Law Faculty Articles and Research
Submissions from 1987
Economic Concepts and Antitrust Analysis: A Critical Reexamination: Introductory Remarks, Tom Campbell
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 68: A Comment, Tom Campbell
Predation and Competition in Antitrust: The Case of Nonfungible Goods, Tom Campbell
Illegal Traffic in Women: A Civil RICO Proposal, Lan Cao
Constitutionality of the 1986 Tax Reform Act Transition Rules, Frank J. Doti
Bicentennial Lessons from the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Ronald D. Rotunda
Dedication: Walter R. Mansfield: Remembering Judge Walter R. Mansfield, Ronald D. Rotunda
Ethical Problems in Federal Agency Hiring of Private Attorneys, Ronald D. Rotunda
Lawyers and Professionalism: A Commentary on the Report of the American Bar Association Commission on Professionalism, Ronald D. Rotunda
Life Under the Articles of Confederation, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Constitutional Future of the Bill of Rights: A Closer Look at Commercial Speech and State Aid to Religiously Affiliated Schools, Ronald D. Rotunda
Sales and Use Tax Credits, Discrimination against Interstate Commerce, and the Useless Multiple Tax Concept, Ronald D. Rotunda and John E. Nowak
Submissions from 1986
Abolishing the Act of State Doctrine, Michael J. Bazyler
Capturing Terrorists in the 'Wild Blue Yonder': International Law and the Achille Lauro and Libyan Aircraft Incidents, Michael J. Bazyler
The Potential Application of RICO in the Natural Resources/Environmental Law Context, Denis Binder
Labor Law and Economics, Tom Campbell
Supreme Court Developments, Tom Campbell
Tax Lien Rights of the I.R.S. Against a Swindler, Frank J. Doti
Dividends Essentially Equivalent to Redemptions: The Taxation of Bootstrap Stock Acquisition, Michael B. Lang
Intergovernmental Tax Immunity and Tax Free Municipals after Garcia, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Role of Law Reviews: The Extreme Centrist Position, Ronald D. Rotunda
Submissions from 1985
Litigating the International Law of Human Rights: A "How To" Approach, Michael J. Bazyler
Litigating the International Law of Human Rights in the United States Courts: Siderman v. Republic of Argentina, Michael J. Bazyler
Note: Mismatching Convertible Debentures and Common Stock under Section 16(b), Daniel B. Bogart
The Antitrust Record of the First Reagan Administration, Tom Campbell
Submissions from 1984
Regression Analysis in Title VII Cases: Minimum Standards, Comparable Worth, and Other Issues Where Law and Statistics Meet, Tom Campbell
The Efficiency of the Failing Company Defense, Tom Campbell
Vacation Homes Revisited: Bolton Mistakenly Unbolts Door to Extra Deductions, Michael B. Lang
The Doctrine of Conditional Preemption and Other Limitations on Tenth Amendment Restrictions, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Notice of Withdrawal and the New Model Rules of Professional Conduct: Blowing the Whistle and Waving the Red Flag, Ronald D. Rotunda
Usery in the Wake of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission v. Mississippi, Ronald D. Rotunda
Submissions from 1983
Has Economics Rationalized Antitrust?, Tom Campbell
Interest-Free Loans and the Impact of Hardee v. United States, Frank J. Doti and Mary Cox
Submissions from 1982
The Competition Mission: Guiding Principles and Future Directions, Tom Campbell
The New Merger Guidelines: A Federal Trade Commission Perspective, Tom Campbell
A Comment on the Creation and Resolution of a "Nonproblem”: Dames & Moore v. Regan, The Foreign Affairs Power, and the Role of the Court, Ronald D. Rotunda and John E. Nowak
Submissions from 1981
When a House Is Not Entirely a Home: Deductions Under Internal Revenue Code § 280A for Home Offices, Vacation Homes, Etc., Michael B. Lang
The Extraterritorial Regulation of Foreign Business under the U.S Securities Laws, Ronald D. Rotunda and Robert C. Hacker
Submissions from 1980
The Attorney-Client Privilege After Attorney Disclosure, Scott W. Howe
Submissions from 1979
Dam Safety: The Critical Imperative, Denis Binder
Submissions from 1978
SEC Registration of Private Investment Partnerships after Abrahamson v. Fleschner, Ronald D. Rotunda and Robert C. Hacker
Submissions from 1977
Strip Mining, the West and the Nation, Denis Binder
The SEC’s Ectoplasmic Theory of an Issuer as Applied to Educational and Charitable Institutions, Bank Trustees, and Other Exempt Issuers, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Word "Profession" Is Only a Label - And Not a Very Useful One: Hiding Behind It are Monopolistic Practices That Do Not Make for Sound Social Policy, Ronald D. Rotunda
Submissions from 1976
Congressional Power to Restrict the Jurisdiction of the Lower Federal Courts and the Problem of School Busing, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Commercial Speech Doctrine in the Supreme Court, Ronald D. Rotunda
Conforming Employee Stock Ownership Plans with the Securities Laws, Ronald D. Rotunda and Robert C. Hacker
Submissions from 1975
Computers and Market Dominance: An Emerging Antitrust Problem, Denis Binder
Beyond the Prima Facie Case in Employment Discrimination Law: Statistical Proof and Rebuttal, Tom Campbell
Constitutional and Statutory Restrictions on Political Parties in the Wake of Cousins v. Wigoda, Ronald D. Rotunda
Presidents and Ex-Presidents as Witnesses: A Brief Historical Footnote, Ronald D. Rotunda
Sponsors of Real Estate Partnerships as Brokers and Investment Advisors, Ronald D. Rotunda and Robert C. Hacker
Submissions from 1974
The Energy Crisis, the Environment and the Consumer: A Solomonian Task, Denis Binder
Submissions from 1973
A Novel Approach to Reasonable Regulation of Strip Mining, Denis Binder
Pregnancy, Maternity Leave and Title VII, Denis Binder
The Securities Law of Contested Tender Offers, Denis Binder
Submissions from 1972
Taking Versus Reasonable Regulation: A Reappraisal in Light of Regional Planning and Wetlands, Denis Binder
Submissions from 1971
Sex Discrimination in the Airline Industry: Title VII Flying High, Denis Binder
The Combination of Functions in Administrative Actions: An Examination of European Alternatives, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Public Interest Appellant: Limitations on the Right of Competent Parties to Settle Litigation Out of Court, Ronald D. Rotunda
Submissions from 1970
Reform of the Presidential Nominating Conventions, Ronald D. Rotunda and Reid Chambers
Submissions from 1968
Heart Transplants: Legal Obstacles to Donation, Frank J. Doti