"John Fowles Literary Forum: Maxine Hong Kingston" by Maxine Hong Kingston

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Maxine Hong Kingston is a Chinese American author and Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley, where she graduated with a BA in English in 1962. Kingston has written three novels and several works of non-fiction about the experiences of Chinese immigrants living in the United States. Kingston’s writing is often cited for its melodiousness and poetry – its exploration of myth, legend, history and autobiography that combines to create a genre all to its own. She caught the world’s attention with her 1976 book “The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among the Ghosts,” an artful blend of memoir and myth about growing up in two worlds as a first-generation Chinese-American in Stockton, Calif. In this lecture, Kingston reads excerpts from her book and discusses her famous creative non-fiction, about Hua Mulan, the woman warrior. Kingston has received several awards for her contributions to Chinese American Literature including the National Book Award in 1981.

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