Inner Region Accretion Flows onto Black Holes
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We examine here the inner region accretion flows onto black holes. A variety of models are presented. We also discuss viscosity mechanisms under a variety of circumstances, for standard accretion disks onto galactic black holes and supermassive black holes and hot accretion disks. Relevant work is presented here on unified aspects of disk accretion onto supermassive black holes and the possible coupling of thick disks to beams in the inner regions. We also explore other accretion flow scenarios. We conclude that a variety of scenarios yield high temperatures in the inner flows and that viscosity is likely not higher than alpha ∼ 0.01.
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supermassive black holes, accretion flows, viscosity mechanisms
Cosmology, Relativity, and Gravity | Stars, Interstellar Medium and the Galaxy
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Kafatos, M., Subramanian, P., (1999) Inner region accretion flows onto black holes. In Kouveliotou, C., Ventura, J.E, & van den Heuvel, E.P. (Eds.), The Neutron Star - Black Hole Connection, Proceedings of NATO Advanced Study Institute, 7 - 18 June 1999, Elounda, Crete, Greece.
This the pre-print of an article that was published at a later date. This version had not yet undergone peer review and may differ from the final, published version.
The final, peer-reviewed and copy-edited version appears in Kouveliotou, C., Ventura, J.E, & van den Heuvel, E.P. (Eds.), The Neutron Star - Black Hole Connection, Proceedings of NATO Advanced Study Institute, 7 - 18 June 1999, Elounda, Crete, Greece.