Transparency Of Financial Regulation
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This chapter explores the concept of transparency in financial regulation from the perspective of the public. It looks at the role of risk assessment in transparency and the regulatory environment as well as the importance of pluralism in competition in the financial sector. The chapter first considers the meaning of “transparency of financial regulation” and its relation to simplicity. It then traces the progression of the Basel capital adequacy framework from Basel I to Basel III, along with the sources of lack of transparency in the framework. It also presents data showing the lack of transparency in the Basel Capital Accord and countries’ regulatory responses to the global financial crisis. Differences in the implementation of regulation regarding systemically important financial institutions are outlined. Finally, it discusses recent proposals for the separation or separability of financial activities with the goal of enhancing the transparency of banks’ activities for both market participants and resolution authorities.
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Oxford University Press
Oxford, UK
Economics, Financial Markets, Public Economics, Banks, Basel Capital Accord, Capital Adequacy, Competition, financial Crisis, Transparency
Banking and Finance Law | Finance and Financial Management
Recommended Citation
Barth, J. R., Apanard, P., and Wihlborg, C. (2014). Transparency Of financial regulation. In Jens Forssbaeck and Lars Oxelheim (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook Of Economic And Institutional Transparency (pp. 258). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
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Oxford University Press
In The Oxford Handbook Of Economic And Institutional Transparency. Dr. Wihlborg's chapter begins on page 258.