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It is shown that the codewords of the binary and ternary Golay codes can be converted into rays in RP23 and RP11 that provide proofs of the Kochen-Specker theorem in real state spaces of dimensions 24 and 12, respectively. Some implications of these results are discussed.


This article was originally published in Physical Review A, volume 106, issue 6, in 2022.

Supplementary_Material (32 kB)
This file supplies a listing of the 220 rays derived from the 440 words of the ternary Golay code of weight 9. The rays are listed in an arbitrary numbering, following which the 495 bases formed by these rays are listed. It can be checked that each ray occurs exactly 27 times over the bases. Special Instructions: This is an ordinary text file and can be opened, for example, with Notepad.

Peer Reviewed



American Physical Society



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