SURF Posters and Papers | Center for Undergraduate Excellence | Chapman University

A selection of papers, posters, and theses voluntarily deposited by students in Chapman University's Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program.

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SURF students: interested in submitting your work? Email it, along with a signed submission form, to (See also our Submission Policies and Guidelines.)


Submissions from 2020


The Poincaré Duality Theorem and its Applications, Natanael Alpay, Melissa Sugimoto, and Mihaela Vajiac


Letters from an AI Poet to its Creator: AI Ethics and Aesthetics Through the Lens of Computer-Generated Poetry, Ginger Yifan Chen


Stress and Negative Affect as Mediators in the Association between Parental Social Support and Lung Function in Adolescents with Asthma, Amber Osorno, Eric Sternlicht, Pornchai Tirakitsoontorn, Azucena Talamantes, Anchalee Yuengsrigul, Zeev N. Kain, and Brooke Jenkins


Brainwaves and Intentions: The Readiness Potential and Its Relation to Free Will, Joanna Pak, Aaron Schurger, Adina Roskies, and Pengbo Hu


The Good War?: Reinterpreting the Second World War in Contemporary Musical Theatre, Leana Sottile


The Künneth Formula and Applications, Melissa Sugimoto


“Is My Package Big Enough?”: Emerging Asian-American Men and Masculinity, Corinne Tam


Designing a Reactor Chamber for Hot Electron Chemistry on Bimetallic Plasmonic Nanoparticles, Bryn Merrill, Bingjie Zhang, and Jerry LaRue

Submissions from 2017


Effects of Restrained Eating on Episodic Memory and Implications for Homeostatic Appetite Regulation, Morgan Kindel

Submissions from 2016


Ocean Acidification and Predator-Prey Relations: Correlating Disruption of Predator Avoidance with Chemosensory Deficits, Alexandra FW Sidun and William G. Wright

Submissions from 2015


From a Chat in the Parlor to Viral Music Videos: An Analysis of Music as a Social Occasion, Emma Plotnik


Prostate Field Cancerization – Thinking Outside the Tumor, Dor Shoshan

Submissions from 2014


Assessment of the Effects of Caffeine, Gallic Acid, and Epigallocatechin-3-gallate on Cell Inhibition, PIM-3 and E. cadherin Protein Levels in Two Lines of Pancreatic Cancer Cells, Lena Haddad and Melissa Rowland-Goldsmith


A Trend Analysis of Aerosol Related Parameters and their Relation to Precipitation Variability in Arizona, Krista Rasmussen and Hesham el-Askary


Prostate Field Cancerization -- Thinking Outside the Tumor, Dor Shoshan and Marco Bisoffi


Dancing Through Life: Allosteric Transitions and Structural Analysis of Hsp70 and Hsp110 Chaperone Proteins, Gabrielle Stetz and Gennady M. Verkhivker