The Schur Algorithm, Reproducing Kernel Spaces and System Theory
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The same positive functions (in the sense of reproducing kernel spaces) appear in a natural way in two different domains, namely the modeling of time-invariant dissipative linear systems and the theory of linear operators. We use the associated reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces to study the relationships between these domains. The inverse scattering problem plays a key role in the exposition. The reproducing kernel approach allows us to tackle in a natural way more general cases, such as nonstationary systems, the case of a non-positive metric and the case of pairs of commuting nonself-adjoint operators.
Publication Date
American Mathematical Society
Providence, Rhode Island
Algebra | Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics | Other Mathematics
Recommended Citation
Alpay, D. (2001). The Schur algorithm, reproducing kernel spaces and system theory. Providence: American Mathematical Society.
American Mathematical Society
A translation by Stephen S. Wilson of Algorithme de Schur, Espaces a Noyau Reproduisant Et Théorie Des Systemes by Daniel Alpay.
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