About This Journal | Voces Novae | Undergraduate Journals | Chapman University

About This Journal

Aims and Scope

The purpose of Voces Novae is to encourage undergraduate historical research and to introduce and promote new voices in undergraduate historical discourse.

Voces Novae is an academic journal, which publishes quality papers on a variety of historical topics. Though there is no particular historical subject that articles must be centered around, publishable articles must illustrate and develop a clear, narrowly-defined thesis out of intensive primary source research and show a caliber of writing that is appropriate for publication.

Voces Novae publishes peer-reviewed articles written for History classes at Chapman University, as well as oral histories conducted by students at Chapman University (as available). The bulk of the submissions are written by History majors on a variety of topics for their Senior Seminar classes. Phi Alpha Theta membership is not necessary for publication; all submissions that are of caliber will be considered for publication.

Editorial Board

The Editorial Board of Voces Novae consists of six students, the majority of whom must be members of Phi Alpha Theta. The Board is divided as follows: two Senior Editors, two Junior Editors, and two Sophomore Editors. During the peer review process, each member of the Editorial Board supervises a team of volunteer student editors drawn primarily from undergraduate history courses at Chapman University.

For a more detailed description of the structure of the Editorial Board, see "Editorial Board".

Peer Review Process

Articles published in Voces Novae have been put through a rigorous peer-review process. Papers are initially reviewed by a member(s) of the Editorial Board. An editorial committee of four editors then reads the paper, makes any necessary copy edit changes, and notes any larger issues for the author to remedy. The article is returned to the author for approval of the changes and any rewrites he or she wishes to make. Then the article is once again reviewed by a member(s) of the Editorial Board to ensure that it is ready for publication.

For a more detailed description of the peer review process, see "Editorial Board."


Voces Novae is published annually by the Alpha Mu Gamma Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta. Back issues are available here.

Contact Information

For further information about Voces Novae, or to submit, please contact vocesnovaejournal@gmail.com.