Date of Award

Spring 5-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Morgan Read-Davidson

Second Advisor

Ian Barnard

Third Advisor

Sarah Robblee


What are the effects of a paced workshop (defined as a slower writing approach rooted in a scaffolded three-day process working toward a completed rough draft) and how can teachers and students alike benefit from these effects within the scope and situations of a composition classroom and potentially those beyond it? This I.R.B approved study aims to discover how my version of a scaffolded workshop fits into the larger picture of rhetoric and composition and how a paced workshop design can not only offer potential to reframe how scholars structure writing within a composition classroom, but also if it can encourage students’ personal growth and writing development as a byproduct. To understand the role that a slower, paced approach toward completing projects has in students’ personal and academic lives, I analyzed students’ workshop reflections and observed the students in their workshops, which were conducted on Zoom using the breakout room feature. Likewise, interviews were also conducted with willing participants to understand the efficacy of the paced workshop design more clearly. Ultimately, this study explores the opportunities that a paced design welcomes in its slower approach and its potential benefits to students’ comfort, personal growth, and writing approaches while easing students’ anxieties about their abilities to create as composition students.

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