Date of Award

Spring 5-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


International Studies

First Advisor

Minju Kwon, PhD, Chair

Second Advisor

Lynn Horton, PhD

Third Advisor

Nancy Rios-Contreras, PhD


This thesis project explores the motivations behind the bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) renegotiation between Chile and South Korea. Existing studies have examined the reasons and outcomes of creating the initial Chile-South Korea FTA, but they have not focused on renegotiations between the two countries. A few investigations on renegotiations have focused on diversifying their exports and expanding their markets in each other's regions. However, most research lacks further exploration of both countries' market security concerns. By analyzing official government documents and conducting three semi-structured interviews with government officials and experts in the field, I argue that the current protectionist policies in the developed West have economically motivated Chile and South Korea to renegotiate their treaties. I demonstrate in particular that the key motivation for their renegotiation is to enhance their market security. This research contributes to the literature on FTA renegotiation by exploring motivations focusing on the case of FTA between Chile and South Korea.

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