Madness in Fiction: Literary Essays from Poe to Fowles
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This book examines one work dealing with madness from each of five prominent authors. Including discussion of Fowles, Hamsun, Hesse, Kafka, and Poe, it delineates the specific type of madness the author associates with each text, and explores the reason for that - such as a historical moment, physical pressure (such as starvation), or the author’s or his narrator’s perspective. The project approaches the texts it explores from the perspective of a writer of fiction as well as from the perspective of a critic, and discusses them as unique manifestations of literary madness. It is of particular significance for those interested in the interplay of fiction, literary criticism, and psychology.
Publication Date
Palgrave Macmillan
Cham, Switzerland
English Language and Literature | Literature in English, British Isles | Literature in English, North America | Other English Language and Literature
Recommended Citation
Axelrod-Sokolov, Mark. Madness in Fiction: Literary Essays from Poe to Fowles. Springer, 2018.
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