Below you may find selected research articles from Physical Therapy faculty in the Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences.


Submissions from 2025


Two-year Follow-up of Gait and Postural Control Following Initiation of Recombinant Human Tripeptidyl Intracerebroventricular Enzyme Replacement Therapy in Two Atypical CLN2 Patients, Rahul Soangra, Marybeth Grant-Beuttler, Harriet Chang, and Raymond Y. Wang

Submissions from 2024


Running Biomechanics Differ During and After Pregnancy Compared to Females Who Have Never Been Pregnant, Jennifer J. Bagwell, Elizabeth Avila, Nicholas Reynolds, Jo Armour Smith, Kevin Valenzuela, and Dimitrios Katsavelis


Testing the Reliability of Optical Coherence Tomography to Measure Epidermal Thickness and Distinguish Volar and Nonvolar Skin, Molly E. Baumann, Nina Rossa Haddad, Alyssa Salazar, W. Lee Childers, Shawn Farrokhi, Neil B. Goldstein, Brad D. Henderson, Lisa Reider, Richard E. Thompson, Michael S. Valerio, Christopher L. Dearth, Luis A. Garza, and Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium (METRC)


Toward Facilitating the Collection and Utilization of Patient-reported Outcomes in the Military Health System: Lessons Learned from a Pragmatic Clinical Trial on Physical Therapy Management for Low Back Pain, Emma H. Beisheim-Ryan, Brad D. Hendershot, Timothy C. Mauntel, Sara R. Gorczynski, Ryan W. Smith, Andrea Crunkhorn, Shawn Farrokhi, and Christopher L. Dearth


A Single-Center, Assessor-Blinded, Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial to Test the Safety and Efficacy of a Novel Brain-Computer Interface Controlled Functional Electrical Stimulation (BCI-FES) Intervention for Gait Rehabilitation in the Chronic Stroke Population, Piyashi Biswas, Lucy Dodakian, Po T. Wang, Christopher A. Johnson, Jill See, Vicky Chan, Cathy Chou, Wendy Lazouras, Alison L. McKenzie, David J. Reinkensmeyer, Danh V. Nguyen, Steven C. Cramer, An H. Do, and Zoran Nenadic


The Dual Timescales of Gait Adaptation: Initial Stability Adjustments Followed by Subsequent Energetic Cost Adjustments, Sasha A. Brinkerhoff, Natalia Sánchez, Meral N. Culver, William M. Murrah, Austin T. Robinson, J. Danielle McCullough, Matthew W. Miller, and Jaimie A. Roper


Alignment within Clinical Education Programs and the Clinical Site - Administrative Processes Assessment, Jocelin Friedman, Hannah Bennett, and Rachel Keith


The Feigned Annoyance and Frustration Test to Activate the Sympathoadrenal Medullary System, Ted W. Gehrig III, Lee S. Berk, Robert I. Dudley, Jo A. Smith, Lida Gharibvand, and Everett B. Lohman III


Duration, Cost, and Escalation of Care Events for Physical Therapy Management of Low Back Pain in Service Members With Limb Loss, Brittney M. Gunterstockman, Brad D. Hendershot, Joseph Kakyomya, Charity G. Patterson, Christopher L. Dearth, and Shawn Farrokhi


Correlation Enhanced Distribution Adaptation for Prediction of Fall Risk, Ziqi Guo, Teresa Wu, Thurmon Lockhart, Rahul Soangra, and Hyunsoo Yoon


Evaluating Visual Dependence in Postural Stability Using Smartphone and Stroboscopic Glasses, Brent A. Harper, Michael Shiraishi, and Rahul Soangra


Assessing Brain Processing Deficits Using Neuropsychological and Vision-Specific Tests for Concussion, Brent A. Harper and Rahul Soangra


Short-Term Benefits from Manual Therapy as an Adjunct Treatment for Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness Symptoms: A Preliminary Prospective Case Series, Brent A. Harper and Larry Steinbeck


Combining Static and Dynamic Myofascial Dry Cupping Therapy to Improve Local and Regional Symptoms in Individuals with Low Back Pain: A Case Series, Brent Harper, Alana Dudek, Julianne Williamson, Alex Siyufy, and Jo Armour Smith


Center of Pressure Velocity and Dynamic Postural Control Strategies Vary During Y-Balance and Star Excursion Balance Testing, Kristen L. Jagger and Brent Harper


The Influence of Active, Passive, and Manual Therapy Interventions on Escalation of Health Care Events After Physical Therapist Care in Veterans With Low Back Pain, John M. Mayer, M. Jason Highsmith, Jason Maikos, Charity G. Patterson, Joseph Kakyomya, Bridget Smith, Nigel Shenoy, Christopher L. Dearth, and Shawn Farrokhi


Review of Data Bias in Healthcare Applications, Atharva Prakash Parate, Aditya Ajay Iyer, Kanav Gupta, Harsh Porwal, P. C. Kishoreraja, R. Sivakumar, and Rahul Soangra


Classification of Colorectal Cancer Using ResNet and EfficientNet Models, Abhishek Ranjan, Priyanshu Srivastva, B Prabadevi, R Sivakumar, Rahul Soangra, and Shamala K. Subramaniam

Submissions from 2023


Stepping Beyond Efficacy: Understanding the User Experience of Wearables for Children with Idiopathic Toe Walking in the Natural Setting, LouAnne Boyd, Rahul Soangra, Lara Mukhar, Rachel Kling, and Marybeth Grant Beuttler


Habitual Exercise Evokes Fast and Persistent Adaptation During Split-belt Walking, Sasha A. Brinkerhoff, Natalia Sánchez, and Jaimie A. Roper


Dense & Attention Convolutional Neural Networks for Toe Walking Recognition, Junde Chen, Rahul Soangra, Marybeth Grant-Beuttler, Y. A. Nanehkaran, and Yuxin Wen


Lifelong Fitness in Ambulatory Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy II: Influencing the Trajectory, Susan V. Duff, Justine D. Kimbel, Marybeth Grant-Beuttler, Theresa Sukal-Moulton, Noelle G. Moreau, and Kathleen M. Friel


Doctor of Physical Therapy Students’ Experience with Microaggressions in the Clinic: A Call to Action, Jocelin Friedman and Todd E. Davenport


Implementation of Post-COVID Conditions Management Utilizing Interprofessional Collaboration in a Multi-facility Healthcare Organization, Jocelin Friedman, Christina Dhesi-Bawa, Kathleen Kennedy, Stephen Lee, and Leona Hidalgo


Integrating Glenohumeral Range of Motion with Dynamic Postural Control for Early Detection of Elbow Injury Risk in Collegiate Baseball Pitchers: A Preliminary Prospective Case Series, Brent A. Harper, Luke J. Bailey, Mikayla N. Jones, and Joseph Bradley


Novice Inter-Rater Reliability on the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) After a 4-Hour Training Session, Brent Harper and Adrian Aron


Soccer Heading Drills and Concussion-Related Deficits in High School Female Athletes, Brent Harper, Adrian Aron, and Rahul Soangra


The Efficacy of Manual Therapy on HRV in Those with Long-Standing Neck Pain: A Systematic Review, Brent Harper, Parker Price, and Megan Steele


A Portable and Reliable Tool for On-site Physical Reaction Time (RT) Measurement, Brent Harper, Michael Shiraishi, and Rahul Soangra


The Effect of Spinal Muscle Fatigue and Psychosocial Factors on Pressure-Pain Threshold in Healthy Adults, Susan Mais and Jo Armour Smith


Lifelong Fitness in Ambulatory Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy I: Key Ingredients for Bone and Muscle Health, Noelle G. Moreau, Kathleen M. Friel, Robyn K. Fuchs, Sudarshan Dayanidhi, Theresa Sukal-Moulton, Marybeth Grant-Beuttler, Mark D. Peterson, Richard D. Stevenson, and Susan V. Duff


Multi-Site Identification and Generalization of Clusters of Walking Behaviors in Individuals With Chronic Stroke and Neurotypical Controls, Natalia Sanchez, Nicolas Schweighofer, Sara J. Mulroy, Ryan T. Roemmich, Tricia M. Kesar, Gelsy Torres-Oviedo, Beth E. Fisher, James M. Finley, and Carolee J. Winstein


Multi-Site Identification and Generalization of Clusters of Walking Behaviors in Individuals With Chronic Stroke and Neurotypical Controls, Natalia Sánchez, Nicolas Schweighofer, Sara J. Mulroy, Ryan T. Roemmich, Trisha M. Keshar, Gelsy Torres-Oviedo, Beth E. Fisher, James M. Finley, and Carolee J. Winstein


Understanding the Biering-Sørensen Test: Contributors to Extensor Endurance in Young Adults With and Without a History of Low Back Pain, Jonathan Shaw, Jesse V. Jacobs, Linda R. Van Dillen, George J. Beneck, and Jo Armour Smith


Identifying the Neural Correlates of Anticipatory Postural Control: A Novel fMRI Paradigm, Jo Armour Smith, Rongwen Tain, Kelli G. Sharp, Laura M. Glynn, Linda R. Van Dillen, Korinne Henslee, Jesse V. Jacobs, and Steven C. Cramer


Classifying Unstable and Stable Walking Patterns Using Electroencephalography Signals and Machine Learning Algorithms, Rahul Soangra, Jo Armour Smith, Sivakumar Rajagopal, Sai Viswanth Reddy Yedavalli, and Erandumveetil Ramadas Anirudh


Microaggressions: Investigating Physical Therapy Student Perspectives During Clinical Experiences, Dakota Studley, Jocelin Friedman, Ashley H. Campbell, Laurie Shimko, and Megan B. Flores

Submissions from 2022


Kinematic Analysis of 360° Turning in Stroke Survivors Using Wearable Motion Sensors, Masoud Abdollahi, Pranav Madhav Kuber, Michael Shiraishi, Rahul Soangra, and Ehsan Rashedi


General Variability Leads to Specific Adaptation Toward Energy Optimal Policies, Sabrina J. Abram, Katherine L. Poggensee, Natalia Sánchez, Surabhi N. Simha, James M. Finley, Steven H. Collins, and J. Maxwell Donelan


An Exploratory Analysis of Gait Biomechanics and Muscle Activation in Pregnant Females with High and Low Scores for Low Back or Pelvic Girdle Pain During and After Pregnancy, Jennifer J. Bagwell, Nicholas Reynolds, Jo Armour Smith, Michelle Walaszek, Hannah Runez, Kristina Lam, Julie Peterson, and Dimitrios Katsavelis


Peripheral Display in Virtual Reality Environments involves Higher Cognitive Demands Compared to Centered Display during Dual-Tasking, Moncef Bouzar, Marquessa Bryce, Segny Castillo, Damian Cortez, Olivia Doucette, Bayron Garcia, Andy Ho, Kara Ito, Chris Kim, Kelly Lansdell, and Rahul Soangra


Citizenship Matters: Non-Citizen COVID-19 Mortality Disparities in New York and Los Angeles, Jason A. Douglas, Georgiana Bostean, Angel Miles Nash, Emmanuel B. John, Lawrence M. Brown, and Andrew M. Subica


Quantifying Intra- and Interlimb Use During Unimanual and Bimanual Tasks in Persons with Hemiparesis Post-Stroke, Susan V. Duff, Aaron Miller, Lori Quinn, Gregory Youdan Jr., Lauri Bishop, Heather Ruthrauff, and Eric Wade


Bruce Protocol Test affects Postural Stability in Healthy Young Adults, Andreas Germanos, Tessa Heiberg, Annie Jeon, Emi Heisterkamp, Hao Giang, Jessica Cota, Laura Corona, Thomas Loi, Vincent Bovino, Shayce Cordero, Sunny Kim, Michael Shiraishi, and Rahul Soangra


Reliability and Validity of Inertial Sensor Assisted Reaction Time Measurement Tools among Healthy Young Adults, Brent Harper, Michael Shiraishi, and Rahul Soangra


Visualization-Driven Time-Series Extraction from Wearable Systems Can Facilitate Differentiation of Passive ADL Characteristics among Stroke and Healthy Older Adults, Joby John and Rahul Soangra


Comparison of Clinical and Biomechanical Characteristics Between Individuals With Lower Limb Amputation With and Without Lower Back Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Szu-Ping Lee, Shawn Farrokhi, Jenny A. Kent, Jason Ciccotelli, Lung-Chang Chien, and Jo Armour Smith


Test-Retest Reliability of Postural Control Assessment on Biodex BioSway™, Daniel Miner, Brent A. Harper, Stephen M. Glass, Brooke Martin, Molly Polizotto, S. Montana Hearl, and Ellen Turner


Faculty Racial/Ethnic Make-up Among America’s Top 40 DPT Program Website is Absent or Unclear: An Orthopedic Physical Therapy Perspective, Nicole Morris, Jake Tavernite, and Emmanuel Yung


Do People with Low Back Pain Walk Differently? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Jo Armour Smith, Heidi Stabbert, Jennifer J. Bagwell, Hsiang-Ling Teng, Vernie Wade, and Szu-Ping Lee


Beyond Efficiency: Surface Electromyography Enables Further Insights into the Surgical Movements of Urologists, Rahul Soangra, Pengbo Jiang, Daniel Haik, Perry Xu, Andrew Brevik, Akhil Peta, Shlomi Tapiero, Jaime Landman, Emmanuel John, and Ralph V. Clayman


Evaluation of Surgical Skill Using Machine Learning with Optimal Wearable Sensor Locations, Rahul Soangra, R. Sivakumar, E. R. Anirudh, Sai Viswanth Reddy Y., and Emmanuel B. John


Classifying Toe Walking Gait Patterns Among Children Diagnosed With Idiopathic Toe Walking Using Wearable Sensors and Machine Learning Algorithms, Rahul Soangra, Yuxin Wen, Hualin Yang, and Marybeth Grant-Beuttler

Submissions from 2021


Kinematic Assessment of Turning and Walking Tasks Among Stroke Survivors by Employing Wearable Sensors and Pressure Platform, Masoud Abdollahi, Pranav Madhav Kuber, Christopher Hoang, Michael Shiraishi, Rahul Soangra, and Ehsan Rashedi


Effects of Auditory Cueing on Cadence and Gait Pattern, Andrew Carballo, Matthew Chang, Brian Hirmiz, Nicolette Lambright, Vivian Lee, Marla Lewis, Martin Nguyen, Matthew Gothong, and Rahul Soangra


Movement System Theory and Anatomical Competence: Threshold Concepts for Physical Therapist Anatomy Education, Melissa A. Carroll, Alison McKenzie, and Mary Tracy-Bee


Call for Consistency: the Need to Establish Gross Anatomy Learning Objectives for the Entry-Level Physical Therapist, Melissa A. Carroll, Mary Tracy-Bee, and Alison McKenzie


Load Carriage Affects Kinematics during Ingress and Egress on Simulated Travelators, Alex Charbonneau, Ben Garson, Fiona Bisoffi, Stephanie Esparza, Miral Bhakta, Luke Bailey, and Rahul Soangra


Effects of ECG Data Length on Heart Rate Variability Among Young Healthy Adults, En-Fan Chou, Michelle Khine, Thurmon Lockhart, and Rahul Soangra


A Feasibility Study of Expanded Home-Based Telerehabilitation After Stroke, Steven C. Cramer, Lucy Dodakian, Vu Le, Alison McKenzie, Jill See, Renee Augsburger, Robert J. Zhou, Sophia M. Raefsky, Thalia Nguyen, Benjamin Vanderschelden, Gene Wong, Daniel Bandak, Laila Nazarzai, Amar Dhand, Walt Scacchi, and Jutta Heckhausen


Intense Arm Rehabilitation Therapy Improves the Modified Rankin Scale Score: Association Between Gains in Impairment and Function, Steven C. Cramer, Vu Le, Jeffrey L. Saver, Lucy Dodakian, Jill See, Renee Augsburger, Alison McKenzie, Robert J. Zhou, Nina L. Chiu, Jutta Heckhausen, Jessica M. Cassidy, Walt Scacchi, Megan Therese Smith, A. M. Barrett, Jayme Knutson, Dylan Edwards, David Putrino, Kunal Agrawal, Kenneth Ngo, Elliot J. Roth, David L. Tirschwell, Michelle L. Woodbury, Ross Zafonte, Wenle Zhao, Judith L. Spilker, Steven L. Wolf, Joseph P. Broderick, and Scott Janis


Asymmetric Load Carriage at Shoulder Height Affects Temporal Gait Characteristics Among Food Service Workers, Christopher Espino, Robin Faustino, Tiffany Franco, Angel Reign Galvan, Matthew Gothong, Ennis Khaleq, Cody Occhino, and Rahul Soangra


Item-level and Composite-level Interrater Reliability of Functional Movement Screen™ Scores Following Condensed Training in Novice Raters, Brent A. Harper and Stephen M. Glass


The Role of Pre-Season Health Characteristics as Injury Risk Factors in Female Adolescent Soccer Players, Brent Harper, Adrian Aron, and Emmanuel John


Surface Inclination Influences Fall Risk and Lower Extremity Joint Moments During Walking, Rachel Kling, Alex Chung, Courtney Cox, Emily Kimbro, Jim Grodzielanek, Stephen Ayres, Shireen Hosseini, Michael Shiraishi, and Rahul Soangra


Prediction of Fall Risk Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults Using a Wearable System, Thurmon Lockhart, Rahul Soangra, Hyunsoo Yoon, Teresa Wu, Christopher W. Frames, Raven Weaver, and Karen A. Roberto


Effects of Rucksack Military Accessory on Gait Dynamic Stability, Seong H. Moon, Christopher W. Frames, Rahul Soangra, and Thurmon Lockhart


Using Biofeedback to Reduce Spatiotemporal Asymmetry Impairs Dynamic Balance in People Post-Stroke, Sungwoo Park, Chang Liu, Natalia Sánchez, Julie K. Tilson, Sara J. Mulroy, and James M. Finley


Mobile Phone Sensors Can Discern Medication-related Gait Quality Changes in Parkinson's Patients in the Home Environment, Albert Pierce, Niklas König Ignasiak, Wilford K. Eiteman-Pang, Cyril Rakovski, and Vincent Berardi


Social Network Structure Is Related to Functional Improvement From Home-Based Telerehabilitation After Stroke, Archana Podury, Sophia M. Raefsky, Lucy Dodakian, Liam McCafferty, Vu Le, Alison McKenzie, Jill See, Robert J. Zhou, Thalia Nguyen, Benjamin Vanderschelden, Gene Wong, Laila Nazarzai, Jutta Heckhausen, Steven C. Cramer, and Amar Dhand


Does Subthalamic Deep Brain Stimulation Impact Asymmetry and Dyscoordination of Gait in Parkinson’s Disease?, Deepak K. Ravi, Christian R. Baumann, Elena Bernasconi, Michelle Gwerder, Niklas K. Ignasiak, Mechtild Uhl, Lennart Stieglitz, William R. Taylor, and Navrag B. Singh


Self-paced Treadmills Do Not Allow for Valid Observation of Linear and Nonlinear Gait Variability Outcomes in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease, Maryam Rohafza, Rahul Soangra, Jo Armour Smith, and Niklas König Ignasiak


Different Biomechanical Variables Explain Within-subjects versus Between-subjects Variance in Step Length Asymmetry Post-Stroke, Natalia Sánchez, Nicolas Schweighofer, and James M. Finley


Using Asymmetry to Your Advantage: Learning to Acquire and Accept External Assistance During Prolonged Split-belt Walking, Natalia Sánchez, Surabhi N. Simha, J. Maxwell Donelan, and James M. Finley


Lost in Translation: Simple Steps in Experimental Design of Neurorehabilitation-based Research Interventions to Promote Motor Recovery Post-Stroke, Natalia Sánchez and Carolee J. Winstein


Fear Avoidance Predicts Persistent Pain in Young Adults With Low Back Pain: A Prospective Study, Jo Armour Smith, Lindsay Russo, and Noel Santavana


Fear Avoidance Predicts Persistent Pain in Young Adults With Low Back Pain: A Prospective Study, Jo Armour Smith, Lindsay Russo, and Noel Santayana


Comparison of 360° Turn Cycles among Individuals after Stroke and Healthy Older Adults, Rahul Soangra, Vennila Krishnan, Joby John, Ehsan Rashedi, and Alison McKenzie


Smartphone-Based Prediction Model for Postoperative Cardiac Surgery Outcomes Using Preoperative Gait and Posture Measures, Rahul Soangra and Thurmon Lockhart


Foot Contact Dynamics and Fall Risk among Children Diagnosed with Idiopathic Toe Walking, Rahul Soangra, Michael Shiraishi, Richard Beuttler, Michelle Gwerder, LouAnne Boyd, Venkateswaran Muthukumar, Mohamed Trabia, Afshin Aminian, and Marybeth Grant-Beuttler


Reliability of a Barre-Mounted Dynamometer-Stabilizing Device in Measuring Dance-Specific Muscle Performance, Melissa Strzelinksi, Lori Thein Brody, Jo Armour Smith, and Shaw Bronner


Assessment of Major Depressive Disorders through Neuroimaging Studies and Their Treatment Methods, Jevetha Vijayadasan, Diksha Raghunathan, Sivakumar Rajagopal, and Rahul Soangra

Submissions from 2020


Lower Extremity Kinetics and Muscle Activation During Gait Are Significantly Different During and After Pregnancy Compared to Nulliparous Females, Jennifer J. Bagwell, Nicholas Reynolds, Michelle Walaszek, Hannah Runez, Kristina Lam, Jo Armour Smith, and Dimitrios Katsavelis


Mediolateral Damping of an Overhead Body Weight Support System Assists Stability During Treadmill Walking, M. Bannwart, S. L. Bayer, Niklas König Ignasiak, M. Bolliger, G. Rauter, and C. A. Easthope


Proposing a New Algorithm for Premanipulative Testing in Physical Therapy Practice, Brent Harper, Daniel Miner, and Harrison Vaughan


Scoring Performance Variations Between the Y Balance Test, A Modified Y Balance Test, and the Modified Star Excursion Balance Test, Kristen Jagger, Amanda Frazier, Adrian Aron, and Brent Harper


Wearable Sensor-based Gait Classification in Idiopathic Toe Walking Adolescents, Sharon Kim, Rahul Soangra, Marybeth Grant-Beuttler, and Afshin Aminian


Validity of Postural Sway Assessment on the Biodex BioSway™ Compared With the NeuroCom Smart Equitest, Daniel G. Miner, Brent A. Harper, and Stephen M. Glass


Development and Validation of Wearable Inertial Sensor System for Postural Sway Analysis, Michael Pollind and Rahul Soangra


Mini-Logger- A Wearable Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) for Postural Sway Analysis, Michael Pollind and Rahul Soangra


Customized Wearable Sensor-Based Insoles for Gait Re-training in Idiopathic Toe Walkers, Michael Pollind, Rahul Soangra, Marybeth Grant-Beuttler, and Afshin Aminian


Adaptations in Trunk-Pelvis Coordination Variability in Response to Fatiguing Exercise, Jo Armour Smith, Wilford K. Eiteman-Pang, Rahul Soangra, and Niklas König Ignasiak


Task-Invariance and Reliability of Anticipatory Postural Adjustments in Healthy Young Adults, Jo Armour Smith, Niklas König Ignasiak, and Jesse V. Jacobs


Effects of Visual Referencing on Backward and Forward Treadmill Walking in VR Environments, Rahul Soangra and Sivakumar Rajagopal


Gains Across WHO Dimensions of Function After Robot-Based Therapy in Stroke Subjects, Jennifer Wu, Lucy Dodakian, Jill See, Erin Burke Quinlan, Lisa Meng, Jeby Abraham, Ellen C. Wong, Vu Le, Alison McKenzie, and Steven C. Cramer


Gains Across WHO Dimensions of Function After Robot-Based Therapy in Stroke Subjects, Jennifer Wu, Lucy Dodakian, Jill See, Erin Burke Quinlan, Lisa Meng, Jeby Abraham, Ellen C. Wong, Vu Le, Alison McKenzie, and Steven C. Cramer


A Comparison of Denoising Methods in Onset Determination in Medial Gastrocnemius Muscle Activations during Stance, Jian Zhang, Rahul Soangra, and Thurmon Lockhart


Automatic Detection of Dynamic and Static Activities of the Older Adults Using a Wearable Sensor and Support Vector Machines, Jian Zhang, Rahul Soangra, and Thurmon E. Lockhart

Submissions from 2019


A Qualitative Study on the User Acceptance of a Home-Based Stroke Telerehabilitation System, Yu Chen, Yunan Chen, Kai Zheng, Lucy Dodakian, Jill See, Robert Zhou, Renee Augsburger, Alison McKenzie, and Steven C. Cramer


Efficacy of Home-Based Telerehabilitation vs In-Clinic Therapy for Adults After Stroke: A Randomized Clinical Trial, Steven C. Cramer, Lucy Dodakian, Vu Le, Jill See, Renee Augsburger, Alison McKenzie, Robert J. Zhou, Nina L. Chiu, Jutta Heckhausen, Jessica M. Cassidy, Walt Scacchi, Megan Therese Smith, A. M. Barrett, Jayme Knutson, Dylan Edwards, David Putrino, Kunal Agrawal, Kenneth Ngo, Elliot J. Roth, David L. Tirschwell, Michelle L. Woodbury, Ross Zafonte, Wenle Zhao, Judith L. Spilker, Steven L. Wolf, Joseph P. Broderick, and Scott Janis