Library Presentations, Posters, and Audiovisual Materials
"Hello, We're From the Library and We're Here to Help." Improving Outreach and Course Support to Faculty
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This ePoster focuses on sending targeted emails to instructors of research-heavy courses to offer library instruction sessions and resources. It includes the transition from sending a generic email to sending emails with resources relevant to specific courses and the transition of using an Excel spreadsheet to keep statistics to a using an Access database to keep statistics and generate the email.
Recommended Citation
Puentes, M. (2021, Aug. 3). "Hello, we're from the library and we're here to help." Improving outreach and course support to faculty [Poster]. Distance Teaching & Learning Conference. https://spark.adobe.com/page/8mWkz78AsP8dr/
Presented at the Distance Teaching & Learning Conference on August 3, 2021.