"Multi-­‐Method Assessment of ISIL" by Michael Nagata, Ali Abbas et al.


Michael Nagata, US Army
Ali Abbas, University of Southern California
Scott Atran, ARTIS
Bill Braniff, University of Maryland
Andrew Bringuel, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Muayyad al-Chalabi, JHU-APL
Sarah Canna, NSI
Jocelyne Cesari, Georgetown University
Jacquelynn Chinn, Texas A&M
Jon Cole, University of Liverpool
Steven Corman, Arizona State University
Jonathon Cosgrove, JHU-APL
Allison Astorino-Courtois, NSI
John Crowe, University of Nebraska
Richard Davis, ARTIS
Natalie Flora, Federal Bureau of Investigation
James Giordano, Georgetown University
Craig Giorgis, Marine Corps University
Mackenzie Harms, University of Nebraska
Benjamin Jensen, Marine Corps University
Richard John, University of Southern California
Randy Kluver, Texas A&M
Larry Kuznar, Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne
Gina Ligon, University of Nebraska
Leif Lundmark, University of Nebraska
Clark McCauley, Bryn Mawr College
William H. Moon, Department of the Air Force
Sophia Moskalenko, Bryn Mawr College
Dan Myers, Marine Corps University
Ryan Pereira, University of Maryland
Stacy Pollard, JHU-APL
Philip Potter, University of Virginia
Hammad Sheikh, ARTIS
Johannes Siebert, University of Southern California
Peter Simi, Chapman UniversityFollow
Lee Slusher, JHU-APL
Anne Speckhard, Georgetown University
Jason Spitaletta, USMCR
Laura Steckman, Whitney, Bradley and Brown
Shalini Venturelli, American University
Jeff Weyers, University of Liverpool
Lydia Wilson, ARTIS
Detlof von Winterfeldt, University of Southern California

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"The contents of this paper reflect some of the work that Dr. Cabayan and his colleagues are doing to help us understand and comprehend this “intangible power” across a unique enterprise of academicians, scientists, policy intellectuals, current and former Foreign Service, military, and intelligence professionals. Most importantly, their efforts to improve our comprehension will enable us to adjust our efforts, our operations, our investments, and our risk-­‐calculations to more effectively contest it and the organization that wields it. I am grateful for their tireless work in this regard, and I commend it to the reader."



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