Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2023


Across Borders: A Comparative Art Study is a collection of essays written by four students: Aaron Gutiérrez, Ashley Medina, Cintya Felix, and Erin Warenski, in Spanish 344–Spanish Writing Workshop (Fall of 2022). Students randomly selected a name of an artist from a Spanish-speaking country. After investigating their artist, the students went on a field trip to the Hilbert Art Museum and found a painting that shared a similar component with their artist, whether in style, visual content, or representation, and wrote an essay comparing the two works of art and the artists.


The text of this document is in Spanish.

This project was completed under the supervision of Dr. Polly Hodge in the Department of World Languages & Cultures at Chapman University.

All images are either in the public domain or used with permission of the Collection of the Hilbert Museum at Chapman University, as noted.

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