Call for Consistency: the Need to Establish Gross Anatomy Learning Objectives for the Entry-Level Physical Therapist
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A need currently exists for the establishment of anatomy learning objectives for physical therapist education programs. Developing recommended anatomy objectives to serve as a curricular guide may foster more consistent student outcomes while preserving instructional autonomy. These objectives could serve as a vital resource when making decisions during curricular reform or prioritizing and emphasizing the curriculum’s anatomic content. We advocate for collaboration amongst anatomy faculty and clinicians to create specific and measurable anatomy learning objectives for the entry-level physical therapist. It is essential that the objectives be peer-reviewed and that they reflect a global consensus.
Recommended Citation
Carroll, M., Tracy-Bee, M. & McKenzie, A. Call for Consistency: the Need to Establish Gross Anatomy Learning Objectives for the Entry-Level Physical Therapist. Med.Sci.Educ. 31, 1193–1197 (2021).
Peer Reviewed
International Association of Medical Science Educators
This article was originally published in Medical Science Educator, volume 31, in 2021.
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