Transnational Organizing and the Race to the Bottom: Labor Struggles and Globalization from Below
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The two current trends of democratization and deepening economic liberalization have made Latin American countries a ground for massive defensive mobilization campaigns and have created new sites of popular struggle. In this edited volume on Latin American social movements, original chapters are combined with peer-reviewed articles from the well-regarded journal Mobilization. Each section represents a major theme in Latin American social movement research. Original chapters discuss the Madres de Plaza de Mayo movement in Argentina and the Zapatista movement in Chiapas, Mexico. Also included in the book's coverage of the region's major movements are los piqueteros and ant-isweatshop labor organizing. This is the first study to focus closely on the related issues of neoliberal globalization, democratization, and the workings of transnational advocacy networks in Latin America.
Publication Date
Rowman & Littlefield
Lanham, MD
Social Movements, Labor Unions, Latin America, Globalization
Growth and Development | International Economics | International Relations | Latin American Languages and Societies | Other Political Science | Politics and Social Change | Work, Economy and Organizations
Recommended Citation
Carty, V. (2006). Transnational organizing and the race to the bottom: Labor struggles and globalization from below. In H. Johnston and P. Almeida (Eds.), Latin American social movements: Globalization, democratization and transnational networks (pp. 215-230). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Peer Reviewed
Rowman & Littlefield
In Hank Johnston and Paul Almeida (Eds.), Latin American Social Movements: Globalization, Democratization and Transnational Networks. Dr. Carty's chapter begins on page 215.
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