"On Love in the Realm of Science" by Vuk Uskoković

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In the first half of 2009 I organized a series of talks at University of California, San Francisco. The series was dedicated to observing science from a wider perspective and figuring out where its trains and we as scientists in it are heading to. The final presentation in the series I envisaged as the one drawing threads between love and science. However, my aim was neither for that particular talk to be the one of explaining sensations of love using scientific language nor to be based on pastoral and pathetic eruptions of love about science. What I had in mind was a description of an adventurous quest to find love at the core of our scientific endeavors. As my attempts to find an appropriate lecturer failed, I decided to engage myself in such an adventure. This is how this article sprang into life. In it, I slowly tread the way towards realizing that the heart of love beats at the core of the scientific enterprise of humanity. To reach this centre, I have travelled through the intricate forests of discoursing on the concept of experiential co-creation, the uncertainty principle, the dichotomy between Empiricist and Renaissance scientific methods, the tautological character of logical inferences and scientific descriptions as pragmatic sets of metaphors or pointers used in the mutual coordination of experiences at the social level, having ocean waves, seashore pebbles, corals, fish, atoms, gramophones, pine trees and stars passing me by, and yet managed to emerge back to light with the treasure in my hands.


This is a pre-copy-editing, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Technoetic Arts, volume 10, issues 2-3, in 2012 following peer review. The definitive publisher-authenticated version is available online at DOI: 10.1386/tear.10.2-3.359_1.





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