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What was Jewish life like under Fascism? How did the Holocaust unfold in Italy? In this special 3 part series, learn about Italy and the Jews in World War II. Dr. Shira Klein, Associate Professor of History at Chapman University, uncovers the Italian Race Laws, the Nazi and Fascist manhunt for Jews, and how Jews attempted to escape via the snowy Alps.

Episode 1: In this episode of Forgetting Fascism, learn about Italy and the Jews in World War II. What did the Holocaust look like in Italy, and who were its perpetrators? Dr. Shira Klein uncovers the Italian Race Laws, the Nazi and Fascist manhunt for Jews, and how Jews attempted to escape via the snowy Alps.


This podcast was created at Chapman University. It is intended for the public. It is based on Shira Klein's book Italy's Jews from Emancipation to Fascism (Cambridge UP, 2018). Chapter 6 is available here in Chapman University Digital Commons, and the full book may be purchased on Cambridge University Press' website.


Shira Klein

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