Submissions from 2013
Recognizing Contributors: An Experiment on Public Goods, Anya Savikhin Samek and Roman M. Sheremeta
Religious Identity and the Provision of Public Goods: Evidence from the Indian Princely States, Latika Chaudhary and Jared Rubin
Resource Allocation Contests: Experimental Evidence, Robert Shupp, Roman M. Sheremeta, David Schmidt, and James Walker
Second-to-Fourth Digit Ratio has a Non-Monotonic Impact on Altruism, Pablo Brañas-Garza, Jaromir Kovarik, and Levent Neyse
Shape Homogeneity and Scale Heterogeneity of Downside Tail Risk, Kyle Moore, Pengfei Sun, Casper de Vries, and Chen Zhou
Short- and Long-run Goals in Ultimatum Bargaining, Antonio M. Espín, Filippos Exadaktylos, Benedikt Herrmann, and Pablo Brañas-Garza
Sustaining Group Reputation, Erik O. Kimbrough and Jared Rubin
The All-Pay Auction with Complete Information and Identity-Dependent Externalities, Bettina Klose and Dan Kovenock
The Effect of Earned vs. House Money on Price Bubble Formation in Experimental Asset Markets, Brice Corgnet, Roberto Hérnan-Gonzalez, Praveen Kujal, and David Porter
The Impact of Competition on Prices with Numerous Firms, Xavier Gabaix, David Laibson, Deyuan Li, and Hongyi Li
The Relative Efficacy of Price Announcements and Express Communication for Collusion: Experimental Findings, Joseph E. Harrington Jr., Roberto Hérnan-Gonzalez, and Praveen Kujal
Three-Player Trust Game with Insider Communication, Roman M. Sheremeta and Jingjing Zhang
Top Guns May Not Fire: Best-Shot Group Contests with Group-Specific Public Good Prizes, Subhashish M. Chowdhury, Dongryul Lee, and Roman M. Sheremeta
Two Monetary Models with Alternating Markets, Gabriele Camera and YiLi Chen
What is a Fair Wage? Reference Points, Entitlements and Gift Exchange, Eleonora Bottino, Cintia Goddio, and Praveen Kujal
When Parity Promotes Peace: Resolving Conflict Between Asymmetric Agents, Erik O. Kimbrough, Roman M. Sheremeta, and Timothy W. Shields
Why Real Leisure Really Matters: Incentive Effects on Real Effort in the Laboratory, Brice Corgnet, Roberto Hérnan-Gonzalez, and Eric Schniter
You Can’t Put Old Wine in New Bottles: The Effect of Newcomers on Coordination in Groups, Matthew W. McCarter and Roman M. Sheremeta
Submissions from 2012
Ageism & Cooperation, Eric Schniter, Timothy W. Shields, and John Dickhaut
An Alternating-Offers Model of Multilateral Negotiations, Charles J. Thomas
An Experiment on Protecting Intellectual Property, Joy A. Buchanan and Bart J. Wilson
Are you a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? Influence Costs and Contract Design, Brice Corgnet and Ismael Rodriguez-Lara
A Survey of Experimental Research on Contests, All-Pay Auctions and Tournaments, Emmanuel Dechenaux, Dan Kovenock, and Roman M. Sheremeta
Asymmetry and Deception in the Investment Game, Irma Clots-Figueras, Roberto Hérnan-Gonzalez, and Praveen Kujal
Balance Sheet Crises: Causes, Consequences and Responses, Steven Gjerstad and Vernon Smith
Best-of-Three Contest Experiments: Strategic Versus Psychological Momentum, Shakun D. Mago, Roman M. Sheremeta, and Andrew Yates
Binding Promises and Cooperation among Strangers, Gabriele Camera, Marco Casari, and Maria Bigoni
Building and Rebuilding Trust with Promises and Apologies, Eric Schniter, Roman M. Sheremeta, and Daniel Sznycer
Buyer's Equilibrium with Capacity Constraints and Restricted Mobility: A Recursive Approach, Gabriele Camera and Jaehong Kim
Do Liars Believe? Beliefs and Other-Regarding Preferences in Sender-Receiver Games, Roman M. Sheremeta and Timothy W. Shields
Endowment Origin, Demographic Effects and Individual Preferences in Contests, Curtis R. Price and Roman M. Sheremeta
Experimental Evidence on the Properties of the California’s Cap and Trade Price Containment Reserve, Rachel Bodsky, Domenic Donato, Kevin James, and david porter
Experimental Subjects are Not Different, Filippos Exadaktylos, Antonio M. Espín, and Pablo Brañas-Garza
Extremism Drives Out Moderation, Bettina Klose and Dan Kovenock
Facing Your Opponents: Social Identification and Information Feedback in Contests, Shakun D. Mago, Anya C. Savikhin, and Roman M. Sheremeta
Goal Setting and Monetary Incentives: When Large Stakes Are Not Enough, Joaquín Gómez-Miñambres, Brice Corgnet, and Roberto Hérnan-Gonzalez
Higher-Order Beliefs in Simple Trading Models, Timothy W. Shields and Baohua Xin
Information Effects in Multi-Unit Dutch Auctions, Joy A. Buchanan, Steven Gjerstad, and David Porter
Menu-Dependent Emotions and Self-Control, Joaquín Gómez-Miñambres and Eric Schniter
Multi-Battle Contests: An Experimental Study, Shakun D. Mago and Roman M. Sheremeta
Overdissipation and Convergence in Rent-seeking Experiments: Cost Structure and Prize Allocation Rules, Subhashish M. Chowdhury and Roman M. Sheremeta
Performance-Based Compensation and Firm Value: Experimental Evidence, Glenn Pfeiffer and Timothy W. Shields
Principal-Agent Settings with Random Shocks, Jared Rubin and Roman M. Sheremeta
Side-Payments and the Costs of Conflict, Erik O. Kimbrough and Roman M. Sheremeta
Strategies of Cooperation and Punishment Among Students and Clerical Workers, Maria Bigoni, Gabriele Camera, and Marco Casari
There’s No Place Like Home, Joy A. Buchanan, Steven Gjerstad, and Vernon Smith
Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth: How the Tragedy of the Anticommons Emerges in Organizations, Matthew W. McCarter, Shirli Kopelman, Thomas A. Turk, and Candace Ybarra
Why Can’t We Be Friends? Entitlements, Bargaining, and Conflict, Erik O. Kimbrough and Roman M. Sheremeta
Winner-Take-All and Proportional-Prize Contests: Theory and experimental results, Roman M. Sheremeta, William A. Masters, and Timothy N. Cason
Submissions from 2011
Asset Market Reactions to News: An Experimental Study, Gunduz Caginalp, David Porter, and Li Hao
(Bad) Luck or (Lack of) Effort?: Comparing Social Sharing Norms Between US and Europe, Pedro Rey-Biel, Roman M. Sheremeta, and Neslihan Uler
Behavioral Spillovers in Coordination Games, Timothy N. Cason, Anya C. Savikhin, and Roman M. Sheremeta
Cognitive Effort in the Beauty Contest Game, Pablo Brañas-Garza and Teresa García-Muñoz
Combinatorial Clock Auctions: Price Direction and Performance, David R. Munro and Stephen J. Rassenti
Conflicted Minds: Recalibrational Emotions Following Trust-Based Interaction, Eric Schniter, Roman M. Sheremeta, and Timothy W. Shields
Don’t Ask Me If You Will Not Listen: The Dilemma of Participative Decision Making, Brice Corgnet and Roberto Hérnan-Gonzalez
Double Bubbles in Assets Markets with Multiple Generations, Cary Deck, David Porter, and Vernon Smith
Intimidation or Impatience? Jump Bidding in On-line Ascending Automobile Auctions, David Grether, David Porter, and Matthew Shum
Moral Cleansing and Moral Licenses: Experimental evidence, Pablo Brañas-Garza, Marisa Bucheli, Maria Paz Espinosa, and Teresa García-Muñoz
Reaction to Public Information in Markets: How Much Does Ambiguity Matter?, Brice Corgnet, Praveen Kujal, and David Porter
Real Effort, Real Leisure and Real-time Supervision: Incentives and Peer Pressure in Virtual Organizations, Brice Corgnet, Roberto Hérnan-Gonzalez, and Stephen J. Rassenti
Resolving Conflicts by a Random Device, Erik O. Kimbrough, Roman M. Sheremeta, and Timothy W. Shields
Restoring Damaged Trust with Promises, Atonement and Apology, Eric Schniter, Roman M. Sheremeta, and Daniel Sznycer
Self-Discrimination: A Field Experiment on Obesity, Pablo Brañas-Garza and Antonios Proestakis
Strategic Behavior in Schelling Dynamics: A New Result and Experimental Evidence, Juan Miguel Benito, Pablo Brañas-Garza, Penélope Hern´andez, and Juan A. Sanchis
The Effect of Bidding Information in Ascending Auctions, Mun Chui, David Porter, Stephen Rassenti, and Vernon Smith
The Effect of Reliability, Content and Timing of Public Announcements on Asset Trading Behavior, Brice Corgnet, Praveen Kujal, and David Porter
Transparency, Efficiency and the Distribution of Economic Welfare in Pass-Through Investment Trust Games, Thomas A. Rietz, Roman M. Sheremeta, Timothy W. Shields, and Vernon Smith
Trust, Reciprocity and Rules, Thomas A. Rietz, Eric Schniter, Roman M. Sheremeta, and Timothy W. Shields
Submissions from 2010
Affecting Policy by Manipulating Prediction Markets: Experimental Evidence, Cary Deck, Shengle Lin, and David Porter
A Generalized Tullock contest, Subhashish M. Chowdhury and Roman M. Sheremeta
An Experimental Economic History of Whalers’ Rules of Capture, Bart J. Wilson, Taylor Jaworski, Karl Schurter, and Andrew Smyth
Are Under- and Over-Reaction the Same Matter? A Price Inertia Based Account, Shengle Lin and Stephen J. Rassenti
Best-of-Three Contests: Experimental Evidence, Shakun D. Mago, Roman M. Sheremeta, and Andrew Yates
Can Markets Save Lives? An Experimental Investigation of a Market for Organ Donations, Cary Deck and Erik O. Kimbrough
Do Analysts Tell the Truth? Do Shareholders Listen? An Experimental Study of Analysts' Forecasts and Shareholder Reaction, Timothy W. Shields
Do Investors Trust or Simply Gamble?, Roman M. Sheremeta and Timothy W. Shields
Durability, Re-trading and Market Performance, John Dickhaut, Shengle Lin, David Porter, and Vernon Smith
Entry into Winner-Take-All and Proportional-Prize Contests: An Experimental Study, Timothy N. Cason, William A. Masters, and Roman M. Sheremeta
Fight or Flight? Defending Against Sequential Attacks in the Game of Siege, Cary Deck and Roman M. Sheremeta
Gradual Information Diffusion and Asset Price Momentum, Shengle Lin
Household Expenditure Cycles and Economic Cycles, 1920 – 2010, Steven Gjerstad and Vernon Smith
Make Him an Offer He Can't Refuse: Avoiding Conflicts Through Side Payments, Erik O. Kimbrough and Roman M. Sheremeta
Mine and Thine: The Territorial Foundations of Human Property, Peter DeScioli and Bart J. Wilson
Perfect and Imperfect Real-Time Monitoring in a Minimum-Effort Game, Cary Deck and Nikos Nikiforakis
Perfect-Substitutes, Best-Shot, and Weakest-Link Contests between Groups, Roman M. Sheremeta
Personality and the Consistency of Risk Taking Behavior: Experimental Evidence, Cary Deck, Jungmin Lee, and Javier Reyes
Price Increasing Competition? Experimental Evidence, Cary Deck and Jingping Gu
Simultaneous Decision-Making in Competitive and Cooperative Environments, Anya Savikhin and Roman M. Sheremeta
The Attack and Defense of Weakest-Link Networks, Dan Kovenock, Brian Roberson, and Roman M. Sheremeta
The Equivalence of Contests, Subhashish M. Chowdhury and Roman M. Sheremeta
Visibility of Contributions and Cost of Information: An Experiment on Public Goods, Anya Savikhin and Roman M. Sheremeta
Submissions from 2009
Anarchy, Groups, and Conflict: An Experiment on the Emergence of Protective Associations, Adam C. Smith, David B. Skarbek, and Bart J. Wilson
Can Groups Solve the Problem of Over-Bidding in Contests?, Roman M. Sheremeta and Jingjing Zhang
Contest Design: An Experimental Investigation, Roman M. Sheremeta
Cooperation Spillovers in Coordination Games, Timothy N. Cason, Anya Savikhin, and Roman M. Sheremeta
Endowment Effects in Contests, Curtis R. Price and Roman M. Sheremeta
Expenditures and Information Disclosure in Two-Stage Political Contests, Roman M. Sheremeta
Experimental Comparison of Multi-Stage and One-Stage Contests, Roman M. Sheremeta
Go West Young Man: Self-Selection and Endogenous Property Rights, Taylor Jaworski and Bart J. Wilson