"Must-Have Tips for Setting Up a Travel Health Clinic in Your Pharmacy" by Tania Gregorian, Jelena Lewis et al.

Must-Have Tips for Setting Up a Travel Health Clinic in Your Pharmacy

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"In 2017, more than 38 million U.S. citizens visited overseas destinations, and unfortunately, 22-64 percent of travelers reported some kind of health problem that could have been prevented with a pre-travel consultation.1,2 This translates to between 8.4 million and 24.3 million people with a health problem due to overseas travel. Despite these data, only 36-54 percent of U.S. travelers see a health provider for a pre-travel health appointment before their departure.3 As their scope expands, pharmacists are playing an increasing role in travel health, in which they provide patient education, vaccinations and prophylactic medications related to international travel."


This article was originally published on Total Pharmacy in April 2019.


Pharmacy & Healthcare Communications, LLC.
