jeannie Zuk, Jeffrey I. Gold, Qiu Zhong, and Michelle A. Fortier
Data Augmentation for Deep-Learning-Based Electroencephalography, Elnaz Lashgari, Dehua Liang, and Uri Maoz
Cesarean Delivery and Infant Cortisol Regulation, Leticia D. Martinez, Laura M. Glynn, Curt A. Sandman, Deborah A. Wing, and Elysia Poggi Davis
Effects of Goal Type and Reinforcement Type on Self-Reported Domain-Specific Walking Among Inactive Adults: 2×2 Factorial Randomized Controlled Trial, Mindy L. McEntee, Alison Cantley, Emily Foreman, Vincent Berardi, Christine B. Phillips, Jane C. Hurley, Melbourne F. Hovell, Steven Hooker, and Marc A. Adams
Unpredictable Maternal Behavior Is Associated with a Blunted Infant Cortisol Response, Amanda N. Noroña-Zhou, Alyssa Morgan, Laura M. Glynn, Curt A. Sandman, Tallie Z. Baram, Hal S. Stern, and Elyssia Poggi Davis
Tripping on Nothing: Placebo Psychedelics and Contextual Factors, Jay A. Olson, Léah Suissa-Rocheleau, Michael Lifshitz, Amir Raz, and Samuel P. L. Veissière
Characterizing Prenatal Maternal Distress with Unique Prenatal Cortisol Trajectories, Gage Peterson, Emma V. Espel, Elyssia Poggi Davis, Curt A. Sandman, and Laura M. Glynn
Outdoor Air Pollution Exposure and Inter-relation of Global Cognitive Performance and Emotional Distress in Older Women, Andrew J. Petkus, Xinhui Wang, Daniel P. Beavers, Helena C. Chui, Mark A. Espeland, Margaret Gatz, Tara Gruenewald, Joel D. Kaufman, JoAnn E. Manson, Susan M. Resnick, James D. Stewart, Gregory A. Wellenius, Eric A. Whitsel, Keith Widaman, Diana Younan, and Jiu-Chiuan Chen
Air Pollution and the Dynamic Association Between Depressive Symptoms and Memory in Oldest-Old Women, Andrew J. Petkus, Diana Younan, Xinhui Wang, Daniel P. Beavers, Mark A. Espeland, Margaret Gatz, Tara Gruenewald, Joel D. Kaufman, Helena C. Chui, JoAnn E. Manson, Susan M. Resnick, Gregory A. Wellenius, Eric A. Whitsel, Keith Widaman, and Jiu-Chiuan Chen
Fertility Awareness and Parenting Intentions Among Mexican Undergraduate and Graduate University Students, J. M. Place, Brennan D. Peterson, B. Horton, and M. Sanchez
The Project Talent Twin and Sibling Study: Zygosity and New Data Collection, Carol A. Prescott, Ellen E. Walters, Thalida Em Arpawong, Catalina Zavala, Tara L. Gruenewald, and Margaret Gatz
Development and Initial Validation of a Brief Questionnaire on the Patients’ View of the In-Session Realization of the Six Core Components of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Thomas Probst, Andreas Mühlberger, Johannes Kühner, Georg Eifert, Christoph Pieh, Timo Hackbarth, and Johannes Mander
Maternal Depressive Symptoms Predict General Liability in Child Psychopathology, Danielle A. Swales, Hannah R. Snyder, Benjamin L. Hankin, Curt A. Sandman, Laura M. Glynn, and Elyssia Poggi Davis
Submissions from 2019
Rationale, Design, and Baseline Characteristics of WalkIT Arizona: A Factorial Randomized Trial Testing Adaptive Goals and Financial Reinforcement to Increase Walking Across Higher and Lower Walkable Neighborhoods, Marc A. Adams, Jane Hurley, Christine Phillips, Michael Todd, Siddhartha Angadi, Vincent Berardi, Melbourne F. Hovell, and Steven Hooker
Parameterizing and Validating Existing Algorithms for Identifying Out-of-Bed Time Using Hip-Worn Accelerometer Data from Older Women, John Belletierre, Yiliang Zhang, Vincent Berardi, Kelsie M. Full, Jacqueline Kerr, Michael J. LaMonte, Kelly R. Evenson, Melbourne Hovell, Andrea Z. LaCroix, and Chongzhi Di
Oxytocin Receptor Gene (OXTR) and Father Support Interact to Predict Depressive Symptoms Postpartum, Parambir Bhatti, Taylor Delaney, Michael Poulin, and Jennifer Hahn-Holbrook
Across Continents and Demographics, Unpredictable Maternal Signals are Associated with Children's Cognitive Function, Elyssia Poggi Davis, Riikka Korja, Linnea Karlsson, Laura Glynn, Curt A. Sandman, Brian Vegetabile, Eeva-Leena Kataja, Saara Nolvi, Eija Sinervä, Juho Pelto, Hasse Karlsson, Hal S. Stern, and Tallie Z. Baram
The Unfolding Argument: Why IIT and Other Causal Structure Theories Cannot Explain Consciousness, Adrian Doerig, Aaron Schurger, Kathryn Hess, and Michael H. Herzog
An Integration-to-Bound Model of Decision-Making That Accounts for the Spectral Properties of Neural Data, Ramón Guevara Erra, Marco Arbotto, and Aaron Schurger
Children’s Cancer Pain in a World of the Opioid Epidemic: Challenges and Opportunities, Michelle Fortier, Sun Yang, Michael T. Phan, Daniel Tomaszewski, Brooke N. Jenkins, and Zeev N. Kain
The Influence of Unpredictable, Fragmented Parental Signals on the Developing Brain, Laura M. Glynn and Tallie Z. Baram
Human Milk Omega-3 Fatty Acid Composition is Associated with Infant Temperament, Jennifer Hahn-Holbrook, Adi Fish, and Laura M. Glynn
Human Milk as “Chrononutrition”: Implications for Child Health and Development, Jennifer Hahn-Holbrook, Darby E. Saxbe, Christine Bixby, Caroline Steele, and Laura Glynn