"Raman Spectroscopy as a Tool for Rapid Feedback of Perovskite Growth C" by Serafim Teknowijoyo, Rajendra Dulal et al.

Raman Spectroscopy as a Tool for Rapid Feedback of Perovskite Growth Crystallinity and Composition

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Perovskites are ubiquitous in science and technology, from solar cells to high-temperature and exotic superconductivity. Exciting representatives of the perovskite family, such as metal-doped oxy-chalcogen calcium ruthenates, recently attracted the attention of researchers. Rapid modification of their properties is a key for research competitiveness. Crystalline structure plays an important role in the electronic properties of these materials, in particular superconductivity. Flux-assisted growth may deliver an advanced performance of these perovskites due to a higher level of crystallinity. In this article, we demonstrate that Raman spectroscopy enables a fast evaluation of improvement of the crystalline quality of Ca2RuO4 by using chlorine as a flux. In particular, ~0.6 wt.% of chlorine significantly modifies the properties of polycrystalline material. While standard energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) diagnostics could not resolve the presence of chlorine and distinguish between samples with and without it, Raman spectroscopy resolved the chlorine-related features with very high accuracy at initial synthesis. Moreover, after specially performed high-temperature treatment, which sublimated chlorine from the specimen, Raman analysis confirmed the absence of chlorine and presence of required crystalline phase. The feedback received in Raman analysis is very informative, and faster than provided by any other method.


This article was originally published in Spectroscopy Online, volume 36, supplement 6, in 2021.

Peer Reviewed



Spectroscopy Online
