"PGRMC2 is a Pressure-Volume Regulator Critical for Myocardial Response" by Farideh Amirrad, Vivian La et al.

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Progesterone receptors are classified into nuclear and membrane-bound receptor families. Previous unbiased proteomic studies indicate a potential association between cardiac diseases and the progesterone receptor membrane-bound component-2 (PGRMC2); however, the role of PGRMC2 in the heart remains unknown. In this study, we use a heart-specific knockout (KO) mouse model (MyH6•Pgrmc2flox/flox) in which the Pgrmc2 gene was selectively deleted in cardiomyocytes. Here we show that PGRMC2 serves as a mediator of steroid hormones for rapid calcium signaling in cardiomyocytes to maintain cardiac contraction, sufficient stroke volume, and adequate cardiac output by regulating the cardiac pressure-volume relationship. The KO hearts from male and female mice exhibit an impairment in pressure-volume relationship. Under hypoxic conditions, this pressure-volume dysregulation progresses to congestive left and right ventricular failure in the KO hearts. Overall, we propose that PGRMC2 is a cardiac pressure-volume regulator to maintain normal cardiac physiology, especially during hypoxic stress.


This article was originally published in Nature Communications, volume 16, in 2025. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-025-57707-8

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Supplementary Information

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Peer Review File

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Description of Additional Supplementary Files

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Supplementary Movie 1

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Reporting Summary

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Source data


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