Law Faculty Articles and Research

Below you may find selected research articles from faculty in the Fowler School of Law.


Submissions from 2007

Bilateral Monopoly in Mergers, Tom Campbell

Term Limits and Party Loyalty, Tom Campbell and Cameron Doolittle

Book Review: Stromseth et al., Can Might Make Right? (2006), Lan Cao


Culture Change, Lan Cao


Counterproductive and Counterintuitive Counterterrorism: The Post-September 11 Treatment of Refugees and Asylum-Seekers, Marisa S. Cianciarulo


Modern-Day Slavery and Cultural Bias: Proposals for Reforming the U.S. Visa System for Victims of International Human Trafficking, Marisa S. Cianciarulo


Born in the USA? Re-assessing Birthright Citizenship in the Wake of 9/11, John C. Eastman


Full Faith and Republican Guarantees: Gay Marriage, FMPA, and the Courts, John C. Eastman

Comment on Michael A. Stegman et al.'s "Preventive Servicing Is Good for Business and Affordable Homeownership Policy": What Prevents Loan Modifications?, Kurt Eggert


Sovereignty Migrates in U.S. and Mexican Law: Transnational Influences in Plenary Power and Non-Intervention, Ernesto A. Hernández-López


Furman's Mythical Mandate, Scott W. Howe

Rule and Exception in Criminal Law (Or, Are Criminal Defenses Necessary?), Janine Y. Kim

Miranda at 40: Applications in a Post-Enron, Post-9/11 World, Donald J. Kochan


What Students Don't Know Will Hurt Them: A Frank View from the Field on How to Better Prepare Our Clinic and Externship Students, Carolyn R. Young Larmore


Good Cause is Bad Medicine for the New E-Discovery Rules, Henry S. Noyes


If you (Re)Build It, They Will Come: Contracts to Remake the Rules of Litigation in Arbitration's Image, Henry S. Noyes


A Localist's Case for Decentralizing Immigration Policy, Matthew J. Parlow


Against Orthodoxy: Miranda Is Not Prophylactic and the Constitution is Not Perfect, Lawrence Rosenthal


A Theory of Governmental Damages Liability: Torts, Constitutional Torts, and Takings, Lawrence Rosenthal


Does Due Process Have an Original Meaning? On Originalism, Due Process, Procedural Innovation . . . and Parking Tickets, Lawrence Rosenthal

Writing Public Order Laws that Pass Constitutional Muster, Summer, Municipal Advocate, Lawrence Rosenthal

Holding Enemy Combatants in the Wake of Hamdan, Ronald D. Rotunda

Remembering Robert J. Drinan, S.J., Ronald D. Rotunda


Teaching Professional Responsibility and Ethics, Ronald D. Rotunda


Marriage Equality in California: Legal and Political Prospects, Kenneth W. Starr, Shannon Price Minter, John C. Eastman, and David C. Codell

Submissions from 2006


Misunderestimating Dastar: How the Supreme Court Unwittingly Revolutionized Copyright Preemption, Tom W. Bell


Prediction Markets for Promoting the Progress of Science and the Useful Arts, Tom W. Bell


The Impact of Blogging on the Practice of Law: Hit the Snooze Button, Tom W. Bell


Terrorism and Asylum Seekers: Why the Real ID Act is a False Promise, Marisa S. Cianciarulo


Tax Terrorism: Nasty Truths about Investor Control Theory and the Accommodation of Social Security Privatization, Bobby L. Dexter


Transfiguration of the Deadbeat Dad and the Greedy Octogenarian: An Intratextualist Critique of Tax Refund Seizures, Bobby L. Dexter


California's Estate Tax Dilemma, Frank Doti


Listening to the Enemy: The President's Power to Conduct Surveillance of Enemy Communications During Time of War, John C. Eastman


Politics and the Court: Did the Supreme Court Really Move Left Because of Embarrassment over Bush v. Gore?, John C. Eastman


"China Casts a Giant Shadow": The Developing World Confronts Trade Liberalization and the End of Quotas in the Garment Industry, John A. Hall


In the Shadow of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal: The Domestic Trials of Nuon Paet, Chhouk Rin and Sam Bith, and the Search for Judicial Legitimacy in Cambodia, John A. Hall


International Migration and Sovereignty Reinterpretation in Mexico, Ernesto A. Hernández-López


Hate Crime Law and the Limits of Inculpation, Janine Y. Kim

Runoff and Reality: Externalities, Economics, and Traceability Issues in Urban Runoff Regulation, Donald J. Kochan

The Blogosphere and the New Pamphleteers, Donald J. Kochan


The Meaninglessness of Delayed Appointments and Discretionary Grants of Capital Postconviction Counsel, Celestine R. McConville


Unintended Consequences: Eminent Domain and Affordable Housing, Matthew J. Parlow


Urban Runoff, Its Consequences, and the Problems of Regulation, Matthew J. Parlow


The Brain-Disordered Defendant: Neuroscience and Legal Insanity in the Twenty-First Century, Richard E. Redding


The Dangers and Drawbacks of the Disclosure Antidote: Toward a More Substantive Approach to Securities Regulation, Susanna Kim Ripken

Continuing the March Toward Reasonableness: Last Term's Fourth Amendment Decisions, Lawrence Rosenthal


Judicial Ethics, the Appearance of Impropriety, and the Proposed New ABA Judicial Code (The Howard Lichtenstein Lecture in Legal Ethics), Ronald D. Rotunda


The Detainee Cases of 2004 and 2006 and their Aftermath, Ronald D. Rotunda


The Propriety of a Judge’s Failure to Recuse When Being Considered for Another Position, Ronald D. Rotunda

Submissions from 2005


Treason, Technology, and Freedom of Expression, Tom W. Bell

Environmental Justice Index III, Denis Binder


The W Visa: A Legislative Proposal for Female and Child Refugees Trapped in a Post-September 11 World, Marisa S. Cianciarulo


Federal Legislation and States Rights: Of Hapless Toads, Home-Grown Medical Marijuana, and Wiccan Worship in State Prisons, John C. Eastman


Is the Solomon Amendment F.A.I.R.-Some Thoughts on Congress's Power to Impose This Condition on Federal Spending, John C. Eastman


Judicial Review Of Unenumerated Rights: Does Marburys Holding Apply In a Post-Warren Court World?, John C. Eastman


Philosopher King Courts: Is the Exercise of Higher Law Authority without a Higher Law Foundation Legitimate?, John C. Eastman


The Value of Plea Bargaining, Scott W. Howe

No Longer Little Known but Now a Door Ajar: An Overview of the Evolving and Dangerous Role of the Alien Tort Statute in Human Rights and International Law Jurisprudence, Donald J. Kochan


Protecting the Right to Effective Assistance of Capital Postconviction Counsel: The Scope of the Constitutional Obligation to Monitor Counsel Performance, Celestine R. McConville


Predictions, Projections, and Precautions: Conveying Cautionary Warnings in Corporate Forward-Looking Statements, Susanna Kim Ripken


The Crime Drop and the Fourth Amendment: Toward an Empirical Jurisprudence of Search and Seizure, Lawrence Rosenthal


Alleged Conflicts of Interest Because of the “Appearance of Impropriety”, Ronald D. Rotunda

Submissions from 2004

Suing Hitler's Willing Business Partners: American Justice and Holocaust Morality, Michael J. Bazyler

A New Test for Predation: Targeting, Tom Campbell and Nirit Sandman


The Ethnic Question in Law and Development, Lan Cao


The Transnational and Sub-National in Global Crimes, Lan Cao


A Fistful of Denial: The Supreme Court Takes a Pass on Commerce Clause Challenges to Environmental Laws, John C. Eastman


Anatomy of the Federal Litigation: Challenging the Legislature's Actions in the Wake of Guinn v. Legislature, John C. Eastman

Honoring the Oath of Office: Ideology in Judicial Confirmation, John C. Eastman

Chapman University Presents Consumer Law Symposium on Responsibility and Reform, Kurt Eggert


Limiting Abuse and Opportunism by Mortgage Servicers, Kurt Eggert

Striking a Balance: Basic Questions About Consumer Protection Law, Kurt Eggert


Truth in Gaming: Toward Consumer Protection in the Gambling Industry, Kurt Eggert


The Futile Quest for Racial Neutrality in Capital Selection and the Eighth Amendment Argument for Abolition Based on Unconscious Racial Discrimination, Scott W. Howe

From Exxon to Engle: The Futility of Assessing Punitive Damages as Against Corporate Entities, Lisa Litwiller

Why Amendments to Rule 23 Are Not Enough: A Case for the Federalization of Class Actions, Lisa Litwiller


Is E-Discovery So Different That It Requires New Discovery Rules? An Analysis of Proposed Amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Henry S. Noyes

Bias on Prejudice? The Politics of Research on Racial Prejudice, Richard E. Redding


"Why It Is Essential to Teach About Mental Health Issues in Criminal Law (and a Primer on How to Do It), Richard E. Redding


What Do Juvenile Offenders Know About Being Tried as Adults? Implications for Deterrence, Richard E. Redding and Elizabeth J. Fuller


A Review of Mood Disorders Among Juvenile Offenders, Richard E. Redding and Eileen P. Ryan

Current Proposals for Media Accountability in Light of the First Amendment, Ronald D. Rotunda

Submissions from 2003

Trading with the Enemy: Holocaust Restitution, the United States Government, and American Industry, Michael J. Bazyler and Amber L. Fitzgerald


Authors' Welfare: Copyright as a Statutory Mechanism for Redistributing Rights, Tom W. Bell


Free Speech, Strict Scrutiny, and Self-Help: How Technology Upgrades Constitutional Jurisprudence, Tom W. Bell

Emergency Action Plans: A Legal and Practical Blueprint, Denis Binder

The Liability Consequences of Dam Failures, Denis Binder


Resisting the Expansion of Bankruptcy Court Power under Section 105 of the Bankruptcy Code: The All Writs Act and an Admonition from Chief Justice Marshall, Daniel B. Bogart


The Diaspora of Ethnic Economies: Beyond the Pale?, Lan Cao

Historical Perspective on Charity and Estate Taxes, Frank J. Doti


Re-evaluating The Privileges or Immunities Clause, John C. Eastman


The Limited Nature of the Senate's Advice and Consent Role, John C. Eastman


The Magic of Vouchers is No Sleight of Hand: A Reply to Steven K. Green, John C. Eastman


Lashed to the Mast and Crying for Help: How Self-Limitation of Autonomy Can Protect Elders from Predatory Lending, Kurt Eggert


Bag Wars and Bank Wars, the Gucci and Banque National de Paris Hostile Bids: European Corporate Culture Responds to Active Shareholders, Ernesto A. Hernández-López


The Right to Effective Assistance of Capital Postconviction Counsel: Constitutional Implications of Statutory Grants of Capital Counsel, Celestine R. McConville

The Effects of Adjudicating and Sentencing Juveniles as Adults: Research and Policy Implications, Richard E. Redding

"Where Did You Go to Law School?” Gatekeeping for the Professoriate and Its Implications for Legal Education, Richard E. Redding

Youth Violence Through the Lens of Normal and Pathological Development, Richard E. Redding

The Role of Research in Forensic Psychological Testimony: Do Judges Listen?, Richard E. Redding, Alan M. Goldstein, Marchelle R. Thomson, and Douglas Osman